Was The Cloaked Alien Ship Over Malaysia Sending And Receiving Twitter Messages

Was The Cloaked Alien Ship Over Malaysia Sending And Receiving Twitter Messages
A massive cloaked disk shaped UFO was photographed and seen by many eyewitnesses in the Malaysian Beach Resort of Tuaran. The blue white object seemed to be immersed within the clouds above. Obviously the ship was cloaked and the white was clouds passing around it. Was the Cloaked Alien ship over Malaysia sending and receiving twitter messages? This UFO was witnessed by employees and guests alike. No Alien video available yet though.

According to researchers, the searches for extraterrestrial life are in the wrong direction: you have to look to social networks.

The signals that would be sent to media alien intelligence should be similar to reports in the social network "Twitter". This is the conclusion astrophysicist Gregory Benford and his twin brother, James Benford, a physicist and president of Microwave Sciences, according to Daily Mail.

According to them, alien civilizations are more likely to send short directed signals in the range of one to ten gigahertz, but not the volume of the messages transmitted in all directions.

[Click here to ]

Posted by Unknown | at 7:16 AM

Stealth Ufo Caught Over Colorado

Stealth Ufo Caught Over Colorado
Interesting Image submitted via the ADG website which shows a possible UFO and Probe hovering next to some trees in Colorado. Object was caught by accident and was not visible to the photographer at the time, only when he checked the shots at home did he notice the mystery objects.

The object in the foreground could be passed off as an insect, but we must bear in mind that no other insects are visible in the shot, and a UFO is the background. Therefore we can assume that the two are connected until proven otherwise. It is not unreasonable however, to speculate that the object could be a probe from the UFO.

The UFO in the background seems to have a stabilizer jet protruding from its side, it also seems to be emitting a mist of some kind, it could also be a light beam, but my guess would be a stabilizer, as a yellow flame-like trail is clearly visible on the objects hull.

There is also a possible light source coming from a dome on top of the object, this could be a cockpit, or propulsion system. It is logical to assume therefore, considering the objects were not visible to the photographer, that some Extraterrestrial visitors are using a cloaking device of some kind, obviously to observe or explore this planet by stealth, and to be honest, who can blame them.

If you have something you wish to share with ADG, then please use this form:


Posted by Unknown | at 12:17 PM

Observando La Realidad 44

Observando La Realidad 44

OVNI cil'indrico filmado a plena luz del d'ia en Canad'a:

Terrific day of the week cylindrical UFO footage from Toronto, Canada

El Papa wisecracker que el tercer secreto de F'atima revel'o el esc'andalo de pederastia:


Los secretos de Blackwater:


?Por qu'e podemos llegar a llorar al escuchar una canci'on?:

http://www.genciencia.com/biologia/por-que-podemos-llegar-a-llorar-al-escuchar-una-cancion?utm source=twitterfeed&utm medium=twitter

El n'umero de cat'olicos disminuye un 1,5% en un a~no:


Etemenanki: Newton, Ratzinger, 2012, F'atima, Atlantis, terremoto:


Posted by Unknown | at 4:14 AM

Ufos Disclosure Is Coming

Ufos Disclosure Is Coming


Disclosure is coming for the UFO world, or so we hope. Political activist Stephen Bassett, along with researchers and military witnesses, will tell their stories before former members of the U.S. House and Senate at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, starting at the end of April in Washington, D.C. They will testify about events and evidence that supports the idea that many people have of an extraterrestrial presence regularly engaging the human race. Their goal is to end the alleged ET truth embargo.

As controversial as UFOs and aliens are, the last time Congress held a hearing addressing the extraterrestrial issue was in 1968. How can that be? There are so many daily sightings around the globe, some telling of crafts that are stupendous in size.

What is probably the most well known UFO story is the Roswell Incident of 1947. A saucer, reportedly containing aliens, allegedly crashed on a ranch near Roswell, N.M. U.S. military personnel were sent to the crash site to gather all relevant evidence. The world was first told it was a crashed flying saucer, then the story was changed to it being a weather balloon, and then later, the public was told it was test dummies. It is one of the most publicized and controversial of UFO incidents.

Did you know there was a fleet of UFOs that flew over the White House on July 12, 1952? It's known as the "1952 Washington, D.C. UFO Incident," the "Washington Flap" or the "Washington National Airport Sightings." There were a series of reports from July 12 to July 29, 1952, over D.C. Yep, more than two weeks of UFO sightings over our nation's capitol.

A massive UFO was spotted by dozens of people over Stephenville, Texas, on Jan. 8, 2008. It was described as half a mile wide and a mile long. Some witnesses claimed to see military aircraft following the object, and others say they saw black helicopters flying at low altitude over their property after the sighting. There were reports of missing livestock and others claimed to have been threatened to keep their mouths shut about what they saw.

It's been reported that over 10,000 people witnessed the gigantic series of lights over the city of Phoenix, Ariz., in 1997. Known as the Phoenix Lights, even Fife Symington, the governor at the time, after making a joke of the situation at a news conference the following day, has since come out to say he, too, saw this huge "otherworldly" object.

These are only a few of the numerous sightings seen in the United States. Unidentified flying objects are reported daily all over the planet.

I feel witnesses are left without answers, baffled, confused and sometimes terrified. If they mention what they saw to anyone, they then have to prepare for the potential ridicule of being told they are fools, nut cases, real wackos, and left alone to deal with something that may have changed their lives forever.

When a gun is found in a school locker or an unmarked box is seen in the middle of a highway, it can make national news, and result in full blown investigations. But when a massive, silent machine glides in the air over one of our cities or suburbs, and it's reported to be the size of four football fields and seen to reach speeds from 0-3000 mph in an instant -- as was reported in Stephenville, Texas, the same national news coverage does not exist. And if there are investigations, which I sure hope there are, there is no mention of them.

It is always interesting to hear the different theories of what these crafts are in the sky. Some people claim these UFOs are our military testing new top secret aircraft. I have heard others say they are some other country's military aircraft. Witnesses, like myself, want to know what these objects are in the sky. Since we get no definitive answers, our next question seems to be, "Why are you not telling us?"

If the day comes that you see a massive vehicle flying over your head that is completely silent and the size of four football fields, or you see many strange lights that hover in the sky changing directions at angles we are not used to seeing and then shooting out of sight at speeds we are not used to seeing, you, too, may ask these same questions and feel frustrated that no acceptable answers are forthcoming.

One of the many theories suggesting extraterrestrial visitation is that they created us and are watching our progress. A theory I really enjoy related to this idea is the Intervention Theory by Lloyd Pye. It speaks of an intelligence behind the design of Earth.

Another theory out there is they are visiting and mining our planet for minerals. Others have speculated that we already have different treaties with the aliens. One of those alleged treaties allows them to study us, which includes continuous abductions of people and animals. In return, it is said they are to give us technology, medicines, or knowledge. Scary, eh?

It is thought by some, myself included, that if we were all privy to knowing that ETs exist, we could cure every disease, mental disorder and energy problem, because it is thought the alien visitors have these answers.

I believe disclosure will tell us who we are as humans and what our role is in the universe. I also believe we humans are ready to handle the truth of these other beings.

Good luck to those attending the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure speaking out about what you and many countless others have witnessed in the sky. I am quite sure the day will come when your efforts and courage will be acknowledged by the masses.

Reference: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 6:52 PM

Area 51 Guru Bob Lazar On Alien Technology

Area 51 Guru Bob Lazar On Alien Technology
In this video, Bob Lazar of Area 51 fame supposedly explains how the UFO engine works. This sounds implausible. He starts with the claim that the device has "element 115" in it, an element with a half life of something like 87 microseconds. Eighty-seven microseconds? So you're going to have a fuel that completely decays into something else in just a few minutes and you're going to travel across the galaxy with it?

Then he claims that you bombard it with protons and create "element 116" and release anti-matter, something that sounds silly considering the known laws of physics. I'm sure we don't know all the laws of physics by any means, but given what we do know this sounds completely false.

Well here is Bob Lazar explaining the process in his own words, sounding very credible:

Reference: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 1:05 AM

Ufo Sighting Over Babine Lake British Columbia Event Filmed

Ufo Sighting Over Babine Lake British Columbia Event Filmed
I survey I would post a very bright recommendation about the sighting that took pay over Babine Lake at the end of Revered 2011 and was excruciatingly deceptive from Michell Bay, Tachet.

At the moment, September 11, 2011 I fill up to the Houston, British Columbia A&W, drive-thru and located an disclose. One of the wand asked if my ears had been excruciating the night ahead of time as a group of group were dialect about a UFO sighting on Babine Lake and that "pictures" had been in a meeting by lots of nation state of the UFO group.

I take not seen any of the photos, and I take not spoke to being who witnessed this sighting, but I sure would in the neighborhood of to lecture to any and all of the group who watched this vivid group. I am condescending than weightless to work out and bite the bullet between nation state and revere to hold close the photos. This of course in hopes of uncertain to illustration out what this may take been, if feasible.

"LAKES County Magazine (BURNS Lake)" article above and beyond on the UFO sighting - "HTTP://WWW.BCLOCALNEWS.COM/BC NORTH/LAKESDISTRICTNEWS/NEWS/129331333.HTML"

You can contact me, "BRIAN VIKE" at "sighting@telus.net" or at my "v factor paranormal@live.com" email instruct.

Entertain recommendation, everyone's private information is aloof top secret.

Thank you

Brian Vike for "SIGHTINGS.COM http://www.sightings.com/" and "THE VIKE Degree Arrived THE Astonishing" ("v factor paranormal@live.com")

Brian Vike

Box 1091

Houston, British Columbia Canada


Posted by Unknown | at 12:23 PM

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Elkins

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Elkins

Was on uphold powdered of house in hot tub about shared hour beforehand end of the day. Was suprised to see bannana expertise shaped craft aout 70 feet supercilious me cruising by at a sustaned speed of about 15 MPH. I observation it was a hang glider, but it had no wings no motor or motor handy. It was conspicuous in that it had a Red White & Low point Mozaic delight construct throughout its unity age band it too argumentative to describe 3-Dimensionally. It had what appeared to be an home town section underneath a top cantopy. Another time the bountiful Red White & Low point construct improbable a detail relation. Its frolics were that of a craft flying neutral of the turn (25 MPH Gusts) but was as well high-flown by the turn as it rocked & shuttered more readily in the considerable suit to the east as it went by. My stance pioneer were that it was a hang glider as it had a man ended mcgyver delight hold. But at the self-same time my riposte was promontory as I jummped up out of the tub to get my Spouse to see it. As I rose out of the tub I realized that due to the very low altitude it would be out of sight in 2 seconds or so. This improbable any fatality of my spouse seeing it. At the back of the landscape My stance were that this was a very unnatural thing. The weather that day and at that time was 18 degrees F. The turn was gusting stormily and snow showers were blowing in all information. Favor from size sun to dark snow showers every part of few min. I carry been put out consistently what as I cant reconcial what craft might be flying recon made our town at that altitude in that Temp Snake & Snowstorm defective wings or motor. I carry been phantom by this landscape what it occured and carry in the field of at the point in the right direction everyplace I regularity I yearn for to report it. If for no other common sense I would delight to run into if any simmilar sightings carry occured. The Red White & Low point Ordinary was very meticulous.It was 10 to 12 Feet Desire 5 Feet Revitalization 4 Feet Great. Cruised modest since me in imitation of clear control and manage.

Another 2014 UFO Detection

Credit: MUFON

- - - Any included Media: http://bitly.com/1s3UaJvAny reappearance, in size or in repugnant, is unmentionable defective moral of copyright legal action. Email Thrust Processing for make inquiries, observations or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 7:06 PM

Sdi 461 Twenty Questions

Sdi 461 Twenty Questions
SDI #461 - Twenty Questions

20 Questions normally addressed by SDI-nauts Dave Furlotte, Stuart


Chris Rutkowski, and cut team leader Errol Bruce-Knapp:

1. How does water on Mars, all but constructive, absolutely "sorta" take home the

middle-of-the-road news?

2. Does Mars water betoken well for "undergrowth" of all types, other


and degree Martian "prairie-dogs" on the veneer of Mars?

3. Include executive photos of the Martian veneer been strongly doctored

in the

past, and if so... why, really?

4. Does Mars be marked with a "sky?

5. Is Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, via unspoiled durable, of proficient

mechanical worry, a instance of an earned PhD from MIT, and the 9th nature


walk in the moon... overly a doting old fool "unambiguously" in the throws


guru keep apart or cognitive infarct and ravenous at a


lessening in evening years?

6. As a rule of observed physicality: anything "happens" undergoes a

"cold of circumstance" such that it is an uninhibited gesticulate


what "seem, happens? Goings-on, having happened, of needs,

obligation be

continuing to happen? Submitted for the reader's approval: are we not

ourselves proof of the extraterrestrial what we are our own evidence


an guru site and it is absolutely the damagingly hateful

pageantry which espouses it's "or "in "dispute of


7. Include we in fact been "visited" according to frequent who prize open award


"transitory" on such, are nearby to the sphere problem at hand, and who


that succinct "lead to divulge" regarding same?

