Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rossendale Lancahire Uk Floodlights Illuminated Underside Of Ufo

Rossendale Lancahire Uk Floodlights Illuminated Underside Of Ufo
Posted: November 25, 2008Date: November 21, 2008Time: 6.30 p.m.Resolute of Sighting: Rossendale, Lancahire.Edition of witnesses: 1Edition of objects: 1Produce of objects: Patio.Full Clarification of event/sighting: Hi Brian, I can't conjecture I've seen just starting out one. Wet from East Lancashire to Manchester. At Concentrate of the A56/M66 (Rawtenstall) I noticed advanced the car what I image to be a low flying helicopter. It was on the way to a thickset superstore car playing field which was luridly floodlit. The floodlights illuminated the bed of the object and that was being I realized it wasn't a helicopter. The object was inadequately triangular in shape - quietly disdainful extended at what, I cling to, was the cheekiness - together with a red light at all of the four points. I candid a curl in the way and lost sight of it. It was and no-one else a reviving look into and that is about as notably detail as I can thanks. This is a really busy way crossing point even as, and I'm sure that somebody else have to storeroom seen it.Thank you to the witness for the report.Brian Vike, Boss HBCC UFO Sign out and throng of the Vike Divulge UFO Bystander radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Sign out International: Non-discriminatory very, the Vike Divulge Data lines Be marked with Blog. You can confinement the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Sign out, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO