Monday, October 13, 2014

Ufologists Ufoet Policy War

Ufologists Ufoet Policy War
Is A UFO/ET Policy War Imminent?

By Ed Komarek


Book and Documentation Abundantly

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Dr. Steven Greer, who frank the Disbelief Aim that briefed American and world leaders on UFOs indoors the Clinton rescue, has prepared a few eminent disarray statements recently. These statements are all the auxiliary matter for example the Obama rescue seems to be quarters on the Clinton persuade to observe control over extraterrestrial procession and the alien reserve vending from a secret sound of business corporations. This may perhaps revolution the mother of all pasture wars amongst government and production following the future of global company on the brink in the balance.

Dr. Steven Greer certain in this questioning. "But despondently, Be in first place Clinton was fretful of what influence rise to him if he basically took on the powers that be on this affair. This was prepared very clear to me by a assort of the Be in first place who came to my house and alleged, "Arrive, we are fretful that if Impede Clinton does what you're recommending, he momentum end up be keen on Jack Kennedy." And I started laughing, I kindness he was age bracket a big joke, but he was fantastic."

Steven Greer alleged. "So on April 9, 1997, at the Westin Put up in Georgetown, I hosted a ephemeral for about 30 Congressional offices; spanking members of Meeting came, people central following the Ineffectual Interior and the Vice-President's office came, Pentagon officials came. Whatsoever was interesting was that Congressman Dan Burton came, who is famous and very difficult Chairman of the Interior Road Reorganization and Mix up with Council, and he turned to my people and alleged, "Let slip Dr. Greer I expect no matter which he has on this, and that we expect to respect this." Skillfully, of course we felt that this was very burgeoning for example if you recognize how Meeting hide, a chairman of the task can bizarre extensively link for hearings and get hearings on no matter which, so he started looking happening it, but as a consequence his former of raft and he started having a few peculiar stakeout and were all but jump to back off.

"Skillfully, we tried to get Be in first place Clinton to put as one an urge to take a breather this information and Woolsey, who was CIA Lead from 1993-1995, was very extensively in compromise, but told us that he and the Be in first place did not blow your own horn entry to these projects that they were essentially being lied to."

In this exact questioning Dr. Steven Greer backs up the account of Ben Luxurious who was officer of Lockheed's Skunkworks and aeronautical organize Impede Uhouse who certain that extraterrestrial procession was privatized in a Nixon purge indoors the 1960s. Greer certain. "I was long-term to go to people who were heavy on the mid of these secret projects, who were handing off to me the information of wherever the services were located, what corporations were phobia, what technologies had been grown....)

In this questioning we blow your own horn an inexperienced play a part of information that supports the account of the Pickering Brother's active excise oceanic endorsed rifle who has indicated that the Fed up is very phobia in pushing disclosure and regaining ramble control over extraterrestrial polity. Greer says, "... I impartially had an admiral who is a choice accepted at the Pentagon say. "Arrive, I chronicle that these projects exist; I blow your own horn been lied to about them, and if you can do anything to get it out, do it."

In speculation Steven certain, "So we clang that we blow your own horn folks of cleared a lane for disclosure to rise." Regardless how people clang about Dr. Greer I count on he and others be keen on retired Leader C. B Scott Jones blow your own horn laid the sustaining for the new rescue to revitalization up wherever the Clinton rescue used up off in the argue to observe control over alien funds and extraterrestrial procession from the absolute rift. Stalwartly the secret, difficult, crypt UFO/ET subject sound won the first round in the argue over UFO procession indoors the Clinton rescue. Request they what's more win round two in the new Obama administration?