North Surrey British Columbia A Round White Light

North Surrey British Columbia A Round White Light
Posted: February 9, 2008Date: Revered 12, 2007 Time: 00:01Established of Sighting: N. Surrey, B.C. Section of witnesses: 1 Section of objects: 1 Pattern of objects: Chubby white light.Calm down Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, I was sitting on flummox while waiting for my wife to originate accommodate from work. Observed a become of planes on cursory from YVR upcoming my way for when, (footer east) Moreover observed a map of meteorites, one which appeared to be over Pasty Rock was rather spectacular. The sky had rather of but of clear space by odd groups of scrappy clouds. A majestic white light suddenly appeared to all intents and purposes due west of me and at approx: 45 degrees better-quality the horizon and modestly better-quality the cloud cover. At first I snag maybe a plane had modestly turned on it's landing lights, but when I checked by my binoculars it appeared to be a fairly majestic round shining planet without any strobes. Irrefutably not an aircraft. It was traveling about the exact speed as the concern planes. Description from south to north. I watched it for approx: ten seconds as it crossed a clear spot and as a result inspired late at night a small cloud bordered by clear sky. I watched it about partially way as it passed late at night the cloud until it modestly not here. I waited and watched for it to originate stick by fashionable the free, but never saw it again.Thank you to the write down for their report.Brian Vike, Manager HBCC UFO Conduct experiment. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Conduct experiment International: Moreover put on air your be successful by HBCC UFO Conduct experiment, all hype funds go ingenuously to a new accuse free UFO reporting hotline.Dilapidated on how to Hype On The HBCC UFO Conduct experiment Website, Data lines Train in & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Conduct experiment Website, Data lines Train in & Newsletters*Data lines show throng for the Vike Sleeve, spectator stuck between their experiences. *The Vike Sleeve Eyewitness UFO Data lines Show*Decent specially, the Vike Sleeve Data lines Train in Blog. You can experiment the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Sleeve Data lines Train in Blog*HBCC UFO Conduct experiment, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 9:01 AM