Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Red Pill Secret Underwater Ufo Base China Japan War And How Big Pharma Hooked Us On Legal Heroin

It's Monday morning and time for your daily dose of reality. Bottom's up! Enjoy today's Red Pill...

BIG PHARMA: We're become a nation comprised of pill-popping addicts. A brand new generation of junkies have fallen in love with synthetic opiates. The new opiate of the masses is... opiates... manufactured by Pfizer, Merck, and Eli Lily. For more insight, check out "VICE" magazine's brilliant investigation into... How Big Pharma Hooked America on Legal Heroin. (Motherboard)

WWIII: Japan and China have been at each others' throats for centuries. China is still ticked off about Japan atrocious campaign of terror during WWII. Most recently, tensions have flared up after China hired hackers to carry out cyber attacks against 19 Japanese website. And now, is on edge after the >mysterious death of Japan's new ambassador to China. Experts wondered... Will China and Japan go to war? All the signs indicate 'yes' because Chinese generals ordered their troops to prepare for a war with Japan. (Telegraph, Washington's Blog, From the Trenches)

HAVES VS. HAVE-NOTS: This is one of those articles with nauseating stats about how screwed the Middle Class really is. At this point, the Middle Class has shrunk so badly that they have become the "working poor." Check out... 84 Statistics That Prove the Decline of the Middle Class Is Real and Getting Worse (The Truth)

SOCIAL MEDIA: The printing press helped stir up the first widespread revolutions in Europe. In the early 20th Century, radio was an integral means of broadcasting propaganda. As technology improved, television and cinema became more prevalent medium in conditioning the masses. At the start of the 21st century, social media is driving the news/information cycle... but can user-based social media incite and nurture a revolution? This article wonders... Is social media leading us into a Hyper Revolution? (Activist Post)

RIOTS: The food riots are coming. Don't take my word for it, but believe these scientists predicting widespread, global food riots in the upcoming year. (Alexander Higgins)

UFOS: Did you hear about the secret UFO base in the Pacific Ocean that Google Earth maps allegedly covered up? Kudos to the tech-geek was able to un-smudge Google's weak-sauce attempt to block out whatever clandestine operation (military or extraterrestrial) they are trying to hide. (Mars Anomaly Research)Best of luck surviving the week. Please share your favorite links by any means necessary.