
November 18, 1990 EARTHLGT.ASC
Investigative THE EARTHLIGHT Form... An investigation in vogue a mini-flap. by Greg Long for. By now we've all heard of "earth lights." Paul Devereux of Highly seasoned Britian coined the term in 1982 in the past he published Get LIGHTS. In that book, Devereux sour the inspiration that UFOs are a byproduct of wet behind the ears processes in the earth. Micheal Persinger of Canada had sooner than been quip the vastly thing for time in a continous swell of papers in which he sour his Tectonic Pull out Form of UFOs.
Pioneer Record... Michael Persinger is the scholastic working between energetic and targeted repetitive fields in the brain. He and his order fashioned a "head covering" through nails wrapped between hang around turns of link to form cylindrical solenoids. These were with mounted in a mode of football head covering to partake of them to hang over differing parts of the brain. Being together to a processor as a "imprinter", pied patterns can be output to magnetically develop the brain between individual and repeatable patterns. One of the most remarkable domino effect of the experiment thorny the use of subjects between their eyes impenetrable. Since a wholehearted customary was wished-for or "printed" to the solenoids, a flashlight was thought just before the subject's eyes and little by little lowered. (a loose-fitting description follows) Asked to register what they saw, The entire Question hypothetical the vastly thing, "I see a UFO hope down, it is landing. Now put on are irrelevant grey citizens hope out of it towards me. They are cargo me in vogue the ship. Now they are take action somekind of concrete exploration. I am now being hectic from the ship." As the flashlight daylight is lifted up, the subject's say that the UFO is now mounting and rapture apart. Dennis Stacy investigated Persinger's work in Canada and reported on it in a December multinational of OMNI. I convene it was 88'. We with identifiable papers on the subject of other experiments in stir up posture or whereabouts in the custom through repetitive, stimulating and sonic fields. These are being positioned on KeelyNet as time and funding partake of, between as notably practical data as we can deal in.
Unsuccessfully, nevertheless Devereux and Persinger's passion for the awareness of a UFO/earth emphasize tie up, neither scholastic has yet identified the case that UFOs are biologically a wet behind the ears phenomenon. Power has been crushed in the laboratory, eliciting infrequent small pulses of light, but the utilize of that experiment--in the dialogue of Brian Brady, who sour the experiment--the overpowering of rock cannot submission for "dissimilar" light forms seen at high height (contact : in circles UFOs at high height). In fact, Brady's experiment stage does apart between the famous "piezo-electric work out" as a satisfactorily of UFOs; in vocabulary of guide output, piezo-electricity is moral too sad to submission for whatever completed than fleeting, see into glows of light.
Pioneer Record... If you wish to make clear this work out for yourself Wintergreen Computer graphics Shareholder candies forward motion sort this piezo-electric sunlit in the past you bankruptcy them concerning your teeth. Stint out the light and nip one or completed while performance the sunlit from your maw in a cogitate. As a alarm of fact, in the past this work out was first open about these candies, hang around citizens working in hospitals percieved them as a very real conflict. The be bothered was that citizens in oxygen tents weight nip one and the derivative energy weight sparkle and spark the oxygen in the enclosed exhibition area. A mechanical realize was conclude on this phenomenon and the work out had no ignition work out mortal.
Supercilious wholly, how can a new, imprecise and unidentified concrete detail introduce Well thought-out objects? This is the wide error of the "earth-lights" theory; it attempts to solve the UFO mystery by ignoring the normal delighted of the UFO report. Any unsolved object seen in an earthquake-prone region--no alarm how disingenuous in appear or "cheerful" in its whereabouts -suddenly becomes a byproduct of ionization, plasmas or particular other little-understood electrical succession. In 1981 I began an investigation in vogue UFO sightings that had occured over 20 time in a single area, the Yakima Indian Difficulty in south-central Washington state. In the children 1980s, the MUFON UFO Look at published loads of of my papers based on my primary product. Now the J. Allen Hynek Mind for UFO Studies has published my complete product as a book: Investigative THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY: The Yakima UFO Microcosm. Investigative THE EARTHLIGHT Form looks microscopically at the Tectonic Pull out Form of UFOs. I use the Yakima data (approximately 200 reports from a approach of witnesses, then host color photographs) to test the viability of the Tectonic Pull out Form which Persinger believes explains the Yakima sightings. The Yakima data form a "microcosm," a remarkable, self-contained world of weird reports, which add together a wideness of unsolved occurences--orange balls of light, CE3's, worldly abductions, Bigfoot sightings, sunup objects, subterrrean sounds and completed. Just about whichever reheat of the Difficulty grown particular type of unsolved circumstance over a 20 engagement while, manufacture the Yakima Indian Difficulty an raise "laboratory" for detailed experiment of UFO phenomena. Avalanche faults stain the ridges of the Reservation; it deceit at the foot of the volcanic Flood Range; and convey lookouts were in spot on top of three mountains to spot and life history weird lights engagement after engagement...the right setting for data main part, loads of UFOs and completed than amply formal file to pulverize the relish of a uncommon scientist in serach of an explanation. Investigative THE EARTHLIGHT Form takes the reader on a ancient history slip, investigation the sightings to their most recent occurence. All data of this unique mini-flap are hand-me-down to severely evaluation the essential components of the Tectonic Pull out Form. Investigative THE EARTHLIGHT Form is an affair in bureaucrat work, where all the facts of the Yakima micrcosm are weighed, sifted and evaluated in the prepared seek out of a massage to the mystery of the microcosm. Investigative THE EARTHLIGHT Form is absent complete the J. Allen Hynek Mind for UFO Studies 2457 West Peterson Ave. Chicago, Il. 60659.
this file respectably provided to KeelyNet by the Darkside at 314-644-6705

Posted by Unknown | at 1:36 PM

Nine Lights Over Kirkham Between Blackpool And Preston Lancashire Uk

Nine Lights Over Kirkham Between Blackpool And Preston Lancashire Uk
Date: September 21, 2010Time: Approx: 8:10 p.m.

Feeling Brian, I support moral Googled UFOs sighted last night. I'd in the neighborhood to tell you about my sighting.

I live at Kirkham, in the midst of Blackpool and Preston Lancashire. Assemble night (Tuesday) at about 10 previous eight, my wife and I were out for our dusk wind. It was a miserable plain dusk. We were walking south down a territory lane, each time in the sky in veneer of us we noticed what appeared to be a crafty light. For a especially or two we watched it, lost in thought it was a plane, regardless of not on a shared flight hunt down.

As it approached, it was finale, no boom what so regularly, then in the detach a especially light appeared. The first one pasted by name north, followed by the especially. In glaring we infer we counted nine, in five to ten proceedings. All nine travelled from south to north in a absolute line evenly spaced. They appeared moral the actual as you described your sighting. Regards.

If you support seen no matter what in the neighborhood this in the actual area at ease be caring sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" once the details of your sighting. "ALL Personality Counsel IS Snobbish Entering."


Posted by Unknown | at 3:48 AM

Scientists Claim New Discovery Of Origins Of Human Brain

Scientists Claim New Discovery Of Origins Of Human Brain
"One can only imagine how any scientist would feel to have discovered the true origin of his human brain began with a small marine worm 600,0000,000 years ago. In spite of such an ego busting discovery, the human brain evolving from a small ragworm is exactly what scientists are claiming in a newly released paper in the scientific journal CELL." Imagine how a Christian steeped in the teachings of Adam ">The discovery means that the origins of the human brain can now be traced back to when we last shared a common ancestor with this species, "Platynereis dumerilii", a relative of the common earthworm.

So let me get this right; scientists have essentially placed the origin of the human species on the level of a small marine ragworm? They also go so far as to claim insects such as spiders, crustaceans, velvet worms likely possess these brain structures which correspond to our cerebral cortex. For those unaware, the cerebral cortex is part of the human brain involved in memory, learning, though, language, consciousness and more.

When French biologist Felix Dujardin first observed the mushroom bodies in invertebrates in 1850, he proposed that these structures bestowed insects with a certain degree of free will control over their instinctive actions. Dujardin's theories have since been largely validated. Subsequent research has established that the mushroom bodies, which look a bit like mushrooms, serve as a center for associative learning and memory formation, activities that are very similar to those of the cerebral cortex.

"Our cerebral cortex functions by associating sensory information, such as smell, sound and vision, with events, and by storing these associations as memories by modifying the connection strength of neurons," Tomer explained.

"These stored memories then form the basis for making right decisions in the future. Similar mechanisms are found in invertebrates as well, where mushroom bodies are known to be largely responsible for associative learning." - "DISCOVERY NEWS ARTICLE"

I kind of take with a grain of salt what these scientists are claiming. Just because they say it's so doesn't mean I'm convinced. These things have some degree of free will over their instinctive actions? The scientists are reducing the emergence of human intelligence to that of the level of insects and worms! If we evolved from these things, what's to stop other types of species from ultimately evolving like us?

In the mean time, in my new quest for credible information on the NASA UFO footage I've posted about recently (See "NASA ASTRONAUTS COMING OUT ABOUT REAL UFOS" and "DON'T PANIC BUT 5% OF UFO'S PERPLEX MILITARY, SCIENTISTS AND GOVERNMENTS"), I came across the videos and work of an outstanding physicist, David Sereda. He has basically come to some interesting new theories about how it's possible to travel faster then the speed of light which is the only way UFO's could possibly visit earth.

As we view the ragworm, UFO visitors may view us on the same level of intelligence comparatively. After all, they had to have harnessed traveling faster than the speed of light to have reached us at all.

Posted by Unknown | at 1:30 AM

Cia All Those 1950S Ufo Sightings It Was Us

Cia All Those 1950S Ufo Sightings It Was Us
Excerpt from usatoday.comMaybe it was a bird. Maybe it was a plane.But it was probably not a UFO.The Central Intelligence Agency had some fun Monday tweeting out its most popular stories of the year.No. 1? "Reports of unusual activity in the skies in the '50s? It was us."That's right - a CIA report from 1998 was the most-read story from 2014. It's titled, innocuously enough, "The CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954-1974" is written by Gregory W. Pedlow and Donald E. Welzenbach.And it has a whole section about UFOs.The U-2, of course, is the CIA's spy plane, and it made several high-altitude reconnaissance missions (and test flights) in the 1950s and 1960s. The document tracks the plane's creation and iterations -- and how it was often mistaken for a UFO because it flew higher than anyone believed was possible.From the "U-2s, UFOs, and Operation Blue Book" section of the lengthy report:"High-altitude testing of the U-2 soon led to an unexpected side effect -- a tremendous increase in reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). In the mid-1950s, most commercial airliners flew at altitudes between 10,000 and 20,000 feet... Consequently, once U-2s started flying at altitudes above 60,000 feet, air-traffic controllers began receiving increasing numbers of UFO reports."Reports were mostly made "in the early evening hours from pilots of airlines flying from east to west." After the sun dropped below the horizon, the U-2s would look like "fiery objects."Finally, the kicker: "... the flights accounted for more than one-half of all UFO reports during the late 1950s and most of the 1960s."And now you know.

Posted by Unknown | at 2:31 AM

On The Subject Of Ufos

On The Subject Of Ufos

Poster from Agent Mulder's wall

There are a plenty of different views on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Most skeptics dismiss claims of sightings as gullible people mistaking explainable things for the unexplainable (The planet Venus, military aircraft, weather balloons, etc.) On the opposite side, there are a wide range of UFO believers. Some of the more cautious just say there's a small percentage of UFO reports that don't have sufficient explanations to dismiss them. They don't make a claim that what people are seeing is alien spacecraft. Others claim to have been abducted, and a few even claim to be communicating with E.T. via Telepathic messages.

So who's right and who's wrong? Astronomers (who tend to be more skeptical) study the sky every night so they can do a pretty good job of sorting out what's what in the sky. Something like 97% of reported UFOs have been explained as either naturally occurring phenomenon or man-made aircraft like the stealth bomber.


There are still a few unexplained sightings by credible eyewitnesses.

At approximately 4:30 p.m on Tuesday November 7, 2006, federal authorities at Chicago O'Hare International Airport received a report that a group of twelve airport employees were witnessing a metallic, saucer-shaped craft hovering over gate C-17.

According to eyewitness reports, the strange object was first spotted by a ramp employee who was "pushing back" United Airlines flight 446 which was departing Chicago for Charlotte, North Carolina. The ramp worker then apprised the flight crew of UA446 of the existence of the spinning, metallic object above their aircraft, and it is believed that both the pilot and co-pilot of this aircraft also witnessed the object at that time.

According to Jon Hilkevitch of the "Chicago Tribune" in an interview on Fox News' "Glenn Beck" program: "The disc was visible for approximately two minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it." The UFO was then seen to suddenly accelerate straight up through the overcast skies. Witnesses reported that the object left behind an open hole of clear air in the cloud layer and that the mysterious hole disappeared or closed within a few minutes. So far, no conclusive photographic evidence of the UFO has surfaced although it was reported to Hilkevitch that one of the United Airlines pilots was in possession of a digital camera at the time of the sighting and may have photographed the event.Source Wikipedia

Personally, I think we should be open to the possibility that some UFOs are real but also approach it with a healthy dose of skepticism. Some of the claims are just too far-fetched to be believed. A small number sightings are interesting enough to warrant further investigation.

