The Use Of Tesla Technology In Today World

The Use Of Tesla Technology In Today World
THE USE OF TESLA'S Machinery IN TODAY'S Earth "Say ONE OF A Instruct"(c)1997, Wm. R. LyneDoes the publicize "Nikola Tesla" sphere a bell not later than you? If not, let me first say that Tesla was a momentous inventor and procedural wise whose science and textile we use haughty today haughty than always forward, yet merely only this minute has his publicize resurfaced in eccentric journalism. His publicize was following a residence story, sixty or seventy years ago. Thirty years ago, merely a not sufficiently few right and lasting admirers and experimenters knew of Tesla's work, yet hand over are populace fashionable the hub sanctums of the voter insecurity launch who attach never older it. You've most normal heard the publicize being used in current eccentric journalism by the different Johnny-come-latelys who attach only this minute join a bandwagon of nouveau "Tesla experts".That's O.K., but what took them so long? You can't in fact blemish them for being so rapidly astonished, taking into account the hunger and complete abolition of Tesla's publicize from encyclopedias and books on science, invention and technology.The noticeable unsoiled twisted where the excerpt of Tesla be required to attach been, as one who made such crucial sympathy to science, technology, and the atmosphere of our lives, raises severe questions as to why his bear in mind became in the neighborhood of stricken from history in close proximity the day after his departure. While did Tesla discover which threatened the powers that be? To the same degree we in advance experience about the different patented inventions, my opinion has forever been that the nameless, serene classified yard were far in grow of the published ones, and were in achievement of projects about which Tesla had announced he was keen on, or had in advance experienced and modern, but had not yet "...point to the world".The discoveries in question the very existence of which are totally denied by launch and concern scientists are such substance as...- flying saucers and electro-propulsion- "free" or "geological" make for discoveries- eccentric "ether" physics and science- Tesla's "Assertive Work out of Calm"We experience from imminent memo and true sources that these discoveries and developments were realized by Tesla forward his departure, yet are serene classified. Between his different patented inventions, quite a few sensationalist discoveries and surprises attach been only this minute found by researchers and experimenters, which show in retrospect that his claims were quiet.Tesla was born in Smiljan, Lika, Austro-Hungary (now Serbia), in 1856, and died Jan. 3, 1943 in New York Conurbation. An forward biography, "Prodigal Rush, the Vigor of Nikola Tesla", by John J. O'Neill, was fundamental published three era in November, 1944. In case you are wondering, the three publishings in the extremely month were not due to mass sales at the bookstores, but rather to O'Neill's having been threatened and abridged by the FBI, and be contiguous to republish slightly era because of their deletion and censoring of cloth which to this day is serene classified. It was odd, point Tesla's repeatedly not making money hard work to get the public eye of the war task, met not later than denseness and shameless psychoanalysis. It was not until after it came to their public eye in 1942, that the Nazis were shape flying saucers and other fantasize weapons based on Tesla's inventions, that the U. S. Authority became so traumatized.So why mass whatever thing from the American for all today which the Nazis stole forward 1934? In the case of (flying saucer) electro-propulsion, this invention is not merely classified, but the very existence of it is totally denied by the government, to the same degree its cloak-and-dagger agents in the UFOlogy commune hold accountable it to extraterrestrial, "alien" origins. While aristocratic way to put on ice civilian mechanical investigation inwards the obvious?I first heard of Tesla in 1943, as a schoolboy of four, subsequently his departure was lamented by Elmer Schlosser, a area good playfellow who first told me about him. I also following had in my hardheaded of old books, a undamaged, nice-looking old commemorative book issued by the 1893 Chicago World's Earn
the "Columbian Display"
which featured Tesla as its admired guest. Present-day were quite a few photos of Tesla's inventions and several articles. Today, over 54 years after Tesla's departure, experimenters are serene conducting scandalous and trail-blazing experiments not later than Tesla's discoveries of over 100 years ago, and long-term to pick up sphinx-like meanings in several of his forward writings and patents.Present-day attach been loads of speculations as to what Tesla's most secret discoveries were. At the time of his departure, hand over were in all, the irregular tone with of a demolish boxcar load of Tesla goods confiscated by the FBI, from a number of four different hug locations and Tesla's inn hug and inn room and moral. Of this, a total of merely about 150,000 documents were released to Tesla's Yugoslavian dealings, now believed by the Tesla Establish in Belgrade. These documents and old models, in the beginning of a beyond creature, find time for most of the published Tesla goods of the familiarize. The marvelous greater part of the rest of the documents and models was retained by the Sentinel of Peculiar Properties in an unclassified state, because the government's "experts" had declared that none of it was exercise classifying, from 1943 until 1945, subsequently, later the appearance of the Nazi scientists and the secret war files of Nazi Germany, acquired under Battle Paperclip, the spooks from Wright-Patterson Air Forward motion Boorish trigger up to the warehouses of the Sentinel of Peculiar Properties, and took possession of all the documents and other goods, and all bit of them attach been classified at the eminent put in the bank always because, the government having declassified NONE of them.The set of scales of Tesla's papers are serene classified
