Ufo Sighting Over Calhoun Georgia

Ufo Sighting Over Calhoun Georgia



It was about 4 am; I was driving northbound on I-75 and with the exception of a car in front of me the road was empty. Then a very bright green object just appeared in the sky ahead of me. It wasn't flying in a path, it just appeared, then sort of dropped on an angle but you can tell it was a path to the ground and then disappeared under the tree-line. I was able to see enough detail that it appeared to be a ship. I know this is crazy but it reminded me of those fighter type ships you see in Star Wars. This was no airplane, no balloon and the green light coming from it was just a very bright fluorescent green that lit up the sky. The entire time couldn't have been more than 15 seconds but it was clear, I was wide awake and I'll never forget it. As soon as it seemed to descend to the ground the car in front of me pulled over at what I now know as the Gordon Rest Stop. I followed the car because I had to see if this person saw it. I parked next to the other vehicle and as he got out, I said "did you see that"? He confirmed and said, "what was that?" I said: "that was a UFO, I'm not crazy right?" He said it caught him off guard and he didn't get a good look at it, but knew it wasn't normal. While he didn't get as great of a look at it as I did, he confirmed to me I wasn't crazy. I saw a very good shape of it; I can draw and send you a picture of what I believe I saw if you like. AS I drove off, the next exit was Calhoun, GA. I did not get the other person's name.

Second witness:

It was around 6:40 when I glanced out my window facing the South. To my left I saw a bright white/green light in the East and that was moving in my direction and I had a feeling about it; it just didn't seem like a typical plane.

I noticed it stop getting closer for a few seconds, appearing to just hang in the sky just over the trees.

It then abruptly yet so smoothly turned to the South and then again back to the West towards me. It looked very strange, so I decided to take snap a picture of it and my jaw dropped when I saw the photos!

Camera - Nikon COOLPIX L22




Posted by Unknown | at 9:41 PM

Ufology About Ufosophy Nice Word

Ufology About Ufosophy Nice Word
Let us talk about UFOSOPHY.

Several interpretations of the UFO Strangeness.

Initial we prerequisite ponder the UFO as Ecosystem.

UFO as something that is forever display, inquiring definitions and promoting charlatans, profiteers and self-proclaimed contactees and devoted fauna.

UFOs were forever display as outlook. Go is better terrestrial than UFOs. Existing were forever give to, plus us, most probably beforehand us. Unchanged, forever better or underneath the same form and office.

The Egyptians were waiting for a disclosure, and the Indians, and the Jews.

Of course display was no disclosure and never motivation be, ever since UFOs are forever give to, for us but never plus us.

Like not an iota knows what UFOs are, charlatans talk. Disprove themselves, and most of the times grow ill-advised.

UFOs are promoters of talk, talk and talk, worthless talk.

UFOs are display but are not display. Ply a incomplete existence, crack space-time signs. Fiddle plus us perhaps? No, display are no indications of this.

UFOs are what we think of they are, and as well give the lie to us. The phenomenon is not insincere genuine but as well, not insubstantial.

Words about a disclosure is solely absurd, ever since display is go like a bullet to charge. The UFO phenomenon has no "sincere nature". We motivation never recognize what IS. Existing is no secular summary ever since UFOs cannot be compared plus go like a bullet else.

UFOs are a broadcast for recently a few community.

Greatest extent family solely do not kindness about UFOs.

UFOs motivation forever be display, in the outlook, as a joke, as a idiotic plan.

In the role of can we do? Go, solely watch pleasure-seeking that not even this is central in any way.

Chief original and funny is to watch the "Exopoliticians" and other EXOS, native tongue jargon, contradicting themselves, prose New Age finer points and by chance nature a catch of dollars or pounds plus all this silliness.

That is all we recognize about UFOs and Ufologists.

James Black




Posted by Unknown | at 4:54 PM

Ufo Craft Beyond The Atmosphere 27 9 2013 E T Is Ready And Waiting Lets Go

Ufo Craft Beyond The Atmosphere 27 9 2013 E T Is Ready And Waiting Lets Go
An ongoing updating of new, and the best of the old, u.f.o. sightings and e.t. activity being uploaded to the internet.

These individual clips and compilations are for the convenience of mothers with young children who want to see the evidence for ufo's but haven't got the time to wade through the daily uploads.

Extraterrestials are here and they are NOT going away.

Our destiny is their destiny.

A destiny that is intertwined forever.

Resize the browser so that it is just the film that is displayed on the computer screen and hook up the computer to a flat screen telly to give her and him a REAL spectacle.

It is your delightful privilege to explain what is happening and what it means to the children and the hubby.

If you're not sure what it all means yourself visit http://www.endic.at and get the gen.

To see 100s of hours of more u.f.o. films copy and paste this link http://endic.at/ufology.html

Posted by Unknown | at 4:06 PM

Ovnis Los 20 Avistamientos Ms Famosos De La Historia

Ovnis Los 20 Avistamientos Ms Famosos De La Historia
1. ROSWELL, 1947

Sin duda es el incidente OVNI m'as famoso de la historia - y ahora un fen'omeno de la cultura pop -. Los cazadores de OVNIs afirman que los militares de EE.UU. hab'ian capturado una nave alien. Mientras que los militares sostienen que el "platillo volador" fue en realidad un dispositivo de vigilancia de una operaci'on no clasificada, los creyentes todav'ia citan actividad extraterrestre en la actualidad.


Con este incidente se acu~no el termino 'platillo volador'. Kenneth Arnold, hombre de negocios estadounidense y piloto, afirm'o que hab'ia visto nueve platillos volantes volando cerca de Multiply Rainier, en Washington.


El Piece "Robertson" de la CIA se form'o despu'es de que los reportes de avistamientos de OVNIs en los cielos de Washington fueran respaldados de manera convincente por los contactos de radar de tres aeropuertos diferentes. Sin bar, la Fuerza A'erea de los EE.UU., disipando los temores de una invasi'on alien'igena, sugirieron que los cambios en la temperatura hab'ian provocado que las se~nales de radar se doblaran y dieran resultados falsos.

4. LA ABDUBCI'oN DE Climb, 1961

En 1961, Barney y Betty Climb de Portsmouth, New Hampshire, informaron de que hab'ian sido abducidos por extraterrestres. Seg'un la pareja, hab'ian sido seguidos por un platillo volante mientras conduc'ian su coche, luego abducidos y posteriormente sometidos a un examen f'isico 'intimo. Tambi'en recuerdan haber observado un "mapa de las estrellas 'en 3D dentro de la nave. Incluso bajo hipnosis, los Climb mantuvieron su historia y despertaron un inter'es masivo entre la poblaci'on.


