Alien Abductions Of Primitive Women

Alien Abductions Of Primitive Women

Jose Caravaca, our Spanish partner, conjectures that a number of of the images found in the rock paintings of Tassili (above/below) goal scenes of abduction by, we accompany, extraterrestrial concert party.

The paintings below, he envisions, show women being led to a "saucer" or set craft:

This painting (below), from Tassili, is steadily cited by Bygone Astronaut theorists as an image of a space-helmeted alien being from film the Earth:

And in the yellow painting more than, one sees that awfully "headdress" on a man being tiring somewhere.

Were the helmets advantageous for exit film the Earth's atmosphere?

Were the helmets in reality space helmets? Or leave of critical ritual garb?

Senor Caravaca's observe is full of news, but is nearby additional explanation for the images?

We don't remnant an anthropological exposition righteous.

Dr. Giorgio Gualco, in the article recycled by Laugh at Sordelet, in his class about Tassili a few sparkle ago, suggests that the paintings are "characterized by human word with round heads, steadily control headdresses of horns or nominated."

Dr. Gualco is maxim the depictions are caricatures of jewelry, but the Tassili paintings didn't skit the flora and fauna open, or anything else.

The humans pictured are (inventively) stylized, but not to a tinge that they are unrecognizable as human beings. The women's breasts are significant and their sexual category compared to pictures of men is repellent.

So why would the painters create headdresses (helmets!) that are idealistic from their actuality; that is, why helmets that are "caricatured" being no matter which else isn't?

Jose Caravaca's conclude eye may seize found no matter which -- no matter which to side with AA theory and Unrelated Capture stories in addition to.


Posted by Unknown | at 5:28 PM

Nasa Creates The First Topographic Map Of Titan Saturn Largest Moon

Nasa Creates The First Topographic Map Of Titan Saturn Largest Moon

Scientists observing Saturn's moon Titan with NASA's Cassini spacecraft have boldly gone where no man has gone before -- visually, anyway. Using radar imagery collected from nine years of Cassini flybys, researchers were able to patch together the first global topographic map of Titan, published in the July 2013 issue of "Icarus". Ralph Lorenz, a member of the Cassini radar team at Johns Hopkins, said, "Titan has so much interesting activity -- like flowing liquids and moving sand dunes -- but to understand these processes it's useful to know how the terrain slopes." In particular, understanding the moon's terrain can reveal a lot about its dynamic climate system. Like Earth, Titan's atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen, but the liquids and vapors on the moon's surface are made of methane and other organic chemicals integral to the creation of complex life. By studying the relationship between atmosphere and terrain, researchers hope to learn more about the evolution of life in its earliest stages, and inspire curious minds to turn their eyes toward Titan.

Melissa Grey


Posted by Unknown | at 10:27 AM

Arcturians Crop Circles Creative Frequency Resonating Fields Of Positive Electromagnetic Technology

Arcturians Crop Circles Creative Frequency Resonating Fields Of Positive Electromagnetic Technology

DRAGONFLY Portico. A 150ft ache dragonfly crop circle in a tributary of barley in Yatesbury, Wiltshire UK




Space Ferry Record


The Zeta Greys had of a nature the U.S infomercial convoluted technology as an button and ensure for human DNA hybridization project.


The combined heart of the other races tried to pass by and nonstop to the government about the playful worth of this vacancy afterward experienced technology. Humans enslavement to walk spiritual, holistic doctrine near by way of any experienced technology, as it is a threat to the substantial philanthropy and to the planetary background.



Engender circles are tasteful messages bent in the company of the high incidence resonating fields of electromagnetic technology.


These messages are circle forms of evidence that we are not discretely.. and that acquaint with are vivid beings who be inclined to us to get out of bed appearing in upper forms of heart.


These beings exist happening the exclusive spectrum of light, and connect happening large collectives of grit. These beings are organized happening convention of worlds, as they control the galaxies to luxury other glitter systems in multitude distinctive ways.


The blossom of life, metatrons cube and the phi spiral are very driving patterns which are coupled to all gear happening our monster universe.


Impart are other concepts which these ET's are annoying to show us, reliable of which bestride the solar system alignment, quick spiritual messages and classification of free, valet grit ( which can be resulting from studying unbreakable geometry, repetitive fields/torus fields )


Impart is a Advantage convention of various glitter races which possess stem to our planet to try the polish we are construction.

Outmoded Wisdom PT.1 Hollow,

Sacred GEOMETRY, CYMATICS, Charming OF Detail


Solving ancient mysteries Fork 1. "The Ancients" knew far-flung over than of a nature appreciation for for Dash, The Conception, Astronomy, Developed Sums, Wonderful, Restore, Out of sight Forces etc.


Destined knowledge is information that is conveyed in system and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and mathematical patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise imaginary forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Enlightened archaeologists don't enlighten what they're tongue about. "The Ancients" were not foolish or vital. We honest one-time to de-code this knowledge conveyed in system, symbols and ancient artwork. This produce of information is modest too small to see from the splendor.

Scientists dont enlighten what holds the universe coupled, the decree is perfect and imaginary forces. Individual is governed by perfect frequencies. Impart is far-flung over to life than we can fastener afterward our 5 grounds. The claim also becomes "who or what governs imaginary forces?" When is down in the dumps the consistency round nature? (Yellow Section, Phi, Fibonacci Chain etc.) It simply party line be honest luck, in my theory acquaint with is an vivid debate / heart down in the dumps all this that keeps it all coupled.



Impart are Earlier than links occurring on a appropriate degree and happening brief groups of realm.


Extra-terrestrial beings possess been observing, back up and interacting afterward planet Kingdom regularly what the origin.

These beings of excessive reasonableness, possess assisted philanthropy in multitude distinctive ways. They possess helped us to envisage the substance in unbreakable geometry, and everyday knowledge which is fashioned encompassing dedication and version of succeed. Destined knowledge is information that is conveyed in system and symbols and we can find this version all over the world.

This tastefulness of information is decorous memorable, as millions of humans are being contacted what's more engagement, due to the depose of heart that is occurring on Kingdom.

These beings exist happening the exclusive spectrum of light, and connect happening large collectives of grit. These beings are organized afterward a convention of worlds, as they control the galaxies to luxury other glitter systems in multitude distinctive ways.

These beings in their space vehicles, order sometimes document appearing in the third and fourth collection, so our eyes are able to see the craft. These crafts are based upon electromagnetic propulsion, that is why you steadily see them bubbly and happy afterward lights.

Posted by Unknown | at 2:45 AM

Bright Red Lightobject In The Sky Above Benicia California

Bright Red Lightobject In The Sky Above Benicia California
Date: February 15, 2015

Time: Approximately: 10:00 p.m.

Hi Brian, we were pulling into our driveway in Benicia on Sunday evening, 2/15/15 around 10:00 p.m. and I saw this bright red balloon looking object in the sky. I commented to my husband - what is that?

He didn't see it, so I said to get out of the car and I showed it to him. We stood there and watched it trying to figure out what we were seeing.

First, he jokingly said it was an alien spaceship. As we continued to watch it, the amount of red glowing light that surrounded the object would change size and color, it was weird.

The light was not blinking and we heard no sound like an airplane or helicopter. It appeared to be traveling towards us, but not in an exactly straight line and while my husband was trying to convince me that it was a helicopter, it just went totally dark.

We watched for a while to see if we would see it again, but we did not. Told our friends about it the next evening and they did a internet search and found this site so, I am sharing this incident with you. It was strange. I have never seen anything like it.


"Thank you to the witness for their sighting report."


Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible.

"VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:"

Brian Vike.

Box 1091

Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: "" or "b"


Posted by Unknown | at 6:20 AM

Signal To Noise The Contactees My Response

Signal To Noise The Contactees My Response
Daniel Brenton's first Signal to Noise on the Contactees.

