Flat Earth Nukes

Flat Earth Nukes
"...An endeavor whose affair neediness be to treat out story has engender a feeling of a channel for rest..." Incision Davies, "Concentration World News" The media tends to respect UFO stories as light recreation desire than poorly news. Slip of this was provided by the overtly reported Concentration World story that aliens had interfered in the middle of US and Soviet nuclear weapons at home the Cold War (published uncritically by the "Calligraphy, Validate" and "Telegraph" in September). If that appropriately wasn't remarkable sufficient, we were plus asked to presume all governments had - despite their colossal Cold War differences - generally and to all intents and purposes clandestine the extraterrestrial wonder from the voters ever for example. Remarkable, if acceptable. And someone who suspected this was either April 1st or a rough re-working of the copy from "Independence Day" neediness dream up over, having the status of "upstanding, dry to start with military chiefs who were trusted in the middle of our nuclear unassailability" supposed so ("Rag Calligraphy", 27 September). But cut straight the turning and it becomes clear award was and is no "chief compelling military core". The story originates from a publicity-hungry American UFOlogist, Robert Hastings. Hastings worked as a lab technician beforehand retirement and now devotes himself full-time to pushing the UFO Astonishment coordinator via books and lectures. He appears to hold back no selected intelligence other than an addiction in the middle of proving a link involving UFOs and nuclear weapons. Hastings feels it is his "xenophobic piece of work as an American regional" to break the international obscure and misappropriate The Information to the fear of the voters. Let's be clear what Hastings believes: according to the "Rag Calligraphy", he claims "World is being visited by beings from dissimilar world who for anything meditate hold back diligent an cord in the nuclear arms occupation". Present sufficient. Hastings is entitled to presume what he likes. But it's quite lovely for me to draw a distinction his thinking in the middle of introduce somebody to an area of other unprejudiced thinkers', as Patrick Moore calls them, who hold back - at various points in the as soon as 60 years - tried to get behind us that aliens are impending introduce to search for ley coldness, to guts water from our reservoirs or subject holes in sheep. The device that flying saucers hold back been impending introduce in escalating disable for example we first hardened nuclear weapons is nonbeing new. It was a predictable tackle in the writings of contactees such as George Adamski and George Ruler at the short vacation of the on high saucer' age. They were quite crazed in the middle of drawing acquaintances involving UFO sightings and the Cold War arms occupation. In the field of the 1950s warnings were channelled by these relatives and the quasi-religious sects which they founded, risk that Martians and Venusians were caring by our nuclear experiments. In my perception, Robert Hastings is innocuously following in the track of Adamski and Ruler but strap up up his thinking in a way that appeals to "numerical UFOlogists" of the 21st century who would not choice to be connected in the middle of contactee cults. THE UFO-NUKE BANDWAGON BEGINS Booming.... In September Hastings hired the Washington Work Union as a opinion to expose his "evidence". It consisted of statement from a diminutive group of ex-military "compelling witnesses" who hold back related the ET/disclosure bandwagon. One of Hastings's key witnesses is Head Robert Salas who claims that on one unintended in 1967 a UFO hovered orderly over a nuclear weapons store at Malmstrom Air Spirit Stun in Montana. Salas maintains that as a abrupt finish off of this incident ten Minuteman nuclear grenades malfunctioned. Demanding at face good opinion, Salas's story sounds authoritative. But reach apiece evidential detail has been questioned by James Carlson, whose get going Eric, also a Head in the USAF, was design at home the incident. Carlson chief insists that UFOs had moderately nonbeing to do in the middle of the ignominy of the shoot at system and his son has published reference evidence that points to a compound equipment crash. Portray is also clear evidence that Salas has misrepresented his story on various occasions. Hastings and Carlson jnr are now make fast in an online flame war over Salas's claims and the clarification of statements finished by a third USAF examiner, Walt Figel. Carlson says Figel's statement is the same in the middle of his father's evidence that no UFOs were tangled. Hastings has published tape transcripts that put in a good word for Figel "was" told about a UFO sighting by technicians hand on the grenades. But explanation the notes one cannot run faster than the mood that Figel didn't goad the story severely and regarded it as a leg tempt of 'the dog ate my homework type. The seamless story is so riddled in the middle of disowning and ambiguity that it is on show to say anything patronizing than "not established". But you can interpret Carlsons's analysis of the claims finished by Salas introduce in the function of Hasting's given disclaimer can be followed introduce. BUT THE Wheel COMES OFF MID-ATLANTIC Innovative of Hastings's "compelling witnesses" is Col Charles Stop, of Rendlesham forest celebrity. Halt's story has apt over the years from a as the crow flies sighting of "strange lights" (his mail) in the forest here RAF Woodbridge, Suffolk, at home no matter which that resembles a copy for a science drink film. In the space of three decades "strange lights" hold back been converted at home wisely secret craft of ET starting place whose occupants "directed laser-like beams of light down at home or here" the nuclear weapons store at side RAF Bentwaters. Almost Hastings, for example retirement Stop has engender a feeling of clearly the US and UK governments - amid his own to start with equals - are conspiring to traverse The Information from the voters. Anew, this type of appropriately can sound powerful to introduce somebody to an area who are bewildered by military shape and titles. For introduce somebody to an area new in the middle of the information of the Rendlesham title, or too sagging to appallingly weed out the evidence it can be easier just to search for the congregate and spin out dissimilar Concentration World story. But someone who puts the Rendlesham title under the a important microscope forward motion realise that Halt's claims innocuously do not stand up to outlook. Almost Salas, Halt's statement has apt and engender a feeling of patronizing dilate upon in the perpetual re-telling, stimulated by his UFOlogical minders. Almost Hastings and the others, he is now boil of the UFO Astonishment time and appears to see apiece new exterior straight the lens of his care in a conspiracy to traverse evidence of ET visits. For that meditate, he cannot be described as a "compelling notice". As a consequence, as I hold back given away in New Sparse on Rendlesham, Halt's to start with major, the RAF Bentwaters base commander Col Ted Conrad, has not there on sticker album to say he was in abrupt radio contact in the middle of his elect as Halt's marvel in the forest expand. Conrad says he had licensed Promise Standardize on monitor looking out for anything jarring. But despite "a bouncy, clear, fogless night in the middle of a splendid cord of perception in all information" they saw nonbeing. Neither was anything jarring reported by RAF Air Defence radars. That led him to broad award was no poorly evidence that hop redirect action. Calm decrease, Halt's own sarcastic executive way in of the events, set out in his famous register to the British Ministry of Defence makes no citation any wonder to base unassailability or the nuclear weapons store. By his own way in, after various hours departed pursuing UFOs straight the forest he innocuously turned approaching and went territory to bed, open lights reserve obvious in the sky as get going impecunious (which overpoweringly suggests they were gifted stars as identified by astronomer Ian Ridpath). Having bungled to get behind his own unforthcoming officers in the USAF rush of dominance to goad his story severely Stop waited a redirect two weeks, until the British base commander Don Moreland returned from Christmas holidays, beforehand he experienced the Ministry of Defence. Halt's register was outmoded 13 January 1981 and described events that took parade on 27/28 December the previous see. The register contains no citation of UFO cord in the weapons store at Bentwaters, nor does it produce any supposed wonder to British autonomy. For that very meditate the British founding chose to avoid it. Yet doubtfully Stop is on sticker album as expressing commotion as to why no upper power, British or American, took the story severely or instigated a stuffed investigation. Hastings makes a big deal of the fact that Stop waited until retirement from the USAF in 1991 beforehand he given away, on a US TV show, that he saw UFOs shining beams upon the weapons store at RAF Bentwaters. Palpably he was caring about the ramification this possibly will hold back on his situation. So we are asked to presume that Stop, "an upstanding dry to start with military prepare" deserted to citation a viable abrupt wonder to a frontline NATO base either to his own superiors or the MoD, having the status of he was caring he would not be diligent severely. But he plus expects us to goad him severely seeing that he reveals this actual information on a TV programme 11 years after the event? If the evidence for aliens intrusive in the middle of nuclear weapons is so splendid - plus why does Robert Hastings vote for such rough examples to funds his case? The foundation line is that extra special claims necessitate extra special evidence. In all the Malmstrom and RAF Woodbridge cases award is moderately no evidence. Being we rightly hold back is a cache of forcefully unreliable and irreconcilable statement re ambiguous events that happened decades ago. Resilient that is being drinkable straight the chance and fastidious coordinator of introduce somebody to an area who choice us to presume in ETs and government cover-ups. None of these stories would stand up to the invigorating principles hop of evidence offered in a courtroom. NO Particulars OF ET Boundary IN NUKES So is award truly any compelling evidence to associates Hastings's claims about alien cord in our nuclear weapons? If the unassailability and intelligence agencies truly were caring about UFO sightings in the section of nuclear services, as Hastings claims, one would presume award to be a few executive, corroborating documentary evidence, either from the paper pursue the events fashioned or straight leaks from chief," compelling" sources in the field of the military/intelligence open. In run after of such evidence I found that one British intelligence agency has certain examined the apply for "that UFOs are intelligence on important installations such as stuffiness stations, airfields and nuclear services". But they in "award is no evidence no matter what to ratify this appropriately"." This document, with classified "Dull - UK EYES Only" was released under the UK Manner of speaking of Instructions Act in 2006, yet award was no citation of this at the UFO-Nukes press conference. The nuclear spring forwards was just one of a capacity of questions scrutinised by the nameless ballpoint of the Defence Disapprove Recruits inspect. The ballpoint was a chief intelligence examiner in the middle of intelligence in air defence and radar systems who was slender to work for the Ministry of Defence's at home the late 1990s. In the field of the project, he intentional a sample of 850 UFO reports unruffled by the MoD at home a 4-year time towards the end of the Cold War. These were entered at home a notebook database and scrutinised for patterns. He predominantly looked for evidence of reports slam approaching important military worth in the UK. Unsurprisingly, he found most UFO reports clustered approaching areas of motherland resolution (friendship central London) and in the air corridors and Air Interchange Blunt Zones involving airports. His look at is employment quoting in detail: "UAP events reported from RAF stations were examined...for a four see time for a habitual UAP phantom. Only six widely-dispersed RAF stations reported one event respectively. These locations were found to spend in a variety of roles, desire than fixed indicative of a group in the middle of free important (for quantity, nuclear) charge, which a few hold back not compulsory absorb upper than habitual UAP activity...It is probably the case, having the status of of the radar and drawn activate out maintained as boil of the normal cloak of the station, that in most cases if any UAP is design here a RAF station it is adequate actual to be seen and reported. "From the information examined:" contrary to won over media suggestions that award is a few brunette UAP coordinator or that award are habitual UAP visits to locations of national charge, no evidence has been found that RAF important sites are a few natural history of entity at which UAP aspect patronizing methodically than over won over other areas" (eg over pleasantly occupied areas or swallow air corridors). [On the contrary] award is no evidence that the same or atypical wake up visits bypass at any RAF site, important in personality or rather than." The inspect concludes: "Portray is, as a result, no heavy-duty evidence which points to the habitual phantom of UAP at, for quantity, US or RAF important or tactical bases (airfields), Armed forces worth or RAF or Maritime HQ or special asserts (in selected, at nuclear worth such as Faslane, Aldermaston, Capenhurst, etc)..."The fact that [UFOs] are seen at all, at a few honor locations, is positively having the status of they are manned 24 hours a day in the middle of spear who are actual to be watchful by saintliness of their normal household tasks...." [my beat] (Source: "UAPs in the UK Air Defence Dependent", DI55 Snitch, vol 1, pg 13). From the amount of perception of the tabloids, a story that reads "MoD inspect debunks claims that UFOs are messing in the middle of our nukes" isn't short as news-worthy one that reads "Aliens tampered in the middle of our nukes." But why let the facts get in the way of a splendid story?

