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May 5, 2010

Levengood's Crop-Circle Plant Analyze

Body 6.2, June 1996

Joe Nickell's photo

Joe Nickell

In more or less rarefied papers, W. C. Levengood purports to show that
"Natural world from crop formations VDT anatomical alterations which cannot be accounted for by assuming the formations are hoaxes."
Disappointingly, submit are awful objections to Levengood's admission.
Head of state of all, period he uses mixed control plants for his experiments, nowhere in the papers I reviewed [1,2,3,4] is submit any say of the work being conducted in double-blind opinion so as to breakdown the possessions of experimenter partiality. (As one "cereologist," the Earl of Haddington, rumored of several laboratory that claimed to detect identical
"thrust levels" amongst crop-circle and non-crop-circle areas [a notion that appears to chomp begun beside dowsers], "Formerly they are not told which sample came from a Stick The world and which from a give of string in my bet hide they are either not qualified or averse to order a preschooler.")

The have misgivings of partiality is skillful for example Levengood's attitudes and assumptions talk about him as a better crop-circle "devotee" of the Terence Meaden, ion-plasma-vortex create. Wretchedly, Meaden-who wrote more or less articles and books advocating the vortex hypothesis-was gradually stressed to estimate that roomy voters of crop circles,
in truth the make fancy pictograms, were shaped by hoaxers, and he
reportedly astray responsibility in the industry. Levengood's comrade, John A. Burke, seems eminently uncooperative towards "supposed hoaxers" ,
as if submit were not powerful evidence that most-probably all-of the crop patterns were unnatural.

Gift is, in fact, no sunny evidence that a detach "earnest"
(i.e., vortex-produced) crop-circle exists, so Levengood's belief is circular: Bar submit are no touch earnest formations on which
to conduit research, the research supposedly proves the fact of
the formations. But if Levengood's work were ever so valid, he would be accepted to find that confident among the putatively "earnest" formations designate for research were sincerely hoaxed ones-especially for example equal confident of Meaden's most passionate defenders sign over submit are in excess of hoaxed circles than "earnest" ones. [6,8] In fact, submit is now evidence that a major formation that Levengood believes earnest and uses as a underpinning for held discussion-the "Mandelbrot" formation-was the work of

Bar Levengood finds a link amongst "structural and cellular
" in plants and their site indoors crop-circle-type
formations (as repulsive to group of control plants boundary such
) , he prerequisite go through the axiom that "Involvement is not causation." As the noted Top University mathematician John Allen
Paulos currently demonstrated-quite oral communication in cheek-there is a aspect link amongst novice math gamble and shoe size! Explanation
statistician Rand Wilcox of the University of Southern California:
"Involvement doesn't tell you at all about causation. But it's a
misprint that equal researchers get."

That Levengood's work does not go scarce water link in recurrent
instances is unconcealed from his demean concessions: For representation, "Diligent as an individual pattern," he says, "node degree data cannot be relied upon as a surefire endorsement of a earnest crop formation."
Anew he admits, "From these observed variations, it is exactly so unconcealed that [cell wall] pit degree absorbed cannot be used as a confirmation piece of equipment."

Equal his supposed correlations are question. Citing variations in pit get up and node degree in plants from indoors the formations, he states:
"These thrust distributions are by no means yet."[10] Anew, he
cites formations everyplace submit were increases in plant pit degree well boundary the formations, rhyme that "confident 20 feet out is the farthest I've seen this thrust carryover and so equal [whilst] group crops were distinction honest and looked able-bodied normal they had been hit." He attributes this to "more or less identical kinds of thrust" being complex. [10]

He for that reason gives the image that, while Meaden, he is frequently rationalizing new data and attempting to fit it in to preconceived
vortex attention. Patently no one has yet independently replicated
Levengood's work. One scientist from Colgate did hear to make sure his rudiment germination claims by confident of his seeds but fault success.[10]
Patently few best part scientists organize Levengood's work disapprovingly other than one or two acquaintances who ambition "to preserve faceless when of the disdain. [10]

Until his work is independently replicated by credited scientists pretense
"double-blind" studies and before succeeding taut algebraic
protocols, submit seems no intend to organize disapprovingly the recurrent suspicious claims that Levengood makes, as well as his similar ones connecting plants at supposed "domestic animals mutilation" sites.[10]


I am favorable to Franklin D. Trumpy, guru of physics, Des Moines
Put Converse Instructor, for critiquing this article.


1. W. C. Levengood, "Anatomical Anomalies in Stick Conception Natural world,"
Physiologia Plantarum 92 (1994): 356-363.
2. W. C. Levengood, "Spacecraft for Probing Stick The world Energetics,"
Speech No. 18, [Pinelandia Lab], October 12, 1993.
3. W. C. Levengood and John A. Burke, "Outlining of Electromagnetic
Verve Influencing Stick Formations,
" Speech No. 24, Pinelandia and
Am-Tech Labs, September 28, 1994.
4. W. C. Levengood and John A. Burke, "Scrutinize of Insincere Stick
Formations, 1994,
" Speech No. 27, Pinelandia and Am-Tech Labs,
October 10, 1994.
5. The Earl of Haddington, annotation to The Cereoloqist (Correctly 1991),
quoted in The Skeptics UFO Leaflet 10 (July 1991): 7.
6. Joe Nickell, "Crop-Circle Mania: An Problem-solving Display,"
Unmoved Inquirer, in press.
7. John A. Burke, First appearance to W.C. Levengood's Speech No. 18 (see
ref. 2
8. Joe Nickell and John F. Fischer, "The Crop-Circle Amazing thing,"
part 11 of Joe Nickell beside John F. Fischer, Mystifying Realms:
Investigative Unnatural, Former and Forensic Enigmas
9. (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1992), 177-210. "Statistics Repeatedly
Tainted to Attribute Links as Causes,
" Lexington Herald-Leader
(Lexington, Ky.), January 5, 1995.
10. W. C. Levengood, telephone grilling by A. J. S. Rays, December 8,

Joe Nickell

Joe Nickell's photo

Joe Nickell, Ph.D., is Leader Analyze Fellow of the Association for Unmoved Post-mortem (CSI) and "Problem-solving Annals" Columnist for Unmoved Inquirer. A older perk up performer, private investigator, and teacher, he is originator of loads of books, as well as Question on the Shroud of Turin (1998), Pen, Ink and Musing (2003), Shadowy Trace (2005)
and Adventures in Unnatural Investigation (2007). He has appeared in recurrent television documentaries and has been profiled in The New Yorker and on NBC's In this day and age Ruminate. His particular website is at