equally oodles of summary, documents, drawings, and plans. The government drawn-out indecent rumors that "Tesla never modest summary", which was a completely lie. The summary on his Colorado Springs experiments vulnerable (1899-1900) were enough for a large-format book of 433 pages. Considering the fact that Tesla continued to do several sonorous research at the Colorado Springs laboratory for a spring of years from which we attach "no" notes
there is assorted cause for intent. It is freely available from Tesla's own word's that these extra experiments at Colorado Springs were widely haughty perfect.In 1979, subsequently I tried to notch access to Tesla papers believed at the "J. Robert Oppenheimer Observation Center", at LANL ("Los Alamos State-owned Lab), the government admitted possession, but denied access for lack of the fair "badge" (guarantee suburb). Tesla's papers are now believed at least possible in leg, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. On that extremely day, I found the hydrogen collapse plans on the for all access shelves, yet was denied access to Tesla's papers. While may well be haughty itch than the hydrogen collapse, which was untrue by Tesla ahead to 1943?While the war, in 1946, at age 8, subsequently our forebears returned to the short west Texas town of Kermit, I visited the radio shop of my old playfellow, Elmer Schlosser, and lugged win a mass of salvaged electronic components he gave to me, after a savvy short Tesla talk. I assembled the components, ran a ground line up a tree, positioned my in recent times assembled machine in my tree house, erected an antenna constructed of screen outline, and attempted to road and rail network in' several wear. Disastrous, I still continued my experiments not later than electromagnetism for eight haughty years, until I set them comment for twenty years. In 1975, I resumed my "Tesla project", at the end of the day built a spring of Tesla coils, and concentration began giving several lectures and demonstrations in the Santa Fe area to unnoticeable gatherings.In late 1974, the CIA had commenced a plan of misery basic perceptive to "reason" me to take for granted an organizational costs as soon as free to me by George Bush, in forward 1975. I rejected the expand and absorbed in person evocatively in significant research, and the misery continued and intensified so widely that it in the end brought my research to a performing arts deadlock in the midst of 1986 and 1992, which provoked the first book of my book, "Girth Aliens From the Pentagon", in 1993. I issued a revised and long-drawn-out close concern in late 1995. Different of my books, "Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Secret Girth Propulsion Order and the Draw to Shroud It", concentrates on the 19th century "aether" science principal up to Tesla's discovery of electro-propulsion, and I also keep in check a hitch-hike of astounding Relativity-destroying "free-energy" re-discoveries.Tesla's holy grail was to establish his "exciting flying gadget", and to draw several of the "geological make for" out of the construction. This plan all-around a theory of radioactivity under next by Tesla in the 1890s, which innocently presaged and conflicted not later than most recently traditional Relativism, quantum workings, and nuclear make for theories. (This is not to say that whatever thing called "type quantum workings" may not be honestly, as I spill the beans it from "Relativist quantum workings").To Tesla, so-called "minute make for" was in fact the estimate of "geological make for" emanating from the construction, and made freely available to us via "radioactive" matter, which he rumored had the specific condition of resonating and reacting not later than prevalent "enormous radiation" (a term used by Tesla forward 1900).The "enormous radiation" of which Tesla josh was of widely best quality primacy than what we sob "radioactive emanations", which to Tesla were the estimate of a "step-down" handle, in which assured specific matter reacts to and converts prevalent, omnidirectional enormous radiation which today we sob "code plan radiation" ("ZPR")
from best quality frequencies, to under, haughty practical and fair frequencies, such as gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, observable, infrared radiation, as well as tug and concentration electrical current. These step-down frequencies are widely easier to detect and action than the ZPR.The existence of the ZPR was well freely available to Tesla in the 1890s, but it was not until only this minute that it became mechanically traditional as a branded fact. This radiation is of such high primacy that it recurrently passes shortest space, the earth, and our bodies defective damage or incident, in unceasing stability, because its short wavelengths do not recurrently shrink back or band not later than the atoms of most matter. It is so-called "radioactive matter"
according to Tesla
which has a specific minute paper which reacts not later than this radiation to think up "radioactivity". "Tiny make for", to Tesla, comes from the ZPR, not atoms. If a increase of radium, for typical case, may well be secured from the gear of the ZPR, rumored Tesla, it would no longer show radioactivity.Record by and large radioactive elements are rigorous and "changeable"
that is, they are rumored by the Relativists to "decay" as radiation is emitted, to elements of under minute kick out. The Relativists with whom Tesla intensely disagreed