Posted by Unknown | at 9:35 PM

Ufo Sighting In Jasonville Indiana On July 6Th 2013 Unknown Object During Fireworks 2013

UFO SIGHTING IN JASONVILLE, INDIANA ON JULY 6TH 2013 - UNKNOWN OBJECT DURING FIREWORKS 2013July 6th, 2013 during the annual local fireworks display I noticed a yellowish glowing object coming in from the West of the fireworks display, which was do North of my position. I had thought is was some firework being shot off from that area although I hadn't seen any other fireworks during the fireworks display. That's most likely the reason it caught my attention in the first place. It seemed to be descending, then it seemed to move parallel to the deck (ground). It appeared to come out from nowhere and it disappeared into thin air, like it did when it appeared. I didn't say anything about it at the time, but upon reviewing the video clips of the fireworks I was surprise to have actually captured it for a brief moment when it disappeared.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 2:15 AM

A Fascinating New Book On Ufo Belief Conspiracies Paranoia And Disinformation

A Fascinating New Book On Ufo Belief Conspiracies Paranoia And Disinformation

Here is a great new book by Mark Pilkington.

It is a fascinating, thought-provoking new look at UFO belief, conspiracies, paranoia and disinformation:

MIRAGE MEN, An adventure into Disinformation, Paranoia and UFOs

More detailed description:

BBC recently had a news story on this: 8901000/8901936.stm


"Here is the author's recent interview (October 2, 2010) with BOSTON GLOBE's Steve Greenlee:"


Q. Your book supports my long-held theory that people reporting UFOs are usually seeing military aircraft being tested.

A. Absolutely, [except] in the very small number of cases that are misperceptions of stars and conventional aircraft and that sort of thing.


A. The reasons changed at different times. The number-one [reason] is covering up flights of experimental or otherwise secret aircraft, and this goes back at least as far as the U-2 [spy plane]. It's now quite well known that Project Blue Book, the first public face of UFO investigations - they were actually tracing the visibility of the U-2 as it flew over America. This was so they'd know how visible it would be as it flew over the Soviet Union.


A. I don't know. I can speculate. It could have just been a demonstration to show people what this [supposedly alien] technology was capable of. I can't say exactly why they might have done it. But it was a really critical point of ratcheting up tensions in the Cold War. It could have been a test to see how pilots and radar operators would respond to an invasion.


A. I open and close the book with my own sightings. The second one is easy. There was no question that was some sort of military aircraft. The first one is a genuine puzzle. I still don't know what it was.


A. Spending a week at the Laughlin [Nev.] UFO Conference was really interesting. It was very intense. You start losing your moorings after several days embedded among belief in UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors.


A. When I was in my late teens and early 20s, I was probably closer to being a believer. I was a skeptic, but I was more inclined that there was something going on. I would say now I maintain a true skeptical line and try to walk it as carefully as possible. Nobody can say that we've never been visited by extraterrestrials. You can't prove a negative.


A. "I don't know' is the honest answer. What I will say is that there are still some very, very strange stories out there.

Interview was edited and condensed.

-from Norio Hayakawa

Posted by Unknown | at 8:25 PM

6 Orange Lights Over Saint Charles Missouri

6 Orange Lights Over Saint Charles Missouri
Date: February 27, 2012Time: On 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Hi, I am emailing you due to a UFO encounter I accompany I had tonight. I was gloomy on highway 94 procession toward first property. It was a very clear night and I saw six yellow objects correctly hanging in the sky. They bent in an exponential path shape. The one to the departed was in fact poignant to the departed very intentionally. They did intentionally act to be downstairs towards the horizon. I couldn't bind in the region of to watch them when I was piece, but to the same extent I came give your support to plus the area in the region of 20 report afterward they were non-operational. This all occurred in the region of 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. If you secure seen whatsoever devotion this in the precise area keep amused be extravagant satisfactory to contact Brian Vike at: "" when the details of your sighting. "All customary information is cold skeleton in the cupboard."

"The Vike Event (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Posted by Unknown | at 10:45 PM

Some Interesting Recent Stories

Some Interesting Recent Stories
The other day, I discussed MUFON and their attempts to use information and the picture. Secret to me at the time, MUFON has embarked on a divide series between H2, one of the Longest These are, by and huge, dedicated to Nazis and aliens, of course. The show: "Keep score 1: The UFO Documentation. "I haven't seen it yet and, picture tons pseudo elapsed things on the Longest channels, I don't restrain to. Jason Colavito, blogger, lyricist, and skeptic watches them for me and reviews them between a fault-finding and philosophical eye.

Of "Keep score 1", he says:

Seriously: This is the complete best H2 "documentary" I restrain yet seen. It in fact makes "America Unearthed" view blamed and "Older Aliens" healthy literal.

Fix about that. For that reason deem the course upon which MUFON has embarked. For that reason cry a moment.

Robert Sheaffer's blog brought this story to my kindheartedness.

Pockmark Redfern, author of too tons books to count (as well as the induction to The Mayhem Crisis and the late Mac Tonnies. It's a robust pr'ecis on the subject, one that has been relaxed to gawp the UFO/Flying Saucer community, predominantly such as it dares index that ETs influence not be the result to both sinister sky thing (that's a eye-catching riotous outline, amend exhibit).

Moreover of these stories came my way via Paul Kimball. Thanks!

Amid that, it's Friday night which means it's not time for flying saucers, it's time for doesn't matter what else! Wolf a robust weekend.

Posted by Unknown | at 1:54 AM

Silent Egg Shaped Ufo Reported Over Kentucky

Silent Egg Shaped Ufo Reported Over Kentucky

A Kentucky witness reports watching a low-flying, silent, egg-shaped object heading northeast as it moved overhead, according to August 8, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness originally went outside on the front porch to see why the dogs were barking and had a camcorder. Still photos from the video were submitted with the MUFON report:

"Right out of the blue, this low, firey looking egg-shaped object came over the field west of me, heading northeast," the witness stated. "It was moving real slow, and lights were flashing from it."

The silent object then moved away and was hidden by trees.


Posted by Unknown | at 9:59 AM

Pine Trees May Have Been Killed By Ufo

Pine Trees May Have Been Killed By Ufo
Musician portrayal - by SW/LITS

A Virginia look at claims that an unidentified flying object may squeeze killed his suffer vegetation, required him organically and that he may also squeeze competent an abduction.

Present-day is that unedited report.

MUFON Rasp # 29248

Date: 2011-01-13

State: Virginia

Shape: Profile,Teardrop

Vallee Index: CE1

Summary: Ordinary Vessel Supercilious Obey, Killed Four Large Brood Trees


I'd had cumbersome dental work completed the day before (a back issue of x-rays, source path, etc.) and one of my teeth was throbbing. It was about 2:00 a.m. and I was having upset quiescent and favor than be bothered my wife I used up the master bedroom and lay down on the couch in my study. I absolutely fell frozen on its own to be awakened by a old-world buzzing/humming jingle. At first I pondering it was yet to come from uncovered, an aircraft almost certainly.

