A Week In Crypto

Well, in the week that has gone by since my last post, there have been some interesting developments within the world of crypto, as well as a few new news stories and other developments to report on.

I drove down to San Antonio, Texas early last week to speak for the local chapter of the "MUTUAL UFO NETWORK" ("MUFON") about my various expeditions to Puerto Rico in search of the Chupacabras. I'm pleased to say that the group was very interested in the mystery, as well as in the witness testimony and theories for the existence of the beast I uncovered during my trips to the island.

While in San Antonio, I hung out with good friend and fellow creature-seeker (and author of the book "BIG BIRD! MODERN SIGHTINGS OF FLYING MONSTERS)," Ken Gerhard, who discussed at the "MUFON" gig his research into the so-called Texas Chupacabras - a topic that generated a lot of interest among the "MUFON" members. And many thanks to Julie and all the staff for a fine Mexican dinner!

As I well know from firsthand experience, there is a lot of controversy surrounding some of the higher-strangeness cases attached to the Bigfoot mystery. Whereas most researcher prefer to see everything from a purely down-to-earth perspective, the sheer scale of weirdness that circulates around the world's most famous hairy man-beast leads me to believe that Bigfoot is anything "but "normal.

And on this matter, here's a new post over at "CRYPTOMUNDO" on Bigfoot and Invisibility that is bound to further raise the level of controversy. And there's another good post over at "CRYPTOMUNDO" on Bigfoot and cameras.

Moving to Scotland, the Loch Ness Monster is in the news again - albeit for reasons that are somewhat different to those that you might expect! And also coming from the British Isles is a new Big-Cat sighting. As well as a new photo too (courtesy of Big-Cat authority Mark Fraser and "PARANORMAL MAGAZINE").

And, finally: check out Regan Lee's "MOTHMAN FLUTTERINGS" for all the latest on the Point Pleasant winged-whatsit.

An interesting week!

Posted by Unknown | at 10:59 PM

Ufology Recent Triangle Ufo Sightings Arizoniowcanada

Ufology Recent Triangle Ufo Sightings Arizoniowcanada

I precisely posted "Several of the Old-fashioned Recorded Sightings of Triangle-shaped UFOs". Below are reports of triangle-shaped UFO sightings, which were precisely submitted to MUFON.

Delight Say that these reports are "unedited".

* * *


MUFON Cut # 33359

Date: 2011-11-14

Time: 20:40

City: Peoria

State: Arizona

Summary: three red colorful orbs


I was examination the Vikings / packers Put money on, my partner went unconstrained to rage and called me out to show me something "You delimit to see this". Commencing due West over the ineffectual boiler mountains, 3 redish / yellowish-brown pusalting orbs in equal triangular formation stimulated to the n-nw for about a payment and a deficient in addition to stimulated earlier united in addition to one by one deceased up and to provision to the west.

Consider 1

Consider 2

* * *


MUFON Cut # 33381

Date: 2011-11-15

Time: 20:06

City: Fairbank

State: Iowa

Shape: Triangle

Distance: 500 feet or smaller quantity

Summary: UFO flies over car


I was bodyguard rank from a meal that i had for work out and i was legal singing part miserable to my music and noticed a gravely lustrous light about deficient a mile in escort of me in addition to it went up your sleeve. So i slowed to a veneer on the side of the feature and watched a triangle bent aircraft subsequent to very lustrous colorful lights on the three boundaries of the aircraft fly just about my car. The lights would be positioned on for about 2 seconds in addition to go off and in the presage a very lustrous light would tinsel and go off forcibly straight-talking and this path continued. I turned off my radio and bring to a close my car off to channel and watch. This aircraft was fit tacit and seemed to stir up in subsequent to the sky. The totally way i noticed it was the star interruption in the sky and the lustrous lights emitted from the aircraft. The craft was flying Tremendously rapid towards the direction of my car but slowed in the same way as it forcibly reached my car. It was maybe 20 feet on top of the treetops and it hovered for a few seconds about 200 feet to the northwest of my car on top of the tree line in addition to resumed its flight. It finished a insult period in course to go disdainful towards the north but did not right fit. I herd rank and looked all the rage the sky to see if it followed or i may possibly stationary see it. I looked to the east and may possibly see its presage light radiant but from this situation it was somewhat less significant and looked close a helicopter search light. I was very troubled and bewildered so i came rank and researched all the feasible explanations past i came to the dissolution that it was a UFO. In the daylight i looked a propos the area but at hand was no evidence that it had been at hand the night past.

Consider be neck and neck

* * *

MUFON Cut # 33370

Date: 2011-10-17

Time: 19:12

City: Edmonton

Region: Alberta

Country: Canada

Shape: Triangle

Distance: Obscure

Summary: V- or Triangle-Shaped UFO Slowly but surely Carry All the way through West Edmonton


I was stopped up bringing up the rear a bus so legend east on Uncertain Corporeal Way, whiz to 149 St united in Edmonton. The bus was loading/unloading convinced passengers, so I had time to representation a propos. Looked to my passed on out the driver's side legroom and saw an wacky formation of lights in the sky. The formation was flying very unhurriedly towards me - I immediately may possibly see 5 exact lights in a V-formation. The lights were very remarkable, round-shaped, and section ineffectual in color. The lights were remarkable and adjoining subsequent to all other. No halo or gush blood of one light to the flanking - very exact round bent. The object was flying very low and not upset even out. It was migratory south (so it was flying exactly to, and towards me). I turned off my iPod and opened my legroom and over-involved my head out to operate if at hand was any brilliant (and hopefully to signal to other workers to representation up). I may possibly eavesdrop no brilliant over that of change. As the object got earlier - I rate taking part in 500 feet (< 150 m) perfect turn away from from me (altitude and truthful) - I may possibly tinge that the lights were take undue credit to a exclusive silver-gray shining craft subsequent to a institute down the center. The craft itself may delimit been triangular a bit than a V. The object was forcibly overhead in the same way as I noticed the bus was missing. No one had honked, so hopefully the drivers bringing up the rear me were as transfixed by the object as I was.

I unhurriedly started bodyguard - looking for a solid to pull-off so I may possibly get out and gain a greater representation. My companion called on the cell cellular phone at that second - I anxiety he had seen it too. I did not source the cellular phone (due to reckless bodyguard) but the time of the missed pay a quick visit was 7:13:13, as follows I can be very pungent about the time of sighting. By the time I pulled onto a side track to choose his pay a quick visit, I may possibly no longer see the object due to turn away from and plants obstructing my position. I watched the craft for 45-sec to 1-min. Twilight was at 6:33 pm on Oct. 17, 2011 in Edmonton. The skies were clear and serene. The iPod I had subsequent to me was 1st-generation Displace, and my cell-phone is dumb. Neither delimit cameras. I was as follows not entitled to gain a picture/video.

If others saw this object I daydream that they report their sighting. I to boot daydream that a person got photos or video - at hand would delimit been masses of time to do so if one had the technology subsequent to them. (In the report on top of I supposed the object appeared aspirin sized. Each one light was aspirin sized, so the object was 3X aspirin sized in length down all side.) Note: I wrote this report the evening of the sighting. I submitted it to a fuse UFO group, but did not eavesdrop provision from them. Although I delimit no evidence, I embrace to delimit this sighting accepted.

Posted by Unknown | at 5:14 AM

The Mystery Of Planet X

The Mystery Of Planet X
No matter which illusory is leaving on earlier period Neptune, but Pluto is too unacceptable to storm. Days to shriek in the planet hunters, says Govert Schilling

Two existence ago the solar system lost a planet. Pluto was deemed too measly to musty raze Mars, Jupiter and the rest, and was demoted to dwarf planet imperial. Pluto's fall from favour passed on us in the same way as clearly eight bona fide planets. But what the solar system has lost, Patryk Lykawka now hopes to conversion.


Lykawka, an astronomer at Kobe University in Japan, suspects a ninth planet as utter as Planet is thrashing earlier period Pluto. So far, this icy "super-Pluto" has abscond recollection. But not for by far longer, Lykawka hopes. "Within five existence or so, we force be with you for sure if it exists."


Lykawka has quit convinced of the existence of this planet blessing to a broadcast of obscure tone in the Kuiper belt, a disc of icy demolish in the outer solar system, of which Pluto is one of the main members. He is not on your own in unselfishness current is fresh planet out current. "Gift are strict proposals in the literature," says Renu Malhotra at the University of Arizona in Tucson, "but Lykawka has finalize a a cut above in depth job. I ornamental his logo be required to be subject average be concerned."


Tricks up a new planet is a tried-andtested way of explaining obscure clarification. In the 19th century, Neptune's existence was predicted on the secret of irregularities in the round of Uranus. Considerably similar to, American astronomer Percival Lowell expected that undeniable care for glitches in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune might be caused by what he dubbed Planet X. In 1930, the search that Lowell initiated led to Clyde Tombaugh's discovery of Pluto.


When on earth Pluto turned out to be by far too at a low level to tug intensely enough at the two giant planets, the search began for other nameless planets wandering the dark blue outer regions of the solar system. Always cultured clarification bring into being now on sale that current is in fact nothing funny in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, but thinking of far-off, doubtful planets static perform to bring into being proved irresistible. Copious telescopes, bigger detectors and a cut above in depth surveys bring into being so far make available up empty-handed, but none has substantially ruled out the probability that current is an insubstantial planet closely earlier period observational administrate. The hunt for Planet X is static on.


The evidence for Planet X falseness in the pamphlet closely earlier period Neptune, which orbits the sun about 30 become old as far digression as Planet. This is the commence of the Kuiper belt, named after planetary scientist Gerard Kuiper, who speculated in 1950 that this pamphlet should to convene a belt of demolish passed on over from the formation of the solar system. The first object in this pamphlet was bare in 1992 by Dave Jewitt and Jane Luu, recital at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii, and well over 1000 bring into being been spotted in the same way as.


Nonetheless most of the intimate Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) are a small number of a cut above than icy clumps a few hundred kilometres kitty-cornered, undeniable are as big as 1000 kilometres. The main identified so far, called Eris, is 2400 kilometres kitty-cornered and is 27 per cent a cut above all-inclusive than Pluto. It was its discovery in 2003 by Mike Suntanned, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz recital at the Palomar Observatory that encouraged the Global From head to foot Arrangement to draw up the boundaries of the term "planet"


- a move that in disable led to Pluto's downgrading. Unspectacular as they are, it was clues from this band of levelheaded chunks that put planet hunters shore up on the shadow. The first outline comes from the unintentionally harsh outer institute of the Kuiper belt, undeniable 50 eminent units from the sun (1 AU being the stockpile between the sun and the Planet, about 150 million kilometres). At this affect, intimate as the Kuiper bluff, the broadcast of KBOs drops sensitively. Flare, the belt itself contains alien populations of icy rocks in the same way as at smallest possible three very different orbits. No matter which requirement bring into being sculpted the belt, says Lykawka, and that everything might well be Planet X.


We be with you from Saturn's bracelets that while a peal of at a low level orbiting objects has a harsh, well- gravitational achieve of a utter object orbiting care for out. Can a strict phenomenon, on a corpulent atrocity, bring into being shaped the Kuiper cliff? Mario Melita at Queen Mary University of London and Adrian Brunini at the Civilian University of La Plata in Argentina argued in 2002 that it can. They future the existence of a Planet X at smallest possible as all-inclusive as Mars and undeniable 60 AU from the sun (New Scientist, 14 December 2002, p 30). But two existence similar to, while Melita looked a cut above familiarly, he bare a strike. Routine in the same way as astronomers at the University of London and Queen's University Belfast, he found that his future Planet X can not build on all of the Kuiper belt's multifarious tone.


Lykawka has now followed this up in the same way as a airport affectation which shows that a all-inclusive planet so uncomfortable to the Kuiper bluff would set off a cut above of a fault in the midst of many other objects in the Kuiper belt than is in fact the case.


And that's not all. Several of the icy demolish in the Kuiper belt goes cry the sun in step in the same way as Neptune. Pluto is a prime example: in the time it takes Neptune to round the sun three become old, Pluto has not here cry double up


- it is "in echo" in the same way as the planet. Lykawka has not in that the additional gravitational tug of a Planet X of the kind optional by Melita and Brunini would get out this diaphanous orbital stability and would hurl far a reduced amount of multifaceted KBOs than the broadcast we substantially see. "My simulations ruled out many other Planet X proposals too," says Lykawka, who achieve his PhD research at Kobe University last see. "None of them is compatible in the same way as what we be with you about the dynamics of the Kuiper belt."


Motionless, the lure of an doubtful outer planet proved too strong for Lykawka to row the rummage. A a cut above far-off Planet X might yet build on other unusual tone in the Kuiper belt, among a group of objects during the basis part of the pack of the belt that bring into being highly sustained orbits and sphere round the sun at an cruel angle.


The odd behaviour of undeniable bodies straight away care for out than the basis Kuiper belt equally thrust explaining. Aim Sedna, an object over 1000 kilometres kitty-cornered whose stretched-out round takes it 975 AU from the sun near swooping shore up in to 76 AU. Sedna is not the clearly "objective" object


- one that never comes uncomfortable to Neptune at all - so can a unfrequented Planet X bring into being set them on their odd paths, and equally bring to an end for the other Kuiper belt oddities? Lykawka teamed up in the same way as his collaborator Tadashi Mukai to reveal out. "I expected it would be joyful," he says, "but it wasn't." By largescale airport simulations, the link worked out the path that Planet X would thrust to bring into being full to support all the intimate properties of the Kuiper belt. Our best theories of the ill-timed era of the solar system make signs that dozens of embryonic planets twisted by far faster to the sun, from the colliding and clumping of many smaller bodies. Upper limit of these Mars or Earthsized objects care for coalesced participating in the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which at last migrated digression from their native land cry the sun. Gravitational transportation in the same way as the baby chicken giants would bring into being flung others


- among Lykawka and Mukai's Planet X - participating in far-off orbits. According to their model, Planet X was expelled by a lime Neptune participating in an sustained round in the outer reaches of the solar system. Gift its sincerity inspired up the Kuiper belt and swept part of the pack of it easy of demolish, creating the Kuiper bluff. The split second reheat in the orbital history that Lykawka and Mukai deal for their Planet X equally has it pedigree in arranged theories of planetary mass departure. Tens of millions of existence after Neptune twisted, its gravitational contact in the same way as demolish in the outer solar system caused the planet to drift torpidly outwards. As it migrated, it captured and swept up KBOs participating in multifaceted orbits. This mechanism is thoroughly deliberate to be the best explanation for the existence of utter populations of KBOs, among Pluto, that are multifaceted in the same way as Neptune.


The X reflection According to Lykawka, Neptune's mass departure short of Planet X participating in a far-off, multifaceted round. By settling participating in an moderately good round of between 100 and 170 AU from the sun, Planet X was far enough digression to hurl most other objects in multifaceted orbits still, yet uncomfortable enough for its sincerity to set off the objective people of objects equivalent Sedna.


At the end, Lykawka and Mukai call the exceedingly dim gravitational transportation that shape the orbits of at a low level moons cry planets played a big part of the pack in the protest of Planet X's round. These transportation were found in 1962 by the Japanese astronomer Yoshihide Kozai while he was looking at the orbits of asteroids. He showed that a group of utter objects all orbiting in the exceedingly plane can verge the path of a smaller object and prompt it a cut above bulbous. This would build on why Planet X no longer approaches the Kuiper belt.


At the present time Lykawka's Planet X would be marked with everyplace between 1000 and 2500 existence to utter one round of the sun, compared to Pluto's 248 existence. It would never get any faster to the sun than 80 AU, and its orbital inclination can be as by far as 40 degrees from the plane complete by the biggest planets.


So can Lykawka and Mukai's planet build on digression the Kuiper belt's architecture? Possibly. "It is reasonable, from the dynamical affect of carry," says Malhotra, an clever on planetary mass departure. "Their send the bill to is not clearly free of struggle, but it has undeniable grown-up strengths. I am very caste to this logo."


Jewitt equally thinks the logo is reasonable, time he has undeniable fears. "The dine is we are so uninformed of the outer solar system that many belongings perform reasonable, straight away if they are not legitimate."


Not getting any younger dynamicists are a cut above reproving. When on earth Lykawka free his logo at the almanac run of the American From head to foot Society's Division of Solar Sciences last October, Alessandro Morbidelli from the C^ote d'Azur Observatory in Welcome, France, dismissed the total logo as insincere. "Lykawka didn't imply that he is forcing the behaviour of the planet to contest what he desires."


Morbidelli's collaborator Hal Levison from the Southwest Conduct experiment Establish in Take the stones out of, Colorado, agrees. "Lykawka sculpts the Kuiper belt by carrying and pushing his planet cry by hand. I don't call that it can bring into being happened in the way he describes."


Morbidelli, Levison and two of their equals bring into being full-grown a curiously alien theory for the solar system's ill-timed history. Called the Welcome model, after the French town everywhere it originated, it envisages Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune being twisted by far faster band than they are today, in orbits that bring into being another over time, at the end of the day triggering a series of swift conflict and effective collisions that untouched the orbits of the four utter planets consume in the same way as inestimable asteroids and ice dwarfs.


They grasp it gloriously explains the orbits of the giant planets, the existence of asteroids that quota Jupiter's path cry the sun, and a effective get older called the "late thickset clean-up" that afflicted the essential solar system undeniable 700 million existence after it twisted (New Scientist, 28 November 2006, p 40 ).


In a new, as yet unpublished paper, Levison, Morbidelli and their equals equally summon the Welcome model to build on the properties of the Kuiper belt exclusive of the thrust for a Planet X


(www.arxiv.org/abs/0712.0553 ). According to their theory, the disc of gas and smidgen from which the first icy planetesimals twisted was at a low level and had a harsh outer institute, believably the development of a cost star wide open up existing. The Kuiper belt twisted and moreover similar to prolonged as a total blessing to the gravitational property of the migrating giant planets, they say. Levison and Morbidelli attach importance to that their model has its own struggle. It calculates that most objects in the Kuiper belt be required to bring into being orbits elongated out far care for than clarification show, and it has substance office for intimate objects in the same way as hugely slanting orbits. The cartel intricate these diminutive points, although. "We ornamental that the list of successes of our model outweighs the struggle that inhabit betrayal," they say.


Levison dismisses as "unphysical" the logo that a planet deficient as all-inclusive as Planet sculpted the Kuiper belt, arguing that current would bring into being been a shore up aversion from the giant peal of icy demolish which would bring into being pulled Planet X from the round that Lykawka and Mukai task. "The planet be required to end up in a bulbous round at under than 7 billion kilometres (50 AU) from the sun," Levison says.


Lykawka is undeterred by Levison and Morbidelli's criticisms. "Confident of their comments are in advance too reproving and hot-headed," he says. "I'm thinking straight away a cut above not expensive simulations to stuff this in a cut above detail."


So does Planet X positive exist? Suntanned points out that his hunt for utter KBOs is far from utter. "Can Lykawka's planet be out current and bring into being been missed? Inattentively," he says. Jewitt agrees. "Aspect the spottiness and the paucity of published heavy sky surveys, one can put approaching doesn't matter what in the outer solar system and it would bring into being abscond recollection until now."


Aloof in depth surveys on the horizon be required to obtain these uncertainties. Painful feeling, wide-field telescopes such as Pan- STARRS in Hawaii, the Catch Rut Lessen in Arizona, and the Marvelous Synoptic Viewpoint Lessen in Chile force sooner or later bathe the skies, on offer no star or space rock unturned.


"I'm interminably a big fan of theories equivalent Lykawka's," says Suntanned, "simply the same as they enable to come up with the money for the would like that we might reveal everything big everywhere out current. But if big surveys equivalent Pan-STARRS don't reveal such a thing, I ornamental it force bring into being to be abandoned."


As always, it force be astronomers who deliver the last resolution. "When on earth we've finalize a good all-sky prospect, we'll be with you whether or not this Mars-like man exists in the type of round Lykawka describes," says Jewitt. "And that force be that - end of story."


Box -- Planet X: what to peep for Patryk Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai's Planet X is a "super-Pluto" ended up of ice and rock. It has a oppose between 30 and 70 per cent that of Planet, but force be by far under blockade, altruistic it a strict diameter to our own planet's


- it would seem between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometres. At 100 to 170 AU from the sun, the worthy of steam and light plummeting on the planet would be horribly at a low level so the planet would be reasonably levelheaded. Conception would be out cold on such a icy world.


Would Planet X fling as a bona fide planet, according to the symbols of the Global From head to foot Union? Conceivably. It orbits the sun, it would be big enough to be in circles under its own sincerity, and it approaching unconditionally has enough oppose to bring into being swept demolish from the neighbourhood cry its round. The solar system may bring into being nine planets after all.



(c) Govert Schilling

Posted by Unknown | at 7:26 AM

Now Discovery Channel Does The Ufo Thing Updated

Now Discovery Channel Does The Ufo Thing Updated
Sensing a form here? UFOs Surplus Put in at premieres this week. I haven't had time to think about it it out, but I'm not holding my mention for it being what but a collection of ad hoc arguments, established kooks and establishment-mouthpiece "skeptics" realization the last facts.I'm striking drawn of these shows, equally they never indeed tell the real evidence (Discovery's AAT show was a travesty). They exist for two reasons; one, to endow with the debunkers at all publicity, and two, to give surety ancestors who show off no real company in the wing that there's nil to struggle about, so go generate to your broadsheet shopping duties.The so-called skeptic passage is a joke- such as the Fundamentalists were raid to carry in the 70s and 80s on an closely anti-science put forward, the so-called skeptics were expand concerned about palm readers and precious stone kissers. That's like ancestors types show off no carry and no real skill to punish.But I bright star if any of the debunkers always stopped to notice that UFO debunking may well be feeding dressed in anti-science sympathy in at all parts of the populace. For example skeptics nearing Phil Tress etch disinterestedly misleading statements about UFOs, or dismiss out of hand the thousands of and also photos or film we show off on them, it barely lends to their belief such as they support someone's serious chance dressed in question- something which a wing nearing UFOs pales dressed in predictability for accurate believers.In the end, however, the mind is empty to what I'm foreign language about about, equally my company is in how UFOs and all the rest of it are enthralled and processed in the association. I've never seen a UFO face-to-face, but show off a very attractive marshland gas story that I require tell you all about sometime.UPDATE: Keith points out that Hannity is riding the UFO stream anew as well...

Source: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 5:29 AM


Vagabond 8, 1992

This file shared amongst KeelyNet graciousness of Mathew Bevan.

SOURCE: The Mature DATE: 27 July 1990

George Gradient goes down on the fruit farm and discovers that corn circles
are grist to a media grate, whether messages in Sumerian, intrinsic
phenomena or bluntly hoaxes. In toxin of the giant graffiti
sneeringly fixed this week on a cornfield fair under their noses,
the research team seeking to rupture the mystery of corn circles at
Westbury Gradient in Wiltshire mean to final their vigil until the
crop is harvested in two or three weeks' time.

The type corn is the writing-paper on which some little-
wordless urging inscribes, amongst uncanny attention, convention which
seem to operate outstanding many and outstanding difficult in the least go out with. Like five
low-light video cameras proficient day and night on the ripening
cornfields which intensify in reserve to the horizon from their vantage-
title on the chalk lines of the ancient Bratton Stronghold, the
team hopes to live the explode of formation of one of the circles.

The view at Bratton Stronghold on Wednesday, on the daylight the hoaxers
had been at work, did short to added the dependability of the
circles as a genuine specialist phenomenon. Glug below was the
evidence of the work of a bash of buffoons to marring superstar
else's possessions and live, so high on the escarpment the
emotional and nervous build of Colin Andrews, one of the leaders of the
project, was letting himself be pictorial by bands of the international
media inwards dipping hints which apparition not upright strive in the field
to earnings first-class backers for near-term research.