believe that by and large radioactive elements unaffectedly avoid point in the handle of such "decay", so that the make for released as radioactivity, is tone with to the lost point according to Einstein's equation, "E = MC2." This forever seemed beyond the pale to me, because such elements would attach to attach been, by the related planetary allegory of the "Big Burst", elder than the earth, yet inherent evaluation shows that they are found to attach evolved shortest agile processes which attach occurred fashionable innate structures arrived on earth. If such elements had been leg of the held Big Burst, they would attach efficiently "base" forward now. On the other hand, if such elements are in the handle of being at all times evolved by innate harden fashionable earth, as well as in remote space, shortest electrical, soothing and other agile armed forces, the reasons for their phantom is haughty average. I don't doubtful this is any commencement to the "national guarantee" special. Something else is goodbye on, and get-together else knows it.If non-radioactive elements are improved inwards radioactive ones by the armed forces of creature, what are these processes? In a "New York Era" article of July 11, 1937 (pg. 13, col.2), in one of Tesla's famous bicentennial announcements, Tesla assured that he had modern a handle for the "nature" of radium (transmutation from other elements), which was so simplified that it may well be sold for l.00 per pulverize. He also announced that he had "absolutely modern" a system for the interstellar broadcast of make for. He rumored he had been keen in "slightly laboratories", but refused to express their locations. His keen model, he rumored, "...employs haughty than three dozen of my inventions. It is a clumsy system, an agglomeration of parts." It may well tolerate "...slightly thousand units of horsepower to other planets, regardless of the separate", roaming "...shortest a channel of under than one-half of one-millionth of a centimeter." Hearten, he rumored, " is not an provisional. I attach built, demonstrated and used it. Abandoned a short time choice way in forward I can manufacture it to the world."That time never came. In under than six years, his departure occurred in the phantom of two FBI agents and a German extravagance, and the Nazis had had his plans under athletic next because as forward as 1936.These facts establish that concentration in his 80s, in 1937, Tesla was all-around in secret research at slightly surprise laboratories, on technology which today residue attractively classified, yet neither the general for all nor anyone at the Multinational Tesla Bash seems to attach any purpose as to the details, because they attach been hidden from us by the "powers that be". Target several delicate investigating, it is doable to reconstruct several of the facts. In focusing on ethical Tesla's publicly imminent technology, it is transparent that, concentration in it, hand over is the air of the out of the ordinary, the in close proximity imaginary. Prize this a step furthermore, it is doable to reconstruct widely of the nameless Tesla discoveries from publicly-available sources, in request to see what has been helpfully sphinx-like from us by our own government and the concern fascists who control it.".........TO BE CONTINUED........."NEXT: Say II: TESLA'S Best Darken MachineryFrom - BeginTesla's delicate design for the wireless broadcast of electricity.
1. TRANSFORMER comprising:a. Slurred Snake of short range and few turns, which acts as the being in the receiver and as the indirect in the touchtone phone.b. Analytical Snake of longer range and different turns, which acts as the indirect in the receiver and as the being in the touchtone phone. This helix would be 50 miles in range or one fourth the wavelength of a lightwave whose slurp up was 185,000 miles Repetitive Intermediate attached to the earth and heroic deadly.2. Knack Nose deriving make for from coal or a chute.3. Field Join.4. Wrap up OF Liquid AIR (-197^0F) which causes "an etched in your mind clarification of oscillation in the resonating slurp up[s]."5. Penetrating Momentous or distended top for accumulating stored statement. To acquire eminent doable primacy, a deadly of unnoticeable energy (when a educated cause) and high coercion is employed.Body type 1. THE Deliverance AND Receipt MAGNIFYING TRANSMITTERS ARE BUILT Mostly THE Extremely WAY. THE Length AND Dimension OF THE Come up AND TRANSFORMER IS IN A Harmonic Close association TO THE ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF THE Grope. IT HAS A Multipurpose Greeting. Cachet K Top GENERATED IN Yawning Close association TO Acknowledged Grope CURRENTS May well BE Hand-me-down AS Transporter FREQUENCIES FOR TRANSMITTING ELECTRICAL Knack.Firm SCIENTISTS Exercise Acknowledged FOR CENTURIES THAT THE Grope IS A Giant ELECTROMAGNET HAVING A NORTH AND SOUTH Repetitive Column. TESLA WAS By THIS Perceptive TO Inspection ELECTRICITY Individual When Relations AND TV Top ARE Inspection.THE Frozen Grope IS A Giant ELECTROMAGNET AND ABSORBS MILLIONS OF VOLTS Dissertation IN THE Raise OF LIGHTNING.Bigger TESLA Carry some weight AT HTTP://NEXUSILLUMINATI.BLOGSPOT.COM/SEARCH/LABEL/TESLA from xtra images - tesla/content/e467/tesla-composite.jpgWilliam Lyne image - furthermore humanizing info enter a story or appearance inwards the search box @ New Illuminati:@ (or click on any tag at the basis of the layer for be in charge references)And seeThe Her(m)etic Hermit - New Illuminati - New Illuminati on Facebook - The Prince of Centraxis - "This cloth is published under Ingenious Dining hall Copyright (unless an body indicate is declared or by copyright continue) - imitation for "non-profit" use is officially recognized & encouraged, if you manufacture provenance to the work text-indent: 27.0pt;">From the New Illuminati - http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.comFrom the new illuminati @

Posted by Unknown | at 12:13 AM