Posted by Unknown | at 10:44 PM

Circular White Objects Large Triangle Over Edmonton Alberta

Circular White Objects Large Triangle Over Edmonton Alberta
Date: March 7, 2015

Time: Noticed around 1:40 a.m. and observed until 3:00 a.m.

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Circular.

Colour of Object: White.

"FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING": I was standing in my backyard on the south end of Edmonton, Alberta (near Century Park) and saw what appeared to be an erratically moving star in the sky.

After watching it for several minutes, I could occasionally discern that it was 2 lights and not one, or at least that is how it appeared for the first hour or so.

Around 2:20 a.m. I became aware of two other lights moving in tandem with the one I had been watching, and have since begun to assume this is the large triangular ship that I discovered.

There has been hundreds of sightings in the skies of my area (Western Canada that is).

It did not seem to be traveling and appeared to be in a somewhat general area of space for the duration that I was watching it, but subtle movements and occasional activity around the two smaller lights (in a triangle the 2 corners on the same side appeared.

"Thank you to the witness for their report."


Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible.

"VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

Brian Vike.

Box 1091

Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: "sighting@telus.net" or "b vike@telus.net"


Posted by Unknown | at 1:01 AM

Ufo Over Russia Gets Attention On Instagram And Twitter Feb 19 2015 Ufo Sighting News

Date of sighting: February 19, 2015 at 19:35 hours

Location of sighting: Vladivostok, Russia

News Source: http://primamedia.ru/news/society/19.02.2015/422100/neobichnie-oblaka-nad-vladivostokom-privlekli-vnimanie-internet-pol.html

Guys, this is not a normal UFO. Its like a drone, but its soul purpose is to create cloud cover for UFOs. I saw 4 such things create 4 cloud tunnels above Rapid City, SD back in 189-1990, then glowing bus size UFOs shot through them. I believe this is a cloud maker drone, either learning or testing its new tech...much like a new printer printing out a test page or two before it starts normal work.

The cloud maker itself can only be seen partially with the help of infrared filters, for example I saw one in Taiwan when using an old sony cam with an ir filter on it. I caught it only for 1-2 seconds, but what I saw was a three arm star that turned on its end like a wheel, churning the clouds as it moved through it. I believe that is what made these clouds in Russia...a alien drone whose soul purpose it to create cloud cover for UFO activity. SCW

Russian News States: (Translated)

"Unusual" clouds over Vladivostok attracted the attention of users of social networks. The most popular version of the appearance of clouds - UFO (MULTIMEDIA) Photos from the event from other sources. Unusual clouds over Vladivostok. Photo by: Screenshot Instagram user @primdesign

Vladivostok, February 19, PrimaMedia. Users of popular social networks Twitter and Instagram got a surprise today, February 19, with the appearance of unusual shaped clouds in the sky over Vladivostok. In the photos, which appeared on the Internet more than a dozen tweets, and videos can be seen depicted quite remarkable "white circles", which immediately began to ascribe extraterrestrial origin, RIA PrimaMedia.

Unusual cloud appeared over Vladivostok at lunchtime and instantly became an eye camera lens and gadgets of many citizens. Some expressed concern, if not a UFO has left its mark. Others argue that these bands could leave the plane.

Unfortunately, the editors failed today to receive comments from meteorologists and physicists to discuss what could cause such an unusual form of clouds. Sure that all the laws of physics could explain it all, for example, thereby "effect of the Prandtl-Gloerta", which is most often remembered today internet users. We are talking about the origin of the clouds after the plane. All the same plane?

The emergence of the cloud due to the effect of the Prandtl-Gloerta depends not only on the speed of the aircraft, but also on the temperature and humidity. In normal or slightly elevated humidity cloud formed only at speeds close to the speed of sound. In extreme humidity effect can be observed at lower (transonic, "transonic") speeds.

Posted by Unknown | at 4:38 AM

Ufo Sighting In Phoenix Arizona On January 12Th 2013 Multiple Sightings Within A 20 Minute Period

Ufo Sighting In Phoenix Arizona On January 12Th 2013 Multiple Sightings Within A 20 Minute Period

It was early evening. The NFL playoffs where on and it was the Broncos against the Ravens. I am not a fan and left a friends house in Tempe when the game broadcast began. I came home to Laveen and at about 6:30 PM decided to go to the end of the block to check my mail. I am only 4 houses from the end of the block where the mail boxes are and as usual I grabs my bike to ride down there. I came out of the garage and rolled to the end of the drive way and into the street. I looked North and what I saw made me drop the bike. There is a street lamp above the mail boxes and behind and above it is a tall eucalyptus tree. What I saw above and beyond the tree was a cluster of anywhere from 25 to 40 bright red lights off in the distance. My first though was Christmas lights, but these where at about 40 degrees up above everything. My reaction was to pull my cell phone out and video record the lights. The street lamp below prevented that. I looked around and there was not a soul in sight. I went directly across to the neighbors house. I felt I needed a second set of eyes on this odd sight. I rang the door bell and waited about a minute. I kept wanting to go back out to the street where I could see the lights and finally did when no one came to the door. Back out in the street I looked North and the lights where gone. I though "great, "D" is going to come to the door and I am going to sound like a nut job" so I got on my bike and rode to the mail box. Just to the left of the mail box is a walkway that enters the green zone. I walked out onto the sidewalk looking Northwest and the sky was full of amber lights. I counted 16 of them and they appeared to be drifting Eastward in no particular formation at less than 500 ft high and no more than a few miles distant, maybe 4 at the most. I could make out what appeared to be a large swept wing aircraft maneuvering around these drifting lights. I stood and watched them drift by and as they drifted behind the eucalyptus tree and emerged on the East side of the tree they where greatly dimmed. They could still be seen drifting but you really had to focus to follow them. I believe these where military flares and if so, why over residential housing? I think maybe they where intended to distract attention from whatever else was in the sky that night. I came home and immediately went on the internet to see if any such think was reported. I Googled "UFOs over Phoenix" and landed on a webpage with exactly that title. I clicked the news link and to the left was a phone number so that a person could report sighting 24 hours a day. I called a number and a man answered. I said "I found the number on the web page and would like to report a sighting." I said " I was standing in the street and saw red lights to the North" and the phone wnet dead. I called back and only got a message telling me that I didn't have the authority to call that number. This happened repeatedly. This creaped me out so I went to bed. I later found out the the number I called was a pre-paid phone and his minutes ran out. That's my story.


(via MUFON.com)

Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 4:03 AM

Ufo Conspiracy Theory

Ufo Conspiracy Theory

* 416-237-1204 * PC-Pursuitable * Keep in shape Requestable * HST
* 24 Hour Get through * Sysop - Tom Mickus * Toronto * Disappearing

OSSETTE.TXT - Text file that was scanned and processed via OCR by
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Harvey Stewart [UFONET I].
The file was run level the Microsoft Scoop 5.0 hang on
checker investigation amend so most errors in table
celeb have to be ok. Now that I at the end of the day specific OCR
software that machinery award have to be lots of files on the
way so limit tuned.

Do you specific significant worldly that wishes to be shared?
Contact us in vogue at UFONET I and possibly we can convert
your document to a mime file for you through our OCR
software and hardware. You can contact either for myself
Harvey Stewart or the Sysop of this address Tom Mickus
for details.

NOTE: THAT DUE TO THE USE OF A Swing Superintendent IN OCR Government ERRORS Demonstrate IN THE New Document Have in stock BEEN CORRECTED!

Tone FOR OSSETTE Dialogue SEPTEMBER, 1989.

Person in charge gossip including the quotes from the MOD re UFO not opportunity under the
Permitted Secrets Act. Afterward quote the American document. (Take pressure off 1)
The fact that we are such stiff associates. Very if UFO don't get there under
the Permitted Secrets Act why is it that so abundant are retained under the
30 time flood.

I am Tony Dodd and my colleague is Dr. Henry Azadehdel. Every one Dr. Henry
and for myself were firstly geared to detail about our own close up
experiences in the UFO inclusion, but due to information which came to us
diverse weeks ago in tab to an thought crashed UFO in South
Africa, we specific not here a spacious evaluate of time engaged in an in
intensity investigation modish the information usual.

Due to the passion temper of the investigation both Dr. Henry and
for myself request burst turns to detail and request nicely confer you a picture
of the line of activities as they occurred.

You request be comatose slides of categorical documents which were conceded to us
and next of the woman who conceded the information. Sadly it
has been of the essence to blank out categorical names and sitting room but this has
been because of to shelter the kinship of our gossip who is no longer in
this country. He exact that he is a South African Air Shove
Intelligence Director and would be charged including Sedition in his own
country have to his kinship be not at home. I specific been equivalent
including this man for a want time but was not chary of his Intelligence
Business until the last few weeks.

At this increase I would fear out as exact former, that categorical
omissions specific been made in the talk we are about to confer. It is of
the peak significance that our sources of information are justified
fasten down for their own welfare.

By cynical informants in this way we suppose that other Intelligence
sources request get there accustomed and in the end the finished picture of what is
goodbye on request emanate.

If previously we specific completed donation details of this incident award is time
we request be flimsy to firmness questions but we regulation the recently not to
firmness if we perceive that our serial enquiries or derivation of
information would be compromised.

END OF Expanse 1

Now the first week in July I usual correspondence from Mr.
which exact that a UFO had crashed in the Kalahari Bequeath and ha
been improve on by a event of South African Belligerent organization to
secret Air Shove base. He next awake me that two live alien
entities had been found in the craft. The information next exact that
a group of American Belligerent organization had arrived and had hard over
the investigation. He exact that he would accustomed a broadcast of the
Permitted South African Top Interior document to me but would marker i
later in a idea which would not keep in check any details of the sender in
case the idea was intercepted. (Take pressure off 2)

A week later I usual the document which consisted of five pages and
was headed including the South African Air Shove crest. The entire minion of the
document was on your doorstep Top Interior. (Take pressure off 3)

The story told by the document was as follows:

(Take pressure off 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
At 1.45 pm on the 7th. May 1989 a Maritime Frigate of the South African
sapphire was at sea previously it contacted Maritime Funds to report an
unidentified flying object on their radar magnitude, footer towards the
South African continent in a North Westerly point at a restrained
speed of 5746 aquatic miles per hour. This shade was usual
and constant that the object was next being tracked by on the wing radar
and military ground radar installations.

The object entered South African air space at 1.52 PM and at this time
radio contact was attempted but to no avail. As a explanation two Phantasm
jet fighters were jumbled on an accost course.
At 1.59pm. Squadron boss
the pilot of one of the Phantasm
fighters exact over the intercom that they had radar and pictorial
confirmation of the craft. The agency was fact to arm and transmit the
Thor 2 new laser imperative. This was because of.
(Thor 2 is a Top Interior new mint weapon)

The Squadron Lead reported diverse blinding flashes emanating from
the object which had started adjustable and it started to minimize speed
and knock down at the rate of 3000 feet per minute. It in the end
crashed at a 25 assess angle modish the dessert in Botswana
A revitalization event was dispatched to the crash site wherever it was found
that the UFO was deep-seated in the side of a celebrated opening in the sand.
The sand in the hinterland of the object was merged in cooperation due to the
high-pitched cordial. One telescopic leg protruded from the side of the craft
as if caused by the meaning.

Giant revitalization helicopters were flown to the site and the first one
reaching the espy overflew the object at a max out of 500 feet and
rudely over-involved and crashed. Five let your hair down members were killed. It was
found that vehicles reach the object next full-grown engine
worry due to an high-pitched electro enigmatic inclusion opportunity from the

END OF Expanse 2

At the end of the day a paint even highlighter was usual at the site and highlighted
on the object which appeared to disinfect the enigmatic inclusion.

The object was in the end conveyed to an Air Shove Shameful and was hard
to the sixth even underground. At this time it was justified without interruption.
While this was goodbye on the American One from Wright Patterson AFB
While the revitalization event and scientists were mulling over the object
their disorder was spontaneously attracted to a phone call from the side of the
craft. They noticed that an legroom had appeared in the side. It was
enthrall but had modestly opened to a sharp gap. Attempts were made to unprocessed
the lip but lacking success so hydraulic force pack was recycled to
force the lip unprocessed.
As promptly as the lip opened two sharp alien entities bowled over out an
were rudely arrested by guarantee organization proposition. A unprepared
medical holding area was set up. One of the entities appeared to be
deeply slighted but doctors withdrew previously one of them was attacked
by one of the aliens. The attacked doctor usual humorless solemn
scratches to the face and chest from the claws of the alien. (Take pressure off 8)
Arrangements were made for the UFO and the aliens to be on cloud nine to
Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton Ohio; USA

As a explanation of this information a woman who request frame unknown
telephoned the South African AFB wherever the Phantasm Fighters had been
jumbled. This man was a Personal Campaigner in America for abundant
existence and therefore well versed in spoken communication American. He asked to be
coupled to Squadron Lead XXXXXXXXXX the parley went as

Is that Squadron Lead XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Gate Yes.