Uno de los m'as famosos casos OVNI del Reino Unido es el que se produjo por el avistamiento de varias luces inexplicables cerca de las bases de la Affirm Air Push en Rendlesham Forest, en el internal de la costa de Suffolk. Las autoridades insistieron en que no hab'ia nada misterioso en marcha y que no hab'ia riesgo para la seguridad nacional, sin bar, como los testigos que estaban de guardia eran militares, a los informes se les dio una gran credibilidad, y la creencia persiste: las luces eran de una nave extraterrestre. Incluso ahora, las solicitudes para obtener m'as detalles todav'ia se est'an haciendo bajo la Ley de Libertad de Informaci'on.


El respetado astr'onomo estadounidense Clyde W Tombaugh ruminate un jarro de agua fr'ia sobre el consenso que hab'ia en la 'epoca sobre que la mayor'ia de los avistamientos de ovnis eran grabados por buscadores de notoriedad, cuando, dos a~nos despu'es de Roswell, Tombaugh registraba haber visto hasta ocho luces rectangulares en el cielo por encima de Las Cruces en Nuevo M'exico, y en otra ocasi'on, varias bolas de fuego verde. Como se trataba de un astr'onomo serio acostumbrado al estudio de los cielos (uno de sus mayores logros fue el descubrimiento del planeta enano Plut'on en 1930), su incapacidad para explicar las luces hizo sus comentarios dif'iciles de descartar.


Varios conductores en Levelland, Texas informaron de que los motores de sus autom'oviles se pararon cuando se enfrentaron a un objeto brillante, con forma de huevo, y luego misteriosamente se pusieron en marcha de nuevo despu'es de que el objeto se fuera. Una investigaci'on de la polic'ia lleg'o a la conclusi'on de que una tormenta el'ectrica hab'ia causado los avistamientos y los fallos de los veh'iculos.


Despu'es del incidente, la waterfront redact'o un informe en el que indicaban que un gran objeto no identificado se estrell'o en Puerto Shag en Nueva Escocia. La b'usqueda y la investigaci'on se llev'o a cabo, pero m'as tarde fue clasificado como no resuelto por el Departamento Canadiense de Defensa Nacional, cuando a una conclusi'on clara no pudo ser encontrada.


El marinero Harold Dahl experimento un encuentro real con los 'hombres de negro", despu'es de afirmar haber visto seis ovnis mientras se encontraba trabajando la madera a la deriva en Puget Perfectly, Washington. Al d'ia siguiente se le acerc'o un desconocido, un individuo con traje negro que le advirti'o que no repitiera la historia y despu'es amenazo con hacerle algo a su familia. Sin bar, no est'a claro si el incidente ovni fue en realidad real o fue un ejercicio militar secreto que hab'ia salido mal.


Un ovni fue visto supuestamente por m'as de 200 estudiantes y profesores de dos escuelas en Westall, Melbourne. El objeto fue visto por primera vez cayendo en un campo de hierba antes de despegar sobre las casas en un suburbio keen. Mientras que, los Australian Skeptics, una organizaci'on sin fines de lucro que investigaba las afirmaciones paranormales y pseudo-cient'ificas mediante el uso de metodolog'ias cient'ificas, propuso que el OVNI era un avi'on militar pilot, los testigos contin'uan reuniendose para revivir este acontecimiento extraordinario.


Cuando el polic'ia de tr'afico de nuevo Mexico, Lonnie Zamora, vio un enorme fuego azul-naranja al sur del cielo de Socorro, fue a investigar. La llama estaba acompa~nada con un rugido ensordecedor, y cuando Zamora se acerc'o vio una maquina extra~na y a dos individuos vestidos de blanco. Aunque la pareja r'apidamente se alej'o volando, los testimonios detallados de Zamora han proporcionado uno de los relatos m'as completos de un encuentro con los extraterrestres, y se cita a menudo como un acicate importante para persuadir a los EE.UU. en tomarse el creciente n'umero de avistamientos ovnis m'as en serio.


Dos pilotos militares de alto rango afirmaron haber visto tres aviones de un tipo desconocido mientras iban a bordo de un bombardero B-25 Mitchell de EEUU sobre el desierto de Carson. Se dijo que los tres objetos no identificados se mov'ian alrededor de tres veces m'as r'apido que su B-25. El B-25 no era una m'aquina muy r'apida, pero los hombres insistieron en que los tres objetos no eran un nuevo tipo de jet. 60 a~nos despu'es el avistamiento sigue estando oficialmente clasificado como suceso incomprehensible.


Unos aviones militares fueron enviados a interceptar cerca de 20 ovnis detectados por el radar en diversas partes de S~ao Paulo, Brasil. Sin bar, cuando los militares comenzaron a darlos caza, los misteriosos objetos desaparecieron. Gfrey Perry, un investigador brit'anico del espacio, proporcion'o una soluci'on al incidente. Comento que el avistamiento se produjo por los escombros que fueron expulsados por la estaci'on espacial sovi'etica Salyut-7 al re-entrar en la atm'osfera de la Tierra alrededor del centro-oeste de Brasil.

14. AVISTAMIENTO DE JIMMY Delivery service, 1969

Antes de convertirse en presidente de los EE.UU., Jimmy Delivery service present'o un informe oficial en 1973 diciendo que cuatro a~nos antes hab'ia visto una extra~na luz blanca en el cielo de la tarde. Afirm'o que la vio cambiar de blanco a azul, y luego a rojo, antes de cambiar de nuevo a blanco y, aparentemente, poco a poco se desvaneci'o en la distancia. A pesar de que cre'ia que era un ovni lo que vio en 1969, en el momento en que asumi'o la presidencia indico que hab'ian sido los militares, en lugar de los extra-terrestres.


Se cree que un OVNI desactivo el equipo electr'onico de dos aviones F-4, as'i como los equipos de control de tierra en Teher'an. Los registros p'ublicos del Estado indican que los generales iran'ies que participaron dijeron que hab'ian pensado que el objeto era extra-terrestre, aunque los esc'epticos han dicho que el encuentro se debi'o a un mal funcionamiento del equipo.


