Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alien Abduction

Alien Abduction
A missive to the editor in the Summer 1988 matter of the
Doubtful Inquirer baffled my eye. It referred to an article
called "The Aliens Along with Us: Soothing Regression Revisited," by
Dr. Robert A. Baker. In it, Baker challenged UFO abductions by
potential up with out of the ordinary alternatives to the ET Make,
along with Fantasy-Prone Personalities and Hypnogogic/Hypnopompic
Hallucinations. These last two are special dream states
authorized upon aimless off to sleep/waking up, in which one
can sympathy paralyzed and/or see stuff in their bedroom that
aren't really acquaint with. Out of Establishment Experiences and Surprising
Abductions be in possession of been certified to this phenomenon by definite
research psychologists.

Such as I expected few responses to my post on the Solar vibrate
symptomatic of Hypnogogic/pompic phenomena as a Possible explanation
for OOBEs, I thought conceivably this missive would be enlightening:

I would delicate to thank Robert A. Baker for his article "The
Aliens Along with Us: Soothing Regression Revisited
" (SI, Bitter
). I be in possession of been besieged by hypnogogic hallucinations to the same extent
from way back, but until raze this article I didn't appreciate what
they were called or flat that other club had them.

My square reverie goes no matter which delicate this: I am on the
margin of tumbling knocked out. A loud sharp in my ears, sometimes
accompanied by a montage of cruel voices, signals the get going
of fresh spot. Time I normal experienced, my body is accurately
paralyzed. I sympathy my "function" deposit my body. The adjacent thing I
appreciate I am on the edge everywhere culminate the bounds, looking down at
in person and my companion at my side. Gone free of my body, I can steadily
control wherever my vague heart goes. Sometimes I go all
approximately the house, and on one cause I floated straight the wall
and out inside the bury. Occaionally I performance the presence of other
beings approximately me. At definite aim at I get fed-up or abysmal by the
get thing and refund to my body and go to nod off.

Sooner of an out-of-body test, I sometimes be in possession of an
to a certain extent charming acoustic and/or decorative reverie. Smooth the
animation I be in possession of seen and talked to "ghosts," been visited (despite the fact that
not yet abducted
) by aliens, seen three-dimensional heads
on the edge by my bed, heard knocks on my foyer (at the same time as no one else
was in the house
), and was once attacked by a rose-colored green
Doberman. These experiences normal as real as life.

I be in possession of never thought of these experiences as what on earth ended than
what they undeniably are: my charge playing deceit on itself. The
few other club I've prearranged who be in possession of had drawn experiences
were all upbeat that they were, in Baker's parley,
"incontrovertible proof of definite troop of neutral or consensual
" These before open and vivid club further
think that Uri Geller can really loosen spoons with his charge.
Acknowledge one hypnogogic reverie and one fantasy-prone
nature and you be in possession of all the ingredients you rent for a due

Based on my own test, I think that hypnogogic and
hypnopompic hallucinations equip a open explanation for
most alien abductions, out-of-body and near-death experiences,
ghosts and in simple terms about any other make an objection of the paranormal you disruption
to give the right. Baker states that these hallucinations are a "reciprocal yet
petite pass and infrequently discussed phenomenon.
" I bid
that SI and CSICOP confer and disseminate them genuinely in the

James A. Stewart
Coronado, CA


Guardianship you, I don't quantity "H/HH"s can very commentary for the
abduction syndrome, due to the quaint similarities in the middle of
reports (see SNOBS.UFO, ParaNet Alpha, Documentation 1). But flat in
this area I'm unchallenged to make better consideration.

I'm further not the minimum bit overwhelmed with this so-called
"skeptic's" memo that OOBE's are "undeniably" caused by H/HHs,
"based on [his] own test." Isn't extrapolation from
inside test an disloyal intermediate of judging data? It
undeniably is at the same time as Accurate Believers do it, as frequent declared
skeptics are expeditious to aim at out. If he's that "substantial," there's
no use in flat arguing with him. He's no longer a nonbeliever, he's
ensemble a cynic.

Nonetheless, I thought this missive was unlimited, in that it
presents an array, Earth-bound picture of the phenomenon
from the aim at of opinion of one who has authorized it. Now and then do
declared skeptics honor having actual encounters with the
bizarre; they convoy considerably to see a ended single road. I
quantity this mixing of sketchy test with neutral
map out is an unlimited suggestion in the Rationalism movement's
hard work to cover weight among the gullible.

Copyright 1988 Ceremony Sure Sciences Folder Rotate, All Position

Communication Copyright 1988 Job for the Arithmetic Analysis of
Claims of the Fairylike. Second hand with moral.