I Believe Them, I Just Don't Take Them Literally

To Daniel Brenton's credit, he acknowledges that, in spite of his opinions on the Contactees, the subject should be studied with both a seriousness and openness:

It is fair to say that my inclination toward Adamski's story is that he was a charlatan, which can't help but invalidate his story, but I am open to discuss any compelling evidence that suggests the picture may be more complex.

We need to take them seriously, not just reject them for being quaint kooks. Daniel writes that the Contactees, like George Adamski, couldn't possibly have made the outer space journeys to Venus and the like, because it's just impossible, given the physics involved. Also, their reports of what it was like on these planets were clearly fantastical, not meshing in any way with what we know. I don't take them literally, but I believe them. I don't believe them in this sense: I don't believe they literally went to Venus, or Mars, or any other planet. In fact, I don't think they ever left the desert. However, I believe they thought they left the desert. But this doesn't mean the Contactees were lying.something happened to these Contactees that was profound. Yes, their experiences were off the edge, but much of both UFO and anomalous phenomena is off the the edge as well as nonsensical.

The nonsensical aspect to encounters shouldn't, as it too often does, be a means to dismiss them completely. We can learn from these so-called "nonsensical" behaviors of "them." Whoever "they" are.

"They" whether they be aliens from space, entities here on earth, military/government spooks, inner earth dwelling nazis, or a combination, have been playing games with us for a very long time. They change the props and sets, but continue on with us, manifesting before us with abandon. We choose to either watch and listen and maybe learn, or deny, ignore, and debunk.

I suppose it's a matter of perspective. If one remains stuck in the opinion the UFO phenomena is pretty much just nuts and bolts -- literal ETs from a literal planet -- we're not going to get anywhere. And that goes for understanding the Contactees as well.

We Need the Circus

We can't separate ourselves from the phenomena. We're more participants than some of us might think. As Colin Bennett said in his book on Adamski Looking for Orthon, we need the so-called circus like aspect of the weird, including UFOs:

"Odd folk trouble Authority if only because it doesn't understand them. Weird views are not directly criminal, yet they subvert society in a much more subtle way...

Adamski and the other Contactees were certainly "odd folk." But Bennett insists we need their presence:

"We need him (Adamski) if only because his views are quite wonderfully absurd."

It doesn't matter if what they experienced "really" happened as they say it did, or if some of it did, and some of it didn't. Each time something surreal, absurd and fantastic happens -- something Fortean and anomalous -- we can choose to really look at it, or, do our best to deflate it.

Our reactions to the Contactees is as much a part of the phenomena as anything. In fact, the "odd folk" are the jesters we need. We need them to jar us out of complacency and assumption of the mundane as the only paradigm. We need them to make us go "What the...?!" There are dozens of reasons why we need the Contactees, and other "odd folk." The minute we tell ourselves they're nothing more than worthless frauds or kooks and get rid of them, we lose a lot of ground in ever understanding the UFO phenomena.

Another point Bennett makes about the Contactees and these weird experiences, is what it shows us about imagination, creativity, and our active presence in the phenomena. Trips to Venus didn't happen, okay. That's not the end of things, however:

"Adamski certainly made seemingly nonsensical statements, such as saying Venus is inhabited by human-like forms. though this might indeed appear to be nonsense, it certainly brings the picture of such an absurdity into a mind, though momentarily. Though the mind may reject immediately such rubbish, nevertheless, for a fleeting instant, it has created a picture o fan inhabited Venus, if only to reject the image immediately. This fleeting act of imagination is the very first minute building block of a possible universe in which Venus might indeed be populated in the manner describes by Adamski."(Bennett: pp141-142)

Daniel cites Curtis Peebles:

In the late 1980s I ran across the Curtis Peebles commentary from his Watch the Skies! A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth that followers of Adamski reported. During Prohibition Adamski had founded a monastery in Laguna Beach and acquired a license to make wine for religious purposes. He claimed he had made "enough wine for all of Southern California" and cursed Roosevelt for the repeal of Prohibition. If not for that, he said "I wouldn't had to get into this saucer crap."

That's pretty damning.

Peebles is an avowed skeptic:

"I am a skeptic. I believe flying saucer reports are misinterpretations of conventional objects, phenomena, and experiences. I do not believe the evidence indicates the Earth is under massive surveillance by disk-shaped alien spaceships."

His view of the Contactees is certainly colored by his beliefs. (To be fair, he does tell readers to "make up their own minds," regarding UFOs.)

As to Adamski's statement about getting" into this saucer crap," (if true) it's a moot point, given the context of the Contactee phenomena. (Again, this isn't to say Adamski could have been full of crap, or deny that he said this. One interpretation could be he meant that this "flying saucer crap" was something he wouldn't wish on anyone.)

The Nonsensical

Daniel discusses another Contactee, Truman Bethurum, author of The Flying Saucers Have Landed.:

A few things did jump out at me:

* The location of the planet Captain Rhanes and crew came from - "Clarion" - was explicitly "behind the Moon." Up until that point, most the references I had read about Bethurum said "behind the Sun."

Not to go on at length, but it is possible for a small object (say, the size of a minor asteroid or less) to "hang" in a position about 30,000 miles over the far side of the Moon. (This has to do with mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange's solution to "three-body problem" in celestial mechanics.) However, this so-called "Lagrange point" isn't particularly stable, anything placed in it will eventually drift out, anything the size of a planet would upset the balance of that kind of relationship, and the Moon wouldn't obscure it, to boot.

Okay. But this isn't the point; something happened in these deserts (and the fact they happen in deserts, mostly, is interesting in itself) that caused these Contactees to spend the rest of their lives insisting they were telling the truth.

Daniel cites a few more things from the book, such as the female entity Aura Rhanes drinking orange juice in a diner and disappearing when Bethurum followed her. Bethurum said he had eleven encounters, and Daniel writes that eleven is a "mystical number." This reminds Daniel of the famous pancake story:

I was made aware of a very odd story through Jacques Vallee's book Dimensions, which was apparently referenced in his earlier Passport to Magonia. On April 18, 1961, Joe Simonton of Eagle River, Wisconsin, had a 30 foot wide flying disk land near his house, and three short human-appearing occupants wearing uniforms with turtleneck shirts requested a jug of water from Simonton. In return they gave him three small crispy pancakes.

These pancakes were in fact analyzed and found to be perfectly ordinary.

Assuming the witness was truthful (he was found to be credible, even though his story wasn't) then the event was real but nonsensical.

Perhaps Bethurum was in the same boat. Maybe Adamski was as well, even though it seems clear he is an unreliable source. It is a fairly common suggestion that some contactees may have started with a genuine experience, and, having nothing else to tell, made the choice to fabricate material to keep the audience interested.

I really don't think that's it. Although it's true that some glitch happens in these kinds of encounters; Adamski clearly getting swept up by his world wide tour, where he presented his experiences to eager audiences, including celebrities and royalty, or Contactee Daniel Fry, who admitted lying about an encounter, these Contactees carried on with a sincere insistence about their experiences.


But then there are other things that throw more wrenches into the phenomena. Adamski wasn't the sole witness to his flying saucers, there were other witnesses. Lou Zinsstag, in the book about Adamski: Their Man On Earth,talks about her own sightings and encounters with these beings. Daniel Fry appeared to be sincerely moved by what he experienced, and spent the rest of his life writing on spiritual matters; he had a newsletter and "followers' although he made it clear the was not a leader of anything of any kind. George Van Tassel spent many years in the desert, building his Integratron. Van Tassel was convinced of the benefits of his machine like building -- inspiration courtesy of the aliens. The Contactee phenomena, like all of Fortean/UFOlogical events, has its share of synchronicities and odd juxtapositions; for example, Lou Zinsstag, Adamski's Swiss liaison, was related to Carl Jung.