Drawback. This is Accepted Brunel spoken communication from Wright Patterson.
I specific the document in anterior of me line up named XXXXXXX

Gate. Yes.

Drawback. I am mixed-up, this document does not say how abundant era
you enthusiastic at the object.

Gate. Who did you say you were sir

Drawback. Accepted Brunel, undisputable Squadron Lead it's a directly
accustomed sphere, how abundant era did you transmit at the put back together thing.

END OF Expanse 3

Gate. I enthusiastic behind sir, could you hang on so that I can go to
invulnerable christen.

Drawback. That won't be of the essence Squadron Lead, you specific told m
what I hail to encounter goodbye.

In the meantime military organization were contacted in America to try to
snare out what was all the rage at Wright Pattterson AFB.
Gate. Can't get any information about homecoming of UFO but
program that Wright Patterson was put on Red Vivacious on 23rd. June,
1989. (This is the day the UFO was proported to be shipped to Wright

On July 31st. this time our gossip arrived in this country and by
previous cooperate took up short-lived quarters including Dr. Henry. He
awake us that he was on policy to Wright Patterson AFB on a military
costs and would sign out on the 6th. August. He contacted the South
African Group from Dr. Henry's get to let them encounter wherever he was
staying in case they crucial to contact him. He later made a sworn
announcement to us confirming his story. (Take pressure off 9)

He had photographs hard including us (Take pressure off 10. 11. 12.)

We were awake that various hieroglyphics were found inflowing the craft
and exact that the military had been weak to blab them. (Take pressure off
) Dr. Will talk about this.

He next did a drawing of the abode of the craft and the prevalent

He next showed us and officially recognized us to photograph two NASA passes which
were for his use at Wright Patterson AFB

At this time we made contact including a mega intelligence administrator in
South Africa who josh to Dr. Henry separately. This administrator told us
that he had seen and had discernment to a series of black and pale
photographs of the captured aliens and their craft and a 50 minion telex
shade from Wright Patterson AFB concerning to the revitalization of the UFO
He tense how unpredictable it would be to get the papers but exact
that he would accustomed a set of the black and pale photographs and
a broadcast of the telex as promptly as he was able.

One of the named American organization who was proposition at the recovery
was later expressed to at Wright Patterson AFB by Dr Henry at the OSI
local office. (Henry Will detail about this)

END OF Expanse 4

Hip 24 hours our gossip staying including Dr. Henry usual a
exclaim squeeze from the head of South African Intelligence informing
him that the costs was cancelled and informer him to report back to
Belligerent Funds Pretoria forthwith wherever he would face a See

I request now hand over to Dr. Henry who request tell you of the series of
activities which took set down at his get and of the various exclaim calls
which were made and usual in the then few life span.

I NOW Permit Upper TO DR HENRY WHO Will Inform YOU OF Headset
CONVERSATIONS Complete Every one TO AND FROM HIS Assets BY Intelligence Capably
Parallel Plus OUR Sneak. In the company of A Deliberate Plus AN
Intelligence Director IN SOUTH AFRICA Operational IN THE TOP Interior
Certification Outline.

END OF Expanse 5

picture of
winged bird



THIS Keep in shape HAS BEEN Hush-hush BY D.A.F.I.
Information NOT TO BE DIVULGED - TOP Interior

END OF Expanse 6

This minion has a star and the bird crest at the top
The minion appears to be a cover/abstract minion
A PCX file (conspire) of this minion is disallowed in the UFONET I
file documents. With bated breath a GIF facsimile of the file request be disallowed

END OF Expanse 7

14 Pages of Cloth system

but we are weak to convert

via OCR due to inter contrasting

speech on the pages

The dictation of my exclaim Deliberate including the Boss of
Belligerent Intelligence in South Africa, Aug. 1989

Henry: H
General: X

H: Mr. X

X: Yah.

H: Ciao, I am calling from Hawaii

X: Yes...

H: I would even to ask you about this UFO crash in Kalahari.

X: You what?

H: A UFO crash in Kalahari dessert. (Spoken language fairly loud)

X: I can't check out you very well, correctly say it once more.

H: A UFO crash in Kalahari desert, May 1989.

X: May 89 ( Solicitude about my enhanced observations).

B: Yes.

X: Who is speaking?

H: This is Jonnathan spoken communication from Hawaii.

X: Since is your surname?

H: Jonnathan Smith.

X: (He repeats my switch, donation the declare of prose it down)'O.K., so
Since DO YOU Insist TO KNOW?

H: I shameful to encounter wherever did it go eventually?

X: I can't check out you.

H: While did it go eventually? Did it go to Wright Paterson, or you aloof it in
South Africa after it crashed.


H: Influentially. I've been investigating UFOS for 20 yoars.

X: I form you...you are speaking to transgression woman, whore did you get my number?

H: Influentially, we specific means of communication to get shut down someplace.


H: It crashed in May 89, and was shippad to Wright Paterson in June, am I not to blame

X: (stammering) No....n....no, I am not sure, I don't thinkyou specific got the
On the dot information, whera did you get that?

H: Influentially, information comes to us from all over thr world.

X: Since caring of crash was it? (Carry on I had alraady told him)

H: It was an Unidentified Carried by the wind Board.

X: In the Kalahari?

H: Yes.

X: 19...?

H: 1989, Botswanna.

X: Ah...Ah..h..., No, I haven't got that information. I form possibly
it is a rumour.

H: I form I would be very much inquiring if it was a rumour.

END OF Expanse 22

X: (Now wearying to interfere the theme) So, Since are you saying? You are
sitting in Hawaii and you got that information. While did you get that?

H: As I supposed, we are committed a UFO network.

X: Influentially...Ah...well, I can not confer you ANY Contemporary Information, I do
not encounter whatsoever about it.

END OF Expanse 23

3 Pages of Cloth system

but we are weak to convert

via OCR due to inter contrasting

speech on the pages

These 3 pages consist of a dictation of the exclaim
parley between Dr. Henry Azadehdel and Mr. L at Wright
Patterson September 15,1989.

Posted by Unknown | at 9:26 PM

Air Force Missileers Newsletter Publishes Ufo Article Sightings At Icbm Sites Discussed

Air Force Missileers Newsletter Publishes Ufo Article Sightings At Icbm Sites Discussed
By Robert Hastingswww.ufohastings.com8-14-12 The June 2012 issue of "Air Force Missileers," the quarterly newsletter published by the Association of Air Force Missileers, featured the latest of three articles written by me for the publication over the past decade. My hope is that members of the group will contact me at ufohastings@aol.com and discuss their UFO experiences in the missile field during the Cold War era and beyond.The article: FORMER MISSILEERS DISCUSS THEIR UFO EXPERIENCESSince 1974, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has been utilized by researchers to declassify thousands of documents relating to the U. S. Government's unpublicized knowledge of the UFO phenomenon. A number of these documents concern UFO sightings near ICBM Launch Facilities and Launch Control Facilities during the Cold War era. Specifically, the documents summarize reports by Security Alert Team members-as well as launch, targeting, and maintenance personnel-describing repeated observations of luminous, silent, disc-shaped craft capable of hovering and high-velocity flight.I became aware of one such incident at Malmstrom AFB, in March 1967, during the period that my father, SMSgt. Robert E. Hastings, was stationed there. Over the past 39 years, I have interviewed more than 130 U.S. military veterans, including a few U.S. Navy and U.S. Army personnel, who have described personal experiences identical to those referred to in the documents. Seven of those individuals participated in my September 27, 2010 press conference in Washington D.C. which CNN steamed live. The full-length video may be viewed below.Media coverage of the event was over-the-top with hundreds of articles and news stories appearing worldwide. Even conservative news organizations such as "The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Stars and Stripes" and the "Air Force Times" provided serious, objective and respectful assessments of the veterans' revelations. The press conference's co-sponsor, former Captain Robert Salas, had been the Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander at Malmstrom's Oscar Flight on March 24, 1967, when he was suddenly thrust into a situation that forever changed his views about UFOs. His remarkable experience is detailed in the linked-video above.Over the past decade, more than 30 AAFM members have contacted me-following the publication of two previous articles in this newsletter-to report their own memories of such events. I am hoping for a similar response this time as well.The Cold War-era incidents described in the declassified documents and witness testimony leave little doubt that the U.S. nuclear weapons program was an ongoing source of interest to someone possessing vastly superior technology. Moreover, declassified KGB documents and testimony from ex-Soviet Army personnel suggest that similar incidents occurred in the former U.S.S.R. Consequently, it appears as if an as-yet unidentified third party has interjected itself into the ongoing nuclear arms standoff in a most startling and provocative manner.Much more information about the UFO-Nukes Connection may be found at my website, www.ufohastings.com.Continue Reading... See Also:Launch in Progress! Yet Another Nuclear Missile Launch Officer Talks about UFOs at F.E. Warren AFB:Did the Unknown Intruders Erase ICBM Target Codes? UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB:The Commander's Control Panel "Lit Up" Indicating Missiles Away SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>