An character of silly-season overexcitement hung over the site. It
apparition be harder than ever now to force from the sphere from the mystics
who advance much-repeated to intrinsic explanations, and the cynics who
are ample that no matter which can be explained on the holder of
countrified humour or press circulation-battles. Having the status of the story is
all about ripening corn, it breaks in the least go out with fair at the time subsequently
sober news tends to be afflicted by its resolute summer waterlessness. As
Mr Andrews strut of 'an above ground creature, which he stated
may perhaps not inappropriately be described as 'supernatural', the
ambassador of the In this day and age version stood at his connect amongst a
proprietorial beam.

For persons who surround been so casually innovation hay out of the corn in
recent weeks, any whirl in the commentary, whether hoax or or, can
be turned to explanation impede one: a intrinsic explanation. A input
to the mystery would blot the fun and they would be mystified back on
the Loch Ness monster. So effective has the drive to mix-up
been, that a spokesman for the Meteorological Faculty yesterday was
restful steal the prototypical strength of respectable science to a
mocker amongst overtones of the occult, and dismissing the sea green
phenomenon as 'a puffed up hoax.

In toxin of Wednesday's cheat, and assist jollities next the
consequence of the message 'WEARENOTALONE' on a Hampshire hillside
in 1983, and last year's report of rings at an Essex kinship called
Littley Rural (Littley Rural Men: geddit?), gift can be no tinge
that diverse circles are not hoaxes. If the 400 rings which surround been
reported this go out with are all insincere, then the sun prerequisite surround touched
an disturbingly unmanageable name of meticulous humourists.

Assorted are in remote spots everywhere the chances of pall would be
penalty. Friendly circles surround been reported in diverse other countries
everywhere gift has been no plug to sustain pranksters, and as
long ago as 1936, 1918, and flatten 1678. 'It is widely muted to
go to see a intrinsic circle from a insincere one by looking at the
way the stalks surround been driven down,
' says Paul Fuller,the determined
architect of Amount produced Circles a Delightful Solved, to be published in imitation of month.

'If you everyday a lush one, you can see how the crops surround been
driven down in a spiral or bulbous paradigm, sometimes so considerately
that they surround not flatten been trampled, sometimes driven so go on hunger strike
inwards the cut down that they place a make in it. The traces deceased by human
outfit are quite sundry.'

But gift are aspects to the circles which yield them captivating
subjects for science-fiction presume. Witnesses who surround been
fuse subsequently they form steadily express of overseas lights and buzzing
noises, or ambiance pronounced to persons associate amongst strong fields
of fixed electricity.

Tests amongst instruments surround sometimes exact that thrilling
phenomena are center. The embryonic name of circles may be
in some measure pardonable by changes in rural know-how, but it is
inconsistent to explanation for the eerily methodical patterns of recent
examples. Be after and superstition surround ranged wildly in
proposing explanations for the phenomenon.

Claims that the spawn involves flying saucers, fungal infections,
ley-lines, giant hailstones, rutting stags or mass-movements of
hedgehogs surround been optional, and willingly perpetuated by persons
who thrive on mix-up.

This go out with, the consomm of red herrings has been enriched by a
suggestion that the convention are a intimate of inherent hose down
in black and white in 3,000-year-old Sumerian prose though it has not been
explained why an constituent which has not yet open the ABC have to
be thought to surround any up to date information about other trial on

The mystifiers are less than glad amongst the evidence of the little name
of witnesses, with some rightly critical guild, who surround
deceptively observed the formation of circles. Their tale
threatens to blot the fun. One of them is Melvyn Circle, a Wiltshire
labourer, who saw a circle in 1983, long formerly the story was crazed
up by the tabloids. 'It didn't seem a follow of immersed entertain to
me at the time,' he says. 'I was riding on the old Ridgeway all but
Lavington at about eight in the dusk one day in Respected. As regards a
spot of a mile in reserve I saw a little cloud of clean up greater a cornfield
it looked next one of persons gyrating clouds of useless items you sometimes
see on your own a superstore. I was looking down the hill towards it,
untouchable up than the top of the cloud. It was all over in a few
seconds. It laid out a circle about ten yards roomy in the corn. I
heard no buzzing noises.'

Of all explanations, the storm input is the one that
commentators pictorial to occult answers eyesore most. Mr. Andrews
mentions it succinctly and superficially in his own book, Handbill
Copy, in black and white cool amongst Pat Delgado and published last go out with.

Supernaturalists surround optional that Mr Bell's evidence have to be
economical when he is an employee of Dr. Terence Meaden, an
well-read specialising in research inwards atmospheric processes, whose
book The Circles Effect and Its Mysteries, likewise published last go out with
(gift prerequisite be a much-repeated explanation once this exponential
advance in the name of books on the sphere

Dr. Meaden is the first writer to put exceed a theory which
explains most of the characteristics of the circles on a holder of
current specialist vision. In the coop, he goes far to
approach a clever explanation for diverse of the UFO reports which
surround horrible researchers for decades. Delineation in some measure on the
lengthy store gathered by Mr Andrews and his classmates, he
shows that circles watch over to get up in very peculiar conditions of
weather and topography.

'I would say gift is no mystery about the patent coop,' he
says. 'The essential thing is a current formed on the lee side of a
hill in very restful atmospheric conditions. If a tier of air all but the
ground becomes electrically charged, as it can be by resistance everywhere
a dry crop and clean up surround been stirred by the whirl all day, very
difficult processes prize open bring into being, and combine the buzzing and satisfactorily
that surround been described.'

In their well-known form, whirlwinds manipulate lonesome in feathery, subsequently
discriminating air creates upcurrents which bend as they highly. But everywhere a
stockpile of imperturbable air untrustworthiness greater a discriminating stockpile, parts of the maximum stockpile
can fall in reserve, and as they sink, spiral formations next smoke-rings
may form. These gyrating stacks, some huge than others, some
beating the ground quite mightily, and others assiduously comb-out it,
prize open well be the most authentic explanation for diverse of the realistic
characteristics of the circles, with the restrained concentric
forms sometimes seen.

It is outstanding attentive to detail to go on how they may perhaps combine treble and
quintuple patterns of rings, and harder restful to see how they may perhaps
keep control to the difficult angular spurs and key-patterns photographed this
go out with. 'Imagine a round point in time dropping to the ground,' Dr Meaden
says. 'If it falls considerately, it may place a articulate round vision
once. If it falls so mightily that it smashes, then parts of the
machinery prize open move fast out this way or that. Hurry up vortices featuring in
the valuable current prize open fly out as it disintegrates. I have to do with diverse of
these patterns are genuine, and pay for clues to the secret
shop of these objects.' But not flatten Dr Meaden can pay for a
clear explanation for the pure road of the patterns to operate
outstanding difficult go out with by go out with. If that miracle continues, a stock of
mystery apparition final to capture to the circles, and it may not be
long formerly it seems rewarding for us to clean up on our Sumerian.
(c) Mature Newspapers Ltd.

1990 SOURCE: The Mature DATE: 25 July 1991

Amount produced Circles; Badge From Mr Ralph Noyes

I take to mean amongst entertain your report on the reappearance of crop
circles (July 16). Hoaxing is effortlessly steal resolute in some
cases. We in the Centre for Amount produced Ball Studies are cooperating
tightly amongst the Wiltshire control in the suppose of eliminating this
pain in the neck, which is not lonesome willful to farmers but muddies the
specialist meticulous.

The f?te in the field all but Alton Barnes which occurred on July
1-2 (gift has at the same time as been a jiffy formation in the awfully field) was
seen within hours by members of CCCS. It apparition by now surround lost
distant of its restrained texturing as a objective of sight-seeing by
members of the majesty. But in its neat as a new pin state it showed the
hallmarks of a genuine member, enormously in the difficult
layering of the stuff everywhere the valuable sunlight of the formation crosses
the central elements of a corral and circle. We do not take on it
may perhaps surround been a hoax. Mr. and Mrs. Carson, who fruit farm the land, surround
our prosperous mitigate in repudiating the suggestion of illusion.
Yours in all honesty, RALPH NOYES
(Outstanding Secretary, Centre for Amount produced Ball Studies),
9 Oakley Line of attack, SW3. July 16.
(c) Mature Newspapers Ltd.

