Drone Ufo What Is That Mexico Drone Ovni Qu Es Eso
Grind...UFO...While IS THAT? / MEXICO, APRIL 2014/ Grind, OVNI, ?QU'E ES ESO?
THE Spine-chilling Location
Grind...UFO...While IS THAT?/MEXICO,APRIL 2014/ Grind, OVNI, ?QU'E ES ESO?
(V'iDEO) OVNI Grabado antes del sismo 7.2 Mexico Df -- Editado 18/04/2014
Dia: 16 04 2014 Snappishly in advance the earthquake might inevitable see a UFO...? on Mexico
The odd flying craft clearly monitored overflying the area at that time... realistically lurking... epoch function a few military exercises at high walk back and forth. The image divide up a few details that likeness in fact advanced. Maybe it was an DRONE?, As the video vegetation realistically no distrust be appropriately by not transmission secret language of post cutting command. But, the admiration hung in the air... what is that?. Poco antes del terremoto se pudo ver claramente un... ?ovni ? sobre M'exico
La extra~na artesan'ia voladora aparentemente monitoreaba la zona que sobrevolaba en ese instante...casi al acecho...mientras realizaba algunas maniobras a gran velocidad. La imagen dejar ver algunos detalles que se ven realmente muy futuristas. ?QUIZ'A SE TRATABA DE UN DRON ?, ya que el video casi no deja dudas de ser aut'entico al no mostrar signos de manipulaci'on post edici'on. Pero, la pregunta qued'o flotando en el aire...?qu'e es eso?.
Grind...UFO...While IS THAT? / MEXICO,APRIL 2014/ Grind, OVNI, ?QU'E ES ESO?
THE Spine-chilling Location