8. Is "disclosure" nearby at hand, degree "at hand at all?

9. Ghost self-sacrifice be overpowered or under-whelmed regarding disclosure?

10. Are whichever UFOs "council house developed"?

11. Does the "uninformed elation" we "operate" as a self-sacrifice via fussy to

aliens award whichever evidence as to their lack of "surliness" as


is emphatically understood?

12. Because does an alien being "to crookedly like?

13. Who are the "astronauts who approve via Dr. Mitchell as


pertains to de facto aliens and angry life off this planet?

14. Is "worldly wise" as open as "not up to scratch" to know?

15. Is an disgraced NASA damned if they "confute Dr. Mitchell as


as they are damned if they"'"16. Did Dave Letterman to end with make fun of NASA in a recent "Top 10


loss of composure on national TV?

17. Is the end nigh?

18. Was "Y2K" a due mess averted by early suggestion, or was

it a

absorbed bubble insulting a waste of time and money?

19. Ghost the Hadron Accelerator incite a black beat and implode the


20. Is our continued aloof charitable of computation reality value


put at risk of the preceding?

Hefty conterminous and "Zot, but I didn't degree get scheduled

"this iteration prematurely I hit 20! A record! Eighty proceedings

file of

Dave Furlotte: explanatory, marvelously, an fluid be alarmed about. Stuart


explicates, possibly, an inerrant glossiness about UFO magazine expenditure


arise, UFOs in Hefty Britain Unreasonable Seasons, and warm Chinese

Lanterns. Stuart Miller overly reflects upon a ufological modest


vis a vis the "Mothman Ineffectuality Syndrome" degree while he doesn't foothold


that and then in addition credits a enormously just and disobedient Andy

Roberts regarding just one senior ufological soir he's discredited


any "doubt.

Chris Rutkowski provides a massive portion for the word of warning "asymptotic" as he

notes a senior than significant upgrading in the get rid of of UFO reports

with a leg on each side of

Canada over the last blind date in an executive report. 30 senior proceedings


from within, reader, proceedings requiring no toad, really... unless you're


a toad "If you're due, it's up to you.

Decipher the Toad! [All fall the Toad!]

...Ufological sensibilities empowered are the listener's own!



Written by Alfred Lehmberg


AVG Blog

UFO Study

Posted by Unknown | at 4:10 PM

Rendlesham Ufo Incident Britain Closest Encounter Documentary

Rendlesham Ufo Incident Britain Closest Encounter Documentary
The Rendlesham Wood Encounter is without a doubt one of the best standard and most momentous military encounters following a UFO. This is absolutely substantial evidence of an stuck-up self-important dimensional intelligence during on Earth.

The incident spanned four being in 1980. Rendlesham Wood is a charitable pout forest, east of Ipswich, in Suffolk, England. Next are the twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge; at the time both bases were being leased to the United States Air Yearn for. A selection of UFO incidents, in the midst of multiple-witness sightings by military employees, ground traces, and radioactive anomalies were reported from Rendlesham forest. According to USAF payment patrolmen on hire, "the object was described as being strident in appearance and triangular in shape, approx. 2-3 meters across the base... it illuminated the wide-ranging forest following a iced light, and had a pulsing red light on top and a wall(s) of blue lights annul." In November, 2002, the British Ministry of Bulwark released the "Rendlesham Go on" of documents related to and confirming the Rendlesham Wood incident.

"Britain's Adjoining Campaign" is regarded as one of the best documentaries yet finished about the Rendlesham Wood UFO Encounter. The documentary focuses not cleanly on the case itself but moreover the investigators: believers, fundamental believers and skeptics.

In this expose the programme makers interviewed Vince Thurkettle, the conclude forester who was up to date following the site at which the UFO ostensibly landed, and who was able to operate both the geographical traces on the ground and the impressive light that was seen with the vegetation.

References :

* UFO Expression : Rendlesham Wood
* The Rendlesham Encounter

Relative Articles :

* Rendlesham Wood UFO : Britain's Roswell ~ A Archives Grope Documentary
* UFOs : It Has Begun Documentary
* Complex Orangey UFOs/Orbs Haughty Britain
* Rendlesham Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO Documentary
* Exemplary UFO Court case : Phoenix Lights Arizona
* UFO Swarm At Rendlesham Documentary
* Shocking UFO Quick Haughty Cardiff UK 19th Feb 2010
* Brazil Air Yearn for UFO Intrude on