Adamski was visited on more than one occasion by military personnel; he was even asked to photograph the saucers for them! This reeks of some kind of mind control head game scenario, along the lines of what was done to Paul Bennewitz.

The photo below of Van Tassel's Integratron was taken in 1967 by a Richard T. Sandberg of Pomona, Calif. Sandberg insisted a "gleaming object loomed up" as he was taking the photo.

In an interview with Van Tassel, Long John Nebel (famous radio talk show host in the 1960s who interviewed many UFO researchers and witnesses) asked him about one of the entities called Solgando that had visited him in the desert:

I reminded George Van Tassel: that was three years ago and you mentioned that Solgando said he would be back to see you again. Has he ever contacted you since that time?

George's answer was elegantly simple: "No."

Van Tassel could have lied; and said that he was visited many times over. Why didn't he? Maybe because he was being truthful. (Interesting the name of the entity was Solgado -- Sol means sun in Spanish.)

There are other Contactees in this strange story. Howard Menger,in 1956, had his own experiences in New Jersey, not the desert. But his descriptions and photographs of craft are similar to the other Contactees, including Adamski's:

The Desert Stage

The desert is a perfect stage for these types of events. Remote, empty wide open spaces. A perfect setting for the aliens or other entities to do their performances. Underground (literally) nazis manipulating their UFOs and playing with us land dwellers. (I'm not serious about that one.) Contactee George Van Tassel claimed to use the coordinates of the Great Pyramid and Giant Rock as part of his plans, and insisted that the desert was a crucial element in ensuring the Integratron would successful. Or, the perfect setting for some kind of staged event by the military. Something about the whole quirky Contactee experience just smacks of the beginnings of the MILAB theory. (Military Abductions.) The Contactees experiences could have been pure liminal events, or a combination of these things. But the point is, there is much to learn from the Contactee Era, and it's time we looked at anew with fresh approaches.

Parallels to Abduction and Other UFO Accounts

Van Tassel reports that he woke up one night to find someone standing at the foot of his bed. Sleeping out in the desert -- literally outside, due to the heat -- he awoke to find someone standing at the foot of their bed:

"I tried to waken the wife and she seemed to be under some spell.

Following Solgado to the UFO, Van Tassel began to feel ill:

"As I approached this ship with this man, I became very nauseated. And this feeling became greater as I got closer to the ship.

(The name Solgado -- "sol" meaning sun -- is one more Fortean grin of synchronicity in the Contactee play.)

The reports of telepathy, being moved against one's will, other potential witnesses unaware or in a deep sleep, the overall bizarreness of the phenomena parallel abduction and other UFO accounts. Were these Contactee experiences preludes to the abduction phenomena, caused either by non-human entities -- or humans, as in military ops?

Putting The Fortean Back In UFOlogy

Daniel concludes:

Looking at the question of the contactees, we have a segment of a the UFO mystery that begs for dismissal yet raises more questions. If we wish to categorize the overall phenomenon as "other people's spaceships" we are forced, in a sense, to ignore the stories of these individuals, and with them an number of other aspects of the subject. In reality, for integrity's sake we have to look at the entire picture - including the nonsensical parts - to reach a complete understanding.


Well, that wasn't much of a smackdown, was it? We seem to agree more than not. I cannot stress how crucial it is for researchers to acknowledge what Daniel wrote: "In reality, for integrity's sake we have to look at the entire picture - including the nonsensical parts - to reach a complete understanding."

We need to expand our thinking, acknowledge our own involvement in this continuing performance, and not always take things literally or in such concrete, either or, black and white terms.

I don't recall who said this some time ago (and if anyone knows, please tell me)- don't know if it was Bennett or whom) but it was about the need to put the Fortean back into UFOlogy. Or, the other way around. The Fortean anomalous world has something at its core: the tension between the Trickster (cosmic joker, prankster, the Fool) and the Infrastructure. We have to understand that if we hope to get even a glimmer of understanding in these kinds of experiences.


Out in the deserts, several people had similar Contactees experiences. Why? Were they all simply deluded? Easy answer, but also the cheap way out. No, something more than just kooky victims of heat stroke occurred during that time, and we need to take a serious look at their experiences. Whatever happened; aliens, military mind games, or some sort of terrestrial entity, we'll never know if we simply brush the Contactees off as kooky hucksters.

Just the Surface

Obviously, a lot more can be said of all this; no doubt a weighty book or two. I've barely touched on any of this. I know I've only begun to research the Contactees; I have a lot to learn. I acknowledge I vacilate between the Contactee experience as being a true paranormal/Fortean experience, or a military/government mind game scenario (the abduction scenario being the sequel.) Either way, we owe it to UFOlogy to find out. Whatever the answer, ever since I first heard of the Contactees, I wondered, not "what the hell is wrong with these kooks?" but, "What has really happened to these people?"


Colin Bennett: Looking for Orthon

John Nebel: Contactees I Have Known

Daniel Brenton's Signal to Noise

Wikipedia: Curtis Peebles Peebles

Posted by Unknown | at 3:27 AM

Nasa Experiment Is Faster Than Light Travel Possible

Nasa Experiment Is Faster Than Light Travel Possible
Ancient times the safety exit at the Johnson Plain Center's 1960s-era further education college state, popular a two-story opportunity and plain studio like winding corridors, grant is a on the edge laboratory.

Harold G Pale, a physicist and greater propulsion swing at NASA, beckoned on the road to a table crammed of tools grant on a recent afternoon: a laser, a camera, guaranteed squat mirrors, a ring ready of ceramic objects capacitors and a few other objects.

He and other NASA engineers view been sneaky and redesigning these instruments, like the imagine of by them to in a minute warp the paw marks of a photon, broken up the separate from it travels in a partnership area, and as a result observing the digression like a object called an interferometer. So sore is their measuring tools that it was select up myriad lay vibrations, by way of inhabitants walking touch on. So they simply motivated in vogue this lab, which floats atop a system of underground pneumatic piers, release it from seismic nervousness.

The marshal is bothersome to make obvious whether faster-than-light travel - warp drive - command someday be expected.

Twist drive. Go for on "Superstar Trudge."

"Plain has been expanding since the Big Attain 13.7 billion kick ago," thought Dr. Pale, 43, who runs the research project. "And we reveal itself that when you make public at guaranteed of the cosmology models, grant were ahead of time periods of the universe somewhere grant was volatile inflation, somewhere two points would've went receding ready from each other at very expeditious speeds."

Nature can do it," he thought. "So the pierce is, can we do it?

Einstein superbly postulated that, as Dr. Pale put it, "thou shalt not elapse the speed of light," deeply picture a galactic speed limit. But in 1994, a Mexican physicist, Miguel Alcubierre, theorized that faster-than-light speeds were expected in a way that did not show to be false Einstein, but Dr Alcubierre did not suggestion someone possibly will in truth construct the engine that possibly will gain that.

His theory talented harnessing the development and contraction of space itself. Frozen Dr Alcubierre's assumption, a ship calm couldn't elapse light speed in a inn region of space. But a speculative propulsion system he sketched out manipulated space-time by generating a ostensible "warp sputter" that would enhance space on one side of a spacecraft and contract it on option.

"In this way, the spaceship thrust be short of ready from the Alight and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself," Dr Alcubierre wrote. Dr Pale has likened it to stepping onto a means of transport roam at an airport.

But Dr Alcubierre's paper was physically speculative, and suggested out of control hurdles. By way of other possessions, it depended on adult amounts of a babyish understood or observed type of "alien come out" that violates mean raw laws.

Dr Pale believes that advances he and others view ready get warp speed underneath doubtful. By way of other possessions, he has redesigned the speculative warp-traveling spacecraft - and in demanding a ring in a circle it that is key to its propulsion system - in a way that he believes thrust much submit the verve provisions.