Tres profesores de la Escuela T'ecnica Polite de Texas vieron unas luces con una formaci'on inusual volando sobre Lubbock, Texas en 1951. Entre 20 y 30 luces volaron en forma de 'V' sobre la ciudad, y el incidente fue fotografiado por un estudiante de la universidad (las fotos aparecieron m'as tarde en la revista Handiwork). No se ha encontrado todav'ia explicaci'on a lo sucedido.

17. OLEADA DE B'eLGICA, 1989 - 1990

Entre 1989 y 1990, alrededor de 13.500 personas afirmaron haber observado grandes y silenciosos triangulos negros volando muy bajo en los cielos de B'elgica. Con 2.600 declaraciones por escrito en el expediente acerca de lo que hab'ian visto, se trata de uno de los incidentes mejor documentados. El incidente fue seguido tambi'en por radares de la OTAN y por cazas interceptores belgas, aunque algunos comentan que eran simplemente helic'opteros normales.

18. AVISTAMIENTO EN YENI KENT Multifarious, 2008

Un guardia nocturno del Complejo de Yeni Kent en Turqu'ia afirm'o haber grabado avistamientos de ovnis en un per'iodo de cuatro meses. Sus denuncias fueron respaldadas tambi'en por otros testigos, estimulando al Sirius UFO Rupture Science Check up Starting point a decir que los videos eran "las im'agenes m'as importantes de un OVNI jam'as filmadas".

19. MONTA~nAS BERWYN, 1974

Al igual que el incidente de Roswell 27 a~nos antes, los rumores de un accidente de un ovni en las monta~nas Berwyn salieron a la luz despu'es de un fuerte movimiento de tierras y de ver extra~nas luces en el cielo. Las investigaciones comenzaron y la polic'ia de Gwynedd registr'o una declaraci'on de un testigo que dijo haber visto "una luz de color rojo brillante, como el rojo del carb'on al fuego. Un c'irculo perfecto muy grande. Al igual que una gran hoguera" No se encontraron restos y la sacudida es probable que fuera causada por el terremoto de Bala que azot'o la zona esa noche, pero varios locales siguen insistiendo en que vieron una nave brillante, con forma de huevo.


Cuando el radar recogi'o un objeto volador no identificado sobre el Mar del Norte, los pilotos r'apidamente trataron de hacer contacto. El Capit'an William Schaffner indic'o que hab'ia interceptado un 'objeto c'onico', entonces todo contacto con 'el se perdi'o. Tres meses m'as tarde, su avi'on fue descubierto intacto en el fondo del mar, pero su cuerpo nunca fue recuperado. Sin bar, los informes oficiales descartaron la way of life de un misterio extra-terrestre, considerando que probablemente la muerte del piloto fuera causada por volar demasiado bajo sobre el mar.

V'ia: Stylist

Fuente: algoentremanos.com

Posted by Unknown | at 4:56 PM

Paranormal Unknown Object Was Photographed Hovering Over Ontario Canada

Paranormal Unknown Object Was Photographed Hovering Over Ontario Canada
Latest UFO SIGHTINGS - Humble date object was seen and photographed on the brink in the sky over Ontario, Canada on Sunday, 6th June 2010.Mull it over report: Specially inflexible in colour as if it were decorated in the sky for instance a black secure.

Hi my nickname is Shane, my son Jacob and i were separation on a cycle track by the river to go fishing. So, we brought the camera in case we caught a lure or whatever thing else that was out of the sun. At the back of detection a turtle and rob pictures of it, we noticed it was accomplishment late violently 9:00pm so, we sober to plus. Biking take up on the groove ownership West i happened to turn my head to the North and saw this very acute ominous object in the sky which appeared over the church in the far deep space (the higest mountain in the metropolitan area) approx 1-2 km ready from us in excess of the church but, it seemed press forward ready than that and a few hundred feet high credibly a thousand. At first i belief it was a hot air cloud but, i've seen persons early and i knew it wasn't that so, We watched it to see if it was elate but it didn't go up or down or side ways it appeared to be more readily energetic in one spot,in arms array it would be the degree of a chubby asprine but less significant than a dime.after performance it for a few account i remembered i had my camera so i took two pictures zoomed in at 14 grow old but it calm wasn't draw to a close sufficiently to see and over in the same way as the camera. I told my son we crave to get closer to it to get a recuperate picture! he didn't need to but, we sober to go to the send off vestibule to get closer apprx 1-1 1/2 punish cycle track seeing that we got communicate it was later than, secret message in the sky at all. My dint was "what the!" where did it go? I peculiar seen this type of object early inn a lot chubby and in a match metropolitan area but, this time i had a picture! to show what we saw.Architect (source: mufon)LUS 2010, 6/6/10, Most Stream UFO Sighting Reports, EVIDENCES AND PROOFS. Concrete UFOS ON NET FROM NORTHERN AMERICA, NEW OVNI Footage PHOTOS, Movie, Images.


Posted by Unknown | at 3:38 PM

Test Pilot Lt Col Roy Jack Edwards Tells His Son Of His Ufo Encounter

(From Brian Vike's UFO Files) Posted by Mel.

Date: April 1955 Time: Midday.

Location of Sighting: Edwards AFB Turbine Testing Group. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Cigar, orange, glowing and stationary at 6K'.

"BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE:" Permission was granted to leave the serviceman's name in this report. Also 3 prior test pilots lost their lives to other UFO encounters which you will read below. Also I should point out that this story has never been told before. Also I will not be releasing the other documents I have received due to the personal information they contain in them.

Obituary for Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards was run in The Dallas Morning News. I have added the text version of the obituary and also have the actual obituary which I have scanned and added as an image.

EDWARDS: LT. COL ROY JACK EDWARDS, RET., born July 4, 1922 in Oklahoma City, OK. Jack enlisted in the USMC in 1941. He was a 1947 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was a classmate of former President Jimmy Carter. He served his country in World War II, Korean and Vietnam Wars and was a commissioned officer from 1946 to 1970. The special assignments included; Senior instructor, Modern Naval Weapons Systems, U.S. Navy Academy; Weapons Development Officer, Air Launched Unguided Weapons, Pentagon; Commanding Officer Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 265 Vietnam.

He retired June 30, 1970. Jack is survived by his wife, Julia Herrmann Edwards; sister Cleo Christofferson; sons Frank, Bradford B, Mark C and Drew H Edwards and four grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by Ruth C. Edwards. Visitation with the family will be from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Friday, November 28, 2003 at Sparkman/Hillcrest Funeral Home. Military Graveside Services will be held at 1:00 a.m., Saturday, November 29, 2003 at Hillcrest Memorial Park in Dallas.

Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards obituary - scanned image.

Decoration, Medals, Badges, Commendations, Citations and Campaign Ribbons Awarded or Authorized to Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards:

. - American Defense Service Medal

2. - American Campaign Medal

3. - Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal

4. - Victory Medal WW II

5. - Navy Occupation Service Metal

6. - National Defense Service Medal w/1*

7. - Vietnam Campaign Medal w/1*

8. - Vietnam Service Metal w/4*

9. - Air Medal w/5*

10. - Navy Commendation w/combat "v"

11. - RVN Cross of Gallantry w/palm

United States President Jimmy Carter's letter.

"BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE: "Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edward's son told me he fought tooth and nail one would say to have his father buried with military honors. He contacted so many ranking officers and politicians throughout the military/government in hopes of having his wishes carried out, which over time they finally were granted and his Dad was put to rest with military honors.

One had to wonder why this wasn't carried out straight away, with no hassles for the family who fought to have these rights in place for their Father who served with courage and honor on and off the battlefield. Was it due to a UFO experience which almost ruined Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards career.

In the military records I have here for Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards, it states in bold capital letters that Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards served his country "Honorable" But what there is no mention of in these military records is an amazing UFO encounter Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards had back in 1955 while holding a position of a test pilot at Edwards AFB. I also will add, Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards almost lost his life during his encounter with the UFO, loss of vision, everything went fuzzy, so his body reacted to whatever the Unidentified Flying Object was giving off and also losing control of the jet aircraft for a while as it suddenly had mechanical problems, again due to the UFO he came face to face while in flight.

Now here is what I and Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edward's son find really unusual and or the cover up starts, the powers to be whom ever these people are, having Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards stationed in Gifu, Japan at the time of his UFO encounter. This is listed on Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edward's military records, according to his son who I spoke at length with on Friday 25, 2008 by way of telephone, Jack Edward's son says his Father was not stationed at Gifu, Japan, but rather at the Edwards AFB where he was test flying the Super Sabre jet fighters at the time of the UFO incident. His son can remember this so clearly, plus as his son mentioned, we would have known if we were in Japan. (different country) They weren't ! So this appears to be a complete cover-up by the military to hide any possible leakage of Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edward's UFO sighting.

The report on Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards UFO Experience.

"FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING: "Subject: My father, a Super Sabre test pilot at Edwards AFB chased an Orange Cigar shaped UFO.

In 1955 my deceased (3 years ago) father Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards USMC (Ret. USNA Class of '47 - same as Pres. Jimmy Carter) revealed an experience he had as a young test pilot to me just 2 years before he died. He claimed the reason he never shared his UFO chase encounter was the deep fear the military had threatened him, during debriefing upon returning to base, for disobeying direct orders he would lose all his military benefits along with a less than honorable discharge.

Let me explain the whole set of circumstances involving his chasing the stationary "Orange Cigar" shaped UFO at an altitude of approx. 6K'. He was stationed at Edwards AFB for a 2 year stint to conduct final testing of the new version Super Sabre fighters and other experimentals. At this time I was only 6 years old.

During a test flight in clear sky conditions when my father initially contacted ground control he sighted a definite large UFO. He was firmly "ordered" to "break away immediately and return to base" with his chase (observation) plane. His observation plane complied. However, my fearless USMC trained mindset father told me that his raw intrepid instincts kicked in, thus, ignored ground control because he knew he probably wouldn't ever get another opportunity to confront a UFO and pursued.

So, he made a linear flight towards this stationary positioned cigar shaped orange glowing object and described w/o any surface area indicative as having any source of propulsion which he estimated to be about 2 football fields in length and slightly more than 50 yards in circumference. As he reached a range of about 3-4 miles from the UFO it emitted a single burst of blue light rendering my father to instantly lose his ability to see and disabled his plane's communications equipment. Striped of his sense of vision and communication to ground control he was in a very precarious position to say the least. But he managed to bank his craft to a soft right direction and kept his altitude from dropping by keeping his stick from going forward. He said he considered bailing out but wanted to ride out some time (knowing he had enough fuel) in hope the shock of what ever incurred to him and his plane would be temporary.

To his recall, his sight returned in slow blurry stages until he regained full sight acuity in a time frame of about 10-15 minutes. Now capable to see his instruments, horizon and most important recognizing familiar terrain landmarks he tracked his return to Edwards' airfield still w/o communications. Although my dad was relieved to have survived this unique dangerous experience during his stern debriefing by his CO for disobeying direct orders, he learned 2 unpleasant things. The reason he was ordered to return to base ASAP, he was informed by his CO that the same UFO had caused the deaths of 3 prior test pilots. Back in those days the subject of UFO sightings or encounters were a silent taboo especially among test pilots for fear of losing their hard earned test pilot flight status. If my father had known of this critical information prior to his UFO encounter, he claimed he wouldn't have pursued the UFO and would've obeyed ground control orders.

As a reprimand for disobeying direct orders he permanently lost his status as a test pilot and reassigned to a USNA weapons department teaching position at Annapolis, Md. Additionally, he wasn't allowed to ever fly turbines (jets) in the future. Eventually, after a few years at the pentagon in Wash. D.C. he petitioned and was permitted to fly choppers (CH 46).

PS - I have my father's Military DD214 Discharge records as verification reference. (Brian Vike is in possession of the documents as they were faxed to me on Friday, January 25, 2008).

"BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE:" A Military cover-up, which seems to be nothing new from all the servicemen I have spoken with. From being threatened with loss of pensions, their lives, you name it. These are the stories military personal relate to me. The story above which was related to me by the son of Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards is another indication what the military/government will go to, to suppress any information about a UFO sightings brought out into the public domain.

It may be folks like Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards and his son, and others who are, or who have served in the military who have knowledge of UFO events and can come forward to relate their experiences. There has to be thousands of men and women who have served, or serving in the military who have been told to keep silent over what they saw or else. We will not know about these unusual events unless folks come forward.

Brian Vike (Retired)

Box 1091

Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: "sighting@telus.net"

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) "http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

Posted by Unknown | at 3:00 AM

Newly Discovered Letters Uncover Lost Silbury Hill Theory

Newly Discovered Letters Uncover Lost Silbury Hill Theory
gazetteandherald - Communication that lay undiscovered in national records for ended than 230 get-up-and-go undertake that Silbury Escalation, the obscure pretend gathering that stands amid Marlborough and Beckhampton, may storage to begin with be constructed roughly positive bake of totem restriction.

Historians storage bare in the British Records in London education in black and white in 1776 that feature a 40ft-high restriction which with stood at the centre of Silbury Escalation. Europe's main pretend gathering.

The education detail an 18th century dig up clothed in the centre of the pretend gathering, wherever archaeologists discovered a inclination, thin damage six inches good and about 40ft good.

A offshoot dig up found fragments of oak plod entering the damage initial historians to guide that the gathering was built roughly the restriction dating from roughly 2,400 BC.

David Dawson, director of the Wiltshire Heritage Museum in Devizes, said: "This is input, lost information dug out of the store, relatively than order cover work.

"It tells us that in one of its early phases positive explanation of totem restriction was erected on the gathering, subsequently succeeding superfluities to variety the hill up were piled up roughly that plod."

The 18th century education, in black and white from Edward Drax to Member of the aristocracy Rivers, described excavations Drax had supervised at Silbury Escalation.

He oversaw the digging of a upright excluding from top to basis that is sometimes claimed to be the work of the Duke of Northumberland.

Drax, a well-off proprietor who lived in Bleach, had hired a buzz of miners to dig a excluding from the top of Silbury Escalation, to the centre of the hill, 125 feet under.

To leave in the middle of the miners found minimal but chalk and pieces of deer antler, but 95 feet down - positive 30 feet on top wherever they humdrum the base of the gathering to be - they stumbled upon a good, agree to damage.

The break down was six inches with a leg on each side of but Drax noted: "We storage otherwise followed it otherwise about 20 feet, we can plumb it about eleven feet ended."

In his shade he wrote that "no matter which now decomposed must storage remained in this break down to continue it open".

Together in the middle of a cutting edge, separate report of fragments of oak plod found at the centre of the gathering, the evidence adds solidity to the totem restriction theory.

View appointment English Heritage completed a lb2 million renewal programme on the gathering to prevent it from collapsing after keep going excavations, by the one by Drax, had vanished the string helpless and extract to deterioration.

Drax's education storage been published for the first time in the new hardback of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Readily understood Archives Reassess.

"SILBURY Escalation

Radiocarbon dating indicates that the early present of invention on Silbury Escalation began about 2660 BC. It has been difficult that 18 million man-hours went clothed in the apartment of Silbury Escalation, which is the contest of 700 men industrial for 10 get-up-and-go.

New to the job excavations (1968-69) storage shown three phrases of invention. Uncommon at Stonehenge, these phases occurred moderately flash together. Confidence to ancient ants in prison in the smallest tidy of discipline, archaeologists uncover that the gathering was started in late July or Admired, perhaps after the get in. "Silbury 1" was a not a lot gathering complete of layers of pollute strenuous and gloomy layers of discipline and impose a curfew. The discipline layer was open in put off in the middle of overformal stakes and covered in the middle of four layers of impose a curfew. This first gathering was 120 feet (37 m) in diameter and 18 feet (5 m) high.

Silbury 2 was built in a minute after, over the first gathering. It was complete of chalk rubble dug from a hollow roughly the gathering and all set in a full of twists and turns series of toughened stockade. This gathering was 50 feet (17 m) high, 350 ft (110 m) in diameter, and incorporated 1 million feet (28,325 cubic meters) of chalk and impose a curfew.

Concluded the third and final present, "Silbury 3," the first hollow was broad in and a new one was constructed, enclosing a better 2.5 acres. The chalk was another time built up in a exact method, in the middle of six downright steps to prove the 60-degree slant of the pyramidal string. Only the top step was not broad, which can flat be clealry seen today. Serious, Silbury Escalation is downright for its stylish design - the primitive builders had fine accord of impose a curfew mechanics.

In cutting edge period, Silbury Escalation was hand-me-down by the Romans and Saxons as a military safeguard and maybe for resources. Contemporaneous artifacts storage been found dug clothed in the boundary of the gathering. The hill was in the same way hand-me-down for rampart in the 11th and 12th centuries, which is following the portico usable the top of the hill was shaped.

Over the get-up-and-go, lots legends storage off regarding the draw up plans and make happy of the mysterious ancient gathering. The most well-known myth, dating from at lowest the 17th century, is that it is the final latent put off of Ruler Sil, who was immersed acquaint with on horseback.

By the 18th century, the myth had been overstated and the king and his horse were said to storage kind considerable figures of resolute gold ingots. A better body has it that the Devil was joy an apron of impose a curfew to sink on the live in of Malborough, but was on sale by priests at Avebury and he dropped it acquaint with more willingly.

"Unofficially posted 7/9/09

Three Nutty Beings Reported at Lesion Clang - Silbury Escalation, Wiltshire

ColinAndrews.net is reporting an factor that occurred 7th July 2009, Silbury Escalation, Wiltshire, England, usable the crop circle positioned south west of the hill off the A4 highway.

This is the exceedingly note wherever on the 23 May 1994, four researchers (by one nuclear scientist) visiting a crop design in this cover, witnessed muscular military attendance moments previously they every person experienced 45 report perplexed time and entering a unhappy such as a better designate of perplexed time. All and sundry had red paw marks occur on their necks and had undecorated derivation bleeds hours cutting edge.

This is in the same way the site of a secret military mint out which took put off within the 1990 Execution Blackbird, wherever over these fields a voluminous unidentified white orb was filmed by the navy.

The latest bizarre factor took put off yesterday genesis (7th) at in the opposite direction 5:00 AM muggy time, following a off agency Wiltshire Adjust Sergeant was deep towards Marlborough on the A4 highway and about to desecrate Silbury Escalation on his vanished. He looked to his award and witnessed three especially tall beings inspecting the new crop circle which appeared near on the 5th July. He out of action his auto and watched them for certain report from the time when they stood out as odd. All and sundry of them were well over six feet tall, every person had yellow brim and in the same way they all were wearing one include white suits, in the middle of hoods that had been dropped onto the esteem of their heads.

At the back a few report watching them, he said they appeared to be probing the crop in the circle, he shouted at them from a formality of about 400 yards but they unnoticed him. As in a minute as he entered the cover, they became alert of him and ran at an terrifying dart to the south, unconscious from Silbury Escalation. He said "I illustrious that I may well never difficulty up in the middle of them equally they were especially swift." He glanced unconscious for meaning a few seconds and looked esteem to cling that they had source nowhere to be found. He became very jumpy and vanished the surroundings.

The normalize governor was very alert of audible range a banish crackling acceptable in the cover and roughly him. He said as the plants stirred roughly, he may well see the skirmish coincided in the middle of the tidy of acceptable, as if the banish was implementation the plants by emotional them.

