Monday, April 16, 2012

Ufo Sighting In Greenbrier Arkansas On March 28Th 2015 I Have Witnessed Alien Activity Here For Several Years

Ufo Sighting In Greenbrier Arkansas On March 28Th 2015 I Have Witnessed Alien Activity Here For Several Years
Republished kindly from:

I'm sure you hear a lot of wild stories, but mine is ongoing, and has been for several years. I have both security footage, and pictures of several types of "aliens", although I'm hesitant to call them aliens, since I have witnessed them control everything from birds, animals, trees, the weather, and any light, anywhere, at anytime. These videos and pictures go back to around 2011. Although I have seen numerous UFO's, this is not really about them, this is more about the beings that use them. If this were just about the aliens, I would not be notifying you. As I said earlier, this is an ongoing presence in my life. They are not visiting here, they live here! Since I am not in a UFO hotspot, this makes no sense. You can speak with anyone who knows me, and they will tell you about some of the antics that I have witnessed. I can show you lights you can't explain, stars that will move on command, and some of the strangest things you have ever witnessed. Mythical beings are common here, strange as that may sound. I have not reported this earlier, because I didn't want my life disrupted, but the things that they have made me aware of now, I know I have to share, because, even though I took the pictures, I'm having trouble believing what I am seeing. This coming from someone who has been aware of an alien presence for almost 10 years. I have over 100 acres that is strategically perfect. I am able to see almost 100 miles from my location, but unless you are on my land you cannot see on my land, since it is all higher than the road. I could fill this page and several others with things that I have witnessed, and been apart of over the last several years. Since I am going to have to share these experiences, I am now planning on writing a book to share, not only what I have recently been made aware of, but some of the most interesting things that have happened, over the last few years. I would certainly like to talk to someone about this, and you can see some things that will make you scratch your head, and say damn, that's unreal! I will be glad to share the evidence I have, but not for all to see.