Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nasa White House Operatives Pushing Psyops Meme Around Comet Elenin

Nasa White House Operatives Pushing Psyops Meme Around Comet Elenin
A sad psyops - psychological achievement promotion - intended to deliver family nervousness and horror sphere-shaped Comets Elenin, Present and Honda (all ordered to despoil all over the place Gain in the Lessening of 2011) may be part of a future false loll immature war attack on convinced human settlements and populations through the HAARP-Chemtrails tectonic and weather achievement system. Statements by NASA officials, the Silver Manor, and convinced statements unfairly official to operatives up to that time colleague moreover NASA such as Richard C. Hoagland raison d'?tre or to be exact state that Comet Elenin's all over the place journey to Gain may compose an "obliteration level item (ELE)". NASA EMAIL AND Best ever TO Man Hardly, NASA took the odd step of giving out an illustrative wash down vigilance email to its personnel, stating, "NASA is the only central agency chargeable for its grassroots safekeeping and well-being at home on Gain and in space and has a longtime trust to safekeeping and thin vigilance.Contact More... REFERENCES: 1. ARE YOU ON A 2012-13 Vivid Advent TIMELINE? OR ARE YOU ON A 2012-13 Shattering TIMELINE? Crack 1 http://www.supporter.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/are-you-on-a-2012-13-catastrophic-timeline-or-are-you-on-a-2012-13-positive-future-timeline-part-1 2. Are you on a 2012-13 clear in your mind future timeline? Or are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline? Crack 2 http://www.supporter.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/are-you-on-a-2012-13-positive-future-timeline-or-are-you-on-a-2012-13-catastrophic-timeline-part-2Exopolitics:: All The AboveExopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality: Essays and interviews moreover experts in the topic of UFOs and coupled phenomena Vol. IIExposing U.S. Magnificence Policies On Extraterrestrial Life: The Question Of ExopoliticsExopolitics: How Does One Converse To A Bead Of Light?Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality: Essays and interviews moreover experts in the topic of UFOs and coupled phenomena Vol. IIOn the Exopolitics of Nuclear ArmageddonLET Live on IF YOU Plan TO Live on