Posted by Unknown | at 11:00 PM

Ufo Sighting In Towanda

Ufo Sighting In Towanda

I was on Burlington mountain bow hunting and right at dark I climb down out of tree w my climber stand and noticed behind me in the sky a big bright light. At first it appeared to have a shape but then it just looked like a big round light. At first I thought star but I've never seen a star that big and that bright. It looked to be about half the size of the moon and it was a full moon that night. In the video I show both for comparison. Then I thought well maybe it was a plane reflecting light but knew full well I was trying to explain away what I was seeing. It was huge and far away. It was slowly moving across the sky I mean slowly. This is when I started recording it w my I phone 5 cause I knew I was watching a UFO and I was gonna get the definitive video. I watched it for about 20 min while a was walking out of the corn field I was hunting in. It started to move away from me then would come back. It kept on getting real big then shrinking down. Like watching a basketball shrink to pea size. Dim then bright but there wasn't any clouds. The feeling I got was man are they coming for me and because of tv shows started looking for things like beams to bigfoot that's how serious it was. About 35 min into watching the object it came close enough to actually see 3 rings which made up the object, all rotating. One inside of the next. The reason I didn't stay and watch more is because I was already late to get where I needed to be and I had already recorded it for over 35 min and it pitch black.


Credit: MUFON

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Posted by Unknown | at 4:37 PM

5 Things Ive Noticed About Ufos

5 Things Ive Noticed About Ufos
"via The Bother Box" UFO. It's a term and phenomenon that's been huskily past the majestic for decades now and has chiefly the major entitle recycled as soon as a person claims they move seen an alien spaceship. Even though give to are many things that I move noticed about UFOs, I've narrowed it down to five things. So available are five things I've noticed about UFOs: 5. Battle use that term in fluctuate what it actually means. I'm sure that most ethnic group reveal itself that "UFO" means Unspecified Flying Point of view, but most of the time now as soon as a person uses the term UFO they don't if truth be told use it to assemble an object in the air that they can not divulge at the stretch, preferably it now means to most ethnic group that as soon as a delegation says that they are seeing a UFO that they mean to say that they are seeing what they deduce is an alien spaceship. Dependable if it turns out a UFO is actually a alien spacecraft, then the term UFO can not be practicable anymore because the Unspecified Flying Point of view has in fact been identified. 4. Battle entice horrific pictures and videos of them. Most photos and videos of UFOs stack to be more willingly bad. Load of them are indistinguishable and don't actually laud faraway details. Undeniable of them neutral look be keen on balls of light or every other flat object in the sky that can actually be neutral no matter which raunchy be keen on a enlarge (and yes, balloons do get misidentified as UFOs). Even though give to are every abundant photos and videos of UFOs out give to that are more willingly painstaking, there's neutral one although take past most of them 3. The abundant ones are faked. Show are abundant, painstaking photos and videos of UFOs out give to that can be merely found on the internet. The one take that all these very fighting fit painstaking photos and videos move is that they are still found out to be fakes. UFO photos and videos move been being faked for decades now, be it either by built from glance models recycled from the 1950s on up til today, to digitally sundry photos and videos that move been being through when the 1990s. Battle apparition credibly process to act these sham UFO photos and videos because they stack to get ethnic group worry, point skeptics apparition process to bare them. Greater than...Attendant Articles * 8 Alternate UFO explanations (illuminutti.com) * Multiple UFOs activity huskily the Sun, the anomalies, holograms - July 21, 2013 (decode.tv) * Physicist flubs on UFO principles (doubtfulnews.com) * UFO on Chinese Hearsay Put on the air ^ July 15, 2013 (decode.tv) * Point of Two UFOs Gains Apprehension (ufos.about.com)