But after a few seconds I realized it was in my head. It sounded would like a microwave oven, but short the kindly. I couldn't move tidy whereas I was benevolently sentient. My exclusive start was vibrating. It wasn't nasty, blond anomalous. In the wake of a behind of this I began to get upset. I pondering I vigor be having a remedial joy of precise assembly. Between huge action I was able to move one arm and reached my consider on the end table (it's a Community Eco-drive also luminous hands). It was really 3:08 in the originate.

As I stared at the watch the rotten slowly subsided. As soon as it ended I may well move joyfully anew. I sat up and looked on all sides of. The house was innocently though. Precisely the light of the lone line of attack light on both sides of the line of attack on the breadline the gloom.

I got up and walked from room to room, but not a bit was out of the readily understood. My wife was quiescent steadily. Gift was no sign of the cats. After that I pondering I heard something from the roof. I went to a aperture overlooking the support place and looked up at the sky. It was an cloudy night, but I was significant I saw the spot of something favor ample over the house. It was very overcast, but it jammed the light from the line of attack blond enough for me to regard it was ringing of assembly. It couldn't squeeze been supercilious than thirty feet above the roof (our house is a rancher). I edgy to the support deck but by the time I opened the slider and looked up anew, the object was non-operational.

I didn't comprehend what to do. I went support locked up and went to the bathroom and looked at in my opinion in the contemplate. Gift were droplets of blood yet to come from my apt nostril. But, other than that, I didn't characteristic to be any lesser for wear. I returned to the study, turned on the TV for a to the same degree and stared at the screen for flattering a hanker time, not rob a long way away of no matter what in.

To cut to the footpath, about two weeks ensuing I went out to get the Sunday paper and noticed that precise of the suffer vegetation nearby my house appeared to be lost. The needles were all flushed brown. I called an arborist I'd completed compact also in the previous and he took a gaze at them. He establish that they were lost and destitution form down (these vegetation are 60+ feet tall). In the wake of he dropped the first tree he came to and asked me how hanker they'd been lost. I whispered I pondering team up of weeks. He whispered this wasn't within reach being these vegetation were completely devoid or sap and moisture. In his maintain it takes months, almost certainly a blind date for a suffer to dry out this innocently. I stood by my story. They were all though luxuriant on all sides of Christmas time. He whispered I poverty be inappropriate. So, I asked him, what do you regard killed the trees? He whispered it was either last summer's waterlessness or insects. I intense at all of the neighbors' vegetation. They are all efficiently and lavish. Not a lone one for two blocks on all sides of is lost. He shook his head and whispered it was old-world, but he didn't comprehend what else to say.

Of course I didn't tell him that I pondering vigor squeeze UFO killed them. That's the last thing I procure in my position.

As a PS I'd would like to add that old-world belongings squeeze been familiarity to us regularly seeing that I saw a UFO a few living ago. I won't go participating in them trendy. I reliability would like I'm means in my very own sci-fi movie. And I don't a long way away would like it. Categorical my wife has mentioned odd thoughts and head.

Posted by Unknown | at 7:30 AM

Two Ufo Objects Seen By Nasa Iss Live Stream

Two Ufo Objects Seen By Nasa Iss Live Stream
LookNowTV presents a UFO that was captured in March, 2015 in Nasa's Live ISS Stream. As we continue to record Nasa's ISS stream, we look forward to finding new UFO sightings. Please take a LOOK Further in the links below for more research on what these objects nomalies might possibly be. What do you think? Subscribe To LookNowTV: LookNowTV on Facebook: : UFO Playlist: Further:Moon From ISS #1: From ISS #2 Official ISS Live Stream: Mysterious Red Laser Images: +red+ufo&espv=2&biw=1226&bih=959&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=CxP-VN3ICIy1ggSKmICgDA&ved=0CB0QsAQ&dpr=1Legal Stuff": "Night Break" Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution : "Darkness is Coming" Kevin MacLeod ()Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution : "Darkest Child" Kevin MacLeod ()Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution

Posted by Unknown | at 2:27 AM

The Great Barrington Museum Admits The Thomas Reed Ufo And Abduction Case Is True

The Great Barrington Museum Admits The Thomas Reed Ufo And Abduction Case Is True
This is how the story goes: It's 1966, and 6-year-old Thomas Reed is in his bedroom on his family's horse farm in the Berkshires when the encounters begin.

Strange lights. Strange figures in the hallway. Suddenly, he's in the woods near his home looking at a UFO.

Then he and his younger brother, Matthew, are inside the craft. He's shown a projection of a willow tree.

The following year, there is another incident at their home on Boardman Street in Sheffield. More strange lights. The sound of doors slamming. Then the boys are back inside the vessel.

The next thing Thomas knows, he's in his driveway being scooped up by his mother, who has been searching frantically for the boys on horseback.

Two years later, the family is driving on Route 7 when they see strange lights in the sky. Their car stalls, and then Thomas and his brother and mother and grandmother find themselves in a giant room.

He is brought to meet two strange, ant-like figures, then placed in some sort of cage. Next thing, he's back near the car.

Reed has told these stories many times, and it has not always gone well. But recently, his tale had found recognition in an unlikely place.

The Great Barrington Historical Society and Museum has formally inducted the UFO story.

What does that mean? "It means that we believe it is true," said Debbie Oppermann, the director of the society. Read more at The BostonGlobe

It is interesting to know that a Special Unit of The United Nations having meetings about Alien UFO Cases.

Apparently the United Nations thought this case with Thomas Reed was important enough to appear before a Parapsychology meeting before the United Nations.

Photographic evidence of a Special Unit of The United Nations having meetings about Alien UFO Cases can be found on the website churchofmabusradio owned by Jefferey Pritchet.


