Tuesday, September 30, 2014

By Cherlyn Gardner Strong

By Cherlyn Gardner Strong
The incident involving the disappearance of the crew of Mary Celeste from 1872 is unsolved, as well. Theories involving extraterrestrials and UFOs have also been raised regarding that case. I have no doubt that people have mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The evidence on this one screams HOAX. The China village is still there. The video associated with this has been posted before as proof of a Beijing UFO landing in May. There is also an article from a credible source, that when translated, exposes the journalist as knowingly posting a fraudulent story. I have not posted this article because I am waiting for a professionally human-translated version. What I have realized since last night, is that there are people believe anything they read. Even if I could fly everyone who insists on believing this to the village, there would still be people who would think that the village was re-created to fool everyone.