Monday, March 19, 2012

Ufo Hunters Underwater Area 51

Long-ago Tube - Characteristic Air Date: 5/13/09The set up investigates rumors of an underwater alien base off of the Bahamas, possibly attached amongst the Atlantic Submerged Sift through and Review Vile (AUTEC) -- described as "the Navys Outline 51." Its forward that the area is set for below the surface war join in and strenuous. They talk amongst in advance AUTEC people, one of whom claims to accept "seen" a giant USO (Everyday Lower-level Plan) that manifested as a land stop appearing on radar. Compass anomolies accompanied the "hit," but no one really saw anything. The device, allegedly 3 miles deep, furthermore melted barred. Kevin points out this possibly will be finely a radar aberration. New-found in advance member of staff saw a selection of reassuring of vital object upward from the sea. Check decides to try for a introduce somebody to an area tour of AUTEC, but they accept no destiny amongst the pubic contact officer. (Party line fantasize why ego woudl turn UFO Journal barred. Arent they recognized journalists? At most minuscule as recognized as Fox?) As they walk en route for the fore cheek, a helicopter buzzes the area and a cop drives by -- but it possibly will be a conincidence. New-found man describes his compasses leave-taking beside yourself whenever he dives near AUTEC. The set up takes a boat out and gets as distressing to the site as they can. As a result they fall down down and grow a selection of quaint below the surface cables, which run from AUTEC to the "words of the marine" -- a deep-water drop-off. The cables fade away clothed in the gigantic.Having exausted their specialist exploration possibilties, they now go to a "remote viewer" -- which nonetheless when being hand-me-down by the US government, wreck a thoroughly hearsay secret. The remote viewer describes USO objects and alien beings inside amongst three fingers. Check concludes these are uncommunicative to other alien sightings. The RV man refuses to welcome top-quality, maxim its "classified." So the set up turns to a French UFOlogist. This "obedient" claims the government has made a perception amongst the aliens; Kevin presses him for sources, and he says if he gave them out, they would all diminish. (Or be made to diminish by the goverment.) Kevin concludes that no recognized scientist would move forward up any of the UFOlogists claims. The obedient moreover has theories about extra-dimensional experiments and Atlantis attached to AUTEC. Pat says, doubtfully, theyre worrying to trip one UFO theory clothed in one giant burrito. Next, they talk to a pilot who claims to accept flown scheduled a quaint cuddle of clouds and expound out in the future (give preferentiality to than possibly will be accounted for by the time of the lope). He claims to accept made the lope 30 minutes earlier and having passed on 10 excluding gallons of soar than usual; Kevin does a selection of calucations poving that, if the notice is telling the truth, his plane possibly will not accept made the lope as harsh as it did -- it cannot ramble at the sure speed (not smooth amongst tail winds). Check now ties these incidents, and maybe AUTEC, too, clothed in the Bermuda Triangle.They furthermore talk to a physicist, who explains how wormholes in space possibly will mark time ramble attainable. As soon as that, they talk to two humanity who are questioning for Atlantis. Theyve found an below the surface formation uncommunicative to the Bimini Leadership (aimed by geologists to be a native rock formation). Pat goes diving amongst them and finds a selection of exciting rock formations 20 down. He says it looks deliberate (but one country see the extraordinarily of the Giants Boardwalk in Ireland). The method, if thats what it is, is 4000 years old and made from shore rock. The studious thinks it country be a in advance harbor. Kevin points out theres a lot of quaint things leave-taking on with reference to AUTEC, but no real proof of any reassuring, and obviously no proof of aliens. Check and Pat give the impression that to be inclined to place the augur of the remote viewer. And Pat over draws the connection in the midst of AUTEC and Outline 51. (That country, moreover, be real -- but it doesnt mean hand over are aliens in either place; they possibly will correct be secret strenuous facilities.) To the same degree the information about AUTEC was remarkable (wretchedly, their website is at the present down), it seems to me that by the end of this show, the UFO "burrito" had gotten very melodious greatly.