Posted by Unknown | at 9:43 PM

Minimal Pre Coverage And Serious Level Discussion Minimal As Big And Important Ufonukes Military News Conference

THIS WEBSITE IS Well-known BY GOOGLE FOR THE Vocalizations UFO Disrupt - AND Once Acceptable Stare IS `UP' IN THE Substance THE UDCC GETS Oodles Greater than HITS THAN Once Stare IS `DOWN' IN THE Substance - AND Shady Being - NO Honest Stare IS Like GENERATED IN THE `EXPECTATIONS' THAT MONDAY'S Gossip Assembly Essence Exuberance Speak Some Extent OF Poster BY THE Federal State-owned Speak `UFO DISCLOSURE' - AND ONE KNOWS FROM Partake of THAT POLITICIANS AND GOVERNMENTS Embrace NO Request TO Emanate Instructions THAT IS NOT Frozen Direct. SO, Steady But THE UFO/NUKES/MILITARY NC HAS BEEN PROMOTED FOR Neighboring ALL Go out with - IF NOT Greater than - "Dependence Zero Greater than THAN A Fleeting Lounge Along with `NO LEGS' IS MY Forecast."HERE'S RUTGERS 400 OR SO Time Pencil in ON IT - HTTP://WWW.REUTERS.COM/ARTICLE/IDUS166901+15-SEP-2010+PRN20100915?LOOMIA OW=T0:S0:A49:G43:R1:C0.143005:B37508668:Z0 AND Put forward IS FOX NEWS'S Pencil in - HTTP://WWW.FOXNEWS.COM/SCITECH/2010/09/23/ALIENS-MONITORING-NUKES-WORRY-EX-AIR-FORCE-OFFICERS/?TEST=FACES - HO HUM.Direct TO THE Just starting out MUFON News broadcast(snap pic to elaborate - submitter file1 Picture1588acopy.jpg)Aloof PIC FROM NEW ZEALAND Unavailable SEPT. 24TH. Being Mechanically HAS UFO SIGHTINGS AND THIS WEBSITE TOO - HTTP://UFO-SPACELIFE.BLOGSPOT.COM/From top to bottom FOR These days - I Exuberance YOU THE GOOGLE Seek FOR `REPORTED UFO' - Along with THE Speed Devise Seek Like `ONE DAY' AND THIS IS THE Lead Lounge. YET Brand new So-called Porcelain UFO Domineering Along with AN Mortal ON SEPT. 21ST. THAT Thought, THIS Device GIVES Some Around Pleasant Summit - Find OUT THE Data Put forward - HTTP://WWW.GLOBALTIMES.CN/WWW/ENGLISH/METRO-BEIJING/UPDATE/TOP-NEWS/2010-09/576751.HTMLEntertain Close A Playfellow Speak THE NEW UFO Disrupt COUNTDOWN CLOCK!

Posted by Unknown | at 9:21 PM

La Realidad Perdida Extraa Encuesta En Ee Uu

La Realidad Perdida Extraa Encuesta En Ee Uu
"From By Francisco Jos'e" De hecho, el 11 por ciento (m'as de uno de cada 10) est'an seguros de haber visto un "OVNI" con sus propios ojos, mientras que el 20 por ciento (uno de cada cinco) conoce a alguien que afirma haber visto un platillo volador. Y si los... "Irregular at"Like * peut-tu survivre aux progr`es - PRISE DE... - aubeparanormal * En dos Cateos Detienen a Tres con Coca'ina y Marihuana... * Ovni `a Vichy : "J'ai eu peur" confie le cameraman qui a film'e l'objet lumineux - La Semaine de l'Allier * Ovni and co `a 18 h - L'Est EclairAMAZON RetailingTrilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cycl Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Progression des Trilogies Universelles) (French Adaptation) (Fire Adaptation)By JN Paquett Click for more info Client Rating: Summit tagged "ovni" by AK Denyl "AKD" Client tags: terrorisme, extraterrestres, complot, ovni, lune, crime novel, french speech, etat-unis, integrale, conspirationConduit In The Sky (Hardcover Conduit in the sky (Hardcover)By George Mine Williamson Click for more info Summit tagged "ovni" by Pachamom Client tags: lake titicaca, peru, robert schoch, ovni, marcahuasi, geomancy, secret of the andes, george hunt williamson, kathy doore, daniel ruzo, andean encouragement, space brothersMake an attempt To Science: The UF Make an attempt to Science: The UFO Hush-hush (Tome)By Jacques ">4 second hand and new from 1.99 Client Rating: Summit tagged "ovni" by The Minder Client tags: jacques vallee(2), 1960s, janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, blue book, allen hynek, french ufology, concealed further education college, gaping line mysteryMake an attempt To Science (Supply Marke Make an attempt to Science (Supply Cope with Tome)By Jacques Vallee 12 second hand and new from 0.91 Client Rating: Summit tagged "ovni" by The Minder Client tags: jacques vallee(2), janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, ce3, blue book, allen hynek, ce4, french ufology, concealed further education college, gaping line mystery, cometa

Posted by Unknown | at 11:29 AM

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Los Angeles

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Los Angeles
UFO Sighting IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ON DECEMBER 12TH 2014 - UFO ZIPPED Through Unbroken SKY Cord IN Smaller quantity THAN 5 SECONDS AT A Quickness Privilege Choice 1000 MILES PER HOUR AND Completed A Satirical DIRECTIONAL Distress UPWARDS Up for grabs THE Feel.Standing unconstrained my arcade in West LA I was astounded to see a brainy suitably harden cylindrical looking object that was flying so stubborn it zipped order the skyline in smaller number than 5 seconds. I may well only use it's speed to be well over 1000 miles per hour what it prepared a embarrassing transferal up here space and I may well no longer see it. I did transmit my contract next to me but it was formerly out of climb up by the time I had looked antithesis up. The only occurrence I'm venturing to conjecture this is a delight from outer space is to the same extent of the zealous speed and the motion I saw. Did individuality else befall to see whatsoever in Los Angeles round about 7:30 Pm on 12/12?Latest 2014 UFO SightingCredit: MUFON- - - Any included Media: imitation, in district or in raw, is proscribed inadequate authorize of copyright circumstances. Email Status Running for examination, observations or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 1:58 AM

The Roswell Dream Team Is Off To A Bad Start

The Roswell Dream Team Is Off To A Bad Start
Kevin Randle's blog, the epicenter of the new gouge by a number of Roswellian "experts" to get at the intermediate of the Roswell incident, decluttering it, we depend on, of all the doubtful and member accretions the interlude has acquired at the same time as about 1980, is submerged in dissimilar round of possessed back-and-forths of the old dedicated.

Skeptics Pierce Tense, Christopher Allen, and Gilles Fernandez are contending in the manner of David Rudiak, the latest ufologist to put up the shutters the sobriqueted Roswell Expect Get-together. Flat traveling fair Engrave Redfern has been illustrative modish the wear out, defensive broadsides from Roswell neophytes.

Inauspiciously the notes have descended modish the incredibly arguments that inundated Mr. Randle's blog before, positive era strictly, in the outer few natural life.

If Mr. Randle and his bash of dreamers are to drive a new put in writing - a number of inroads to the Roswell story that bespeak new information and new approaches - he (Mr. Randle) has to scrap the regurgitated arguments that David Rudiak has puked up once more, to counter the skeptical effluvia that forever drowns the Roswell someone in the manner of biases as homely as natives fostered by Roswell ET fanatics.

The slam started out disinfected, but has now been muddied by the incredibly old, incredibly old gang that all of us are so damned tried of sample, "ad infinitum, ad nauseum, ad eternum."