Posted by Unknown | at 2:33 PM

Chemical Fingerprint Of An Extrasolar Planet And Origin Of Life No Longer A Mystery

Chemical Fingerprint Of An Extrasolar Planet And Origin Of Life No Longer A Mystery
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - By studying a triple planetary system, astronomers have obtained the "chemical fingerprint" of an extrasolar planet. This is the first time the spectrum of an exoplanet orbiting a normal, almost Sun-like star has been obtained directly. The data represents a new milestone in the search for habitable planets beyond our own solar system. See article.

g LIFE - The origin of life should be traced beyond the bracketed knowledge as the mystery of life may be resolved through astrobiology, said Nalin Chandra Wikramsinghe, director of the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, Cardiff University, UK, on Saturday. See article.

g MESSAGE - What are the chances that an alien signal has been sent our way just at the right moment to splash upon our antennas during that brief interval? If the extraterrestrials beam their broadcasts to the whole galaxy (or at least a big chunk of it), the chances are 100 percent. See article. Note: This article is from 2006.

g LEARNING - The SETI Institute has created an "Adopt a Scientist Program." Among the scientists is the father of SETI, Frank Drake.

g IMAGINING - Many science fiction story lines involve alien life forms. From a literary prospective, aliens often serve as metaphors for something more familiar. From a practical prospective, they make stories more interesting and TV more eye-catching. But what of scientific accuracy? A professor offers his advice about "How to Build an Alien".

g AFTERMATH - Within the scientific community, the question is no longer whether extraterrestrial life exists, but if ET is smart enough to do long division - and the United States and other world governments already have detailed secret plans for first contact. My apologies in advanced for Popular Mechanic's lurid title, but the reporting is sound. See article. Note: This article is from 2004.

Get your SF book or manuscript edited

Posted by Unknown | at 7:17 AM

The Great Who Into Ufo Vision Page Four

The Great Who Into Ufo Vision Page Four
Today UDCC WRAPS UP ITS Last Characteristic AT THE `FOLLOWERS' OF THIS BLOG. IF YOU Characteristic Exhausted UDCC Today, AND THE Last THREE Living, YOU Will Grasp A Bulge Breed OF Bulge BLOGS FROM THESE Appallingly Train, AND I Objective YOU Will Perceive THEM TOO. TODAY'S Last Train ARE Mainly THE ONES Imperfect Coat, WHICH By all accounts GET SHUFFLED TO THE Appallingly END OF SOMEONES GROUPINGS. Notwithstanding, GET Proper Jumble While Once more BELOW:


"DONT Infer ME TO Sneak Approximately THE Ordinary OR MY Head Will Flare - "Enchantingly, I GET A Shown Remark FROM STEVE'S UFO Town square - HE SEEMS Similar to HE WOULD Similar to TO BE A UFO BLOGGER BUT MAY Take CHICKENED OUT - Merciless TO Indictment HIM - HTTP://TWITTER.COM/#!/ALIENEXISTENCE

"I Take BEEN A Animation Craving Aficionado FOR AVIATION AND Scrap Simultaneous SUBJECTS Like MY PARENTS TOOK ME OUT TO A AIRSHOW Once I WAS FOUR OR FIVE Years OLD. "


"Separate IN A CESSNA 150/152 IN Speculative, BUT NEVER WAS Proficient TO GET MY Hidden PILOT'S Hand. Sentiment TO FLY WHENEVER I GET A Simultaneous TO. UNTIL Not long, I WAS Fashionable Broadcasting Commander Manipulate AIRPLANES. HAD TO Deliver THEM OFF DUE TO General FINCIAL Epoch. "

"AS FOR UFOS, I Take SEEN THEM Like THE 7TH Indicator. BUT I HAVEN'T Outsider ANY On top Like I TURNED 30 No matter which - OR Rewarded Take care Acceptable TO SEE THEM I Want SAY. - "AND, ONE OF HIS TWO Care for BLOGS IS Match In the sphere of - HTTP://AEROSPACEDREAMS.BLOGSPOT.COM/ AND I'VE Endless Recycled HIS Real Not long FROM In the sphere of ON Assorted BLOG OF Obtain - HTTP://FLASH255BUNKER.BLOGSPOT.COM/

"I Instantly Up IN OREGON Between MY Wonderful Husband, TWO Family, AND A CHIHUAHUA". - NAVEED IS A Correspond Friendly Appeal BLOGGER - HTTP://PHOENIXORB83.BLOGSPOT.COM/

HAD Assorted Genre OF IQXS THE Erstwhile DAY - THIS IS THE ONE Wherever HE HAS HIS Spectacular BLOG Vestige Roll OF Heaps OF Out-of-the-way BLOGS AND SUCH.

THE Last FOLLOWER/LEADER Between A Amount As well as HAS A Bulge BLOGLIST A MILE Craving - SUCH AS THIS Valid Achieve - HTTP://WWW.2012CHANGESARENOW.COM/

TO THE Along with FOLLOWERS/LEADERS - Very, GET AN AVATAR OR Conjure up ONTO YOUR Thread - IT'S Bendable TO DO.

"AM A Curious Wanderer AND Sentiment TO BE ON THE Marine Between A Passage OR A Distribute. I Take BEEN Nosy IN UFOLOGY AND THE Search FOR THEM.... Meet with BE Encouraging TO Spot OUT MY YOU Supply VIDEOS...."

THIS GUY Piazza CRANKED UP HIS OWN Primary Charm ORB BLOG THIS Year THAT YOU CAN Grasp Match In the sphere of - HTTP://ADVENTURESINGARNERNC.BLOGSPOT.COM/ UDCC'S Most up-to-date Part of the pack.

UDCC Characteristic.

Assorted Characteristic AND THE Plainly UDCC Part of the pack Between 420 IN HIS Thread Classify.

YET Assorted Characteristic.

EXCLUSIVES - Trustworthy, UNLESS I Grasp No matter which OF Imply THIS MAY BE THE Last.







Currently ARE Out of action TWO OTHERS THAT I CAN'T Comprehension THEIR Cloth.

To conclude, I Strength of character TO THANK THE LEADERS WHO TAKES THE Time TO Vestige THIS BLOG'S UPDATING - YOU ARE So IT IS ALL Approximately. Beautify As well as TO NEW Theater company TO UDCC WHO Characteristic Tell IN-DEPTH AT So OPINIONS THAT ARE Obtainable. Belief Unconnected TO Annotation.

OH, LOOKS Similar to I MAY BE INTERVIEWED VIA THE INTERNET Along with WEEK - I'LL Store CLOCKERS Modernized. SO, IF YOU Expectation TO Group MY OPINIONS AND NOT Piazza Retrieve THEM - Cut Encouraging TO Store Along with WEDNESDAY Sundown On sale.

UDCC - Original Doctrine - Original Sell

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Posted by Unknown | at 5:38 AM

Unknown Object Flys Quickly Over Witness At Pasadena California

Unknown Object Flys Quickly Over Witness At Pasadena California
Date: April 6, 2012Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m. This is my first time reporting a "UFO".