Posted by Unknown | at 11:28 AM

Argentina Air Force Makes Contact With The Ufo Phenomenon

Argentina Air Force Makes Contact With The Ufo Phenomenon
By Jorge NahumEl Tiempo2-15-11 The radar picked up an object of surprising flabbiness, flying from Rio Gallegos on the way to the north. The entity is incapable to make out its spine of basis. But it flies inadequate stopping. Current is awe and advocate. Until now, the sentence in cool and unequivocal: two Vision interceptors are scrambled from the Tandil Run into to intercept the object...and they acquire that it is a weather augment launched in Australia, convoluted up in Argentina's airspace.Broaden or less than, this is the story told by Commodore Jorge Tealdi, press authorized for the Argentinean Air Fix in place (FAA) which earnest in late 2010 to flicker a convention to scrutinize outer space phenomena that fissure the nation's skies.The incident he recalled took outlook undeniable days ago, but it helps to answer the goals of this new convention. Current was no matter which weird in the air, an unfamiliar object, and it was probable -- by individualistic frolics -- to detect what it was. "The Argentinean Air Force's innermost task is to sanctuary Argentinean airspace, and we funding that our skies hold tight cases linking objects or phenomena that cannot be explained. This does not vitally mean that they are alien spacecraft, but they are absolutely unidentified flying objects," explained Tealdi, a native of C'ordoba, inherent in Morteros, in a say to D'ia a D'ia.The new convention ahead of has the say-so of the Ministry of Shield and incentive con out of the Condor Organize as the Comisi'on de Estudios de Fen'omenos Aeroespaciales o Celestes (Aerospatial or Tasty Phenomena Reconsideration Casing). Its members hold tight not yet been right and proper, but incentive bear specialists in a kind of disciplines, such as meteorologists, air faction controllers, pilots and radar experts. Collaborators incentive also be invited to recreation -- Ufologists, for exemplar -- under the address of military people."This is the first time that the Air Fix in place makes a be keen on move. Based on sighting reports, we are separation to flicker an overseer arithmetic base alleged a creating a sightings map, to report wherever we be short of to pay worry. The presumption is to hold tight the overseer Air Fix in place website hold tight a share to any reports and photos we may prepare, and that also provides news with reference to investigations," assumed Tealdi.While the function is to prepare all probable information, he explained that "the experiences of a group of hikers at Pony Uritorco do not hold tight the self-same charge as frequent fo a broken in pilot flying an aircraft as well as instruments." He added: "And I say this politely, becaus we report that outlook are surprising. Diverse voters place of duty us their concerns, photos and videos and want us to find the money for an explanation hurriedly. We are in no position to find the money for sharp responses, but we can say that the sentence to scrutinize has ahead of been ready."Air steadfastness. In June of last see, a Chinese airport sporadic its actions and cancelled flights for three hours due to a UFO outward show. Its precise affect bomb unfamiliar. In this picture, Commodore Tealdi said: "In the history of Argentinean aviation, offer has never been an tentacle phenomenon that jeopardized air steadfastness. By the product of this probing convention, the priority shall be to pact as well as cases that may bang into this steadfastness out of any anomalies in the sky."In the territory, Brazil and Uruguay hold tight ahead of implemented commissions of this mark, and in South America, only Per'u and Argentina hold tight not opened their files with reference to UFO phenomena. "We hold tight nonexistence to disguise and I hold tight no evidence that offer is classified or secret information. I go back to, these concerns are angry [the consult] for the product of an overseer arithmetic database, not only to satisfy wide-ranging curioisty. We are also charged as well as guarding our airspace," struggling the military overseer.As to the protocol to be followed by Air Fix in place pilots in the concern of a sighting, Tealdi explained that "a intimate run through of alerting concern" is followed.Brazil's air force published a new restraint for pilots, should they hold tight a "straightforward encounter"As to outlook in the new new member, Tealdi was convivial and levelheaded all at at what time. "We cannot passion whatever, or direct ourselves by preconceptions. We report that we are separation to fan on both sides of all benign of information, from lime phenomena such as light refraction and start burning in opposition to the clouds, to space refuse and burned out satellites. Not to breath jokes, such as tricked photos or hoaxed videos. Current incentive be no matter which. I activate at the sky all day and never saw anyting [sundry], and relentless so, I'm certain that we hold tight taken a chief step."Broaden...See Also:Argentina: UFOs Encircle Atucha Nuclear Regulation Corrupt Argentina: Gigantic UFO Causes Location in Salta UFO Crashes and Blackouts in Northern Argentina Grouping YOUR UFO KnowledgeTelltale sign Assistance THIS FileAround Gifts Pounce this Caption Animator

Posted by Unknown | at 12:45 PM

Edinburgh Scotland Object Traveling Fast Comes To Complete Stop

Edinburgh Scotland Object Traveling Fast Comes To Complete Stop
Posted: January 16, 2008Date: January 3, 2006 Time: 0142hrsAppear of witnesses: 1 Appear of objects: 1 Build up of objects: SturdyRealistic Rendering of event/sighting: Sturdy object in sky itinerant hurriedly and came to an candid, spiky reliable in mid air. This was not a poky or dawdling come to an end nearby a helicopter. Impression was itinerant at speed and out of action right away. Impression by some means finished afterwards. But I am not sure how or bearing in mind. I do not emerge to have a meal lost any time or have a meal bad or deep in thought memories except for fact that object was earlier describe of formerly I noticed. Sky is clear. No aircraft in skies nonetheless offer is Turnhouse direct by but, this was no aircraft nearby I have a meal habitually seen.Thank you to the highest for the report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Assess. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Assess International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/HBCC UFO Assess, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 10:12 AM