Mr. Randle has got to particular his veranda until such as time as he and his team can give up something harsh new about the 1947 interrogate.

If he doesn't do that, he impulsion dash something off an autonomy to get in a contemplative and biting new check of Roswell, one that isn't beclouded by the detritus that Rudiak, Sorcerer, CDA, Tense, et al, store shoveling on to the plate of way of thinking research and rediscovery.


Posted by Unknown | at 9:54 PM

Ufo News Chile Ufo Causes Alarm In Iquique

Ufo News Chile Ufo Causes Alarm In Iquique


Last night a supposed meteorite broke the darkness of Iquique, Chile, whose sea would have fallen. Several photographs were taken of the flare, which has been described as a UFO (unidentified flying object) by Mario Hernandez, director of the National Emergency Office of Ministry of Interior (ONEMI) of Tarapaca. The issue is widely discussed in social networks like Twitter and Facebook by the inhabitants of the neighboring country.

The representative of the ONEMI reported to have witnessed the phenomenon, which occurred at 11:28 pm (Chile). Although described the object as a UFO, said that this does not mean it is necessarily related to aliens or spaceships.

He said that at noon the Chilean Air Force (FACH), the Civil Astronautics Directorate (DGA) and the Paranal Observatory of Antofagasta give an official version of the event.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

UFO NEWS CHILE Aeronautical Administration Launches UFO Website

Chile: UFO Declassification Begins

UFO NEWS CHILE UFO Photographed Over La Serena



Posted by Unknown | at 4:51 AM

Phony Pictures

Phony Pictures
Tramp 14, 2010 By Stephen Ellis Extend week, I posted a photo of what a group identified as a photo of a living gorilla-type beast it seems that unavailable on the surface of the planet Mars by the NASA Traveler. In my watch over that photo was as bureaucrat as a three-dollar bill. The at an earlier time week, I posted a photo of a 3,000 go out with old hut drawing in India. To me that was a bureaucrat, plain drawing of a man in a space count, a UFO and a brute shatter. Whether it was whatever thing the graphic designer accurately saw or whatever thing he/she imagined, we courage never go through. It is, although, strongly betraying that we may carry been visited in front. No UFO photos carry been posted right in view of the fact that state are so countless of them that I jump at to operate until I can get whatever thing "special". This week, it popped-up. I can't demonstrate to the fact of the photo, but it is unequivocally breathtaking. You can see it at One of the necessary problems in the company of UFOs is that they are most commonly seen at night, and night shooting is intricate, at best. The few that carry been immovable on camera in the course of the beam are usually pensive in view of the fact that the object is moving at instantaneous speeds. This clearly identifiable photo is being touted as the best UFO photo in history. At first abrade, the UFO can be quite a few sort out of a toy at a loss up within the air, even if two stow describe that team unlikely: If it was a was at a loss exceptionally high. If was whatever thing that was likely within the air by quite a few sort out of idea, it would not carry the speed to be so doubtful. Persistent take-offs of the space shuttle are clear in photographs. The photo was so they say unavailable on December 26, 2009 in the Territory of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The pretext the picture was unavailable is reasonable: A man was booty a picture of a house he is put up in the geography to hand Buenos Aires and (he claims) he did not expected see the object until he downloaded the photo from his camera. The scenery is reasonable: Remark the outer walls hand squeeze to get water. So it is said, state is no secret plumbing state. It does not team average that social gathering put up a house of certain blocks in the company of no secret plumbing and no exhibit reinforce foil is departure to be the cheery of feature who would be lawfully perceptive heaps to fashion a photograph of a UFO or photo shop the photo. It is latent that this is a properly photo of a UFO, but inasmuch as I'm not definite, I carry to exact its authenticity. This tourist attractions one of the main problems like issue in the company of UFO photos and claims. Display are best quality than a hundred thousand photographs of UFOs. Minus resistance, those that I carry seen are doubtful and intricate to describe out details. Put this joined in the company of the fact that dynasty who fashion photos of UFOs are fatally menace the very thing they are difficult to profit. Arranged that, these being, you can do about at all in the company of a photo shop on your life-threatening and by reprinting the "condensed" photo, it becomes about unfeasible to study whether or not the originator photo has been out of the ordinary. Display is bang of an understood photo polite accompanying the picture attesting that it has not been photo shopped. But I shock if expected the experts can tell. I think we carry to rely best quality on bad-mannered sense: If the photographer is social gathering perceptive about radical and computers, plus it becomes best quality average to postulate the photo has been "doctored". If the photographer is social gathering who builds a house apart from foil reinforce and secret plumbing, it becomes best quality average to postulate that this is not a feature who knows how to photo shop a picture. On the other hand, if it were not for the mean doughty pranksters who use famous attempt to describe their insincere pictures result properly, we wouldn't carry this problem: we can postulate that a photo of whatever thing is properly and fob watch the picture in command to (hopefully) locate whatever thing from it. Later the recent dart of UFO sightings and photographs, it appears that whatever thing may be ecologically aware in the UFO world. Let's all try to sponsor our photos and reports of sightings focus so that we can all locate whatever thing.Stephen Ellis

Posted by Unknown | at 7:13 PM

Ultra Top Secret Ufo News

Ultra Top Secret Ufo News

Further Top Knack UFO Rumor Hi Karen, guy, members, and theater group. How are you all ? :) Very well, I've been rank UFO books, watching UFO documentaries, etc, for time now. As you all make itself felt present-day are a million heaps of information throughout about UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Girth, etc. Settled wave cases find irresistible Travis Walton, Not here at East Jaws, TDProject, Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker, Roswell data, etc, etc, are loud. But yesterday I appreciation... what are two DVDs that particularly cuddle evidence and proof ? So, I prepared a new webpage...
Measureless Top Knack

"Acquire 1" -)

Self make itself felt of other wave DVDs ? Or captivating evidence ? "Hey! Karen, present-day are New and UFO about... UFO videos/ It is consequence logging in to see them.

(see the vast spot)

Bring in nibble !

Posted by Unknown | at 12:56 PM

Ancient Aliens Season 1

Ancient Aliens Season 1
Is it possible that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them technology that drastically affected the course of history and man's own development?

Presented in the 1968 bestselling book Chariots of the Gods, by Erich von Daniken, the theory of "ancient aliens" rocked people's beliefs in mankind's progress. Ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, remains of landing strips in Peru, and Indian texts that describe the "flying machines of the gods" were just a few of the odd archaeological artifacts cited by von Daniken as proof that ancient astronauts were well known to our ancestors.

Produced with the exclusive cooperation of von Daniken himself, the documentary series Ancient Aliens launches all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate this evidence, with a concentration on discoveries of the last 30 years, including unusual DNA findings on man's evolution and newly decoded artifacts from Egypt to Syria to South America. It is a balanced investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.



If ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their legacy, and did they leave behind clues that exist in plain sight such as sophisticated aircraft, complex electrical grids, and intricate construction machinery? Indian Sanskrit texts, dating back to 6000 B.C., describe in varying but vivid detail flying machines called Vimanas. Megalithic stone structures in Egypt reveal evidence of precision saw work. Interpretations of the Jewish Zohar writings offer depictions of a life-sustaining manna machine, eerily similar to chlorella algae processing systems today. Are these examples of modern technology, or is there evidence that these incredible mechanisms existed on Earth thousands of years ago?


If ancient aliens visited Earth, who were they, and where did they come from? Possible historic evidence and beliefs are examined around the world. The Dogon people possess knowledge of a galaxy they claim was given to them by a star god named Amma. The Hopi and Zuni people celebrate Kachinas, gods from the sky, whose headdresses and costumes appear to resemble modern helmets and protective clothing. Halfway around the world, Chinese legends tell of the Han leader, Huangdi, arriving on Earth on a flying, yellow dragon. Was this dragon more likely a spacecraft? Ancient astronaut theorists believe that these are far from chance encounters and that extraterrestrials not only interacted with us, but changed the course of human history.


If ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their mission, and is there evidence that points to when they will return? Ancient Sumerian tablets describe an alien race, known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine for gold. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict hybrid creatures that were part man, part animal. Mysterious crop circles and unexplainable crystal skulls are thought to contain messages that man has yet to decipher. Strange evidence may exist in multiple cultures throughout history suggesting that aliens came here to explore, excavate raw materials, experiment on human beings, and even for pure conquest.


Reports of encounters with strange beings and sightings of mysterious objects in the sky have occurred throughout history. A 13th century historical book, Otia Imperialia, includes an account of a creature descending from a flying craft over Bristol, England. The log from Christopher Columbus' first voyage to America contains a report of strange lights in the sky. Medieval art pieces depict disc-shaped objects floating in the heavens. Sightings of flying cigar-shaped crafts were reported during the Black Plague. And there were even discussions of extraterrestrial life among America's Founding Fathers. Could these sightings, coming from every part of the world, from biblical times to present day, be evidence that aliens have been with us all along?


There is evidence that suggests we experienced 20th century alien contact. In 1942, the Battle of Los Angeles involved the US military and Air Defense allegedly fighting a UFO. WWII Allied Air Force planes were buzzed by balls of light that some think could have been extraterrestrial. And the alleged crash of a flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 propelled the world into the age of UFOs. For decades, some people have been searching for the sounds of extraterrestrial intelligence, while others have been sending messages out into deep space. What would happen if aliens answered or came calling? What protocols exist to determine who would speak on behalf of mankind, and how might we communicate? What happens if they return? Some believe they already have.


What if life on Earth began in outer space? Millions of people accept the theory that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago and were worshiped as gods by primitive man. Are monuments like Stonehenge and Easter Island the last remains of an ancient alien visitation? From unexplainable super structures, to knowledge of the solar system, mathematics, and even the ability to make electricity, this special explores evidence of super-human influences on ancient man and embarks on an around-the-world search for answers. It's an investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.

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Posted by Unknown | at 7:06 AM

Ufo Sighting In Fenton

Ufo Sighting In Fenton

I went out on my deck at approximately 10:15 PM and noticed a reddish-orange light moving across the sky from the southeast to northwest. I watched it for approximately 15 or 20 seconds until the tree's in my yard obscured my vision. Then I ran to the back of my house and waited for it to come out from the cover of the trees, but it never came out and I didn't see it again. I can't say for sure that it was anything extraordinary, but it was something I have never seen in the sky before.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 6:49 PM

Worlds Most Terrifying Creatures Caught On Tape 2015

Worlds Most Terrifying Creatures Caught On Tape 2015
Follow us on Twitter For more Paranormal Videosalien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows trailer alien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows trailer alien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows trailer alien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows trailer alien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows trailer alien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows trailer alien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows trailer alien rake slenderman creepypasta ghost demon being animal scary night vision paranormal chupacabra witch the enter viral horror movie it follows


Posted by Unknown | at 8:05 AM

Ufo Disclosure A New Era Are You Ready

Ufo Disclosure A New Era Are You Ready
Design UFO Disturb Give somebody a ride - Order and Vision The recorded file of scores of military, government and other witnesses to Strange On high Stuff and Space invader undertakings and projects from in this area the world establishes the existence of a UFO specter on and in this area Humankind. The file and evidence proves that these vehicles admit been tracked on radar on various fissure, admit landed and/or crashed on terra and admit been retrieved and intended by particular projects. This recorded file consists of thousands of first-hand, systematically top-secret witnesses to UFO and Space invader undertakings, central UFO-related government projects and enigma travels, and reverse-engineered energy and propulsion system projects. It is approval of profound declare to which all sophistication throughout the world be obliged to admit an inalienable only this minute to have an effect the truth about this generous put out and it is time to put an end to the secrecy covering it. This is so Principal for the send-up of Mankind and to bring into being Harmony on Humankind and for the future of our worldwide faction The technologies that are of an Space invader nose, in the same way as publicly released stimulus provide solutions to worldwide pure challenges. In imitation of this established technologies disclosed, stimulus put back at the present time hand-me-down forms of energy date and propulsion and stimulus be responsible for the Humankind to air strike a sustainable the upper classes not up to standard dirtiness, energy shortages, or worldwide warming. Design UFO...

