Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Col Recalls Ufo Encounter

Col Recalls Ufo Encounter



socyberty - Ret. USAF Lt. Colonel Wendelle Stevens recalls seeing UFO's in the Artic region back in 1947. Wendelle C. Stevens was born January 18, 1923 and served in the Army Air Force, in 1942. He was stationed at Wright Field as part of a large technical review program of captured Nazi air technical documents. After the war ended Stevens was then assigned to Alaska during that time the United States began extensive surveillance and mapping missions of Alaska and the north polar regions. Between 1947 to 1949, he supervised a highly classified team of technical specialists who installed sophisticated data collecting equipment aboard the SAC B-29's.

Known as Project Ptarmigan, a hi-tech research project, photographing and mapping the Artic land and sea area in great detail. After the war with Germany and the concerns of Russia, the US Military wanted to analyze all EMF emissions in the Arctic, to record, capture on film any and all anomalous phenomena, and keep a record of any electrical disturbances or engine systems from possible aircraft, looking for any external influences caused by unidentified flying objects.

Their efforts were not in vain and quite prolific. Stevens often received reports from flight crews about what pilots back than were calling "bogies" or UFO's. Stevens was getting numerous reports on multiple sightings all the time. One report even stated seeing a UFO traveling under water, surfacing, and than flew away at a high rate of speed. He knew nothing on Earth could do that, no known craft with 1940's technology could maneuver like that. To backup any claims all B-29's flying these reconnaissance missions had a variety of cameras on them and they took numerous amounts of film footage. But Colonel Stevens states that all B-29's captured footage of UFO's were packed and shipped out to Washington, DC. Where Pentagon Intelligence personnel would take the film, and after that, no one ever hears anything more about it.

Stevens was very intrigued by all the evidence being recovered by Project Ptarmigan. But everything was sent to Washington, DC. in a veil of secrecy and kept totally under raps. Stevens began his own UFO investigation while still in the military. He started collecting photographs and eyewitness accounts of close encounters. When he retired from the US Air Force, Stevens continued with his own research and collection of UFO reports. From his own UFO investigation over the years he has written and co-authored over 30 books on the subject. His private collection of more than 4,000 UFO photographs is unsurpassed. Stevens is well into his 80's now and still has the unquenchable thirst to simply know the truth about what UFO's really are.

found on Phantoms and Monsters