Thursday, December 18, 2014

Design Wall Monday January 30 2012

Design Wall Monday January 30 2012
January 2012 is nearly a thing of the past. Seems just days ago we were bringing in the New Year. Okay enough... I've got both UFOs for January done. With days yet to spare...imagine that!I got this one done today. It is part of Jo's Country Junction Quilt Square Quilt Along for 2012. Not really a UFO I suppose...but it will be if I don't finish each month. Lori Smith designs these blocks. Each pattern comes with six different 12" square designs. For January we were to make the log cabin from her Quilt Squares #1 pattern. I'll be linking in tomorrow along with finding out what's next month's assignment. I plan to assemble all 12 blocks at the end of the year into a sampler. I also was able to finish "Kindhearted Klues". This one is from a workshop I took at Road to California last weekend. Tracey Brookshier led 32 of us on through the night with Lakeside Mystery 1. The binding will be more of the stripe that I used for the inner boarder.Next up is "Komplikated" that happens to be a 2011 UFO that's been waiting its turn. I have all the blocks done its just waiting for assembly. Now that my January deadlines are complete this one is next. Pictures of this project will be posted later this week.Check out more fun projects through links on Patchwork Times.