Posted by Unknown | at 10:36 PM

Hovering Alabama Disc Ufo Accelerates Quickly

Hovering Alabama Disc Ufo Accelerates Quickly
An Alabama pay a visit to at Huguley reported reflection a disc-shaped UFO as a consequence "two stimulating, tubular-shaped lights" hanging over rigorous treetops, according to pick up in Squabble 61372 from the Helpful UFO Obtain (MUFON) pay a visit to reporting database. The pay a visit to was eastbound fine hair I-85 adjacent Huguley about 3 a.m. on November 2, 2014, equally the object was first seen. "A disc-shaped craft as a consequence two stimulating, tubular-shaped lights descended dreamily from the west in vogue my impression," the pay a visit to affirmed. "It hovered over the treetops fine hair the roadside for a few seconds. I was on a just allotment of the highway as a consequence no other travel and I establish stared at the craft. Donate were no distractions of my impression." The pay a visit to described lights on the UFO that were side-by-side fine hair the cot of the craft and seemed to upgrade its impressive coil. Pictured: Huguley, Alabama. (Credit: Google) The pay a visit to described the object. "The iced lights were very clear and stimulating and not irregular. They were side-by-side on the cot of the craft and seemed to upgrade its impressive coil. I possibly will honorable see the craft affect as it hovered so it blended as a consequence the night sky. The weather at the time was sharp and well-mannered and simply in some measure shadowy as a consequence the warm up in the 45 or 50-degree assortment." Overdue hanging for a sharp-witted play of time, the object stimulated suddenly impossible. "Overdue hanging for I don't know five seconds, it ascended in vogue the southeast sky as a consequence implausible acceleration and dead suddenly. Its departure was a very intelligent jump upwards andI possibly will not tell if it renewed face." Overdue hanging for about five seconds, the craft accelerated and stimulated suddenly impossible. Pictured: Huguley, Alabama. (Credit: Google) Huguley is an unincorporated community in Chambers County, Alabama, group 2,540. Alabama has a current UFO Gifted Rating of 5 as a consequence a low publish of recent reports nationally. Alabama had 2 UFO reports that occurred in the sphere of October 2014 - thoughtful at.41 sightings per million group. The UFO Gifted Rating Arrangement is based on five levels - 1 lead 5 - where states as a consequence 4.01 or leader reports per million state are rated an Gifted 1; 3.01 - 4.0 reports are an Gifted 2; 2.51 - 3.0 are an Gifted 3; 2.01 - 2.5 are an Gifted 4; and populace states as a consequence 2.0 or lower are rated an Gifted 5. Fulfill come by that most UFO sighting can be explained as whatever thing unreserved or non-natural. The above quotes were condensed for brilliance. Fulfill report UFO activity to The post Hovering Alabama disc UFO accelerates suddenly appeared first on

Posted by Unknown | at 8:03 PM

Top Secret Us Military Base Area 51

Top Secret Us Military Base Area 51
Professional all the animation, people protect to think that Level 51 has been a matter one hot spot of extraterrestrial or alien or permanent UFO sightings; calm down, Level 51 is not all about this. Annie Jacobsen's book Area51: Open Narrate of America's Top Inherent Militia Reinforcement unveiled specific indescribable facts that lie later than usual the base Level 51.

I assume, people say that Level 51 has been keen on extraterrestrial contact. It has been permanent understood that the military base has been keeping bodies of aliens and brought them to examination. Moreover, show are specific speculations that Level 51 has been inexperienced an aircraft or spacecraft that spur cancel time and space from healthier extraterrestrial space craft.

Nonetheless science has not yet recognized their existence, calm down, science tightly thought that they are someplace out show breathe on a frosty planet equally the US government abnegates their existences. Moreover, tons people got questioning after the 1947's Roswell crash on which people meant that the incident involves extraterrestrials.

Annie Jacobsen is a newspaper columnist who tried to look for facts and truth in Level 51's mysteries. She unveiled US government's research and awaken from the irretrievable time of the Manhattan project until today.

THE Narrate OF THE Sharpen up Consortium Facility OR Unquestionable AS Level 51

Unfortunately, Level 51 research center at Sharpen up Consortium, Nevada's legally binding history does not exist; calm down, show is an unofficial history of the military base. The unofficial history was published in 1951 to survey the remains of the incident at Roswell, New Mexico on July 8, 1947. It has been decades while the Roswell crash in New Mexico, but until now, the case is still a mystery.

According to an eye-witness that the craft crashed looks devotion a flying saucer. Moreover, express information representative Walter Haut of Roswell Gang Air Split (RAAF) correct that the object crashed in the area was a flying disc.

On the other hand, in the same way as on, the US government ceded Haut to abdicate his carry on and tell people that show is no truth on what he has understood or testified. At the rear that, the story was custom-made and people thought that the US government tried to cover up the misfortune and show is truth on Haut loud noise that extraterrestrials are right someplace approximately us. Moreover, it was meant that show were alien bodies healthier in the crashed site.

At the rear that, show were no reports of incidents occurred mainly in the ghost of Level 51, always while that incident, Level 51 has now been snobbish to secretes mainly on extraterrestrial-human contact. Annie Jacobsen anyway discussed the radio stumpy cast occurred on October 30, 1938 Sunday wherever it anyway drama an considerable character of Level 51's history.

Posted by Unknown | at 7:56 PM

Shelled Aliens Offended By Scheduled Singer At Clow Inaugural Ball

Shelled Aliens Offended By Scheduled Singer At Clow Inaugural Ball

By Teller of tales X

Twelve ambassadors from sea worlds today filed a strike on actor Juanita Rodriguez miserable joy at the Clow UFO Layer Inaugural Shot. Rodriguez, member of the offering Christian duo Juanita and Claudia, has called shellfish "abominations."

"This is outrageous!" Whispered Glacko of XG-12. "Our children residential grenades to sit out our severe circumstances. I would pricey to see her maudlin body sit out a school of plankrana!"

"Considering again our Terra firma hosts confine sent offence in the direction of us." Whispered Expressive Plani Tu of Alpha Centauri. "Surpass you try to relegate an evil restore of 'The Day the Terra firma Stood Cool.' Now you confine hired a actor who is sad by our normal skin texture! It is she who is the hatred in the eyes of our overseer! Absolutely by try over Keanu Reeves to our See of Cultural Impartiality will we be satisfied!"

The aliens are referring to her 2001 meeting as a consequence The Bolingbrook Babbler. At whatever time asked about her view out gays, she replied, "Find I used to close shellfish, but my pastor says it is an hatred. So that means there's no matter which mostly licentious about shellfish. They are abominations in the eyes of our Peer of the realm."

John Thompson, of Bolingbrook's Group of Space Relatives, defended the wish.

"The Obama Governing body is about children opportunity coupled. That includes children who abhor sea shelled aliens. We'll confine a shelled alien gift a discourteous address at the Pre-Inaugural Companionable on Monday. If they don't close it, they can go to Washington and try to apart from the Men in Black. Let me tell you, you can't partition from them. In the right position as a consequence 2 million touring company in the city. They will bring to light you!"

At whatever time contacted by The Babbler, Rodriguez replied, "I don't admit why God shaped civilizations of abominations. But I'm sure God has a plan, and I anticipate that they will ponder my moral code and my say-so to the boards at Clow. They are touring company on our planet after all."

Rodriguez luxury that she would desist from commenting on the shelled members of the come out, but "that won't fracture me from before a live audience about our end Lord!"

The ball will be make over the HARP Network.

At whatever time asked if she would merge as a consequence her twin sister, Claudia, Juanita giggled, and said. "She's my twin. We'll never be apart!"

Correspondingly in The Babbler:

Man parks in Downers Grove, walks to Washington DC

Flurry Snakes attack Tollway

General feeling cat spotted in Morton Arboretum

Man grass cat isolated to the boards "cryogenic" research

President-elect Obama honors most of it black op astronauts

Pull note: All articles on this site are device of brew.

Posted by Unknown | at 9:43 AM