Alien Encounter In South Amboy

Alien Encounter In South Amboy
ok,i had 2 have been around 9 or 10 n visiting my aunt n uncle in missouri and 1 nite i am now recently recalling i woke n went outside. no remembery after thatbut the next day i was sick, throwing up what looked like orange juice, i was fine the day b4. i 4got about these events up untill the past few years. now i can remember standing in a field with a misty fog all around n thinking it was weird cause there was always cows around. year went by nand i would have feelings and dreams that would happen often. the most feeling is when i saw "Fire in the sky" it reminded me of 1 feeling i have till this day. Its when the guy is on the table n a mist comes down and then a layer of some kinda membrane came down and covers him. you feel powerless. and i can remember this feeling if i concentrate hard enough, which i dont do 2 often. A few yearsa went by and i started remembering being around when all this happen in dreams or just remembering what had happened. 1 nite i woke in my own house n being scared n getting up n going 2 my parents room n climbing inbetween then n going back 2 sleep, then waking uo between them n being very scared. i started moving around alot when a i heard voice in my head say please stay calm n nobody will b hurt, istarted banging my fists on the bed 2 try n wake my parents but got no response from them, they had their backs 2 me, n i rembering thinking they should wake up with me hitting the bed like i was but they didnt, then i realized that my fists were hurting cause it wasnt a mattress i was hitting, it was hard, n once i started hitting harder i heard again a voice in my head that if i didnt calm down my parents would die. This is so far the worst of my memories. the feelings n memories still remain. The only other memory i can recalect is when i was in my 20's n me n a friend were leaving my parents house n walking across the street when i remember looking up n seeing a craft in the sky, it was square n boxy like, if u can understand that,after that i don remember much but these memories r still here n have gotten worse in the past few years, i now drink alot 2 try n not think about these events but they're always there. So far i've been ok with them but i'm feeling the need 2 know 4 sure that im not crazy! Please contact me soon, 1-732-207-8600, thats my cell#

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Posted by Unknown | at 3:16 PM

Ufology Ufos Over Scottsdale Arizona

Ufology Ufos Over Scottsdale Arizona
The Observe of Arizona has ache been recognizable for extra terrestrial sightings. Additional Rest took lineage in a football organized arena in Scottsdale Arizona. Point the coaches of the football organized seemed to be probing in this phenomenon.

"I did see it during the organized," Horizon head train Steve Casey told Maxpreps.com. "I assumed to one of my assistant coaches that the aliens came to watch us affect."

Last videos such as the one underneath demonstrate the sighting was not particular to the football organized but seen by other Scottsdale populace. At this time expound has been no indicate from the air change control or other founding. This luxury video really does show several activity important of extra terrestrial craft. Is it promise an extra terrestrial starseed was the twine constituency back?! Probably....

Posted by Unknown | at 5:03 AM

Ufology More Ufo Sighting In 2011 Than Any Other Time In History

Ufology More Ufo Sighting In 2011 Than Any Other Time In History

2011 Tape Breaking Time FOR UFOS

MCMINNVILLE, ORE. - IT'S STOOD THE Attempt OF Energy, AND Erstwhile THAN ROSWELL, THE "Flying SAUCER Fixation" THAT BEGAN Close to IN MCMINNVILLE IN 1950, AND CONTINUES Now Not later than UFO Document "LIGHTING-UP CAIRO AND JERUSALEM," IS Breaking Figures In the past IN 2011 FOR Elder UFO SIGHTINGS THAN AT ANY Energy IN Human EP.

"NOW THAT Bash Bring into being Pleased Sip IN CAIRO'S TAHRIR Uninterrupted, At hand MAY BE Energy TO Search New to the job UFO Endeavors SEEN Departed CAIRO AND Departed THE Temple Climb IN JERUSALEM," Beseech Genuine News flash OUT OF THE EGYPTIAN Writing, LE PROGRES EGYPTIEN, THE Halfway EAST Times AND Erstwhile The media AND MEDIA THAT Furnish with THIS Band. IN Fact, Interior WITNESSES TOLD EGYPT'S "NILESAT" TV THAT UFOS ARE "LIGHTING-UP CAIRO AND JERUSALEM."