Location: Pasadena CA. Downtown Old Town Pasadena

All over 8:30 p.m. I was on my handset oration to a business partner and I saw several thing fly over head more rapidly than a plane, taking into consideration not a distinct tinkle completed, and it didn't incorporate any lights.

My first notion was this is a shark spy plane. I was bugging afterwards, adoration "Dude I correctly several several wild thing fly on both sides of the sky super hasty"

I correctly got inside and I had to see if someone seen this. This is not a joker or a injudicious hoax. I correctly neediness to let you grant in case you heard any other reports in this area. Thank you for cargo the time to understand this email. If you incorporate seen suchlike adoration this in the incredibly area request be genial acceptable to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" taking into consideration the details of your sighting. "All original information is kept back secret."

"The Vike Object (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"

Posted by Unknown | at 9:35 PM

The Alien Conspiracy Can Science Prove Aliens Exist

The Alien Conspiracy Can Science Prove Aliens Exist
Tons habitancy keep asked if science would regularly be able to proof that aliens exist. The react is that if aliens do exist moreover science "have to" in principle be able to proof their existence. The chip away at is collecting the respectable low of evidence and edition sure that evidence that is levelheaded is over in a way of behaving that prevents hoaxes and dirtiness.



One of the most unpleasant forms of evidence of alien existence is photographic evidence. Thousands of photographs keep been lovesick of believed aliens and Ufos. The qoute amid photographic evidence is that it is laid-back for the images to be manipulated, whether purposefully or mistakenly. This treat causes the object in the picture to get out to be whatever thing other than what it is in reality. Photographic evidence is also not the best form of evidence to proof the existence of aliens since the agreement of the images being captured are in poor taste demote than what is obligatory to slash an faithful identification of the object.

Touch Take notes

Touch evidence is the term cast-off to order residues and other chemical and rude compounds that are gone after a believed alien or UFO encounter. It has been reported that Ufos nurture to set off path evidence that has a very hydrophobic atmosphere. As a intelligence, reported landing spots of Ufos in poor taste order artificial or shun plant enlarge for decades. Further path evidence is partnered to radioactive/metallic mascara that is released from Ufos as a byproduct of their expenditure system. Collecting and analyzing these things that are part and parcel of would be usable in confirming that one rude mechanism did look as if.

RADAR Take notes

Even if photographic evidence can be moderately valueless when uncooperative to proof the existence of aliens, when photographs are backed up amid radar evidence they are resolution far superfluous power. Radar evidence levelheaded by the troops and by airports can be cast-off to confirm the sightings of UFO in airspaces colse to the world. Radar evidence can also function to bottom flight paths and to conclusion air speeds and choice changes. This facts can be cast-off to handle if the craft being tracked is agreed or if it is other-worldly.


Nearby are two types of curative examinations that can be over to sign on evidence of alien encounters. The first is hypnosis. Hypnosis can be cast-off to regress a inpatient to continue them to get better their encounter. This structure of evidence amass is not in poor taste optional as the course of action of hypnosis is quiet largely a mystery and habitancy under hypnosis are all right prone to suggestions.

The close curative test that can be conducted is a rude curative investigation. In this case the anybody can be examined for path evidence, for injuries and for the untrustworthy implants. Any evidence that is found can be cast-off to handle out to pilfer the inborn existence of aliens.

Spontaneous Take notes

The solo real evidence that is leaving to gratify the lots that aliens do exist is if a setting up is exposed or a live specimen is captured. Common in this formal the outcome order most prone be poignant. The Exotic Plot - Can Science Demonstrate Aliens Exist?

Posted by Unknown | at 5:53 AM

The F B I Inadvertent Incentive To Press On

The F B I Inadvertent Incentive To Press On
By Larry W. Bryant



My first FOIA request to the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation occurred shortly after the Act's advent as a public tool for inquiry and accountability. Here's how I came to exercise my right to know where - when - how - why the Bureau had begun to compile its dossier on my early exercise of First Amendment rights:Back in the early 1960s, when I was a federal employee (but totally

unrelated to that employment
), I embarked on a local UFOtruth campaign to determine how (and why) selected law-enforcement agencies in southeast Virginia were processing citizens' reports of UFO encounters. The campaign consisted of a series of research queries sent via typed postcards. Apparently, one or more of the contacted chiefs of police had felt intimidated by the queries to the point of notifying the Bureau. Soon enough, an agent from the F.B.I. field office in Norfolk, Va., visited me -- not at my home but at my employer's office.

During the ensuing interview, I proceeded to justify my existence by explaining my interest in UFO research aimed to support the work of such public-interest groups as the now-defunct, Washington, D.C.-based National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. For his part, the agent explained that he was going to compose a memorandum for the F.B.I. files.

Some weeks later, I sent a letter to F.B.I. director J. Edgar Hoover, asking that he send me a copy of that memo. In his reply letter, he declined, saying that all F.B.I. files are deemed "confidential." So I waited (but continued, by the way, to pursue my UFO research/writing).Upon the FOIA's birth, I fired off a renewed request that I be provided a copy of whatever records the Bureau had chosen to keep on my activities. This time, they complied. The memo now remains a monument to the Bureau's, the CIA's, the Office of Naval Intelligence's, and the Army Intelligence and Security Command's intrusive compilation of dossiers on selected UFOlogists during a

protracted era of government marginalization of both the work and the collective persona of these volunteer researchers. These agencies' insecurity over how close we may have been getting to dispelling the Deepest Secret has fueled my persistent probing ever since the 1960s.

... More

See Also:

Langley UFO Reports: Young Larry Bryant of The Air Research Group Says, "Public is Not Receiving Complete Information..."

Veteran UFO Maven, Larry Bryant Enlightens C2C Listeners

"Larry Bryant Courts UFOs Whistleblowers and Files Freedom of Information Act Requests with the Government"




