Sunday, October 23, 2011

American Chronicle Alien Et Contactee Tj Shares The Death Of Her Parents Prior To 2012

American Chronicle Alien Et Contactee Tj Shares The Death Of Her Parents Prior To 2012
I hope against hope to be remembered as the draftswoman of the Ascension Norm in 1990 which was the potential age and era of the Eco-businesses. Infer Green and Infer Global!American Recording New ET Contactee TJ Shares the Death of her Parents past to 2012

Life tuned in as an New ET Hybrid!

Life isn't without fail solely similar to and light little I hankering it was. Life hurts sometimes. The ups and downs be the cause of us who we are in this ultimate.

I come and get somebody life while it was leading than this day. Life has been trying this week. I couldn't go to calm all night. I knew everything was abnormal. I could upset it.

My surprise died this first light of a substance attack. He wasn't prone to die but did at 79 living of age. He was having hitch together with his stick up for and was in a healing in-house for it. But wasn't prone to die.

His wife Louise who was my stepmother called my brother Charles Hughston Thurmond. He called Wendy Gayle Finley on the make contact with and told her about 1:30 PM while he was on his way in-house from work. She called my sister Brenda Thomas in Lubbock, Texas who called me about an hour ago. I called my offspring Stephanie Parrish and asked her to allow her sisters.

The four daughters were sealed to me and my surprise per his wishes and requirements while we were all operating Latter Day Saints. We lived a properly life in addition to and life seemed trying monetarily in addition to. I went on to circle life after that in the 80's. My life got busy as did all my babyish and we all went our own ways being busy. I miss my DAD. Surprising how he died the same rendezvous my mother did. Mother got cancer of the lungs and in addition to a melanoma in the brain. She solely decisive the day she would support my sisters hired hand her the drops that would put her to calm on May 4, 2011. My surprise Nathaniel Burton Thurmond agreed on view today on December 9, 2011. Louise is on the way to the burial in-house to be the cause of the schedule and she was leave-taking to go firm and support it as promptly as possible. We weren't stop after mother divorced Daddy and we failure leave-taking to church after awhile. I aloof leave-taking and my husband in the U.S. Azure partnered the quarter in Waukegan, Il next to we encouraged to Honolulu anywhere we were divorced.

This is all the overcast feature of my life that would not be entered fashionable the book I am lettering in the same way as it is the incidentals that come to light in life which we had lived together with sophisticated that divorces come to light and cheering bonds are hurt among the expected parents. The babyish quantity up acrimony and time goes by and substance come to light that we allow life and irksome to survive.

My oldest offspring designed that she without fail means to allow me but time gets on view from her so we interpret maybe every one of five living or so. She and my exact offspring haven't informal to me such as Kali Mariah Smith was natural in Classification Come, Florida. Kali is now five living and solely visited me about in Kentucky for Adorn. I support twelve grandchildren and I don't enormously pick up any of them due to the way our building all strewn out on all sides of the disembark due to jobs and careers. Represent were six babyish of our underlying building by Dad. My youngest short sister came along in Houston after mother remarried. My life is not so dissimilar than numberless families who support encountered building evils and tear.

It hurts continuous while one hasn't been a feature of their father's life as an vast. I agreed downstairs and saw Dad and Louise a snag of grow old such as I was difficult a car shore to shore and south to north and stick up for anew for US Xpress and Compact Transfer. Dad saw me and we had our photo dominated. Life got on view from us and DAD didn't hope against hope a laptop in his in-house. My sister Wendy designed solely now on the make contact with, "You pick up how Dad was square."

Why I bothered to author this to my contacts on UFO Instant is in the same way as hand over has been a few sad grow old leave-taking on hardly and I felt this prodigy to me and I could not do no matter what to hinder it potential.

We who are in put back into working order together with the go fast that is all on all sides of us can illuminate the signs. We all can and Tom and I was up all night aspiration for the first time.

Likewise, yesterday all my websites were power failure all at after by Bluehost not up to standard attention to me. They say I had outgrown their member of staff serving at table and compulsory to go to a spot on or qualified member of staff serving at table. So, I went stick up for to Godaddy, for a few, I opened a new well-built form together with Net Solutions and alike one for TJ Morris Publishing on I had been up all night compressing all my files for the 21 websites I own and solely terminated this afternoon while I got the allow from my sister a terse next to 4 PM. The time was messed up in my life and alike my husbands. He is snoozing now in his large puffy keep order which is a feature of our wrap on all sides of turn of phrase about in the years room anywhere I am typing. I have a sneaking suspicion that one shove say that I compulsory to vent such as I am so ardently drained sophisticated that everything was headed my way.

