Haunted Skies Blog 1St August 2012

Haunted Skies Blog 1St August 2012
Thanks to my son, Keith, I am now on Twitter, and am tweeting everyday, which I quite enjoy as it spreads the message about Haunted Skies even further!

We have now completed the check for errors on Volume 6 and are looking forward to correcting these, and completing this Jubilee edition of the series.

We are always on the look out for people who can help us with illustrations. We currently have Jason and Steve doing work for us, but if there is anyone who would like to help, by all means contact us at johndawn1@sky.com This work is unique and has never been attempted before. So you know where we are........

If anyone has information on UFO sightings for the period 1978-1979 please contact us. Also if you can assist with any sightings for Volume 8, which will cover the Rendlesham Forest incident, please get in touch.

" Authors at Little Alien Inn, Rachel, Nevada, USA"

From Robert Moore:

The date for Seriously Unidentified, to be held at the University of Worcester, has now been set for the 17th November 2012. We have assumed this date will be amenable to most speakers as no one mentioned any impediment to selecting this date.

Speakers to date include: Lionel Beer Sacha Claire Christie, Kevin Goodman, Andy Russell, Trystan Swale, Robert Moore, and Paul Vella with several others to be confirmed as time progresses. More news as it happens.

Kind regards

Seriously Unidentified

Robert Moore.

" Focus (MOD) June 1996"


BRILLIANT MOON-SHAPED COLANDERPeterborough pensioners Dorothy Bird (71) and Anne Bingham (84) were outside their home address at Stanground, Peterborough on or about the 22nd of July 1990 when they noticed what they took to be a brilliant moon shining in through the windows at 6.45pm, (which could not have been the explanation as the moon rises in the east).

On going outside, they saw an object the size and shape of a big red glowing colander hovering in the sky; five minutes later it disappeared from sight. (Source: "Peterborough Evening Telegraph "24.7.90 'Pensioners spot glowing red UFO')


On 25th July 1990 An 'enormous round shiny craft glistening in the sunlight' was sighted in the sky next to a power cable by delivery man, Peter Simpson who was dropping off a parcel in Millgreen Road, Mitcham, when he saw the unusual object which then disappeared making a whooshing noise. (Source: "Croydon Post "Surrey 'Peters UFO encounter') UFO leaves ground traces?)


On the 30th of July 1990 four members of a family from Hopton, Great Yarmouth, sighted a "red object with a rear light apparently descending over farmland, the following morning a circular impression was found in the grass surrounded by ten equidistant smaller circles" (Source: Ivan W Bunn /David Dane/"Eastern Daily Press").

This would appear to have been the same evening when a, "cylindrical object showing two large red lights at, the top and bottom with an orange light either side of the middle making a heavy laboured noise" was seen by Porton resident, Jane Manning Philips at 10.30pm, who watched it fly over Porton School towards Highpost, and then round to Boscombe Down, where it disappeared from view (Source: "The Avon Advertiser "Fordingbridge 8.8.90 'Did you see it asks Porton Physiotherapist'/personal interview)


An appeal in the local newspaper attracted a reply from Mr. J.V. King who wrote to the "Avon Advertiser "on the 22nd of August 1990, informing the readers of having seen an identical object at 6.30am at Salisbury in May of that year, described as a" 'glowing red object, seen to move backwards at an amazing speed'." BATTERIES FLATTENED BY UFO

Five days later on the 4th of August 1990, a member of a farming family at Knapton near North Walsham, Norfolk was disturbed by dogs barking, and what sounded like a power saw cutting through timber. When they looked outside they saw a bright orange globe covered in lights rotating on its outer edge in the sky. The next morning they discovered the batteries in the tractor to be flat, along with the discovery of circular impressions found in the nearby barley crop. (Source: David Dane/artist/UFO researcher)


'"Three strange lights forming a triangle"' were seen in the sky over Stainland Yorkshire at 5am on 16th of August 1990 by residents Ronald Farrar and his wife Muriel, (Source: "Halifax Courier and Guardian" newspaper 'Lights in the sky' mystery 16.8.90)

"Woman's Own "25th March 1995

" Woman's Realm "11th June 1996

Posted by Unknown | at 4:45 AM