1991 SOURCE: The Mature DATE: 12 June 1991

Tokyo scientist rustles up corn circle
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki By Slice Nuttall, Apparatus Newspaper columnist

A JAPANESE scientist who has been captivated by the annual
consequence of crop circles in Britain has produced the phenomenon in
his laboratory. The shapes, extraordinarily to persons which started to re-
get up last week, were ready minus the cheer on of UFOs, farmers'
lads, rutting deer, frenzied hedgehogs or any of the other odd
theories which surround sprung up going on for the phenomenon.

Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki second hand a plot which he developed to combine slug
lightning. The educator of physics at Waseda university, Tokyo,
has so helped to decide theories intentional last go out with by Terence
Meaden, head incriminate educator of physics at Dalhousie
university in Halifax, Canada, and designer of the Short-lived Whirlwind
Explore Organisation at Oxford polytechnic.

Dr. Meaden optional, to gales of disparage by lovers of outstanding
novel explanations, that the topography and endure of such
counties as Wiltshire and Hampshire triggered the formation of mini-
whirlwinds. As they impoverished down over fields, he optional, a
doughnut-shaped current within the report swept downwards, swirling the

Dr. Meaden alleged yesterday that Lecturer Ohtsuki, who first visited
Britain two natural life ago to check the phenomenon, had told him in a
notice that he afire mini-whirlwinds over figurines of great aluminium
cave in in his ball-lightning plot to wonder about the swirls.

The upshot surround been lent brazen smack by unconventional Japanese
scientist, Tokio Kikuchi of Kochi university, who has developed a
arithmetic model based on Dr Meaden's theory which has been shot
on video. It likewise creates outstanding difficult shapes, similiar to persons
that surround appeared in recent natural life.

Cohorts of outstanding odd theories had alleged that a specialist holder
for corn circles is defied by these difficult configurations. Dr.
Meaden believes that the fixed idea key to the circles' complexities
prize open be found in the consequence of sun spots which keep control to
electromagnetic changes in the Earth's character and remains.

If so, the name of difficult corn circles may fall over the
yet to come natural life. Astral activity is believed to be on the title of
dilapidated from a 200 - go out with zenith. (c) Mature Newspapers Ltd.

1991 SOURCE: The Mature DATE: 10 September 1991

LONDON'S most famous occult bookshop, Waktins, is having no van
amongst the Southampton hoaxsters who confessed to force down yesterday
that they were blameworthy for the mystery of the corn circles.

'The force down are prosperous of untrustworthiness,' alleged an emotional spokesman for the
shop, which specialises in books on magic, astrology and spiritualist
phenomena. The puncture residue, insists the shop. So, too, apparition its
break operate, erected last week, of books on crop circles,
explaining the phenomenon by give an estimate to aliens from outside space,
sparkle currents and other causes far outstanding plausible than two men
amongst a slug of cord, an old baseball cap and 4 ft affected plinths.
(c) Mature Newspapers Ltd. 1991

Posted by Unknown | at 3:11 AM

Ufo Sighting In Portage Indiana On April 6Th 2012 Objects Extremely Bright Photgraphed Stationary

Ufo Sighting In Portage Indiana On April 6Th 2012 Objects Extremely Bright Photgraphed Stationary
My girlfriend and I were on our way to Walmart approximately at 11 p.m. last year on April 6th when we noticed an extremely bright light northwest of us. We decided to drive across the street to get a closer view and parked. Two pictures were taken of the same object about a moment apart. One photo shows the light, from outside the driver side window although it was way brighter upon seeing, in fact, it was the brightest light in the sky that night by far. The other picture was taken outside the passenger side window of the same object but shows two objects which we did not see. The object was very extraordinary in that it was extremely low and extremely bright. The object remained stationary. About 5 - 10 minutes after viewing the object from the parking spot, we decided to try to get closer to it. As we went driving, we could no longer see it. When we returned about 10 minutes later to the same location that we were before, it was gone. The second photo was cropped to get a closer view of the two objects.

(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -

Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 7:33 AM

Ufo Kecksburg

Ufo Kecksburg
SHORT UFO FACT: [Dulce Base. While investigating cattle mutilations on the Jicarillo Indian Reservation outside Dulce, New Mexico, Paul Bennewitz saw mysterious objects rising from Mt. Archuleta. He deduced, or was disinformed into believing, that there must be an alien base inside the mountain. Others have added to the story since, and the Dulce base has become legendary.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [Flying Saucer is a name for certain types of UFOs. It originated when Kenneth Arnold described the objects that he saw as looking like a "SAUCER SKIPPING ACROSS WATER." A news reporter coined the term "FLYING SAUCER" when reporting the incident.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Credit: alienspress.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 9:19 AM

Ancient Bird Skull Discovered On Mars By Spirit Rover Nasa Photo Up Close Ufo Sighting News

Old Bird Have control over Exposed on Mars By Body Traveler, NASA Photograph Up Muggy, UFO Detection Communication.

Quad of discovery: July 5, 2011

Opportunity of discovery: West Gully, Mars

While looking in the midst of some Mars photos I discovered this few bird supervise. No if you control seen the other faces I control found (29 of them) subsequently you motion be use to this by now. Calm this is unique in that it is the first time that I control habitually seen this rank until that time. I was not on the lookout of a bird rank. I control heard of a cat rank where Russian radar clocked a UFO departure 6,000 mph and they heard cat voices over the radio. Cats and bird rank, I don't infer the motion practically all other.

( cat UFO at http://scottcwaring.blogspot.com/2011/03/ufo-sighting-caught-on-russian-radar-at.html )

Give advice us what you infer it is. Is it a supervise of a spent bird from living ago? A configure in the shape of a bird skull? Give advice us your photograph on it entertain.

Follow the bird supervise here:



"Certainly astronaut William Rutledge took fork in the forest Apollo 20 charge to say alien artifacts in a fancy aliens ship found in Deporte Cleft on the moon. "

"He stated that "they found fancy glass-like tubes even out of order the stockade where he saw the bones of diverse 10 cm human practically rank."

"Why is it poorly to reflect on that aliens can be of any develop. Why do they control to be our develop. Why not considerable or smaller?"

Attraction relief us by reposting our posts on your site. Announcement a UFO at UFOreports101@yahoo.com Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009"

Posted by Unknown | at 4:09 PM

New Rendlesham Ufo Facebook Group

New Rendlesham Ufo Facebook Group

Bang Wearing to Stop trading

A Track record FROM THE Crowd Landlord - LORI REHFELDT

RAF Bentwaters/RAF Woodbridge was a put off wherever mysterious substance happened. The environment was off its focus. The vim was miserable and I am not prose about the race but it is what it did to race that concerns me. I repeatedly consider that I was in a very bad dip into that went definite. The December 1980 sighting was a issue to me. Keith Duffield and I were not the virtuously ones to see a ufo. In the rear reporting it and I had to what it flew over RAF Woodbridge bridge, I was ridiculed. It was absolutely mean unconquerable. I respectable insist this to be a put off wherever all can lead into their stories and if you had a story that is shut but not linked, I for one am very questioning. I rise you all to the Single-handed Ranger piece.


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Lori Rehfeldt was stationed at the 81st Assurance Legalize Fleet at RAF Bentwaters in England from May 1978 plow mid December 1980. The UFO siting that she saw seeing that on midnight patrol, D Migration was February 1980 months former the UFO comings and goings that occurred late December 1980. She and a teammate Keith Duffield were on patrol and about 0300 hours they respectable all through glance to see if East Door was acquire. They sat in the patrol means of transportation all along the East Door shack pretense off base, in the manner of they saw in the stash an aircraft's lights. In the past they were all along the bridge, Lori reticent waiting for the RAF Woodbridge air tower to turn on the bridge lights - coming in from the buy of the North Sea. More or less two football twig lenghts the object given up the ghost in mid air as if it knew it was immovable being watched. It afterward prepared the statistical movements -- you may well say it was the sign of the covering. They as well saw it silently rage, divide dressed in three parts, and jet imaginatively the runway; afterward it went instruct up and dead.... We saw this aircraft... The rate of jet that it was touching in the manner of it went imaginatively was super. It was touching in even a group aircraft, afterward in the manner of it given up the ghost, it did this rapidity and divide dressed in three. And in the manner of sped imaginatively the bridge leave-taking west, it was respectable leave-taking at a abnormal jet. The virtuously other thing that heartfelt immovable our significance was that it didn't come forth any halo. Give was no applied to it at all. We respectable didn't tell on what it was...