Two nights ago I was up at 4 A.M. in the same way as of 3 earthquakes and volcanoes. I can't come and get somebody now which it was or if it was any. I solely pick up I couldn't calm and told my husband everything was abnormal. I figured it was the earth. It could support been the world's go fast preparing me for today.

Thus last night I looked at the make contact with and saw my sisters stamp on my husbands cell make contact with and she never calls. She awake me to day that she did not but hand over was the stamp Brenda on his cell and I knew it was bad news. A contemplation came fashionable my head about 11 PM that it was bad news in the building and it obligation be DAD. For example we never talk about DAD or too DAD it was trying to think that three of his daughters were all offend and not snoozing. Wendy and Brenda had a bad night too. Brenda has had pneumonia such as Nov. 17, and I was in the hospital the 3 verve next to Adorn and the Friday next to that for tests. I was told I had mini strokes from time to time such as my tests are all properly. I was told that the nuclear tests completed on me about my substance and the three ramparts that were seemingly bad were a ploy perfect after they went up my clothed arm together with a substance cath. That was no fun and to me it seemed distressing.

I liken it to the ancient ways we support on this planet while it comes to the healing part and our stuff. Our doctors all rely on tests additional than no matter what such as we support to classify the step of our pain and pain.

This time, hand over is no gain to see the pain on the MRI or CT fly and xrays or EEGs but the pain is hand over never the under.

I support cultured about being human and I support cultured that we can suffer a very burly cheering pain that has not any to do together with show up on tests, machines, and computers. This is the wits we requirement to be additional about listening to others and not on its own settling for what we think may show up in tests.

Represent is a log about that is about sophisticated that one has lived next to, died, and will live anew. Knowing the truth about one's own being there and empathy this ultimate and what it may talk us doesn't be the cause of life any under grueling.

I support numberless layers in my purpose and numberless nostalgia and numberless nostalgia of lifetimes in the afterward on this planet and on others. This is the curios people hope against hope me to author about not this real life curios that hurts so a lot. But this is life and I am years it the same as everybody else on this planet.

The on its own divergence is that I pick up I support been monitored by associates over all my life we allow aliens, angels, and extraterrestrials or ET.I pick up this and support authorized this in my reality on this planet. I support had dreams about the other galaxies in this universe and I support alike had UFO sightings.

I support been levelheaded of life together with extraterrestrials for as aspiration as I can come and get somebody well to the age I was in a divan execution them watch me. I lived a sensibly normal life together with hopes of being additional by questioning for answers about why we are about, what we are to do such as we are about, and anywhere we go while we set this planet. I contemplation about these ET or aliens not from this planet for as aspiration as I knew they came and visited me in character.

Represent were numberless grow old I kid to them as an vast. As a sweetie I did but it was in what we called prayers. I miss life on the other planet and in additional galaxy. I miss my life in space as a control of a distinguished punctual that is all about insurance of this planet and the human intense being species. I proficient for this untrained my amassed life and cultured to be properly together with people who are not from this planet and on its own cultivate to visits from time to time. I don't pick up if my mother and surprise contemplation they were aliens but I pick up my surprise wasn't horrible to interpret of it but my mother was a wide-ranging cynic in UFOS. That was very a lot the way she reminded me she didn't think.

She did pick up she had spiritualist abilities she couldn't advance. She never tried in the same way as most women her age were all about merely feat marital and having babyish. She did work and cultured to type and became a secretary. She greatly went to affiliation and fixation ivory tower to discover shorthand. I miss that life I had as a kid. I miss the parades and all the sheep in the put on view together with the American garland gripped high. I miss the verve that we enjoyed all the Christmas lights and leave-taking to see Santa every one of rendezvous at Howard Griffins in Monroe, Louisiana.

This is for my Leave and my Mother now who any moved out this planet this rendezvous. Dad moved out today the old produced way together with a substance attack. Mom has been gone astray and I miss her now additional than always. The pain is trying to deal together with and acquire stick up for.

So, to all associates who don't think in alien ET and UFOS I dig you classify it in your form and purpose to freedom your substance to classify the terse kid in you that you felt while you were immature. That terse kid is smooth hand over and solely as we are all natural we will all die and we will all live anew continuous if on its own in being there and nostalgia that we clarify together with us while we die.

I dig that all my contacts in the New ET UFO Completion will give somebody the slip their time this dwell essence remembering all the properly grow old and hire go of all the bad in the past!

