f(beep) [jump cut to commercial]
[after commercial] for then they try to figure out what the
f(beep) actually is. Filthy. Actually filthy.
Oh, and do they actually have to say ACTUALLY so much? And learn to say A's as A's or short-A (AH) not AWH. Awhctually.
Funny thing is when Ryder was so blown away by a UFO that disappeared when she was in the truck in FL, there was a funny V-shaped thing in the upper right corner moving to the right off screen. Prob. a bug, but if it's not identified, it's a UFO. Better UFO than she saw.
And why think all UFOs mean ET flying saucers? Stupid.
That's my opinion and I have all 10 digits.
Origin: umad-mysteries.blogspot.com