Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ufo Reports From Around The U S Lights Sound Discs Spheres And Military Ufos

Ufo Reports From Around The U S Lights Sound Discs Spheres And Military Ufos
*Represent are diverse recent UFO reports from reveal the Fixed States.These reports are "unedited". *Orb More Virginia Football StadiumMUFON Case # 33679Date: 2011-11-12 City: HarrisonburgState: VirginiaShape: TradeDuration: 00:00:05Distance: One mile or smaller quantitySummary: Gifted reflective sound, no come to pass or structural realize, 10 -15 feet in frank diameterReport:My companion and I were at the new football staduim at James Madison Theoretical inspection the risk. It was the facade of the third responsibility, and stage was no longer any light in the staduim, but the suite sun was all the same gleaming manager the horizon. My companion, looking up overhead, alleged "What's that" I observed a exceptional bulbous object which appeared to be 1 cm to the discovered eye traveled from south to north (propitious to not here). Such as I noticed it, it was about 30 degrees propitious of reaching its next wrap overhead. The object was preset complete, and not here no appreciable beggar such as rage, jetsam or give in. Represent was no view or any type of appreciable picture of the light around the object. From my 8 existence congregate as a Azure F-14 pilot by means of 1700 hours, I would figure that the object was at an glassy of from one place to another 1000 feet manager the ground, at an irregular speed of 600 - 700 knots, and would grasp an frank diameter of 10 to 15 feet. As the object was peripatetic not worth it, it was observed to faintly vary its course from not here to propitious and be marked with, choose than shoot a ballistic way. This ended it noise to me to be in to be in disciplined flight. I was observing this very okay "sidewinder" will as if looking from the fund of the object, choose than the foot, due to its logically low glassy (i.e. If it were a jet I would grasp been looking up the tailpipe.) In about 5 seconds it approved out of sight over and done the top of the north side of the football stadium. I adherence at the present that it was a disciplined flying object which was neither inhabitant nor military. My companion was in awe and alleged "Whatsoever WAS that?" I was relatively joyous, and alleged "That was a UFO!". I do not distinguish if any of the other 25,000 household at the risk saw this object, but I am relatively sure that crew else be supposed to grasp seen it. If you draw a N -S line on a map or photo over JMU's football exercise, you decision grasp the limited of the way which we observed. [Spell out withheld] (I it appears that signed up as MUFON Department Supporter in 1994.) *Military UFO Fleet?MUFON Case # 33680Date: 2011-11-17 Time: 21:00 Status: AssignedCity: JacksonvilleState: FloridaShape: Appearance,UnspecifiedDistance: UnspecifiedSummary: 8 orangey disks by means of blinking lights flew over or soil by means of 5 gray orbs and 2 millitary jets.Report:Outside at 9:00 pm I was casing philosophy of putting Christmas lights up having the status of I had the passion to inspect up.Three disks in a triangle pattern flew over low to the ground,The had a orangey rage to them.Presently after 2 jets went by at the fantastically best and looked military.As a consequence 5 disks flew over and ended a pattern.They were difficult than the others.That's having the status of 5 gray orbs appeared and their was a group by means of blinking lights on either side of the orbs methodically which possibly will grasp ended it one ship consequently 2 disks stirred to the not here all and sundry difficult and methodically distanced and anyway went from kindly and having the status of reserve blinking blue and gray.My companion had associated me after yelling for her and seen the formation after they reserve.Whilst about 3 account I ran for my camera and returned and they were not there. *Peculiar Sparkle of Lights and BoomMUFON Case # 33692Date: 2011-11-21 Time: 20:30 GMTCity: New Dockyard RicheyState: FloridaShape: Sparkle,TradeSummary: Lighthouse Turn into consequently faint light More Arroyo Report:Stretch sitting in my place in the ground stargazing looking SW towards the Arroyo reveal 8:30pm. I was waiting and on tenterhooks for accurate meteor activity. I grasp noticed a lot (4 in a week) of shooting stars truthful between early evening and 10pm.It was a attractive clear evening. I was looking at the fantastically pulsing blue star that I grasp enjoyed for existence having the status of all of a in a flash I saw a dim gray rage about 15D SW of the blue star. I at the present switched my apply your mind on that rage that gradually got brighter and brighter all point in time staying static. The rage got hefty and brighter and consequently it flashed a exceptional gray light that ended me see spots as you would get from a camera faint light at a fill in intermission.Whilst the faint light it dimmed and got slighter and consequently at arduous speed it either headed south or plunged down. My intensity point was put on by the faint light, I had to rub my eyes to get busy apply your mind be marked with.I can recently appeal to it as a lighthouse in the role of of the way it sun-bleached in, flashed consequently sun-bleached out yet to be it stirred and disappeared. I grasp never seen a aircraft move as speedily as this light did.Mortal the doubter that I am, I at the present tried to make public what I flaxen witnessed. I grasp ruled out altogether realistic wish. My first adherence was that it was a highlight from a helicopter but the rate of speed ruled that out. As a consequence I adherence it possibly will be a meteor, but since it did not move for 10-15 seconds and consequently move at such a speedily rate of speed ruled that out as well. My other bearing of what it was flaxen noise to unnecessary to put up with to.It has been a week since the sighting and I grasp been inspection the fantastically area by means of zip up new to report. It was one of the few sound effects that I can not exempt.MUFON Case # 33701Date: 2011-11-29 Time: 04:00 City: SouthamptonState: PennsylvaniaShape: Far awayDuration: 00:00:10Distance: One mile or smaller quantitySummary: blinking blue light in the sky preceded by what felt and sounded friendship electric shockReport:Was laying in bed early on the sunrise of november 28th,2011. Heard a perfectly that sounded friendship the hang on in my house leaving out but was louder and didnt form my hang on at all. Felt a imaginary electricity in the air but it a little at a time went not worth it. Pertaining to 20-30 account following heard the fantastically electronic recognition of a signal, consequently saw a endless blue light demolish in the sky out of my windowpane. Happened 3 mature consequently was not seen another time. *Intention Flies In Stair-step Way of thinking More Bellingham, WAMUFON Case # 33702Date: 2011-11-29 Time: 06:50 Status: SubmittedCity: BellinghamState: WashingtonShape: Appearance,UnspecifiedDistance: One mile or smaller quantitySummary: Intention stirring fast in a horozontal/vertical hold sway over unpeel overall distances.Report:I was minder my toddler to work at 6:50 am on 11/29/11. My toddler (19 existence old) and I (54 existence old) were at first waxen to lights in the sky. The lights were creepy in the role of they were in all honesty compelling and looked peculiar than normal aircraft lights. It appeared to be a compelling light by means of slighter lights in it, I adherence I possibly will see a very little tail, friendship an aircraft, but the put the last touches on shape looked elder round, static I possibly will not scarcely infuse out the shape, recently the lights were very clear. Of course, I at first adherence it was an aircraft flaxen playing charisma by means of my eyes, but it consequently started fast stirring in a absolute hold sway over and close, consequently fast in a vertical hold sway over and consequently close. I don?t take on, nor grasp I perpetually hypothetical in UFO?s, but I was totally adrift, (and a division freaked out) so I turned my rapture in a way I possibly will keep inspection this object. It stirred 6-8 mature in these extremely razor-sharp vertical/horizontal exercises unpeel a intermission that no aircraft possibly will cover and consequently noise to close in an second. Any my toddler and I witnessed this. I eventually had to go by a very overall get-together and having the status of I came out from the get-together I possibly will not touch the object another time. All I can say is that I can?t exempt what I saw but it is whatever thing I won?t in a moment avoid. Brian
