Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reality Of Et Integration

Reality Of Et Integration
The Reality of ET Integration: A Viable Alternative To Blanket Disclosure - Part 1

By Ed Komarek


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I am pleased to hear that my articles are becoming recommended reading for constitutional orientated policymakers involved in UFO/ET related issues. I think it is important that members of the UFO/ET community-underground from the grass roots interact directly with UFO/ET policymakers.

In this article I am integrating and transmitting information from a thoughtful group of people in the UFO/ET deep underground that have an obvious interest in a successful transition from a state of ignorance of things extraterrestrial, because of lack of official action (or disclosure), to one in which we, the people, can deal ourselves into the "conversation" with extraterrestrials across the board.

This group is only one of many underground groups with government connections beginning to form, coalesce and surface into the public domain hoping one day to create a unified front in support of earth human sovereignty and human rights in the face of powerful extraterrestrial influences and agendas. One member of what I shall call the N-group says, "Oh, there are conversations going on, and believe me, we need a seat or ten at the conference table." And don't, for a Washington second, think I've given up on the idea of disclosure."

"Oh, no. I've just gotten smarter about how that could be accomplished where most win, including we the people, the extraterrestrials, and those who need most to know because disclosure is being thrust on them by political necessities not of their own making. I see constitutionally oriented policymakers as a code phrase for members of Congress. Are they listening in? I hear they are."

A political operative from a completely different deep underground group that I will call the C-group in Washington tells me, "All committees agree that post disclosure is where the navigation of information is heading. They are way past needing any more information as to the validity of ET or UFO contact, now they are trying to figure out how to release the information and how they want to slant it as the fear buttons are pushed here at every level and most of them do not feel that telling the whole truth about everything is in the country's best interest."

The N-group responds to the C-group member and comments, "So much then for their need to know to go about navigating this rather thorny problem. Post-disclosure? In other words, is the aftermath or blow-back of political "radioactive" partisan fallout so terrible that they would go through in the handling of the problem? All of this in a time of economic turmoil, dissension on how to handle the economy, overt disagreements between parties and the president - and now, here come the extraterrestrials, as if earthly problems weren't enough?"

The N-group source continues in reference to the extraterrestrials, "But we, the people, always wondered about and wanted to know about them and the millions of questions the very thought of them induce our collective mind to ask. We hear tell that there are TTPs (technology transfer programs) that have made it possible for corporations to benefit from interactions with them, to have extension coursework on a variety of exo-subjects, according to the employee's need to know to perform his or her job."

"Holding a high security clearance in any one of many secret compartmented information working cells is both an albatross and a blessing, and certainly not an inducement to leak any kind of such type of information as may be culled from any such coursework. Yet, we, the people, continue to wish we knew more, had more burst of information, however short or thin may the amount be - so long as the source was credible and the information was not from any possible public domain one."

"Could we tell it was ET information if we saw it and read it? Maybe. Then again, probably not. Regardless, this is a position we, the people, would like to be in - having to decide whether and how is any such sort of information viable and credible, or not. The key, therefore, is access. And I realize that access may be the way it is if one worked in government, any of the industries which benefit from extraterrestrial technologies, or any intelligence agency that worked at gatekeeper of a flow that benefits not only itself but also its constituencies."

"Well, We, the people, do not get access granted, even though technically, we, the people, are the collective bosses of those who work in government, intelligence organizations, and the military. We have given away much of our power, from ignorance, laziness, inattention, and plain not caring by not listening and learning about what our elected officials do or don't do on our behalf. We can't blanket blame them for things we've allowed to happen. But we can do something to remedy this situation: We, the people, have to deal ourselves in on the conversation. However, there is some housecleaning to do before we move forward in this new direction."


The N-source continues, "I would like to discuss some barriers to dealing ourselves into the conversation. Let me then first dispose of issues I see to be barriers to our dealing ourselves to the table - or barriers to being invited in. Let me do so after I assist Ed to present another fantastic perspective that is an aspect of a much larger one. The perspective is of the Annunaki who left and then returned some 1,800 years ago."

This N-group is a group of retired government agency and corporate scientific folks who have raised my consciousness about the negative impact on disclosure-integration policy-making by constitutionally oriented policy-makers. One of them has been on my case repeatedly pressing me to dig deeper to a better understanding of the mechanisms driving UFO/ET integration and disclosure. One of the things this group specializes in is the study of the Annunaki, one of several very competitive extraterrestrial groups with an intent to colonize earth, if allowed by other extraterrestrial groups to do so.

What makes the Annunaki formidable, as the story goes, is that even though they are limited in the greater scheme of things, they have infiltrated and manipulated humanity at the highest levels for thousands of years as indicated by ancient historical religious texts. They have build up a long term control infrastructure that was at first religious but now has morphed into an economic and techno-military control system in order to adapt to mankind's evolutionary development.

If Congressional members of key oversight committees are already as well briefed as my C-group contact says they are, then my concerns about the evolutionary effects of a top down extraterrestrial integration-disclosure policy are coming true. And we need to deal ourselves into the picture - yes, we, the people, as my N-group people insist. I will continue to discuss more ideas on this in detail later in this piece, and in other forthcoming pieces on this blog.

I think a top down disclosure-integration policy has ignited a feeding frenzy amongst corporations and policy makers over extraterrestrial trade and sweetheart contracting opportunities similar to but infinitely larger than this TSA scandal, involving hundreds of billions rather than millions of dollars. questions surround multibilliondollar Homeland Security 1130.html

I'm already seeing careful and often aggressive positioning on the part of those who stand to gain, either by way of patents or by associations with companies or corporate interests. These are involved in areas including alternate space industries, think tanks and research companies solving problems in exotic propulsion systems.