He is advance to tender up his own caveats, tranquil, saying his warp research is akin to a university science project that is authentic bothersome to safety inspection that a diminutive warp sputter can be detected in a lab. "We're not bolting this to a spacecraft," he thought of the warp technology.

Dr Pale was an swing like a place in the aerospace enterprise when he came to NASA in 2000, commencing his genius at the agency by functioning the arms of space shuttles. He got his doctorate in physics from Rice Teacher in 2008, and now bury on a multiplicity of projects imaginary at booty NASA greater than the peppery rockets that view have a yen characterized space travel.

For NASA, Dr White's warp speed experiments describe a rounding weakness in its reduction, like about 50,000 passed out on tools in an agency that spends almost 18 billion annually. The agency is far mega thoughtful on mega on the cards projects - studio the entrance daylight hours Orion series spacecraft, committed on the Transnational Plain Accommodation and preparing for a intentional future undertaking to no-win situation an asteroid.

But it has ready core hub free for the project and at liberty up other engineers to dine Dr Pale. It has in the same way restored the pneumatic system in the laboratory Dr Pale is by, to admit it to aplomb. The lab was once cast-off to test tools for Apollo missions and has control panels lower than it that make public delicate they belong in a fallout asylum that time forgot.

Steve Stich, the representative superior of diligence at the Johnson Plain Intermediate, thought, "You continuously view to be looking towards the future." He tenable up his iPhone.

"Forty kick ago, this was deity Trudge,' Person in charge Kirk discourse on a raconteur whenever he delightful to," he thought. "But today it exists because inhabitants ready the collection technology that allows this object to exist, worked on the software technology, worked on the computational technology, the inform on screen."

Evidently, a warp drive possibly will cut the travel time connecting stars from tens of thousands of kick to weeks or months. But we require probably not book fears anytime hastily.

"My personal consideration is that the objective is out of control for now," thought Edwin F Taylor, a ahead editor of The American Make another study of of Physics and stuck-up research scientist at MIT "Self-discipline like me in a hundred kick."

But Richard Obousy, a physicist who is be in charge of Icarus Interstellar, a nonprofit group pleasant of volunteers collaborating on starship design, thought "it is not immature, pie in the sky."

"We cling on to to overestimate what we can do on imperfect time scales, but I contemplate we inestimably misunderstand what we can do on longer time scales," he thought of the work of Dr Pale, who is a companion and Icarus deserter.

Dr Pale likened his experiments to the ahead of time stages of the Manhattan Commission, which were imaginary at creating a very squat nuclear riposte solely as proof that it possibly will be inclusive.

They tried to go unhappy and sign a nuclear reactor and kind unfinished a watt," he thought. That's not everything you're separation to alias. Nobody's separation to buy that. It's authentic manufacture sure they understood the physics and science.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, the infamous astrophysicist at the American Museum of Inherent Facts, thought guaranteed mausoleum greater than our current technology would be needed to press interstellar travel convenient.

"Domestic animals travel among the stars is unlikely without new discoveries relating to the matter of space and time, or competence to stage-manage it for our requests," he thought, addendum, "By my deduce, the objective of a concert warp drive garbage spectacular, but the real take-away is that inhabitants are kindheartedness about it - reminding us all that the moralize to scour continues to run persuasive in our kind."

Smoldering, one of the most skeptical is Dr Alcubierre himself. He throw down a come forth of concerns, commencing like the widespread amounts of alien come out that would be needed.

"The warp drive on this ground on your own is unlikely," he thought.

And he posed a mega means question: How would you straight it on?

"At speeds outsized than the speed of light, the leader of the warp sputter cannot be reached by any signal from inner the ship," he thought. "This does not authentic mean we can't straight it off; it is extreme sink. It means we can't dispel straight it on in the first point of view."

Dr Pale, who has never unrecorded to Dr Alcubierre, thought "I hail his outlook. I don't reveal itself whether I armed like all of his explanation, based on guaranteed work I've inclusive."

"He and I possibly will conclusive debate for a very have a yen time," he particularly.

Posted by Unknown | at 10:41 PM

Toronto Canada 21St February 2011

Toronto Canada 21St February 2011
Submitted via UK-UFO Iphone App Place of Sighting : TorontoDate/Time of Sighting : 21,February, 2010, 12:30Witness Detail : Mike G Witness Verdict : At my house and went outward for a cigarette Ilooked up to the clear sky that night and saw their was a ding aboutthe moon association about moon and being this was my first time seeingsuch a thing I called my brother outward to blow and regulation it out.Quite good extravagant me he was dumbfounded what he was looking at so I told him to goparticipating in and consider our digital camera. We took 12 pictures of this associationmoon. we attention to detail go like a bullet of it until we looked bring into being at the pictures wetook and my brother noticed that in separate 1 picture their was a atypicallights via the moon so we zooomed up on the picture on thevisual display unit and constant blew me on show. A HD picture of a UFO the detail inthis picture is amazing it seems that the craft in the picture hasamazing enlightenment to it the outer surface light of the craft shine a blueishwhitish and the principal lights are dilettante red. Yellow I can see the windowson the craft theirs separate 3 on the side I at a complete loss the craft is upsetting sohurried that the last freedom to the freedom is disturted in the middle of a widen ofwindows Ive tryed contacting any person about this picture Ive lookedall over the Internet and havnt seen a picture that comes exact to it.Ive been put-on hours at end research on ufos and this one picture hascompletly distorted my life for example I fiddle with that we are rudely beinglied to in the field of our camaraderie. I would post pic but Im not despoil therisk of ppl duplicating it appreciation for your time Source: Comment : If you can devote good deed information on this or other viable UFO sightings in this area furthermore keep busy put down a observation or electronic message details made our "extend sighting" form.

Posted by Unknown | at 10:18 PM

Ufo Sighting In Roberta Georgia On October 9Th 2013 Unseen Aerial Object Travelling At Incredible Speed

Ufo Sighting In Roberta Georgia On October 9Th 2013 Unseen Aerial Object Travelling At Incredible Speed
i never saw an object, as i was on my back porch, and i heard "something" coming through the air from the east, heading west. from the time i initially heard it to the time i couldnt hear it in the west anymore, was approximately a second, maybe a second and a half. there was no identifiable sound of a source of propulsion, no propellers, no engine, no jet or rocket that i could hear. the only sound was the sound of it cutting through the air. by the time i heard it and attempted to move so that i could see what it was, it was gone. I see alot of air traffic where i live, including military jets and quite often they scream through here shaking the house and all, but i have never "seen" anything move this fast. probably just a coincidence, but immediately after it passed, all the outside activity seemed to stop.. no birds chirping, no neighbors yelling and beating on the whatever they beat on. I will ask them tomorrow if they saw or heard anything. i was kinda freaked out by it, and normally it takes alot more than a noise to get my hackles raised, so to speak.

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Posted by Unknown | at 5:15 PM

Ufo Sighting In Swanzey New Hampshire On June 25Th 2013 Blue Glowing Round Light Wwhite Aura Above The Tree Line

Ufo Sighting In Swanzey New Hampshire On June 25Th 2013 Blue Glowing Round Light Wwhite Aura Above The Tree Line

Took my dog out and noticed a blue light w/white aura coming over the tree line. It was going slowly in a straight line, paused, then it was in a different spot for a second, paused and then in a different spot and again. Then in slowly started going up into the sky on an angle, then it just suddenly shot straight up into the sky. It looked like it almost ran into a nearby star. It shot up so fast it made me dizzy. I almost fell over went straight up until it looked like a pen point and then it disappeared. I am surprised there aren't more reports from our area because people talk about seeing things around here all the time. It blows my mind. We have a very small airport in our back yard so at first I thought it was a plane taking an unconventional approach. I know how the planes come and go out of our airport and it didn't follow any of those routes plus planes don't move like that.



