Metal Man Of Falkville Alabama Missouri Space Penguins Mar 28 2013

Metal Man Of Falkville Alabama Missouri Space Penguins Mar 28 2013
This episode of Bigfoots Pad Paranormal Radio features two topics: The Metal Man Of Falkville, Alabama and the strange tale of the Space Penguins Of Tuscumbria, Missouri. The strange event involving the Metal Man of Falkville, Alabama takes place October 17, 1973, when a police officer Jeff Greenhaw was called out to a scene by a hysterical individual who said a flying saucer had landed nearby. Once on the scene, Jeff witnessed a strange being reportedly made of metal, or in a metal space suit of some kind. During the brief sighting, Jeff managed to snap off 4 photographs of the being which became famous later on. The first report of the Tuscumbria, Missouri space penguins goes back to the Winter of 1967 when a rural farmer, Claude Edwards, reportedly witnessed a flying saucer land on his farm while attending to his livestock. Edwards witnessed what he said was several small (childlike) beings in space suits wandering on his land. The story afterwards involves what Edwards reported as an invisible "force field" and interaction with the beings. What exactly were these strange creatures? Is there still remaining evidence to support these events? Tune in and find out on this exciting episode of BFP Paranormal Radio!


Posted by Unknown | at 6:27 AM