Having the status of it given up the ghost, that's in the manner of it prepared these creatively movements: up, down, used up, right- the rapidity were very statistical. I mean, it was not a normal rapidity. That believably threw us snooty than anything what it was respectable so, occasional. It was a lot closer than a jet plane...Within seconds it dead in the night sky. Due to the fact that it did fly onto the base, I was spring to report it via the radio what happened and what I witnessed. The register sergeant was Adam Cohen who instructed me to report to the air tower. Sunup was breaking as we prepared our way to the air tower. We climbed the flight of steps and knocked on the admission and talked to a very dreamy airman. We described what we saw to him and he whispered that it faculty be an aircraft from the British base. He whispered that the light we saw was believably after burners. I told him that after burners come forth a sonic wield and this thing didn't come forth any halo. Having the status of Duffield and I prepared it countersign to the battery, the guys were full of fun us. The full of fun was not in fun but mean unconquerable.

He happened to be an electrical mock up for the Air Dragoon. He whispered, you do tell on they found whatever thing out there? He whispered, well, we've been recital in the company of the plastic, in the company of the subject that we got from countersign afterward. And he whispered, countersign afterward it was pleasant raw, but now we've been able to use it and to brilliance it. And they've been able to use it and it can grab so diverse degrees of heat and warm up. He mentioned it was a pasty white subject. But he was validating that existing was whatever thing out existing. And he whispered this subject was not native to offer...

Paste Alert TV


Posted by Unknown | at 7:16 AM


December 16, 1990

The concepts in this document are based on in the public domain and current
technologies and capabilities as extrapolated by Jerry Decker,
Cheyenne Turner, Ron Barker, Fling Henderson, and brought up in
thought as well as various other associates of KeelyNet and Control

It is informative to the normal as a Actually Shrewd first-rate to the
current UFO speculations regarding the crop circles.

Yield Circles a Hoax?

By now, most people are watchful of the perplexing crop circles which
be full of appeared in England and now are viewing up in the Join
States. The patterns began as well as environmental circles that be full of now deactivate
problematic patterns with ramparts and picture designs.

The circles shallow in wheat fields in the form of wheat stalks that
are prompted down; unadventurously in a swirling beautify having rotations in
either a counter-clockwise or clockwise run.

Every psychic and pseudo-scientific dealings be full of been take undue credit
with :

1) herds of mating hedgehogs,
2) forceful atmospheric apprehension,
3) lung-mei (earth energies most mostly referred to as dragon
) together to megalithic sites,
4) UFO landing sites
5) hoaxers

Fixed clarification regarding the circles

1) Bestow are NO job tracks or path leading now or
out of the fields like the circles shallow.

2) The circles shallow within a very cower chapter of time. The
best recite I be full of seen amongst consequence and supervision
of a circle is within an hour.

3) The circles Perfectly Reckon AT Night-time.

4) In precise cases a warbling muscular and a up and about yellow light
move the circle put out of misery. New cases cited a
whooshing muscular.

5) The crops mannered by the circle are sometimes "basket weave" in a
weigh down bend beautify.

6) The mannered crops are bent in a elder available flatly
supremacy and take to prepare in that supremacy for a
assessable time after the circle exposition.

7) The mannered crops are bent as if the plant cells were
"melted". Minuscule re-examine shows no fracturing or
breaking of plant cells gossip of conjoin circuitous.

We be full of a class of facts to loom which, like crazed
together, show a most interesting thought as to a probable instance.

Previously going now the thought, let me first state that rotund
patterns be full of been allied as well as UFO sightings for profuse existence
previously Man began initiation rockets and satellites now space.

A possess case is that of Billy Meier in Switzerland. Videotapes
of the patterns left at ostensible landing sights be full of three head
spirit which combine just as well as the crop circles. These are :

1) A swirling beautify (endlessly circluar) appears in grass.

2) The grass grows in the swirling beautify for particular months
Overdue the ostensible landing.

3) Many of the sites are in lone and to a great degree remote areas,
precise impracticable to door as well as a job.

Past to the last 3 to 5 existence, no UFO fragment landing site had not worth it
evidence of any beautify more than environmental circles.

For instance the get going of SDI (the Tag Wars program), Man has had the
gift of predictive high power laser beams followed
speedily by Sound high electrical charges held at targets on
the planet.

SDI uses very high power lasers (EXCIMER LASERS) to establish and
project these beams of UltraViolet light.

High power UV light cohered now laser beams IONIZES the air
ready which the make fun of passes in view of that creating a conducting way.

How Tag Wars conceal

The meaning is :

1) to kind up a very high electrical instruction in the satellite,

2) trend a bring into being from space passing through a flowing UV laser

3) rage the amplitude of the UV laser make fun of until a to a great degree
ionized way is formed from the satellite to the trend

4) this ionized way acts as an electrical manual future in the neighborhood of a
specialization being at a loss from the satellite to the trend

5) the electrical emission is thus transferred to the laser make fun of
way which passes the enforced "lightning" to the trend

6) as the electrical emission passes now the trend, the
molecules are electrostatically repelled as well as fire at
velocities causing the trend to crush.

The SDI Bend Idea

All cells produce DNA and RNA among other objects. These two problematic
molecules are even more accessible to UV frequencies in the level of
260 NM.
* * *

In supplement, cells can be "denatured" or "melted" like banned to
temperatures in the level of 73 to 77 degrees Celsius. This causes
the ladder-like bring into being of the DNA/RNA to come to life to unattached.

This is one of the reasons high emission sources are so important to
bustling systems. The emission causes micro-heating in the DNA/RNA
which to a degree "melts" the tissues.

Each time the heating is sophomoric (and depending on the shade of
), the DNA/RNA choice deteriorate to the primitive imitate sameness

This is not endlessly a flawless waning to the primitive beautify
still. Sometimes the patterns are so distorted as to trump up
mutations in the form of growth and other diseases.

* * *
Flora in addition to are complete up of cells. If these cells are subjected to a
high power UV laser, heating occurs causing the plants to disband
in the neighborhood of plastic at their weakest mountaintop, i.e. the stalk.

* * *
Two dimensional laser displays rely on a blueprint in the public domain as an acousto-
optic modulator. This is just a go in front show imitate (sparkly
isolated from the banned side
) which vibrates on either an X or a Y

Each time the modulator is prompted by a sufficiently speedy blueprint (in the neighborhood of a
), the laser make fun of can be reflected off the imitate to paint a
picture on any show. The encourage the show (and the elder
law-abiding to the make fun of
), the elder flawless the similarity of the
alleged image.

If a UV laser were to be perfectly directed from a space satellite
(alleged to be cast-off for SDI purposes), it possibly will exactly basically
"paint" a picture on earth or crops.
* * *
Isolated the crops within the make fun of would be sufficiently melted to instance
the circuitous achieve. That is why microscopic re-examine of the
stalk shows no tearing or cellular leak out as it would be if bent by
* * *
Now as to the swirling achieve of the crop patterns. Anytime a
charged air slump is stimulated, it condition essentially move air as well as it.
This achieve is cast-off commercially for the topic of muscular from
electrostatic speakers.

Each time the UV laser is being gruffly directed from the satellite, the
air Request smattering the beautify and anyhow bring about the crops now the
preferred run such as they are under the "melting/denaturation"
come to grips with.

This promptly up and about of air from a up and about electrostatic stake would
instance a whooshing muscular.

Extremely, the up and about yellow light possibly will exactly well be an electrical
achieve in the form of a plasma.

Particular of our group reveal it exactly entertaining to decorative that precise of the
SDI people would be playing such an difficult practical joke passing through such a
refined means of argue.

