
From: "James R. Graham" Date: Tue, 15 Apr 97 00:56:05 -0700Subject: Alien Interrogation at Area51?Hi all,I just saw the Strange Universe show on the 'alien interrogation at area51.' For those of you who missed it, you didn't miss much. They onlyshowed at most ten seconds of the footage (but they sure got alot ofmileage out of it) and that consisted of what appeared to be a TV screenwith said alien (your typical grey, or rather brown) on it. In front ofthis was what appeared to be some sort of monitor with a light that movedup and down in a heartbeat like manner. Everything was very dark--I kindof pictured the bowels of Area51 as more well-lit. The alien moved arounda little and fixed you with those puppy-dog eyes. There was nodiscernable mouth or holes for the nose.The show assembled a panel of 'experts' to give their commentary on theentire footage (those lucky dogs were allowed to see the whole deal).The panel consisted of (sorry for not getting the names): a hollywoodspecial effects guy (who also happened to be an abductee), a woman UFOinvestigator, another male abductee, and Whitley Streiber. Also, they hadthe man I refer to as the wizard-like, white-haired, ponytailed, NATO guy(someone Dean). Whitley was very disturbed by the footage, stating thatif it was real then he was embarrassed for the human race for thenot-so-nice treatment the alien received.They also had a taped 'silhouette' interview with 'Victor,' the fella whosmuggled the tape out--I hope that was a fake beard 'cause otherwise he'stoast. At one point, when the questioner began asking 'personal'questions that might implicate 'Victor', 'Victor' stood up and declaredthat the interview was "terminated." Aparently, they calmed him down abit to the point that he sat back down and answered the offendingquestion. Which was how he got the tape: they were transferring the datafrom analog tape to 'digital disks' and this involved the data goingthrough a lower security area at which point he was able to get the tapeand wrap it around his hand. 'Victor' steadfastly refused to say why hewas able to go to Area51--whether he was an employee or a visitor.For those of you who really want to see the footage--worry not! It willbe out on video this summer from Rocket Pictures (productions?).What I think the bigger mystery is is why would a guy who risked his lifestealing USG property sell it to a rinky-dink (no offense) productioncompany rather than give it to Peter Jennings or one of the otherreputable news guys. I mean if the guy is in a postion to observe a livealien at Area51, don't you think he would at least be making a decentsalary?To be fair, I'll withhold my final judgement if I get to see all thefootage. It just smells fishy to me.Cynical? Me? Naaaaaaaaaah.james


Posted by Unknown | at 7:20 PM