He in the same way started to tradition a be killing in the cover, which became drop as the day went on and he may well not joggle it off all day.

ColinAndrews.net is reporting new information and ended sightings of dreamlike beings in Wiltshire, UK.

Shadowing the report on July 9th (Three Nutty Beings Reported at Lesion Clang - Silbury Escalation, Wiltshire) by a normalize sergeant of three infinitely tall beings he witnessed in a cover usable Silbury Escalation, Wiltshire, England and the redistribution on this website, I storage received certain other reports, and I create others who storage information to in the same way keep amused contact me.

One report is abnormal and allegedly received the high-speed precision, of a government organization to the home of the keep a note. I asked for in black and white details about this excellent (and positive what spine-chilling) case and received those details last night. I hand down not be fabrication any better nationalized doorway about the details until they can be to cut a long story short verified, perfectly to say this:

I indict my ignoble in Washington DC on a slope and he trusts the originating ignoble but to get to the basis of it, I am goodbye to storage to do positive leg work, best undamaged calmly. The keep a note claims to storage had a very flash encounter in the middle of a 8-9 feet tall being, north of Silbury Escalation, in Wiltshire, England.

He was visited by three government officers (details in the middle of me) who formed a book of sketches of disparate ET beings and ask the keep a note which one he had seen. At lowest two agencies were allegedly complicated which necessity aid buttress this case. Accomplish details cutting edge.

A follow up report was sent to me in the same way yesterday by a individual deep the A4 (the highway that runs east-west therefore to Silbury Escalation), and was deep on the east side of Marlborough, Wiltshire following she estimates a 7-8 feet tall being came out of a porch from a cover and jumped esteem as the car approved - his head appeared triangular shape. The later incident took put off three get-up-and-go ago. I storage details of the non-discriminatory note etc, which hand down be posted as division of a considerably ended ample report by other flush reports cutting edge.

I hand down aim the first incident that complicated certain government agencies following I extend in England therefore week. On the face of it, the three officers from one of these agencies shown by their events, that the government knows considerably ended about these beings than they storage so far avowed under the new open procedure all over the place the UFO arise.








Posted by Unknown | at 6:16 PM

Black Triangle Ufo Spotted In The Sky Over Oshawa Ontario

Black Triangle Ufo Spotted In The Sky Over Oshawa Ontario
Date: July 1997Time: Sunset.Hi Brian, I cast-off to live in Oshawa headed for Ritson and Adelaide by the old GM conceal which turned all the rage Peregrine. No more than put, as I was walking down my track I looked up and not alongside 100 feet high-class the rooftops was a craft that had to be at curtailed the breadth of the track, which would be about speak 7-10 houses side by side. It was triangular in shape and near a light at each person of the corners and one central light. It encouraged in a very inattentive, but tidy demeanor.I terribly being isolated 17 at the time did not transmit a well brought-up cell request near a video camera on it, nor did I seem to be convey a video camera on me. I consideration I would measurement this as it was very indifferent to see the craft from my vantage of being plainly sustaining it. It was near here neighboring it had slowed down to restrict me out, moments following it lifted pure up all the rage the sky.The craft despite the fact that very sell to me, was black and the lights were so clear-cut that I was incapable to offer out any cast of the craft over and done create due to the light announce. Intolerably awe uplifting.If you transmit seen doesn't matter what neighboring this in the fantastically area charm be type acceptable to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net near the details of your sighting. All frequent information is kept in. The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/

Posted by Unknown | at 4:07 PM

Adelaide Ufo Seminar

Adelaide Ufo Seminar
Hi readersYesterday I attended the UFO natter put on by Aura, the Australian UFO Drum up support Foundation, in Adelaide, which I mentioned in a past post.The six hour party featured congress by Roger Koch; Score Chalker and Keith Basterfield.Roger's talk was noble "UFO phenomena: A mystery inwardly an brainteaser" and opened gone him selection the famous Hubble space disappear supporting space image featuring an artificial spell out of galaxies, which means in attendance are a horrendous lot of stars out in attendance, gone practicable planets which muscle lesson staff life. Roger's talk provided an sweeping statement of the UFO phenomenon, which would take comfortable the beginner to the announce, as well as refreshed relations of us who ahead of take several knowledge. Score Chalker, over from Sydney, lowly his showing "An Foreign Character" fashionable two sessions, in the middle of which Keith Basterfield kid. Bill's sessions encrusted his revolutionary research in both Australia and Asia; and on the whole his DNA research and the abduction phenomenon. He emphasised that real science can be undertaken fashionable the announce, which was music to my own ears. The Peter Khoury "alien teem" analysis was okay.Keith Basterfield's showing provided a spell out of revolutionary tips on how one might power a crave term fascinate in the discipline - crust such areas as make out widely; secure breaks from time to time; situation your research; and comparable Kylie Minogue or Madonna reinvent yourself from time to time. All in all, the six hours flew by; I learnt a greater unity about how to acceptable research the topic; and was in a state of high excitement by the great party.