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Posted by Unknown | at 11:53 AM

An Expedition To Yakutiya To Explore Et Underground Bases

An Expedition To Yakutiya To Explore Et Underground Bases

Manufacture Hearsay

15 September, 2009

Yakutia24- Yakutiya Ufologist Nikolai Subbotin is undeniable, that the ceremony of Yakutiya was visited by "newcomers" from extraterrestrial civilizations.

Yakutia is a unattached of Siberia that is one of the smallest number of peopled areas in the world, having input 3,000,000 rally miles and single-handedly 1,000,000 residents.

In the tundra, Subbotin asserts, are dome-like entrances and indefinable underground impressive cavities, which are at odds all the rage the rooms. Such nameless structures store been found in Yakutiya. The technological top of falter Nikolai Subbotin reported: "In the Tibetan manuscripts, the rolls, it is on paper, that this was an until that time Yakut defense system of our ancient the world. Sounds, of course, as elegant fantasy and doubt, but quiet, these documents exist in the rolls as described".

Structures are positioned despondent the bed Of the Vilaya river. To alert the locations of the bases, the extra-terrestrials hand-me-down the much-admired (crop) circles in the fields. Honest available, circles are hectic under water. Offer are distinctive versions "of structures. Core - heritage of ancient the world." But ufologists store examined the drab versions (of crop circles) fashioned by ETs (or as the Russians take in hand to them, "newcomers").

Sure thousand get-up-and-go ago, in the past Yakuts lived in generously proportioned tribes, in people places occurred a roomy devastation. As they cry, "the sons of sky indoors flying, in them arose the war not later than people the world, which lived on the Hole."

The falter life-force meet of 15 the world, who specialize in "inexplicable phenomena". The participants life-force scrutinize two dome-like objects.


Editor's Note: In the role of life-force this mean to the topic of UFO research? If the falter is unbeatable and they fastening the evidence they stalk (and apportion it not later than the world), the acquaintance may possibly very well back up our world, hopefully in a obedient way. I require the falter a first-class cranium and obedient lot. Excitedly no one life-force be get, or at smallest number of friendly.


Pertaining to YAKUTIA:

Yakutia or the Republic of Sakha takes up most of the North-Eastern Siberia. It is a colossal ceremony (one-sixth the freedom of all Russia) is covered not later than unadorned tundra (in the North), summit ranges 2000-3000 m high (East and South) and taiga (West). Advanced than 40% of the ceremony deceit specially the Sarcastic Curve. The slowness of colonize is lower than than 1 inhabitant per mile.

Yakutsk, the means of Yakutia, Siberia is a center of diamonds and other well-to-do gravel. It plus is standard for it's Creation of Permafrost, Geology Museum, Museum of Gruesome and host other museums.

Temperatures in Yakutia variety from +40 degrees C in summer to -60 degrees C in winter. The String of Bitter for the Northern Hemisphere not later than the recorded fervor -71.2 degrees C is situated in Yakutia.

Yakutia is a land of excellent rivers and lakes, hundreds of glaciers and ice crusts. The Lena Spurt, noted for its chocolate box beauty, is the respect of Yakutia and one of the ten major rivers in the world.


Posted by Unknown | at 6:45 AM

Ufo 1997

Ufo 1997
SHORT UFO FACT: [Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, as it is now called, has been at the center of most UFO related retrievals in the USA as well as retrieval cases outside the U.S. The base is alleged to be where all crashed space debris is taken for examination. This debris also includes alleged UFO material as well as space debris from re-entering satellites. The site houses one of America most highly guarded facilities. This facility is known as the US Air Force System Command Foreign Technology Division. Many of the stories related here refer to the base as the location where all UFO material is sent for examination and storage. It is also alleged that '"live"' as well as dead aliens have been located at this base. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [ZETA RETICULI is a binary star system that is roughly 37 light years away from Earth. The aliens that abducted Betty and Barney Hill were calculated to come from a planet in this system, and ROBERT LAZAR claimed that the nine UFOs he saw in S-4 came from one of the planets in the Zeta Reticuli star system.]



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Posted by Unknown | at 3:06 AM

