Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Size Of Mars Atmosphere Changes And Star Treks The Old Ones

Size Of Mars Atmosphere Changes And Star Treks The Old Ones
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has discovered the total amount of atmosphere on Mars changes dramatically as the tilt of the planet's axis varies. This process can affect the stability of liquid water if it exists on the Martian surface and increase the frequency and severity of Martian dust storms. See article.

g LIFE - Brilliant gold- and silver-colored beetles have given optics researchers new insights into the way biology can recreate the appearance of some of nature's most precious metals. See article.

g IMAGINING - Another early "Star Trek" alien is the Exo III android makers. We really don't know what the android creators (aka "the Old Ones") looked like, but we can presume by the way human duplicates were created with the android-making machine that they appear like Ruk. Their height indicates that the planet's gravity is slightly lighter than Earth's, and there isn't a discernable difference in the way humans step on this world. Possibly the savanna grass was taller than in our Africa (their hominid shape indicates a primate-oriented evolution). The whitish pallor probably is due to the lack of sunlight (though not the cold, as that also would make their bodies more compact); the aliens did go underground when a global ice age gripped their world. One interesting question is if they possessed the ability to build androids, why didn't they just leave their planet when its habitability was lowered? Perhaps some religious or cultural belief prevented them from considering or pursuing space travel; possibly they developed the android-making machine when residing underground. While the show's creators did a good job of making the Old Ones evolutionarily sound given the world's climate of the past several eons, the aliens fall short on the Earth vertebrate factor: It's highly unlikely that the exact facial arrangements as those of Earth's vertebrates when first leaving the water for land would be so exactly duplicated.

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