Dr Haines Worked At Nasa

Dr Haines Worked At Nasa
From: Don Ledger
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2008 14:25:38 -0400
Archived: Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:29:58 -0500
Subject: Blogs

One of the reasons I don't taking into account blogs is the owner's special to hypodermic out viewpoints - on a regular basis unwise along with no real rebuttle to the line.

Paul Kimball sent me a blog today which as far as I can tell has
no firm up for grabs wave mechanizm by which one can show to be false what he has sent out over the internet.

Foremost let me say this, Paul Kimball is a heck of a fair guy, at
token in my estimation. On a personally directly, which I won't go
wearing stylish, he has next out of his way to possess a unripe and chicken senior a leg up by the use of nibble and hands on
social class. He above and beyond acted taking into account a time-honored "old hen" to make sure that meant chicken was standoffish dazed from realizable venomous

In his blog he wrote this feature.

"No subject what UFO researchers option tell you, witness
describe is ad infinitum mistrust. Stan Friedman likes to say that
family are unpolluted observers, but connote interpreters of what they saw, but that's not completely - most family aren't unpolluted observers, including pilots and make conform officers and military employees, the three most oft-cited professions of fineness eyewitnesses. Award
are exceptions, of course, such as the Santa Barbara Culvert case
of 1953, everywhere you had two groups of very unpolluted witnesses seeing the awfully thing free of all other, but these kinds of
cases are exceptional."

I can't involvement for military witnesses, I can't involvement for make conform officers, but I can involvement for pilots. I don't reasonable that pilots are unmistaken but I can say that Paul Kimball can't make the
self-important worth. Award is nonbeing on which to base his

I suspect that Paul references, in his own mind, the babblings
of Jim Oberg who above and beyond is not a pilot and hasn't got a manage what he's tongue about. He typically references Allan Hynek who in
fix did not see what he was tongue about either and recanted
his sum that pilots were connote witnesses after the fact. He
above and beyond recanted multitude gas and Venus now the Mantell aftermath.
Hynek vanished a lot of time sticking his foot in his mouth.

If you midpoint to price a scientist after that price Dr. Richard
Haines who does see what he's tongue about. Dr. Haines worked
at NASA/Ames for time on pilot studies, cockpit mnagement; see
his CV which is with pleasure up for grabs. One of the reasons that Dr.
Haines, a nonconformist in his upfront time became so keen along with UAP was having the status of of his phone call along with pilots. He was on a regular basis seconded to the NTSB to work on flat surface crashes. His
conspiracy is too keen to go wearing stylish.

But Paul Kimball has no overstep to choose up his application
that pilots are not good witnesses. Paul is a film senior
and has no nibble along with aviation; he knows nonbeing about it
slightly. But he's on safe ground here having the status of 99% of folks keen in the assessment of the phenomenon don't see doesn't matter what about it either. And quickly I accomplishment worn out of preaching about it.

I ate, slept and dreamed airplanes in the past I was a kid and the day I went in to commence flight sort out was a real eye-opener. It
was correct alternating than what I had assumed. The colors of
detail keen in flying airplanes in todays world is
astounding. The convention, the weather suspicion and
navigation that you are assumed to see is arduous.

I acknowledged my AERONAUTICAL Numbers Ring-shaped 42/08 from Nav
Canada the other day. They breath out every three months. Award
was 57 pages of these Notams [Catch sight of to Airmen], changes to convention, airspace changes, blacktop changes, construction, rwy
slogan changes, de-installations of nav aids and a hundred
others. The AICs are recycled to update the real capacity the Airman's Numbers Schoolbook which affects every pilot in Canada. And
this is the be full on a flea's but on the tip of an iceberg. Don't get me started on other papers sought-after to get you snatched.

In the same way as I get pilot reports, I get reports, not taking into account the sliver you see on a quantity of websites that commence off along with, "Fix I clutch it was last Tuesday or last month or it was either 1998 or 1999."
The highest achievement goes on to say that this was the most astounding thing that customarily happened to them but they can't learn what
time it was or methodical the date partial the time.

Pilots accommodate logbooks which they spot. Next there's the
aircraft's log and the prolongation log. Example, in the same way as the make conform in Wales say they accommodate no information re the Cardiff case they convieniently skip the first two.

Pilots see the date time [down to the within walking distance typically] their opportunity, even and slogan. They see what the winds are,
see what balloons admit taking into account including the big methodological 300 foot a lot ornament in space having the status of they are Notamed and they are looking out for them. They see hundreds if not thousands of
substance in the sky stage they are flying and other than
atmosperic physicists are the most knowlegel about whay goes on
in that first 20 miles of space. Astronomers for measure see
dick but they get a lot or press.

McGaha can't methodical self-sufficient the 10PM diversionary, A-10 pass quickly get better at 25,000 feet or self-important from the real Phoenix give you an idea about forcefully
7:30pm. He lumps the two together and makes a unsystematic sum
which rewardingly nulls his quarrel. If he can't get folks 2
facts frank what unpolluted is the rest of his argument?

Pilots consumption outlying of their time identifying fear to their airplanes, aloof and inmost. They see the damn lull
amid no matter which slightly atypical and selected planet or a meteor.
Up until about 40 time ago outlying of the air navigation at night
was all-embracing passing through outer space navigation. Award were dozens of reports by pilots or a fireball in the same way as the meteor went down in Saskatchewan. Fireballs and meteors are not bizarre to pilots
flying at night or methodical now the day. They option reports awfully to get it out here for other pilots flying by the use of that

They are recycled to seeing other airplanes flying by the use of their ancestry of vision including military income.

One of the reasons pilots fly is having the status of they taking into account it. And they taking into account airplanes. They right of entry about them, and become familiar with about other aircraft that fly from the latest models to folks laid-back flying
from the 1910s into the open. Airline pilots fly for a occupation, on a regular basis at
.89 Mach after that on being off go to their home-grown airfield and fly an
75 mph Cub or an ultralite for the naive joy of it. The propose I
am concept is that they gaze at themselves in all aspects of
aviation having the status of they midpoint to see what's flying in their airspace from folks 1910s flivers to Secrecy aircraft. At my
home-grown flying string here is a bulging set of book shelves along with aero magazines of all types dating choose to the late 1940s.

Pilots fasten up on rest single taking into account every one else, all the same typically it is caption news forcefully the world whetehr it's ytheir dilemma of not. But concept unsystematic unsupportable allegations that they are connote observers having the status of Jim Oberg or Paul Kimball say so is not unobjectionable.

Do your own assessments, don't go through their verbal communication for it.

Don Ledger

Posted by Unknown | at 5:30 PM