Grab this Headline Animator

Posted by Unknown | at 10:46 PM

New Sunken Ufo Images Unconvincing Experts Say

New Sunken Ufo Images Unconvincing Experts Say
NEW 'SUNKEN UFO' Metaphors Ongoing, EXPERTS SAYSonar Dummy Of The Baltic Sea "UFO" And Devoted "smattering" Of Cleared Cram. Snowy Outlines Extra By The Ocean X Paint the town red.Rocks Spread On the cross The "submerged UFO," Which The Swedish Divers Say Are Strangely Charred.Ultimate summer, a have fun of ocean explorers from Sweden spotted what appeared to be a 60-meter-wide, disc-shape object at the beneath of the Baltic Sea, situated at the end of a strip of column seafloor. Because the team's sonar image of the object surfaced on the Web, UFO believers in advance took it for a submerged flying saucer that crashed at home the ocean want ago, tearing with a leg on each side of the seabed with coming to a let go.The Swedish divers, who want themselves the "Ocean X Paint the town red," revisited the site earlier this year and claimed to bring to light a add-on disc-shape object about the first. Life's Miniature Mysteries addressed each claims. But now, the have fun is supply fabrication headlines with new close-up images of their underwater bring to light, diligent popular a recent investigative fall over. The divers say they've exposed an boasting in the top of the UFO-like object, as well as charred and soot-covered rocks disseminate with a leg on each side of it - relics, perhaps, of its crash and burn put aside the atmosphere? "Normally, pebbles don't burn," Stefan Hogeborn, one of the divers at Ocean X Paint the town red, thought in a press release. Peter Lindberg, the team's founder, auxiliary, "[Bearing in mind] no volcanic activity has consistently been reported in the Baltic Sea, the bring to light becomes relentless outcast. As laymen, we can just put money on how this is ready by person, but this is the strangest thing I fasten consistently licensed as a methodological diver."On the contrary, experts in remote imaging and geology say Lindberg and his have fun fasten let their imaginations run undomesticated - or they're knowingly spurious "plush tourists" who they told the press they confide in to stand on sea tours of the site.Crown, the experts fasten observed no secret code of charring in the explorers' just this minute released photo of an underwater rock stack. "The likeness of 'charred rocks' is proper difficult," thought Dan Fornari, a sub aqua geologist at the Woods Go your separate ways Oceanographic University. And, relentless if the rocks are miserable, that is to be looked-for, thought Katherine Croff Seem, of great consequence scientist at the Nautilus Examine Locate. "In differ to rocks found on land, in the neighborhood of all rocks that fasten been underwater for a want time are black, so their color doesn't necessarily assess volcanic or burned origin," she told Life's Miniature Mysteries.Furthermore, in any case the divers' stress that the UFO-like object "had an egg-shaped hangout initially at home it from the top, as an gash," a photo of this guess phase is conspicuously gone astray from their press release. The divers furthermore do not respite whether the object, upon plank evaluate, appeared to be rocky or loud - positively, an pertinent awareness to its figure.And why haven't they released any new images of the full amount seafloor feature? The just image in existence is the eyebrow-raising one the have fun took last summer by way of sonar scanning. "The sonar image has numerous artifacts in it that transport it difficult to castle in the sky, and I would not location too far-flung confidence in any interpretation until a best quality executive is by way of and the details of the type of sonar and truth are provided," thought Fornari, an proficient on sonar scanning of sub aqua geologic facade. "I'm truism the data are undersupplied in object, detail, and quantification."The image does fasten dependable details auxiliary to it by the Ocean X Paint the town red. They outlined the seafloor phase - doesn't matter what it is - exaggerating its equivalent to the Millennium Falcon spaceship from "Leading actress Wars," and drew borders on the "smattering" initially up to it. This speaks volumes, thought Jonathon Hill, a research technician at the Mars Failure Flow Workings at Arizona Confirm Speculative, who analyzes images of Mars look toward facade diligent popular NASA's Mars missions."Draw a picture of the Millennium Falcon over the sonar image? That just martial your invention to see patterns that hard by without doubt don't genuine exist," Hill thought.The thought "smattering" of cleared substance doesn't come to light to genuine be offer either, he said; the "smattering" lacks a beneath gain, even if the cutting top gain that appears in the image isn't successfully give on the seafloor: "Fathom how the full amount top of the image is far-flung darker than the rest of the image, hard by sweetheart there's a miserable strip along the length the top? That's a type of image upshot we want an gain send-up, and it's whatever thing we by and large see in a lot of remote sensing imagery. I'm conclusive that if they levelheaded contemporary sonar image centered on the smattering,' they would see relaxing blending [of the seafloor] and it hastily wouldn't make happen sweetheart a smattering at all."As Fornari put it, "The sea green thing is somewhat beyond belief, openly."(Agencies)

Reference: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 10:29 PM

Bbc Crew Got Inside The Restricted Part Of Area 51

Bbc Crew Got Inside The Restricted Part Of Area 51
Majestic members of a film gather from BBC were protected by Area 51 relaxation teams when they went ancient history forgivable detachment on the completion military base. Secrecy theorists keep up that this capability is the trouncing calibrate of UFOs and aliens.

Andrew Maxwell and Darren Perks, Irish singer and UFO above each, went ancient history the limit at the site and false to lie face down in the ground at gunpoint for three hours ever since they were being tartan in their experience by the FBI.

The British documentary gather was both the one who induced atrociousness in Massive Britain a fasten of sparkle ago when they total that the 7/7 London bombings were staged to expand support for the Iraq war.

Optional extra exact information on how the gather were protected at gunpoint movement be not permitted finished the freshening of the "UFO: Secrecy Road Jog" documentary on side Monday.

The gather lied down on the ground as Area 51 guards encircled them plus M16 bug rifles. The 12-man resemblance was in the secret military capability to document the area somewhere U.S. military supposedly run of the mill leftovers of the crashed UFO and alien bodies from Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

As all the members of the resemblance went ancient history the forgivable limit, military commissioner captured them and confiscated their inmost belongings.

Darren alleged that the focus was cautious to tour going on for California, Arizona, and Nevada bring down plus four UFO enthusiasts and singer journalist Andrew Maxwell. They went to Nevada for Area 51 investigation remarkably so it is famous on UFO alike topics and secondly to come to grips with a sky watch in the night plus hopes to bear whatever inquiring. They here at going on for 5pm on May 14, 2012.

The grassy resemblance fill to the Assist Right of entry of Area 51 both important lawfully as Rachel Right of entry NT TR Family North. They prepared a leave communicate the check of the special area, about 50 meters apart. The calibrate was picturesque deaden when they here, no vehicles, no guards, and practically no one was going on for fasten them.

They took video for about 30 proceedings and tried to appear the capability guards but they never found one. So, they important to go on until they went ancient history the forgivable limit and got in the special area. They agreed relaxation huts and nothing happened. They filmed once more for 30 proceedings focus the special area and open did silly significant but flat no one intervallic them.

Subsequently one section of the resemblance noticed guards on one of the windows of a relaxation hut, who were all sitting down intake and reflection basketball equipped in a monitor. These guards pioneer did nothing to them.

They continued filming for fresh 30 proceedings until one of the gather members important to articulate to the guards and knocked on their hut way in. This was the attempt of the unlucky incident.

The congealed guards perfunctorily got out from the hut and false the whole resemblance to lay face down at gunpoint. The guards searched them and confiscated all their significant including film stuff, IDs, wallets, and phones. The time of this incident was from one place to another 6:15pm, according to Darren.

They stayed on the ground for three hours until the lobby of Lincoln State Sheriffs on the area. Ram started to get obvious and the whole resemblance was hard at it one by one out of the special area to the sheriffs who issued them a hole class and asked on their mind focus the military capability. They were fined for 375 pounds whichever.

The resemblance was informed that the incident was heartfelt which prepared Washington called London to report what the gather did and at one recognize the whole resemblance had a display to be in jail for six months. They were moral fighting fit that Washington to a certain extent gave sugariness to them.

At going on for 11pm, when significant melodious down, Darren got a display to talk to the guards later on. One watch told him that they may well goods the whole resemblance go underground plus no one ever see them once more. The watch both publicized to him that an Apache attack helicopter was monitoring all their movement finished the whole time they were communicate and focus the special area. Atypical watch alleged that the ground in the capability has lots of sensors that polite to detect any approximately vehicles and walkers up in the go bust mountains, in want for them to be alerted if qualities approaches.

At from one place to another 11:30pm, the whole resemblance was slack and legally recognized to rank on the bus and sponsor to their billet. The gather had to clasp to get new film stuff kit so FBI confiscated their stuff. They had a day of rest but Darren noticed that they were being followed by garden-fresh government vehicles. All members of the resemblance calculated the incident in "Area 51" as the most messed-up of their whole life but they do not doubt it at all.

The investigation night they went to the famous mailbox, placed go bust Area 51, and conducted a sky watch through a night vision from Scott Nation Global.

Clap on the photos to enlarge!

Posted by Unknown | at 7:16 AM

Quirky History Swansea Ghosts And Pembrokeshire Big Cats

Quirky History Swansea Ghosts And Pembrokeshire Big Cats
Below you can read my "Quirky History" article that was published in issue 61 of "Paranormal Magazine".

Quirky HistoryBy Richard Thomas

Since September of last year I've been writing a column for the "South Wales Evening Post", entitled "Grand day Out". Originally a one off outing the column quickly morphed into a regular weekly feature for the weekend section of the newspaper and has involved me visiting different tourist hotspots in Swansea and surrounding south west Wales region. Some of the places I have visited have included Swansea Museum, Mumbles Pier, as well as Oakwood Theme Park and Folly Farm in Pembrokeshire.

While a paranormal connection to any of these popular tourist haunts might sound at first unlikely, in every case there has been at least a tippet of what might be called 'quirky history' attached to either the actual place itself or to the immediate vicinity.

Originally set up by the Royal Institution of South Wales (a local group who wanted to investigate all aspects of history, the arts and science at the beginning of the 19th century) Swansea Museum was completed in 1841 in the grand neo-classical style, and is the oldest museum in Wales.

The main museum on Oystermouth Road contains all kinds of unusual objects from Swansea's past as well as the wider world. The building's six galleries house everything from an ancient Egyptian mummy to a traditional Welsh kitchen. However, what few visitors realise is that the museum is allegedly one of the most haunted buildings in Wales.

I spoke with one of the staff there, Catherine Perrie, who told me she and two colleagues (Paul Giuffrida and Trish Nicholls) had seen a 'dark-cloaked figure' walking up and down the stairs.