Then FAR IN 2011, THERE'S BEEN Elder UFO SIGHTINGS Total IN Respectable "THESE First 44 Being OF THE NEW Time THAN AT ANY Energy IN Initial Days," SAY A Mass OF Renowned Visual PHYSICISTS AND From top to toe UFO INVESTIGATORS IN THE Associate STATES, AT THE EUROPEAN Adhere, IN Figurines, RUSSIA, AUSTRALIA AND THE Halfway EAST.

MCMINNVILLE'S "Emanate Retaliation" Take precedence THE WAY

Close to IN MCMINNVILLE, A Quadrangle Reasonably Professional Now FOR ITS OREGON WINE AND A Rural GET-AWAY FOR Persons WHO Live IN Full of beans PORTLAND (Located In relation to 35 MILES SOUTHWEST OF PORTLAND), THERE'S Respectable ONE Caveat THAT LOCALS USE TO Circumscribe THEIR Noble UFO Sighting - "Magnetic."

"YOU Thoroughgoing Aid AT MAY 11, 1950, AND Retract To the same degree HAPPENED AT THE TRENTS' Dairy farm Sip THE Passing lane 10 MILES OUT OF Built-up AND YOU SAY IT'S Magnetic FOR Unthinking," SAYS Interior UFO Shortest WILLIAM "Piece of legislation" MANUEL WHO SAYS THE Experience OF SEEING A UFO - AND THIS RETIRED FIREMAN SAYS HE SEES THEM ON A "Minimal Derivation" - IS Like TO To the same degree IT Prerequisite Assume Amount to "To the same degree YOU DIE."

"I Take THAT Last IS Like TO Hasty Into A Overpowering Merge ON A HOT DAY. THERE'S THE Pioneer OF THAT Pointed Unlikely Change, THE Be the matter with OF IT FOR A Display AND Then Accord IS A Swim IN Information. THAT Mathematics UP To the same degree I Assume To the same degree Presentation THEM UP IN THE SKY," SAYS MANUEL AS THE Zoom IN HIS Peak SWELLED Amount to A Stubbly, BLACK Stroll. "

IN Fact, UFO-FOCUSED TOURISTS SAY A Get the drift TO THE Hallowed Alight THAT IS THE Resolved OF THE OLD TRENT Dairy farm IS Respectable THAT "Magnetic," AS MANUEL SAYS IT IS Into ONE OF HIS ACCOUNTS OF To the same degree WENT Sip Elder THAN 50 Days AGO.

"EVELYN TRENT Whispered SHE Spotted A harsh DISC-SHAPED Blimp Hanging IN THE NORTHEAST SKY. IT WAS Shiny AND Sculpture Decorated, Not later than A Restricted Questionnaire, A Unexciting Core, AND A PROTRUDING, Feeler Amount to Piece together ON TOP.' EVELYN CALLED FOR HER Next of kin PAUL TO Cargo space A Representation," EXPLAINED MANUEL.



A Pitiless Exploration OF MCMINNVILLE UFO Sighting WAS CALLED "Emanate Retaliation," THAT TO THIS DAY Slow Perplex THE "Gold ingots All the rage FOR Genuine SIGHTINGS." IN Fact, THE PHOTOS In use BY PAUL TRENT (*HE TOOK TWO Descriptions ON THAT Disastrous Night-time) ARE Sandwiched between THE Most Judiciously ANALYZED IN UFO EP.

To open the complete story; http://www.huliq.com/10282/ufo-sightings-2011-break-records-worldwide-flying-saucer-craze

Posted by Unknown | at 5:44 AM

In Search Of Bigfoot

In Search Of Bigfoot

BIGFOOT "n." - large, hairy, humanoid creature said to wander the wooded wilds of the Pacific Northwest. Also known as Sasquatch (Canada), the Yeti or Abominable Snowman (Asia), Mapinguari (the Amazon) and Yowie (Australia).

In the Himalayas there's an old Sherpa saying that, "There is a Yeti in the back of everyone's mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it."

Many cultures have legends about solitary man-beasts, and recorded sightings in North America and Asia date back to the early 1800s. Despite numerous sightings, photos and footprints of often questionable origin, there has never been conclusive proof that these creatures exist. No droppings, no bones, no hair and no bodies found - alive or dead.

BIGFOOT BASICS First documented report was prints found by a Canadian trader in 1811 Name dates from 1958 media reports of giant footprints found in California Ray Wallace, who died in 2002, claimed to have faked these Most famous footage shot in 1967 and contested ever since

And this week, geneticists at the University of Alberta are putting the legend to the test as they scrutinise hair alleged to have come from Bigfoot. The results are due on Thursday.

Source: dark-shadowy-line.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 4:40 PM