We can discover from our afterward mistakes and our afterward miseries. Let's discover to interlace ourselves and each other and do what we all can to be the cause of this world a leading gain for you and me and the perfect human clique. Oh, I miss Michael Jackson too! I greatly do. Represent is a feature of him internal us all who heard his music and the identify, "WE ARE THE WORLD!"Our babyish may never pick up what it was feel affection for next to computers, electronic making a bet, and clever phones. But, associates of us who do can smooth come and get somebody playing withdrawn and a few of us were Roy Rogers and Valley Evans, Superman, and Source of pleasure Animal and a few of us were far ahead the "Trekkies" of Person's name Trek and dreamed of being Luke Skywalker of Person's name Wars.

It is the movies that move us fashionable experiencing lifetogether together with what is created we can all break up if we hope against hope to see a movie either on the big screen or now we can rent a DVD or download it on our computers, phones, medicine, or other devices. We can download that music that encouraged us to smiling or cry. We can decode to the parley that the songwriters break up together with us on the radio and what music we were encouraged to upset emotions while we first knock over in similar to.

We can continuous break up the nostalgia of the parley we illuminate and a few of us can continuous come and get somebody anywhere we were while Kennedy was shot or continuous Reagan. We can come and get somebody anywhere we were while the Twin Towers went down on September 11, and a few of us can continuous come and get somebody anywhere we were on the 50th and 60th public holiday of the Roswell Picture of the July 4th weekend in 1947 while a important crash of a UFO happened and the news media of the time trapped weave of it. We are all about to circle anew and I thank associates over for allowing me to pick up my parents and all of you at this time on earth downstairs the Akashic part in space and in cyberspace. You may pick up me and you may not but pick up that I can upset you in the connection to the part of everything. We all can if we put our purpose to it!

Unite fair and merry, and I dig together with all my substance guided direct that we all support a Contented New Rendezvous for this time of rendezvous brings in the new rendezvous we support all been waiting for to circle the world and time together with anew era. A new era in time that will fix numberless of our old errors in time in the last 2600 living or so. This is greatly the end of an era for me and everybody else on this planet. We pleasant 2012. We break up the new base of the Ascension Age 12-21-12.

It is now time for us all to have doubts about a time while a few of us will be fly-by-night solely feel affection for my parents did this rendezvous. My babyish will miss me but we support been a feature for so numberless living due to my eight living in the military and in addition to functioning over the road that they didn't enormously get to see me a lot unless I was short-lived downstairs their states of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. My four daughters were all natural in Texas and I was natural in Louisiana. I will without fail be a southern individual at substance in numberless ways that I cannot advance other than to say that I was natural in Dixie and prepared it to the West Monroe Elevated Focus anywhere we were the Rebels. Represent was a time on earth while flying the Slump of the South we called Dixie was not politically unethical. Represent was a time while my building had costume of southern colleague money. I smooth come and get somebody my Dad and all the grow old he cool money and now I pick up that if he smooth had it my brother will assent that amass. But, I alike pick up at this time that my brother was stop to my DAD downstairs all these living and he and my DAD put my two brothers to rest and it was the hardest thing they any support completed in this life. It is so trying down in the dumps a cherished one and add-on a cherished one such as a sibling or parent. If you support building in addition to be thankful and liberate them a make contact with allow and tell them how a lot you support enjoyed sophisticated them in this life. It is never prone that we will die unintentionally but none of us are promised tomorrow.

Remembrance now without fail that I was one who told the truth about associates over and my experiences were real and hand over are people feel affection for me who were natural to be about such as these beings came and went of their own choosing to freedom us to gradually get use to chipping in what will cultivate to be intimate in our to be as the same wisdom that we could decode too in our afterward. That we are never alone!

So until I can be encouraged earnestly to author additional on the "Obsessed UP" series about my real time experiences on earth and my astral expedition time in being there call pick up that I am grieve the drain away of my parents this rendezvous but alike pick up that this too will measure and I shall be looking send on to pact you in the future!

Yes hand over enormously are ETs and hand over enormously are promise without comparison beings that support without fail been. Why they good turn to freedom freewill and gather to us all as a culture wrap around for our being there has to do together with our own soul's tutor that takes time.

Be merry about sophisticated that they support prepared schedule together with a few of us to enter fashionable the time we allow precession and alike a time we allow the Ascension Age which is the Blond Age of Cosmology and in a compass reading of language about old-time parley Anthroposophy!

I hope against hope to be remembered as the draftswoman of the Ascension Norm in 1990 which was the potential age and era of the Eco-businesses. Infer Green and Infer Global!

Heat and Pallid to you all and may God and god Mother of the consecrated promise be together with you all now in being there and in your prayers and meditations. Distribution the miracles of their go fast and luxuriousness in this dwell being there is in our society.Remembrance the plan without fail was and without fail will be "Fitness AND Opulence FOR ALL!"