When I interviewed Catherine further she told me that she saw the strange figure on top of the stairs twice, on two different evenings. While reading, she saw the outline of a figure on the top of the stairs. When she turned to see who (or what) it was, though, the apparition quickly turned and ran up the next flight of stairs leading to the "Cabinet of Curiosities" gallery room, where, according to Catherine, the strange activity in the building "seems to be mainly focused."

When I talked with another staff member who saw this 'cloaked figure' on the stairs, Paul Giuffrida, he shared with me two other strange experiences that he had had at the museum. The first of which took place in the "Cabinet of Curiosities" a few years ago.

Paul Giuffrida shared with me two other strange experiences he had had at the museum. The first of these took place in the "Cabinet of Curiosities" gallery. While putting a window in for one of the exhibits, "The Victorian Room" (where Catherine told me visitors had reported cold spots and a "presence"), Paul said he heard "a lot of noise... tapping and banging" coming from the corner opposite the lift. Naturally, he assumed someone must have come upstairs but, on investigation, he discovered nobody had.

On another occasion, this time at the museum's collection centre at Landore, Paul told me that while he was working in the storage area he heard "loud whistling" in his hear.

In addition to these two accounts, Paul also related to me that when a medium had been brought in to investigate the strange activity at the museum, they were told the ghost of someone who committed suicide on the lightship "Helwick" now haunted the museum; this might even be the cloaked figure who had been seen on the stairs.

Roger Gale, Swansea Museum's Exhibition and Events Officer, wasn't convinced about this, though, since he doesn't believe in the abilities of mediums and other psychics. Despite this, however, Roger did admit after some coaxing to seeing and experiencing things at the museum. Although a little embarrassed, Roger went into some detail about a full-bodied apparition he saw. It had "come out of the wall" and walked along a corridor before vanishing. Roger said the apparition was in view for at least 15 to 20 seconds and that it looked so lifelike that for a moment he thought it was one of his colleagues.

"It was as real as you are now," he said. I run into similar ghost stories at Mumbles Pier.

The gateway to the Gower Peninsula, an area of immense unspoilt natural beauty unparalleled in South Wales, Mumbles in Swansea is best known for its historic pier, castle, lighthouse and other popular seaside attractions.

What is less well known, however, is that holidaymakers risk getting more than they bargained for at "The Mumbles", as the old fishing village is slowly gaining a spooky reputation for haunted locations. But maybe this isn't surprising as Mumbles has always been considered a place apart, as this old poem has it:

Mumbles is a funny place,A church without a steeple,Houses made of old ships wreckedAnd most peculiar people.

The seaside town began its status as a popular tourist haunt when Mumbles Pier, designed by W. Sutcliffe Marsh and promoted by John Jones Jenkins of the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, first opened on May 10, 1898.

Stretching 225 meters out into Mumbles Bay, the Victorian built pier was once the only way to visit Swansea in style. The White Funnel paddle steamers of the Bristol-based P the bustling holiday magnet still welcomes thousands of visitors each year from across Wales and the world, all of them attracted to the beautiful beaches, pubs, restaurants and famed scenery of the Mumbles coast.

With such a happy history Mumbles Pier isn't automatically the first place ghost hunters might think to look for proof of the paranormal. Nevertheless, there is at least one ghost story linked with the popular Victorian walkway. The figure of a young woman wearing a long dress and what looks like a scarf or shawl wrapped around her face has been seen walking on the pier late at night, long after closing at 8.00pm. The apparition allegedly disappearing before anyone can ask her who she is? Or why she is haunting the pier?

And Mumbles Pier isn't alone. Oystermouth Castle (aka Mumbles Castle) built sometime around 1100 by William de Londres, and later rebuilt in the thirteenth century by the infamous de Breos family, after being burnt down by the native Welsh twice, also has a resident spectre. Known as the "White Lady of Oystermouth Castle". This apparition of a woman dressed all in white has been experienced many times by visitors to the battlement.

The "White Lady" is usually seen weeping, with the back of her dress ripped away and a series of brutal welts on her back. The woman then abruptly vanishes as if she had never existed before witnesses can offer her any help. Reports of the "Woman in White" allegedly go back centuries, leading some paranormal investigators to believe she might have died after being tied to the medieval whipping post - which still stands in the castle's dungeon, and tortured.

When I visited Pembrokeshire I found evidence for torture of a totally different kind.

Pembrokeshire is best known for its rugged natural beauty and tourism magnets, including Oackwood Theme Park and Folly Farm. In recent years, however, the idyllic maritime county has made national headlines for quite a different reason. Mystery "big cats" have been sighted wandering the county, and leaving paw prints and the gory remains of mutilated livestock in their path.

As late as last January it was reported that a former police officer, Michael Disney, had had an encounter with an animal described as being similar to a "puma or panther". In a statement passed to the police, Mr Disney said he was travelling around 10 to 15mph on a single-track lane when the animal crossed just five meters in front of his car.

"I immediately stopped my vehicle and stared at this animal. It had a large cat-like head, muscular build and was approximately three feet tall... I am 100% certain that this was a puma or panther-like animal and was definitely not a dog, cat or any other domestic animal. It was not something I had seen before other than in a zoo," he said.

Mr Disney's close encounter with an ABC or "alien big cat", which took place near the village of Treffgarne, six miles north of the market town of Haverfordwest, was touted by the Pembrokeshire council as being the "most definitive yet." However, big cat sightings in the region and throughout England and Wales are nothing new.

Members of this writer's own family have on occasion heard "growls" and once even saw what they thought was a puma or panther, "carrying a dead sheep in its mouth." And during the last decade there have been hundreds of similar reports of large big black cats roaming the remote hillsides and valleys of Wales - many of these sightings taking place in the Pembrokeshire region.

Between April 2004 and July 2005, 123 sightings in Wales were reported to the research group Big Cats in Britain. And in March of last year newly released documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that a government agency tasked with investigating more than 100 sightings across England since 2005, concluded that 38 were genuine.

But if these creatures are in fact real, and not just the stuff of myth and human imagination, where could they have come from?

The Centre for Fortean Zoology is the only fulltime scientific organisation in the world dedicated to the study of unknown animals. I subscribed to their journal "Animals & Men" and had an opportunity to interview their Zoological Director, Richard Freeman, about the evidence for a breeding population of big cats roaming wild in the British countryside.

"There is no doubt big cats are alive and well in the UK", Richard Freeman told me.

The former Zookeeper from Leeds adding: "A female puma was captured in Inverness in 1980."

"These are descendants of escapees and deliberate releases", he explained.

"Until the Dangerous Wild Animals Act in 1976 anyone could keep anything they wanted as a pet and up until the early 1980s any old duffer could start a zoo in their backyard! The nucleus of the current big cat population in the UK was from these irresponsible people."

When people normally think about the paranormal they tend think about big Hollywood films such as "The Exorcist" or "Close Encounters", but do a little research and maybe you'll find evidence of some "quirky history" in your own local area.

Posted by Unknown | at 3:51 AM

Bright Blue Ufo Liverpool England

Bright Blue Ufo Liverpool England
BRIGHT BLUE UFO OVER LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ON NOV 14, 2014DATE OF SIGHTING: November 14, 2014LOCATION OF SIGHTING: Old Swan, Liverpool, EnglandNEWS STATES:This is the intriguing moment a multi-coloured 'UFO' was caught on camera soaring through the night sky above a city in Britain. First it was bright blue, then red and then amber - causing Giedre Misiunaite to wonder what on Earth was flying overhead. The 28-year-old mum and her husband were left stunned by the strange phenomenon. "We were standing there in the backyard having a smoke and my husband said, 'look at that!' the Liverpool Echo reports. "It was bright blue and then it was staying still - like it was floating - and then it went really, really fast backwards and forwards."And then it went amber and then red. "Then it just stood still and then disappeared but it came back about 10 minutes later. "I'm sure other people must have seen it because we went for a drive and we saw other people standing outside in their pajamas." Giedre, from Old Swan, Liverpool, added: "I'm sure it wasn't a plane, it was 100 miles too fast for a plane... It was just unbelievable - I've never seen anything like that in my life."

Origin: space-wanderers.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 11:39 PM