Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weird Weekend 2011

Weird Weekend 2011

UFO SIGHTED OVER THE AVEBURY STONES WILTSHIRE - I began by telling the audience how Dawn and I had struggled to get the Haunted Skies books published and of the trials and tribulations we had faced over the years since we had started in 1995.My talk included a reference to John Andrews a special Constable from the Warwickshire Police who was returning from a business trip late one evening when he saw a strange object descend over the stones at Avebury and appear to land.

He decided not to stop and continued on his journey. As he neared Moreton-in -the- Marsh he became aware that he was being followed by another vehicle. After stopping at the traffic lights in the village he was approached by a man with an American accent who got out of a left hand vehicle which was showing a flashing green light on the top parked behind him. The man who was dressed as security officer wearing a white shirt and black tie asked John if he had seen anything strange. John told him about the incident he had witnessed in Avebury and was then threatened to keep quite after John admitted he had seen the UFO.

Strange Anomalies seen

I then spoke about the strange anomalies both seen and captured on camera at Rendlesham Forest and showed the audience several of the stones we had collected, along with a number of early UFO magazines and various photographs.

UFO over RAF Farnborough

- I then outlined a remarkable sighting of a UFO from retired RAF OfficerStan Hubbard who witnessed along with others a strange object 'like a flying discus' rocking from side to side over the runway at RAF Farnborough in 1950" Stan was to witness another sighting on the 5th of September 1950 and was later interviewed by members of the Scientific Intelligence Dep't. Many years later their report was unearthed from MOD files when it was discovered the official explanation was hallucinations or misidentifications! - Incredible but true!

I then spoke about ex RAF Officer James Salandin and his UFO sighting in 1954 while over Southend which was later brought to the attention of Prince Philip.

UFO over Northampton October 1994 - I was going to also discuss an incident that had occurred in 1994 when a Police Officer sighted a UFO over the lakes while fishing. The officer later reported that he had been threatened and that his wife had been followed by mysterious strangers. The threats included open ones down a telephone. The officer also told me that he had been harassed by other Officers and that he was the victim of at least three hit and run car accidents. The registration plates had not yet been used!

The Officer also received medical treatment for severe headaches that culminated in a scan at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford when itwas established he had some scars on his brain.The surgeon asked him had he ever had an operation before which he hadn't. If you took this case on its individual merits it may appear difficult to believe, but this was not the first or last time we were too heard of medical problems apparently stemming from a UFO encounter.

I decided against running the tape interview because of the attitude of one young man I had discussed the case with initially. I felt I could not trust him to keep what I had told him as confidential in nature, and didn't want him listening to the interview.

Fortunately, on this occasion, I managed to show (albeit at speed) at least 50images on the PowerPoint to the audience, in contrast to the Newcastle Conference, when I showed only two images out of a one hundred. I am sure that Matt Lyons, from BUFORA, who has invited us to BUFORA's lecture next year, in London, will be happy to hear that

After the talk and the winding up of the day's events, when Dawn and I were surprised to be given one of the CFZ Golden Monkey awards, with accompanying certificate, we made our way to the "Farmers Arms" Public House, where we sat down and discussed the weekend events with Brenda and Mick, who had also made the journey there.

We then made our way back to the caravan where Dawn prepared a delicious meal, followed by an equally as delicious Aunt Bessie Lemon Meringue pie (purchased by myself) It was found most palatable except for the fact that the pastry crust seemed very soft. An examination of the said instructions revealed (after we had eaten it) that it should have been cooked! We then retired to bed after spending a short time gazing up into a beautiful night sky, with the Milky Way clearly defined, feeling more than satisfied with how the weekend had gone - especially after Kevin had been promised, by Jon, that "UFO over Warminster" and other books were going to be republished.

On the Monday morning we packed up and sat having a cup of coffee whilethe tranquillity of every day 'camping life' began with a game of cricket and the squeals of children excited to be on holiday, A lady from a nearby camper van came over and asked us cordially how the holiday was going when we told her the reason for the visit she remarked how weird we were!

So another CFZ Weird Weekend has come and gone. This was our second visit and we certainly enjoyed it - Long may it live as a family affair, because this is what makes it so enjoyable. Well done to Jon Downes, and his family, for putting it all together, and thank you Kevin for what we now perceive to be the start of a warm friendship.

We look forward to 2012.

More photos.......

I wondered what in earth this was?

It was a double exposure on a digital camera? unusual......