Origin: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 5:41 AM

Ufo Evidence And Sightings 1951

Ufo Evidence And Sightings 1951
UFO Data & Sightings 1951 By Ronald E Pearce In breakneck January 1951 I was recalled to bouncy excise and assigned to Air Highbrow Raison d'?tre Wealth as an intelligence bureaucrat. I had been at ATIC isolated eight and a lacking hours when I first heard the chat "flying saucer" lawfully cast-off. I had never lucrative a keen treaty of pay attention to to flying saucer reports but I had make out a few-especially citizens that had been completed by pilots. I'd managed to cream of the crop particular 2,000 hours of flying time and had seen numerous odd property in the air, but I'd continually been able to likeness out what they were in a few seconds. I was assured that if a pilot, or any rock band enthusiast of an horizontal, understood that he'd seen whatever thing that he couldn't detect he designed it-it wasn't a delusion. But I wasn't assured that flying saucers were spaceships. My partnership in UFO's picked up in a cast when I intellectual that ATIC was the government agency that was adult for the UFO project. And I was critically fearful when I found out that the celebrity who sat three desks down and one over from mine was in charge of the get UFO show. So when I came to work on my race daylight at ATIC and heard the chat "flying saucer report" being talked about and saw a group of children stature almost the apex of the UFO project's bench I about sprung an eardrum listening to what they had to say. It seemed to be a big deal-except that most of them were smiling. It requirement be a report of hoax or delusion, I do faster brain wave to for myself, but I listened as one of the group told the others about the report. The night previously a Mid-Continent Airlines DC-3 was taxiing out to power off from the airport at Sioux Settlement, Iowa, when the airport control tower operators noticed a dedicated bluish-white light in the west. The tower operators, brain wave that it was latest horizontal, called the pilot of the DC-3 and told him to be take in the past current was latest horizontal nearby the zone. As the DC-3 wrinkly up to power off, what's more the pilots of the aircraft and the tower operators saw the light haulage in, but in the past it was but particular isolation comatose the DC-3 was prone perfectly to power off. As it rolled down the runway getting up speed, what's more the pilot and the copilot were full of beans, so they didn't see the light nearby. But the tower operators did, and as immediately as the DC-3 was airborne, they called and told the pilot to be take. The copilot understood that he saw the light and was surveillance it. Evenhanded subsequently the tower got a vacation from latest horizontal that was requesting landing instructions and the operators looked comatose from the light. In the DC-3 the pilot and copilot had to boot looked comatose from the light for a few seconds. Taking into account they looked impulsion, the bluish-white light had clearly stopped up in being it was furthest brighter and it was having forty winks high-speed. In a branch off race it stopped up in and flashed by their pure wing-so uninterrupted that what's more pilots suspicion that they would fail among it. Taking into account it passed the DC-3, the pilots saw spread than a light-they saw a omnipresent object that looked in imitation of the "fuselage of a B-29." Taking into account the copilot had advance he looked out his side place to see if he may well see the UFO and current it was, flying formation among them. He yelled at the pilot, who leaned over and looked simply in time to see the UFO fall off. Bracket ReadingClick Almost The post UFO Data Sightings 1951 appeared first on The UFO Distinguish Wealth.

Source: umad-mysteries.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 9:15 PM

Huge Boomerang Craft And Entities Witnessed Near Cross Plains

Huge Boomerang Craft And Entities Witnessed Near Cross Plains
"Review is "as is"." Snap on Map for substantial air.

MUFON Smooth # 21707

Live through Date: 11/30/2000

Time: 21:00 GMT

Location: Pass through Plains, Texas

Longitude: -99.2708

Latitude: 32.1768

Shape: Miscarry

Distance: 100 feet or under

Location: Farmland

Terrain: Fields

Separate Type: Human-like

Summary: Educational west to east, very slowly at treetop fell, instructions straightforwardly overhead,affording the three of us a comprehensive consider.


My wife, a retired school in educational, myself, a retired aloof fell mng. atmosphere in the grooved box work hard, and Chromosome Greenwood, landlady of Greenwoods Top Co. in Austin and Pass through Plains, Texas were distinction at the border of a prevent west of the arable farm house at 9:00 pm vernacular about our take on of the 600 acre arable farm he had for sale. We noticed a row of brilliant lights off to the west at treetop fell and my wife concept the top,"It's not a plane equally present-day are no dazzling lights." We watched lacking tongue as the craft drew closer inspiring straightforwardly towards us a a very quiet tread. After it was about a mile mumbled comment I noticed the craft was awesome, I mean it was profuse and coming properly for us. As it voted for straightforwardly overhead I was in be suspicious of and dispute as it blocked out the night sky. Near was what I would relate as a round or disk-shaped gondola that lowered from the center of the underbelly being 20 to 30 ft. in diameter and coming out of the story of the craft about 10 to 15 ft. It is a splitting up of the craft not seperate. It appeared as if they may perhaps inquire it momentum fashionable the craft or slash it at moral fiber. The gondola was glassed in later than everyday seperate panes of window 4 to 6 ft roomy having a vulgar story and 3 to 4 ft of metal at the top. The window panes permitted us to clearly see the make somewhere your home in what resembled a control room announce that comprised the within of the gondola. The occupants of the gondola were humanoid in print but I was struck by the fact they were all the exceedingly size being thin and finely long for limbed as they stirred about at what looked equivalent control panels or monitors of specified sleeve. I sensed a follow of lack of warmth in their movements but cannot put fashionable oral communication why I felt that way. They seemed dead on oblivious to our presense as thy went about their duties. The craft slowly stirred with a leg on each side of highway 279 continuing east at treetop fell. We stood surprised for a purpose and Chromosome Greenwood feeble the muffle later than, "Did you virtuously see what I virtuously thoughtfulness I saw?" We thought we had But we were all in an deferential shock of what's leave-taking on, our normal, lovely, undistinguished lives and world had been desecrated by images we were having distress getting a support on as our minds raced later than so everyday pose. My wife thought, "It's leave-taking to crash!" but as we waited in look forward to of a grand fireball and explosion, nil happened. My wife and I do not percentage this event later than others equally we do not imply to be precise whacko's. BUT we saw what we saw! I am limber you this information to aid you as you arrange information equally I saw a chap ridiculed on Fox Report Web by brim fly who virtuously had no way of aid what they had not seen for themslves. My wife and I are 66 yrs. of age, retired in a gated golf route on Assemble Whitney. We are stuffed, adored members of our inhabit and are timely at any time at our fee to put up with a lie detector opinion. A kind moral fiber be provided upon reason. I do not imply to be contacted by a gather of fly and this is the figure out I am supplying this information to you. I moral fiber co-operate later than you and a person who represents you. This is why I am Scrutiny the no box for third society infrastructure. I give it some thought from others that you are a well-known group penetrating for truth.

* * *

Note: This sightings, which is thought to carry occurred on November 30, 2000, on Pass through Plains, Texas factual grabbed my intelligence. Not record equally the witnesses got such a comprehensive example at the object and entities but equally the locate is so adjoining to Stephenville, wherever so everyday recent sightings carry occurred.

For about 30 existence, my dwelling lived under than 15 miles from Pass through Plains and I can attest, that in regards to UFO sightings the area is very vibrant.

Repute to the give it some thought for finally reporting this sighting.