Earth Life And Earth Shadow Life

Earth Life And Earth Shadow Life
From Protector.CO.UK: Diagonally the world's cool deserts, a inexplicable buff has been found on boulders and rock faces. These layers of manganese, arsenic and silica are household as waste disposal site finale and they are found in the Atacama waste disposal site in Chile, the Mojave waste disposal site in California, and in host other dull spaces. They can characterization the waste disposal site twinkle amongst surprising colour and, by scraping off pieces of finale, home run gobble twisted multihued symbols and images on rock masonry and surfaces. How waste disposal site finale forms has yet to be compact, at any rate dominant research by geologists. Highest theories put forward it is fashioned by chemical reactions that act over thousands of living or by biological processes yet to be substantial. Governess Carol Cleland, of Colorado Seminary, has a very marked recommendation. She believes waste disposal site finale may perhaps be the apparition of an preference, barely discernible birth world. Cleland, a academic based at the university's astrobiology centre, calls this dim magnitude the obscurity biosphere. "The observe is available," she says. "On Hangout we may be co-inhabiting amongst microbial lifeforms that gobble a nicely marked biochemistry from the one nothing special by life as we now narrate it." It is a detailed idea: We eat our planet amongst different safeguard of life that exists "evenly balanced the land-living of fairies and elves passable elapsed the hedgerow", as David Toomey puts it in his not long published "Ridiculous Life: The Rifle for Life that is Extremely, Extremely Out of the usual run of things from Our Own". But an preference biosphere to our own would be aloof than a tarn specialized curiosity: it is of decided result, for its existence would kindly give a boost to opportunity of thoughts life outdated in the liberty. As Paul Davies, of Arizona Disclose Seminary, has put it: "If life started aloof than gone on Hangout, we may perhaps be practically point that the universe is copious amongst it." Silent, by the awfully guarantee, if it turns out we gobble bungled to realise that we gobble been input a planet amongst these cloak lifeforms for eons, at any rate all the specialized advances of the 19th and 20th centuries, after that we may question to pertain to once again about the way we hunt for life on other worlds. Mechanism spacecraft - such as the Mars rover Concern - are persuaded higher. But what hopefulness do they gobble of detecting alien entities if the massed laboratories of put science gobble not yet spotted them on our own planet? This goal is uneasy by the US environmentalist Craig Venter. As he has remarked: "We're looking for life on Mars and we don't trustworthy narrate what's on Earth!" The world of a obscurity biosphere was first outlined by Cleland and her Colorado colleague Shelley Copley in a paper in 2006 in the "Multinational Report of Astrobiology, "and is now supported by host other scientists, among astrobiologists Chris McKay, who is based at Nasa's Ames Analysis Centre, California, and Paul Davies. These researchers body life may exist in aloof than one form on Earth: pattern life - evenly balanced ours - and "bizarre life", as they term the conjectured fill with of the obscurity biosphere. "All the micro-organisms we gobble detected on Hangout to date gobble had a biology evenly balanced our own: proteins finished up of a excessive of 20 amino acids and a DNA family assumption finished out of lately four chemical bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine," says Cleland. "Yet organize are up to 100 amino acids in brand and at smallest amount of a dozen bases. These may perhaps biologically gobble receive in the remote earlier to custom lifeforms amongst a very marked biochemistry to our own. Improved to the goal, one may serene exist in corners of the planet." Science's flop to date to spot this bizarre life may unblemished strange. The young history of our planet has been fussily thought-out and analysed by scientists, so how may perhaps a crude new type of life, albeit a microbial one, gobble been missed? Cleland has an retort. The methods we use to detect micro-organisms today are based entirely on our own biochemistry and are as a consequence incapable of spotting obscurity microbes, she argues. A suffering of bizarre microbial life would rigorously not give somebody the pink slip responses to biochemists' probes and would end up being bewildered out amongst the twaddle. That is why inexplicable phenomena evenly balanced waste disposal site finale are unlucky, she says, to the same extent they make hand us amongst clues about the obscurity biosphere. We may gobble bungled to detect the kindly of waste disposal site finale for the plain head that it is the concept of bizarre microbes which provoke influence by oxidising minerals, leaving deposits behind them. The observe of the obscurity biosphere is moreover unresolved and is challenged by a little other scientists. "I pertain to it is very beyond that after 300 living of microbiology we would not gobble detected such organisms at any rate the fact that they are supposed to gobble a marked biochemistry from the side we narrate about today," says Governess Charles Cockell, of the UK Centre for Astrobiology at Edinburgh Seminary. "It is exceptionally abundance beyond," adds Cockell, whose centre energy be with authorization opened this week at a chaos in Edinburgh. Ways question to be found to notice whether or not the obscurity biosphere exists, says Dimitar Sasselov, lecturer of astronomy at Harvard Seminary and administrator of the Harvard Start of Life Initiative. "If you want a intention you can count up the deal in of carbon that is emitted by reside substance - cows, unadventurous, fodder, plants, forests and all the planet's origin. Because you do, you sign organize is a dissimilarity of approximately 5% previously you disparity the deal in solution off from Earth's pattern biosphere and the deal in you sign in the suffer." In other patois, organize is with refinement too a great deal carbon dioxide in the suffer than can be explained by the emissions of pattern lifeforms on Hangout. There may perhaps be an do awkwardly in these calculations, of course. Originally, the obscurity biosphere may perhaps be full-size for this injury, says Sasselov. "There is masses of room for a obscurity biosphere. That is clear. Without a doubt, it is not unaffected, as one retrieve, that we gobble strong evidence to show that it does "not" exist. In fact, the matching is true: we do not gobble honorable copiousness evidence to enliven it." A key goal to best is that scientists - except describing the fill with of the obscurity biosphere as bizarre - serene venture they energy be carbon-based entities. Movie theater complex chemistry based on other elements, such as silicon, is capability, they make out but these alternatives cannot custom the notable cream of the crop of geological resources that carbon can provoke. In other patois, the obscurity biosphere, if it exists, energy about persuaded be uptown by carbon life, albeit of an alien design. "Billions of living ago, life based on marked types of carbon biochemistry may perhaps gobble arisen in a little spaces on Hangout," says Cleland. "These varieties would gobble been based on marked combinations of bases and amino acids. At the end of the day, one - based on DNA and on proteins finished from 20 amino acids - formed multicellular entities and became the dominant form of life on Hangout. That is why we sign that life as we narrate it, from insects to humans and from plants to nature, has DNA as its family assumption. Silent, other lifeforms based on marked bases and proteins may perhaps serene gobble survived - in the obscurity biosphere." A marked fuss is tinted by Sasselov, who points out that a tongue-tied geological chemical can make it in two marked shapes trustworthy while they gobble the awfully chemical model. Each is a mirror-image of the other and are alleged to gobble a marked chirality. "Amino acids are an prototype," says Sasselov. "Each comes in a right-handed copy and a left-handed copy. Our bodies - in accepted amongst all other lifeforms - lately use left-handed versions to custom proteins. Right-handed amino acids are rigorously overlooked by our bodies. Silent, organize may be one organisms, everyplace on the planet, that use lately right-handed amino acids. They may perhaps characterization up the bizarre life of the obscurity biosphere." But how can scientists focus this bizarre life? Microbes are generally detected in laboratories by feeding nutrients to suspected samples so they step and believe. After that the resultant cultures can be analysed. A bizarre lifeform - such as one finished lately of proteins formed out of right-handed amino acids - energy not give back to left-handed nutrients, yet. It energy crumple to form cultures and score its existence. One means to this trouble is being pursued by Sasselov and generation Harvard Start of Life Initiative. They are detached house an put on cell - or bionic system - finished lately of right-handed components among right-handed DNA and right-handed ribosomes. "If organize are right-handed lifeforms out organize, host of them energy be viruses - which energy attempt to seize the DNA of our bionic cells," adds Sasselov. "Because they do that they energy beginning evidence of their existence. Crucially we are detached house darling traps to padlock any right-handed viruses that make live in the obscurity biosphere and so distribute their existence." Substitute scientists put forward a marked descent - by looking at Earth's most unproductive biological niches: hot vents on the seafloor, mountaintops, to cut a long story short brackish lakes, Antarctic ice sheets and deserts. Average lifeforms, markedly origin, gobble been found in these spaces but lately a few. More than a few niches, researchers marvel, may confirm to be passable too unproductive for pattern life but may passable be unsympathetic copiousness to padding bizarre life. Summarize studies would distribute their existence in the role of pattern scholarship tests would show they had a marked biochemistry from pattern lifeforms. Stripes of waste disposal site finale line the throat masonry of Capitol Arroyo in Utah. No laboratory has been able to re-create the phenomenon. Photograph: Larry Geddis/Alamy And a blossoming prototype is provided by the waste disposal site finale on purpose as a laughing stock by Cleland and backed by David Toomey in "Ridiculous Life". "No laboratory microbiologist has been able to persuade origin or algae to characterization waste disposal site finale," he states. "It is moreover capability that the fixtures is the end outcome of one very bizarre chemistry but no one has been able to replica that either." So yes, these sites may perhaps hand proof of the obscurity biosphere's existence, he argues. Not strangely enough, Cleland agrees. "The lately put somebody's back up is that no one has yet got round to investigating waste disposal site finale for bizarre life," adds Cleland. "I disclose I sign that disappointing." Out of the ordinary. I gobble make it with a leg on each side of marked versions of Hangout "obscurity" life over the years; Mac Tonnies' "CRYPTOTERRESTRIALS", ancient creatures immense than mankind whom remain inner and indiscernible from us. And Peter Watts' "BEHEMOTH" right-handed amino tangy life forms booty over the Hangout in vogue the 21st Century. And I'm not trustworthy as well as legends of elves, Bigfoot, dwarves, demons and angels from earlier decades and centuries. So the observe of Earthly "alien" life isn't new. But possibly, passable possibly amongst enlightened biotechnology techniques, we'll be able to detect this obscurity life. Possibly a crude inner world! Life ON Hangout... BUT NOT AS WE Assemble IT Hat tip to the Piece GRAIL.

Posted by Unknown | at 10:03 AM

Kate Welcomes Ed Komarek Longtime Ufoet Investigator And Activist

Kate Welcomes Ed Komarek Longtime Ufoet Investigator And Activist

Kate Valentine UFO Radio Show Juk8/viewpoints101010.mp3

For the past several years Ed has written over one hundred exopolitical essays on exopolitics published to this blog and in the Internet press. The essays are regularly published in the American Chronicle, The Oped News, The Canadian National Newspaper as well as in the UFO/ET community by UFO Digest and The Alien Seeker News. Because these articles can be republished by anybody they float about the Internet creating an extensive global exopolitical network feeding back into the blog. Recently Ed has compiled these essays and cases into a free Internet e-book that can be read on the Internet or printed out for easy reading. It is believed to be the most extensive and detailed exopolitics book available to the public to date.

The post UFO Kate Valentine UFO Show - Kate Valentines Journey For Answers.

Posted by Unknown | at 10:21 AM

Why Et Did Not Retrieve At Roswell By Anthony Bragalia

Why Et Did Not Retrieve At Roswell By Anthony Bragalia
Many who ecstasy about the Roswell crash ecstasy why ET did not uncover its own craft and troop. How can we distinguish that they consumed their own on the leave floor? This is a stem that has an unquestionable, whilst we concede no sense of duty to meet the expense of one. This is being the Exotic Belief can never be wholly discerned between any reality. But we can try.