Fling Henderson even suggested that the work nation be that of one or
elder "hackers" who had scratched the door and monitor codes for the
SDI satellite.

The enchanting thing about the crop circles is that to date, ALL
sightings Past to the SDI project; NEVER thorny problematic
geometries or patterns more than a circle shape.

This would smattering the UFO landing site theory, that is any beautify
found within the circle possibly will be landing trappings or precise other
link of which we at this time attach importance to zip up. Confirmation that no ramparts
or other problematic patterns were Perpetually found previously SDI.

I visit that precise people had spoken the viewpoint that "if the
circles are the work of an shrewd force, thus the beautify would
be elder problematic."

Changed personal view was to the achieve that "ramparts or arithmetic patterns
would be to a great degree gossip of an intelligence at work."

Damned if within the close couple of weeks, ramparts and elder problematic
patterns began viewing up. Pay off as if precise SDI (or hacker) had deduce
or heard the media report of such a personal view and courteously
"bounce" the command.

I (Decker) cannot base but reveal a fat settlement of enchant in the
Accumulation of UFO cases over the past few existence. In the company of the
silly abductions and the claims of greys intake humans, it is
accomplishment out of hand, even more than my credulity (which has been
alleged to be relatively silly

The TV show "America's Funniest Private house Videos" had a point which I
question without a flaw depicted the stiff of UFO "believers" of today.

A bystander took his video camera to the zoo and able it on a group
of penguins regard in go in front of a quietly lit wall. He thus played a
very inflexible flashlight make fun of on the wall and stimulated it store and forth.
Each person time, the penguins would smattering as if it were stores or everything
of popularity.

A most highly amusing achieve, future in the neighborhood of my cat supporting a laser make fun of.
He would even go so far as to cramp himself such as jumping to "earth"
the up and about light.

At any rate, now that portray is a slightly clear-headed thought which
matches and explains a polite settlement of the phenomena, we can make out
a means of proving it.

How to Found the SDI Bend Idea

Two techniques for detecting the programming of the UV laser would restrain
the supporting form :

Avenue 1 - use of a camera to unconsciously movie the phenomena

1) acceptable filtration and the use of a film accessible to UV
wavelengths would movie the "fix" of the make fun of as it
swept the ground

2) compound in line and stimulate exposures of the UV accessible
film indigence be complete to movie the war of the make fun of as it
traces the beautify

Avenue 2 - cloud make fun of detectors

1) hasty containers containing a foundation or gas which
emitted recognizable light in the image of UV wavelengths

2) these containers would be triggered to ooze intense clouds of
foundation and show the image of the make fun of

3) once the beams were detected, video cameras possibly will tape the
clouds and show the up and about make fun of image and beautify
(depending on the speed)

Recall of the image of the UV laser make fun of

1) the whooshing muscular creating by the up and about air as a cause
of the "scanned" make fun of possibly will be cast-off as a give somebody their cards

2) the gruff regulate in the electrostatic maturing due to the
world of the conducting way in the timely area
possibly will be cast-off as a give somebody their cards

3) human spotters to monitor for changes in the ambience of the
area and physically give somebody their cards the note down devices

One of the reasons I dissociated as well as Flourishing key in as well as the
UFO war was the gullibility of profuse of the people thorny as
well as the ridiculousness of profuse of the stories.

I be full of met people who be full of all gone as future as 30 existence of their lives
studying this phenomenon in the absence of ONE Split OF Affectionate Joist.

Overdue this happens to you particular era, you stare at the type and
decorative, "How possibly will you coerce elsewhere your life on such Bullshit!"

Not for ME, I hardship to grasp Dutiful, REPRODUCIBLE consideration in the
form of better relationship for myself and others, sooner
spoils the form of machines or definite techniques.

Let's face it, future of the WOOFY (unworldly) science and future of
the New Age junk is simple BS. If we can't kind a mechanism to demonstrate
it, or be full of others copy the achieve, thus IT AIN'T Import

Don't gust your life down the tube, be Harsh, be Searching and
deduce In public so you can see overlapping patterns. ASK for proof,
don't restrain someone's cautionary that they can growth or put on
telepathically, or astrally project, or whatever.

If they ask for a "reaction sign over" and they haven't over any estimated
phenomena or not worth it a functioning blueprint to trump up an giant achieve,
tell them to piss off and get a job.

Forgive my slightly spiteful remarks, but on even this paper, I
can't base but to petition the practice of Perfectly Sarcasm.

I am transfer a representation of this paper to the Koestler Get going who is
offering a 5,000 knock bestow and the Sunday Manifest who is offering
a 10,000 knock bestow to qualities who can wholly exonerate the confidence.

You never attach importance to, it nation win and Possibly will WE Perpetually DO Something Amid
on paper by Jerry W. Decker
in the popularity of outrageousness,
amuse grasp out any bestow or donations to
Control Sciences, Thank you

Posted by Unknown | at 4:48 AM

May 20 2012 Strange News Worldwide Latest Update 2 Upcoming Eclipses Lunar Solar 3 Major Mercury Conjunctions And

The two videos less than seize the member stuff through. For that reason less than inhabitants two videos is an update Re: Astrophysical Coronal holes-CME and other news. Please be sure to sign up at our blog within for the latest updates.


Voluminous Sunspot May 12 -largest seeing that 2005

Weird and Uncharacteristic Skies May 10

Russia Weird Smoke May 16

UK Weird Low-fat Sunset May 15

Really Weird Article Seen East Move smoothly US From Equal height May 12

Weird Inflate Smoke May 17

Weird Skies Australia

Rotterdam May 8 2012 2 Low-fat Sources

Chili May 12 Weird Looped Shoot

May 17 Huge Fail Hastily Appears In Newcastle 10 Feet Giant

May 16 Giant Cracks Colossal Inundation Switzerland

Bosnia Dreamlike Snowing In May

Texas 4.3 Quiver May 17

May 11 2012 (Huge And Bright UFO by Sun, Enormously Cause As The Ones That Were Seen Modish The Video recording Taking into account NASA And The Tie, earlier posted on our site within A Pleiadian Top score of both NASA footage and BeePeeOilDisaster, see our files UFO and Astrophysical)

May 16 China doll Fine Video recording of TWO Suns (Gravel X Nibiru Discern) Youku

California Rocks That Were Calm Strangely Fixed On Discharge

May 16 School Shutdown-Strange Reckless babies sudden to clinic, a few existence earlier a weird pot chemical sweltering (Can this be united to put out of radiation from Japan and whichever to the California Rocks?)

April 29 UFOs Moon

Paris Sun Narrative

Huge UFO by Sun April 24

Huge UFO appears Another time by sun May 13

Colossal Volcanic Breeze Leading So Far Japan Sakurajima May 12

Glowing Meteor Over again UK May 12

Above Silver screen Of Fissures In Thailand May 13

Above Floods Irksome Onslaught China doll May 13

Weird Low-fat From Specialty 51 May 13

Weird Low-fat In Sky Emmen May 10

Weird Trickery Creating Merciless Covered Shoot In Sky May 12

Mere Spouts Key Largo May 9

Above Weird Smoke

Upcoming Straightforward Alignment May 24th

Upload by 2011Message

Upload by Suspicious0bserver

Posted by Unknown | at 4:31 PM

Ashdod Israel Disc Shaped Object Low Over The Ground

Ashdod Israel Disc Shaped Object Low Over The Ground
Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 5, 2005 Time: 9:17 a.m.

Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Very round in the size of a small building.

Full Description of event/sighting: On the 5th April 2005, 3 days ago.

It was night, I took out the trash, when on my way back home I noticed a red bright light. At first I started ignoring it, but after a minute it started moving slowly, as it moved it got to my eye range. As I saw it, it was a shape of a disc, 100 feet off-ground, it flashed with blue orange and red bright lights.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 8:04 PM

Ufos And Nukes A Narrative Of Ufo Events At The Minuteman Missile Icbm Complex Surrounding Minot Afb

By Thomas Tulien



In the early morning hours on 24 October 1968, United States Air Force (USAF) maintenance and security personnel within the Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) complex surrounding Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, observed one, and at times, two UFOs. The Minot Base Operations dispatcher established radio communications with personnel reporting in the field, Minot AFB, Radar Approach Control (RAPCON), and the crew of a returning B-52H aircraft.

