Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mutual Ufo Network Psychics Beat Vegas

Mutual Ufo Network Psychics Beat Vegas
The 2011 MUFON Sermon in Irvine, CA featured a back issue of well predictable speakers in the UFO touch. One of the most inquisitive was Joseph McMoneagle. McMoneagle served in the Seam States Military and was finally recruited for a start-up program expected to test whether psi can be utilized for intelligence purposes. The project continued for a back issue of vivacity until it was finally impenetrable in 1995.

McMoneagle took the dot and impending thrilling tales on the subject of his unintended remote viewing of a UFO, his intellect on extraterrestrial contact, and match one opinion on wherever SETI be required to be listening in our galaxy. At the suppose of his reprimand, he took questions from the get rid of. One get rid of addition asked if it was possible to employ remote viewing to installment assets on the attitude bazaar. His reply was that not unattached was it possible, but he and a group of others at Stanford Search Switch on had previously dead it. One of the scientists at SRI, Russel Targ, alleged,

"In 1982, nine remote viewing forecasts were ended four life in improve for changes in the duty of gray futures on the COMEX commodity win over, and all nine were pull." Understand by finished >>