Organize are seven that you can imagine scenarios- one of which may well concede played out in July of 1947 over the skies of Chaves and Lincoln Counties:

1) By chance the craft that crashed did not concede a "consort craft" or "mothership" in the represent gap to be able to home in time to Tackle to bring into being a renewal. Man has never sent multiple spaceships at the exceedingly time to the exceedingly destination.

2) If such a ship were in the area, probably the reclamation of all the verbose jettison, craft components and corpses would concede too tricky to appoint (and cover up) in time to prevent undetected. ET did not resolve to menace added detection -or probably dispel confrontation- between Man. It took us several living and several people to uncover whatever thing. And serene it was not thorough largely. The reclamation was seen by frequent who require not concede seen, between undeniable of the fabric being subjugated by them.

3) Perchance ET did try a crash reclamation, but roughly ruined to situate the craft and home in time. The jettison and bodies may concede in advance been naked by us by as a consequence. Sightings of UFOs in the political unit spiked in the living a moment ago successive the crash. Was ET serene looking for its fallen?

4) ET may well concede had a distress about the safety of reclamation. Anything caused the crash to clearance in that area at that time (such as a nuclear warhead or triangulated radar beams) can put up a reclamation craft to give off in harm's way too. The menace assessed, they special not to begin a renewal operation.

5) Confrontational factions of ballet company caused one to ram to the ground. The transmitter achievement engaged- priority and distress was for being, not reclamation.

6) Absolute as it was the first time that we did not order a moment ago impartially how to move toward the site, it was the first mundane crash that ET had tested. They may well concede had smooth indecisiveness or distribution about thing between the exhibit. This fade may concede prevented a on the verge of reclamation.

7) ET did not need to uncover. They may concede in undeniable way required to "throw stones at" or "plant" themselves and their technology between Man at that seek out in history. The crash would deliver Man material thoughtful that he is not associate in the Universe. They may concede hoped that this would prepare added fixation of nuclear shield, promoting calmness and animation. ET can be injury.

Man call for stick put up or rationale to the furtive. It is our force...for man learns energy stop by departure from the known to the unexceptional. But why they came hip, why they crashed and ruined to retrieve- are special effects probably until the end of time unknowable.

Posted by Unknown | at 11:38 AM

New Ufo Sightings

New Ufo Sightings
SHORT UFO FACT: [30 Dec 1977: Keith, the driver of a car saw a "SHOOTING STAR" to the east, then a white circular light pacing the vehicle at 100 km/h. He decided to stop for a look so put the car out of gear and slowly applied the brake. When the car reached a speed of eight to fifteen km/h the driver experienced difficulty which he described as mistiming, choke out, spark plug misfiring, although the ignition and oil lights did not come on. There was no effect on the radio. The light disappeared behind trees and there was no more trouble with the car. ]

REA 51 33

SHORT UFO FACT: [5 Oct 1976: Rankins Springs. A credit manager, aged twenty six, was returning home from a trip with a friend and his younger daughter. Approaching a rise in the road he saw an object in the sky low down and stationary. It then travelled in a south- east to north-west direction at about forty five degrees to the horizon. It had the appearance of a flattened disc, swollen at the front with "PORTHOLES." The car radio had been on all the time but upon the object's appearance it had ceased to operate.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Posted by Unknown | at 6:08 PM

Interesting Disc Shaped Ufo Photographed Over Tremiti Islands In Adriatic Sea

Interesting Disc Shaped Ufo Photographed Over Tremiti Islands In Adriatic Sea
New-found UFO SIGHTINGS - This picture was in use on Tremiti Islands in Adriatic Sea, Italy in June 2010 and posted on Italian news site on Saturday, 26th June 2010.

Rough translation of the article:

UFO TREMITI ISLANDS / Lead the way BY Stop ON A Embodiment BY OUR Discourse Get in the way.

Die from Pescara two ecologically aware men habit a obstinate day on Tremiti Islands.

Involving a dip and a put away they took slightly photos. When on earth they came past one of the two ecologically aware downloaded a photos on PC and he saw this object which isn't a bird or regular a plane!

The guy who took the photo is Mario Consorte (brother of our publisher), the boy on the photo is Giovanni Di Vincenzo.

We comprise enlarged the picture, converted the arrange, roll the color and airiness and we get a haughty emerge at this object.


Posted by Unknown | at 6:37 AM

Twenty Five Years Ago Magonia 25 March 1987

Twenty Five Years Ago Magonia 25 March 1987
After numerous changes of format, with number 25 Magonia settled down to the A4, 16 or 20 page standard that continued until the closure of the print magazine. Magonia had now moved into the computer age (sort of) and this issue was produced on one of Alan Sugar's Amstrad PCWs, a pretty basic word processor which was blessed with one of the world's worst dot-matrix printers. This meant that the typographic quality of the next few issues of Magonia varied from the desperate to the unreadable; and as you can see from the reproduction below, the cover design took a hammering as well!

The first article in this issue was by Dennis Stilling, who edited the magazine Archaeus. He looked at the manner in which helicopters had been incorporated into accounts of UFOs and other phenomena, in particular cattle mutilations. The infamous 'black helicopter' had become a standard part of paranoid conspiracy theories. As Stilling points out, these 'helicopters' were far more than just mechanical devices:"They move silently or with sounds unlike those of normal helicopters: they fly at abnormal, unsafe or illegal altitudes; they appear both shy and aggressive... They are reported to carry 'oriental-looking' people... they are observed in association with nocturnal lights... All of this sounds very much like the sort of behaviour typically reported of flying saucers. Strangest of all is that UFOs are occasionally reported to change into helicopters, or that the helicopters are seen shortly before or after the arrival of UFOs."But the idea of the helicopter as something slightly mystical, more than just a nuts-and-bolts machine was around before the era of the saucer. Arthur Young, a helicopter pioneer, who developed the Bell 47 helicopter, as far back as 1947 was writing about the machines in a deeply occult manner: "The many headed dragon of the helicopter seemed to be growing more heads all the time... I am working on the psycopter within the helicopter. I experimented with the self instead of the machine." His writing becomes alchemical: "Bell has become a laboratory in which I try to distill myself. The helicopter is only the vessel... I am continually directing myself towards the attainment of the psycopter."

Stilling also looks at the way the helicopter has been portrayed in a near-mythological manner in films such as "Apocalypse Now, Blue Thunder", and "Iceman", where the helicopter almost takes on the form of a trickster or a Mercurius figure.


Earthlights were big in 1987, and not just in Japan. Cheerleader for the earthlight hypothesis was Paul Devereux, who spent a great deal of time deploring the apparent neglect of the hypothesis by more mainstream ufologists, asking "Why does not Maug'e, or Magonia in general, turn their critical facilities back on themselves, and produce a sociological study of the extraordinary negative and hostile original response to the earth lights theory?"

Of course, there was not an "extraordinary negative" response to the theory from ufologists, and many, including leading figures like Jenny Randles, were quite open to the idea, but most ufologists realised that, like most other UFO theories, it can only account for a part of the phenomenon at best, despite the extravagant claims that Devereux made for the theory - "It is regularly producing stronger evidence, and it it highly desirable that such an area be fully investigated... We are entering an exciting realm of hitherto unexplained energy effects... The implications cannot yet be discerned other than to suggest that they are going to be momentous".

In the following article Hilary Evans looked at some of the implications of earthlights in the UFO field and asked some interesting but ultimately unanswerable question on how they might manifest. We hear little of earthlights today, and although they seemed very exciting at the time, in retrospect we can see that they were really only relevant to a very small number of UFO accounts.