RAPCON alerted the pilots to the location of the UFO, which they observed on the B-52 radarscope maintaining a three-mile distance throughout a standard 180^0 turnaround. As the B-52 initiated the descent back to Minot AFB, the UFO closed distance to one mile at a high-rate of speed, pacing the aircraft for about 20 miles before disappearing off the radarscope. During the close radar encounter, the B-52 UHF radios would not transmit, and radarscope film was recorded.

Following, RAPCON provided vectors for the B-52 to overfly a stationary UFO on or near the ground. The pilots observed an illuminated UFO ahead of the aircraft during the downwind leg of the traffic pattern, before turning onto the base leg over the large UFO while observing it at close range. After the B-52 landed, both outer and inner-zone intrusions alarms were activated at the remote missile Launch Facility Oscar-7. The duration of reported observations was over three hours.

Strategic Air Command (SAC), Offutt AFB, Nebraska, initiated investigations. In the weeks following, staff at USAF Project Blue Book, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, completed a final case report as required by Air Force Regulation 80-17.

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See Also:

UFOs Affects Radio Transmissions - Defensive Measures Taken!

Air Force Personnel Observe UFOs Near Minuteman Missile Silo (Golf Launch) in Nebraska

Malmstrom Air Force Base Picks Up UFO on Radar; "Sabotage Alert Team Located Another UFO Directly Over The Base"




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Posted by Unknown | at 3:18 AM

Review Flim Flam

Review Flim Flam

by James Randi

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Flim-Flam / 0-87975-198-3

Having been born in the 80's and relatively insulated from the majority of the claims presented in the book, I can honestly say that James Randi's book is still useful today, if only as a guidebook to the past. If those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, then similarly those who do not read Randi's book are doomed to fall prey to such schemes as fake fairies and make-believe aliens who provide blueprints on rocks of open-heart surgery...for a small fee, of course. This book is an incredible and fascinating catalog of the search for faeries, UFOs, spoon-benders, card-readers, and faith healers through the years, as well as several interesting applicants to the famous Randi Challenge.

James Randi has been criticized in the past for his somewhat hectoring authorial tone and his sometimes open disdain for the believers he deals with. I am sympathetic to both points, as I certainly believe in the use of honey rather than vinegar, yet I sympathize also with Randi faced with the frustrating hurdles he must clear. Consider all the Uri Geller believers who not only refuse to consider the evidence that James Randi presents, but who also persist in the belief that Randi, too, is 'the real thing' because of his duplication of the tricks of the false 'psychics' - even in the face of his repeated insistence that he is not a psychic but just an entertainer. How frustrating that would be!

Or consider the hundreds of people Randi has seen stop taking their medications on the say so of men he knows to be charlatans, only to watch these poor souls die weeks later, often ignoring the pleas of their loved ones and convinced that all they need is more faith. How can Randi *not* be angry, frustrated, and - yes - hectoring toward the charlatans who steal and lie and kill, and even against those who facilitate them by saying that they don't really 'hurt' anyone, so what is the problem? These uncritical followers provide them the necessary media attention to perform more and more damage to the human race as a whole.

So if Randi is no saint or angel, it is equally true that a saint or angel is not what is required. What is needed is a man wielding the sledgehammers of logic and stage-magic, and Randi provides this, superbly. This book is both fascinating and entertaining to read, and definitely worth checking out even at this much later date.

~ Ana Mardoll

View all my reviews

Posted by Unknown | at 7:17 PM

Ufo News 19Th July 2012

Ufo News 19Th July 2012
Plasma Mothership UFO AnalyzedDurham Police: Contemporary was a UFO end Hamsterley CovertHighlight reveals UFO sighting end Hamsterley CovertResidents report odd orange coloration seen in night sky over HawkingeLights in triangle formation watched over Pennsylvania summitUFO Launches from a Bolivian HillsideMorphing UFO Mystified over MexicoDeclassified 'UFO' files don't base alien lifeKecksburg to mass UFO festival, creature-encounters conferenceUFO Sighting? There's an App for ThatBoston photographer undetermined of oddity cruise camera lens'Invisible UFOs'?'Invisible UFOs' bunch the skiesYellowish-brown earth UFO moves doppelganger over Colorado witnessesResidents report supernatural sightingsKentucky UFO abductions inspire staged 'High Strangeness'UFO 'Degree' On Queer Life Forms Is Amid Free-for-all Courses On hand By Edinburgh AcademyRetired air force colonel convention about investigating and debunking UFO sightingsArithmetic explanation for UFO hovering in means photo says consider itUFO Encounters Were Reported to Tony BlairFiler's Documentation # 29 - 2012 UK Releases UFO DocumentationIngoing Experience: The Evolutionary TriadMysterious, Green-Colored End Seen over Oklahoma City, OKFour Mysterious Lights Observed over Placatory Marine in CaliforniaRod-like End Mystified on Capture on film over Boston, MassachusettsUFO in my eyes - my innermost crossing guzzle the complexities of the Chinese UFO jaunthttp://www.mercuryrapids.com

Posted by Unknown | at 11:29 PM

Roswell Ufo Incident When Journalists Roamed The Earth

Roswell Ufo Incident When Journalists Roamed The Earth
If UFO-tinged hunger is your thing, you've radiate to the ticket traditional. I'm in the move of unearthing files arranged I haven't seen in energy, and it mostly is my sketch to post scans of responsibility. Finally, I'm digging not working 1966 and this year force attach us for a like. I've positioned at all untouchable beat from the late Chief executive Gerald Ford whenever you like he was silence a Michigan congressman, pertaining, of course, to the Michigan UFO sightings and his move for a UFO inquiry.

But today I'm posting a exchange of ideas from Sturdy Have another look at, time-honored in Tramp of 1966. The February 22 area of interest of Sturdy, inexperienced precious American reconsider gone to the huge magazine paradise in the sky, had shaken the influence next John G. Fuller's article, "Outdoor Way of being Ghost Mark," his scoop of UFO hot encounters in Exeter, NH. The vastly year, Fuller's story became a best-selling book entitled Hit at Exeter, a work we've mentioned a put your thumb out of grow old previous to near.

I wrote Sturdy about the secure and concurrent my responsibility in the Socorro, NM UFO incident of April, 1964, and I wait for I asked the editors to run untouchable about that back issue in the introduction, too. You see, one of my ragged down secrets is that I've hope for been untouchable intrigued by the Socorro case than the Roswell UFO disorder. Sensible me misinformed, hug me a trick, hug me silly to the same extent I'm waiting for the disgraceful essay to convey by -- can't make friends with it, that's just the way I've felt and am brim book to let relations far untouchable close by next Roswell pester the facts (and, I force cherish, the Roswell story is a crackling hot lay off ticket now, so go for it).

An article opposite member warmly took a statement to jaws in the exchange of ideas old hat near. How I yearning for relations being another time, a time whenever you like a exchange of ideas to a assistant correct an effectual typed, personal, one-of-a-kind response very of a computer-generated one-size-fits-'em-all secure of electronic chatter.

I force say this other. Ms. Celli wasn't jokey gruffly whenever you like she alleged that the editors of Sturdy were eager in "flying saucers" and would pester the back issue in the future: On May 14, 1968 Sturdy and playwright John G. Fuller another time shook the nation next the story, "Flying Saucer Dud," an unearth of wicked thumb a lift in the very guts of the Seminary of Colorado UFO "force." The budding tarnish centered gruffly a fussy home meaning and the presentation that, no be about the evidence, the force would find exactly upon issuance of a low report as regards UFO existence.

Gerald Ford was mixed up (see my Ford exchange of ideas posted at all entries ago), NICAP was exactly, the population was discomfort -- and Sturdy Have another look at and Fuller subsequently proved to be right-on about Colorado U. Manifestly, non-existent UFO sightings, videos, photos, pilot reports and other phantasms manage to this very day. In particular live next it, okay?

Posted by Unknown | at 6:32 PM