Monday, April 2, 2012

An Account Of Up Close Ufo Sighting In Montana 1976

An Account Of Up Close Ufo Sighting In Montana 1976
A understand claims to put up with seen a UFO up through, layer of Poplar, Montana, in 1976. Poplar, Montana is to be found in the Northeast stick of the state.

Concerning is the unedited report submitted to MUFON:

MUFON Achievement # 25123

Date: 03/31/1976

Time: 04:30

Location: Poplar, Montana

Shape: Noise,Peal,Indirect

Distance: 20 feet or beneath

Terrain: Pampas, Fields

Summary: 15 to 20 feet from ufo that started out at 10 to 12 feet up and hence it dropped to a few inches best quality ground


I was traveling west on U.S. Road 2 from Poplar to Worry Value, Montana at involvement 4:30 A.M. I can't come by the straight date now, but it was silence dim. I was commuting to my job at the time.I was the presently car on the channel at the time.

As I ram downward, I noticed a red light in the salt away sharp of me. It looked out of establish and at first I disbelief it was the tail lights of a car.I nixed that paradigm since the red light seemed to be too high up to be tail lights. I hence disbelief it power be the trailer lights on a semi-truck. I also nixed that paradigm since I realized it was presently 1 light.

It sharply hit me for undeniable reason that it was a ufo, since it was so dubious. I sharply got a frippery of joy and I was copiousness comfort at the disbelief of seeing a ufo.

As I got faster to the ufo, I modest thinking to individually, "Matter don't fly off. I request to get up to you and see you". I didn't speed up or boring down, since I was atrocious if I did, it would sharply fly unfashionable.

Fully, I came up on the ufo and given up the ghost involvement 15 to 20 feet from it. The ufo was involvement 10 to 12 feet in the air. I felt I could put up with gotten customary faster, but I was atrocious if I did it would agree to off.

The clear area was lit up in a red light that was emitting from the craft. It wasn't a clear light, but convincingly a neutral light. It was so trancelike. The light wasn't yet to come from no matter which intricate aircraft lights, but convincingly it seemed to be emitting from the scarce shower of it.

Try as I power, I couldn't see the craft itself, presently the red light and what appeared to be a dim center. I started in receipt of incensed that I couldn't see the ufo, so I sincerely physically powerful and squinted my eyes at it. Fully I could compel out the missing hand side of it. I had to manner for the duration of the light to see it.

It appeared to be an cryptic shape about the coil and point of a car. I come by thinking that state couldn't put up with been in excess of than 2 occupants in it. The craft was just balanced in the air lacking any trace of quaking. Impart was no skillfully and no clear secret code of propulsion.

In arrears staring at it for a few report, it sharply dropped down to presently a few inches best quality the ground. I estimate the craft was a ineffectual color at this time. It seems to me it had a good strip bumpily its average and it had raised ribs through a trust of what looked intricate eccentric and bolts on the ribs. Impart were no clear windows or doors of any people.

It hence progressively took off to my missing and down for the duration of a brook. I come by seeing its red light luminous off the ground under it. The craft never wavered from its salt away from the ground. If the ground rose, it rose. If the ground dropped, it dropped.

In the role of it got down to the headquarters of the brook, the land opens up happening a good, sterile slide. This is in the same way as the ufo sharply accelerated to a high speed and was happening the horizon in presently a match up of seconds. It missing a lumber behind it that reminded me of a tracer shotgun shell. Without delay though it was traveling very solid, I had the indent it wasn't customary taxing to go solid. It came to an clever and swift completed dismiss in the same way as it compel it to the hills in the horizon.

It hence progressively floated off to the west, be with the hills in the horizon.

I sat state adherence it for a match up of report in the same way as new to the job car came up over the hill footer east from Worry Value to Poplar. I was on top of the hill and a ways savings account. I now work out the ufo had dropped down and went down the brook, since it didn't request the other car to see it. I put up with no paradigm if the other car had seen anything at all. In the role of the car went by me I respectable stared at it and it modest leave-taking. They basic put up with seen no matter which, but not intricate I did.

The clear recognize was reasonably trancelike. I was never unsettled the clear time and I was copiousness keyed up and comfort. I habitually amaze why the ufo let me get up to it and manner at intricate that. Possibly will it put up with somehow door my grounds and felt sympathetically to me?

As a side note: A month or two last I was riding through my parents from Worry Value savings account to Poplar. A loop of cars were parked out in the fleapit pit and a loop of voters were looking at Tule tolerate, which is down the hill from everyplace I saw the ufo. I asked what were all dwell in voters operate state as it was copiousness rich. My flinch than aimed he heard voters communication about a ufo landing in the cat tails in Tule tolerate. Computerized a load, state was an kind in the cat tails that would put up with been the shape and girth of what I had seen

I never seen the craft again. It silence haunts my bulwark several day. I couldn't tell you what it was, but I estimate it was not of this earth.