After upsetting Paul Devereux by not being impressed enough with earthlights, Claude Maug'e turned his attention to demolishing the basis of his countryman Claude Poher's statistical analysis of UFO cases, concluding "... this is after all only one of numerous examples which show how competent scientists forget their professional methodology and skills when they deal with ufology."

As true now as then!

Posted by Unknown | at 6:46 AM

Dark Triangular Ufo Witnessed Over Rochester Kent Uk

Dark Triangular Ufo Witnessed Over Rochester Kent Uk
Date: April 2010 ?Time: Sundown.Hi, my touch is (touch unsophisticated), 37, and I live in Rochester Kent. On all sides of the identical time last year I was standing exterior our aid way in to our wing and as actual I look up at the stars. I first matter I saw a low plane, but at sec look donate was a dark triangle bent aircraft set to rights at a hold up by all means pace organizer towards the group of Walderslade. Offering were no incontrovertible impending from the craft as if it was to the same degree a hand glider and all pustule had a showy red light (non sporadic, to the same degree a normal aircraft would identifiable pale and red sporadic lights). I called my step son out and we also witnessed it over our heads and in to the breathing space. My first position was that it was a low satellite, but definitely it was to faraway of an odd shape for one of persons, so sec matter it was a military aircraft. I identifiable looked all over the net, but found no such military craft, but a lot of equivalent sightings to ours and all get there aid in the company of the identical schedule, unidentified flying object. Fascinate let me convey if you identifiable any additional info on this as I am perplexed. Belief.If you identifiable seen no matter what to the same degree this in the identical area charm be humane acceptable to contact Brian Vike at: "" in the company of the details of your sighting. "ALL Relaxed Vanguard IS Unfriendly Controlled." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:" ht"tp://"

Posted by Unknown | at 3:24 PM

Yeti Abominable Snowman Of The Himalayas

Yeti Abominable Snowman Of The Himalayas
The Himalayan Mountains, the highest range on Earth, have been referred to as the "roof of the world." If that is so, there is a mystery called the Yeti in our attic. In Tibetan the word means "magical creature" and truly it is a seemingly supernatural enigma in the shape of a hairy, biped creature that resembles a giant ape.

The Himalayas lie on the border between India, Nepal, and Tibet. They are remote and forbidding. Large stretches around these rough valleys and peaks are uninhabited. The tallest mountain in the world, Everest, 29,028 feet high, lies half in Nepal, half in China. It is from Nepal, though, that most attempts to climb Everest, and the surrounding mountains, are made.

In Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, a visitor finds himself immersed in the Yeti legend. He is a commercial money maker for the tourist industry (there's even a Hotel named the "Yak and the Yeti") as well as legend, religion and fantasy to some of the Neplaese people.

The first reliable report of the Yeti appeared in 1925 when a Greek photographer, N. A. Tombazi, working as a member of a British geological expedition in the Himalayas, was shown a creature moving in the distance across some lower slopes. The creature was almost a thousand feet away in a narea with an altitude of around 15,000 feet.

"Unquestionably, the figure in outline was exactly like a human being, walking upright and stopping occasionally to uproot or pull at some dwarf rhododendron bushes," said Tombazi, "It showed up dark against the snow and, as far as I could make out wore no clothes."

The creature disappeared before Tombazi could take a photograph and was not seen again. The group was descending, though, and the photographer went out of his way to see the ground were he had spotted the creature. Tombazi found footprints in the snow.

"They were similar in shape to those of a man, but only six to seven inches long by four inches wide at the broadest part of the foot. The marks of five distinct toes and the instep were perfectly clear, but the trace of the heel was indistinct..."

There were 15 prints to be found. Each was one and one half to two feet apart. Then Tombazi lost the trail in thick brush. When the locals were asked to name the beast he'd seen they told him it was a "Kanchenjunga Demon." Tombazi didn't think he'd seen a demon, but he couldn't figure out what the creature was either. Perhaps he'd seen a wandering Buddhist or Hindu ascetic or hermit. As the years went by though and other Yeti stories surfaced, Tombazi began to wonder if he'd seen one too.

Yeti reports usually come in the form of tracks found, pelts offered, shapes seen at a distance, or rarely, actual face-to-face encounters with the creatures. Face to face encounters never come with researchers looking for the Yeti, but with locals who stumble into the creature during their daily lives.

Some of the best tracks ever seen were found and photographed by British mountaineers Eric Shipton and Micheal Ward in 1951. They found them on the southwestern slopes of the Menlung Glacier, which lies between Tibet and Nepal, at an altitude of 20,000 feet. Each print was thirteen inches wide and some eighteen inches long. The tracks seemed fresh and Shipton and Ward followed the trail for a mile before it disappeared in hard ice.

Some scientists that viewed the photographs could not identify the tracks as from any known creature. Others, though, felt it was probably the trail of a languar monkey or red bear. They noted the tracks in snow, melted by the sun, can change shape and grow larger. Even so, the bear/monkey theory seems unlikely as both of these animals normally move on all four feet. The tracks were clearly that of a biped.

Shipton's and Ward's reputations argue against a hoax on their part and the remoteness and height of the trail's location argues against them being hoaxed.

Shipton's footprints were not the first or last discovered by climbers among the Himalayas. Even Sir Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide, Tenzing Norgay, on their record ascent to the top of Mount Everest, in 1953, found giant foot prints on the way up.

One of the more curious reports of a close encounter with a Yeti occurred in 1938. Captain d'Auvergue, the curator of the Victoria Memorial in Calcutta, India, was traveling the Himalayas by himself when he became snowblind. As he neared death from exposure he was rescued by a nine foot tall Yeti that nursed him back to health until d'Auvergue was able to return home by himself.

In many other stories, though, the Yeti hasn't been so benign. One Sherpa girl, who was tending her yaks, described being surprised by a large ape-like creature with black and brown hair. It started to drag her off, but seemed to be startled by her screams and let her go. It then savagely killed two of her yaks. She escaped with her life and the incident was reported to the police, who found footprints.

Several expeditions have been organized to track down the Yeti, but none have found more than footprints and questionable artifacts like scalps and hides. The London Daily Mail sent an expedition in 1954. American oil men Tom Slick and F. Kirk Johnson financed trips in 1957, 58, and 59. Probably the most well-known expedition went in 1960.

Sir Edmund Hillary, the same man that had first climbed Everest in 1953, lead the 1960 trip in association with Desmond Doig. The expedition was sponsored by the World Book Encyclopedia and was well outfitted with trip-wire cameras, as well as timelapse and infrared photography. Despite a ten-month stay the group failed to find any convincing evidence of the existence of the Yeti. The artifacts they examined, two skins and a scalp, turned out to belong to two blue bears and a serow goat.

At the time Hillary and Doig wrote off the Yeti as legend. Later, though, Doig decided that the expedition had been too big and clumsy. They didn't see a Yeti, he agreed, but nor did they observe such animals like the snow leopard which was known to exist.

After spending thirty years in the Himalayas Doig believes that the Yeti is actually three animals. The first is what the Sherpas call the "dzu teh." Large shaggy animals that often attack cattle. Diog thinks this is probably the Tibetan blue bear. A creature so rare it is known only in the west through a few skins, bones and a skull. The second type, called "thelma," is probably a gibbon (a known type of ape) that Diog thinks may live as far north as Nepal, though it's never been spotted past the Brahmaputra River in India. The third Yeti, "mih teh," is the true abominable snowman of legend. A savage ape, covered with black or red hair that lives at altitudes of up to 20,000 feet.

So far there is no firm evidence to support the existence of the Yeti, but there is no way show that he doesn't exist either. If he indeed lives in the barren, frozen, upper reaches of the Himalayas where few men dare to tread, he may find his refuge safe for a long time to come.


Posted by Unknown | at 10:55 AM