This N-group has given me some important information, one piece being the existence and duties of a VIP contact committee involved in many things including trade policy that has upset a few CIA guys, and the existence of a kind of "space czar" who handles many of the dispensations of technology items to be marketed by companies. This kind of information released into the public domain tends to send the CIA control freaks from the Jack Sarfatti Group to the medicine cabinet for heartburn medicine. :-)

I have been puzzling over how the now numerous committees in Congress briefed on UFO/ET were being coordinated having backtracked the CIA's role in the whole affair especially Ron Pandolfi into the Washington UFO/ET policy making control matrix. :-) Anyhow, as I said, these N-group guys, who been around the block a few times, have been pointing out to me over and over that I need to watch my step as policy makers and especially certain extraterrestrials may become more interested in me.

Let me point out I still have considerable healthy, or unhealthy skepticism depending on the perspective, with respect to the Annunaki matter first brought to the public's attention by writers like Sitchin. and further developed by scholars like Neil Freer. autor freer.htm. I think this evolving story needs to be put squarely in the public domain, as it has been circulating in many venues over the years in the UFO/ET community.

If this story of Annunaki infiltration and manipulating of humanity is true and continues to this day then those of us who wish to keep what few civil liberties and autonomy we have, are in a race against time and at least one Annunaki faction is a very serious national security threat. There are indications of this very state of affairs.

I tend to disagree with Gary Beckum that there is only one core story here; instead, I see a confusing mix of several core stories as depicted in the science fiction series SG1 SG-1. Folks should be sure to notice the enthusiastic support of the Air Force in relation to this series. The resemblance of the fractious Goauld to the Annunaki is pretty uncanny, don't you think?

Even the Asgard (Stargate) in this SG1 fiction seem to be quite similar in their exopolitics if not their looks, to the Human Nordics, which a source with MJ family connections has said may be the best friends we have of all the ET groups interacting with humanity because our interests and theirs run parallel. I feel pretty good about the Conformers as well, who seem to be advanced extraterrestrial judicial arbiters who have interacted with Source A, N-group, and the Military UFO Working Group perhaps to make sure that conflicts involving earth exopolitics don't get out of hand and spread elsewhere.

According to these sources the Annunaki have developed over thousands of years a evolving earth human control infrastructure that began as a religious infrastructure but has evolved and adapted into a much more sophisticated economic-national security architecture based on financial corporate control and need to know special access programs called SAPs for short. What my source seems to be saying is that the gods of old have adapted their control architecture from a simple religious one, to a more sophisticated one -- morphing from gods to businessmen in the past 60 years in a now increasing plutocratic humanity.

Economic control combined with national security control mechanisms appear to now form the basis of a worldwide Annunaki grid or control infrastructure that N-group source believes is very dangerous to earth human freedom and sovereignty. Perhaps the Annunaki should not be all painted with the same brush but my source claims that one 350,000 year old Annunaki, Marduk, has maintained his barbaric and uncivilized ways into this century and is definitely dangerous and a severe national security threat.


Okay, let's now just suspend disbelief and say that this crazy story is true. If so, then we may need to modify our perspective on integration-disclosure. The question may become, not if to disclose, but how to disclose in a manner that best maintains our human rights and autonomy in the face of an Annunaki integration-disclosure suppression process that seeks to control and enslave us.

Folks should keep in mind that right to know security access, does not necessarily protect national secrets, but can be used as a more sophisticated mechanism of social control. The slave master only educated his slaves to the degree needed to do their jobs, else they gain enough information to initiate a rebellion. If the system of information control has been compromised at or near the top of the apex of control by the Annunaki then national security folks need to start thinking like Gandhi.

N-source speculates, "Can this be a real undercurrent behind the developing chaos in Washington? If it isn't, nothing is lost. If this is true, the best disclosure approach would be to take this issue head on and start a targeted leaking campaign with the details of the control architecture into the UFO community and talking up the UFO subject in targeted public speeches by members of Congress, especially those dropping out of the dysfunctional system."

I wonder if the next meltdown following the financial meltdown is going to be a global national security meltdown as folks realize that the national security apparatus has been co-opted as an extraterrestrial control architecture. Would Gandhi's policy of civil disobedience work in this case? My N-group source and I tend to disagree a little on this. My source say likely not, since to be elected means depending on corporate monies to get elected. Still, we both agree that there are mavericks and members dropping out of the system.

My N-group source says, "Why not concoct a way of helping congressional people find a platform on which to plausibly stand, including what's in it for each of them, so as to get more members to come forth into a kind of underground political action group with an architecture of disclosure and a geometry of disclosure action." An architecture of disclosure and a geometry by which such actions may be possible to carry out are intriguing suggestions. Be sure you'll be hearing more from me about them.

I like the use of this N-source's term underground, because what seems to be happening is that people of conscience from the grass roots to the highest levels are coming together in small groups to fight as an insurgency. The UFO/ET Military Working Group has been effective in using information leaks to break up the gridlock in UN committees.

I suggest that Congress take this effective Working Group experiment up to the next level as my N-sources also suggest. And as the N-people point out, "we need to know the who. what, when, where and most importantly, what brands of information to know if this is indeed in our collective best interest. That's no longer disclosure. It's now bare necessity."

We, the People, are coming to the table.