Monday, October 10, 2011

Six Ufos Photographed In England

Six Ufos Photographed In England
Jason McClellan Jan 17, 2012 Six UFOs were recently photographed in neighboring counties in England.Two UFOs photographed in Kent (Credit: Ernestas Griksas/The Sun)The first of the two sightings occurred on the afternoon of January 7 in Kent. The witness, Ernestas Griksas, snapped a photo of two UFOs. He did not notice the mysterious objects at the time, as he was simply taking a photo of a cherry-picker outside his home. Griksas only noticed the UFOs later when he was reviewing the photo. He described the UFOs in his photo to the "Sun": "There are two white discs I can't explain. I'm nowhere near a flightpath. One is slightly fainter as if it is further away or going at a different speed." The second sighting occurred on the morning of January 13 in Essex as witness Josh Cummins was driving to work. He explained to the "Sun", "I nearly crashed. I stopped to take this picture with my mobile. It was like the UFOs were surfing the clouds. They were there for 15 seconds then vanished."As the "Daily Mail" reports, the sightings were made just 30 miles apart "in an area now dubbed the country's UFO hotspot."All six of these UFOs look strikingly similar. But that is not the only similarity between the two sightings. Both witnesses are 21-years-old. And interestingly, both witnesses may work in the same industry. According to the "Sun", Josh Cummins, the second witness, is a car salesman. Ernestas Griksas, the first witness, may be a car salesman too. I came across a partially-working website of someone named "Ernestas Griksas" who happens to be located in Kent. Content on this website explains:Four UFOs photographed in Essex (credit: Josh Cummins/The Sun)

I am currently the co-owner of "Griksas ">Could the close proximity of the sightings, the "remarkably similar" UFOs (as the "Sun" describes them), the matching ages of the two witnesses, and the matching professions of those two witnesses all be a coincidence? Of course. It is possible that the same UFOs were seen by the two witnesses in different locations. And it is also possible that the "Ernestas Griksas" website I found is the website of a different Ernestas Griksas in Kent.But these pieces of evidence create the possibility that the two witnesses may know each other. And the nearly identical UFOs bear a striking resemblance to reflections of light bulbs hanging in light fixtures. Both photos were reportedly shot through windows, which increases the probability that the strange objects were simply light reflections.Again, it is certainly possible that the objects in these two photos are genuine unknown objects in the sky. But if these two photos are the result of a hoax, perhaps they are part of a new marketing strategy for Griksas's car company. What do you think about these photos? Share your views with us on the Open Minds Facebook page.