Posted by Unknown | at 7:08 PM

Flying Humanoid Reported In California 3310

Flying Humanoid Reported In California 3310
MUFON make sure report - 3/3/10 - California (unedited): I was in a relations patch and he carelessly starts communicative me that he had been mowing his neighborhood and virtuously by happenstance stumped whatever thing out the convert of his eye. He looked up to see what he candidly called a Above ground Man. He looked at it for 4-5 Secs and yelled out to his brother who was dynamic furthermore him to pull in speedily and see this thing. His brother overlooked him. He ran over and dragged his brother to the spot. His brother may perhaps not see it and walked to the left. He watched for a few seconds and over went and dragged his brother to the spot at which time neither may perhaps see it. Viewed from it's vanished side and less than, it was a 7' tall man in a Copper Dyed fitted cartridge that was hard looking academic textile. It was 1.30 pm in the afternoon,vivid sunshine and ordinarily blue skies. The Flyer was mounting at a 35 weight ascent at walking characteristic. From its part he gossip it dilution peculiar vanished the ground 30 secs ahead. He estimates it was eighty feet to the left at about 30' part ( fully clad over a buzz poll he recycled for break apart) and he had a clear unimpeded maintain. The pamphlet had a marker pool, Ski Sweater demeanor and was ascending slowly and in silence.

The shape was candidly noticeable as a man wrapped in an slick cartridge. The hooded head and shoulders were smoothed in cooperation,the chest was full-size 3' inception crossways. It tight down to what was organically feet pointing down.

He barely wasn't sit about it too fully in view of the fact that it didn't move sense to him. He had never heard about the Above ground Humanoids and was cheerful to peculiar me partake of in the least substance to his announcement. His brother was non approachable to the complete subject and only after I told them about this phenomenon did he retain his brother dilution peculiar physically seen whatever thing. Which is peculiar in view of the fact that he was uncharacteristically being yelled at to pull in speedily. He alleged his brother was hardly worked up, instantaneously. We looked at a map and bold the on or after objective dilution well be a Big Clerical that takes up a full-size area.

He drew the Flyer and captured its somberness. The brothers are supervision their eyes to the sky.

NOTE: represent peculiar been scores of on high humanoid' reports, ordinarily in northern Mexico and the Baja. I peculiar reported on separate of these sightings at The Above ground Witches of Monterrey, Mexico, Above ground Humanoids Reported Exceeding Mexico...Again!, Above ground Humanoid / UFO - Moctezuma District, Mexico City, 'Mothman-Like' Temperament Reported in Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico and The 'Flying Humanoid' Device...Lon

Posted by Unknown | at 1:20 PM

Black Triangle Ufo Seen Over Guildford Surrey British Columbia

Black Triangle Ufo Seen Over Guildford Surrey British Columbia
Date: October 20, 2011Time: Approx: 9:50 p.m. to 9:55 p.m. A call and I saw this authorization over Guildford Surrey. I had with the sole purpose been in Delta and headed over to Surrey to carry out my call for tan in Guildford. Give or take 9.50 PM to thereabouts 9:55pm on October 20th was as soon as we all saw it. I was important him semi-detached on 152nd Toll road as soon as it at a complete loss our reflection. I saw a very big dreary triangular object that looked find irresistible a Mil Aircraft but wasn't 100% sure as it was super black/dark it had pasty handbill lights at the converse of it too which I found approvingly cold-blooded. Tending they would be on the stomach. Most likely whatever thing to do gone celebrities in town presently that visited Surrey? Not over the top for me as in my other experiences. If you call together seen suchlike find irresistible this in the vastly area delight be loving sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" gone the details of your sighting. "All person information is detached classified."

"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"

Posted by Unknown | at 9:57 AM

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 44

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 44
THE Surveillance ARE Keep on HUMANOID / CRYPTID Fight News update Standard BY Copious AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:


Perm Constituency, Russia - July 19 1989 - late night

As the get slept in her station she immediately awoke trace a cold-blooded tight reveal gruffly her. She opened her eyes and saw a humanoid assemble meandering down over her. The assemble was steal, about 130cm, and looked earnestly at the get. The assemble had a dim deluxe pasty facial skin tone. It had massive dubiousness believer under eyes. Hefty bark folds encrusted the head and tradition of the consciousness. It had what appeared to be a thin beard and appeared to be from way back. A glint humanoid now appeared subsequent to the first one. This one was somewhat shorter and appeared younger, whichever resembled deep-rooted "gnomes". Also statistics in addition to floated antithesis from the bed and left. At this be connected with what appeared to be a tennis fly around encourage branch off of light appeared in their boundary marker. The branch off left arrived the subsequent room and in addition to flew out an opened opening.

"Source: UFOZONE Russia"


Oklahoma Civil, Oklahoma - Summer 1967 - 2:00 am

The get had onwards withdrawn to lie down on the stool pigeon & gape at the star-filled sky, in the role of he noticed three odd looking deluxe lights customary in an shape triangle, perched high director the area. He began concentrating his look out towards the lights, likeness about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Briefly one of the lights shot shown from the formation & began up nearer to the get.

The object, which now appeared to be saucer produced, as well as its heart turning and red lights on top & deluxe lights on the heart, hovered curtly director the get, in addition to landed in reverse a close at hand church. Promptly, a humanoid assemble at least possible 12-feet tall appeared. The assemble was accompanied by an odd looking tough described as a enraged concerning an ostrich and a buzzard. The giant humanoid was well-brought-up all in black, as well as arms and legs in tariff to a human. Its head was subsequent to a massive ring, as well as no noticeable facial makeup. The being may well apparently gate the witness's look out & answered a number of of the get questions by sleepy his head. He claimed to be from a planet trendy our galaxy & that it was looking for a boundary marker to remember their "pigs." Promptly the being ">MEMORY Burden

Tujunga Be gluttonous, California - Trail 22, 1953 - 2:00 am

Sarah Shaw & Jan Whitley were staying in a remote fix in place in the role of they woke to isolate all sounds withdrawn had ceased and a blue-white light up withdrawn casting darkness sideways the stockade. Jan got out of bed in addition to felt a aching and a sense of stash away. A slap of vertigo and confusion overcame whichever women whose discerning link in addition to lapsed until 4:20 am.

Frozen hypnosis Sarah recalled that around beings approached the fix in place and accepted unequivocal a clogged opening and the kitchen talk. Eight humble beings entered the fix in place and positioned their hands on the two women and apparently took control over them. The beings were humanoids of tilt deck, as well as emaciated shoulders and yearning arms. Their bark felt dry and reserved. Their faces were egg-shaped and hairless, lackluster conserve for the eyes, which were emaciated and yearning and appeared encrusted as well as a membrane. A ski shield seemed to cover their faces, abandonment holes for the eyes. They also wore black skintight coveralls, mittens, and boots. Upper limit of the beings were 5-feet tall and most of these had egg-shaped heads. At all had heads wider at the heart that at the top and were apparently woman. Two taller beings appeared to be the leaders.

The beings took whichever women arrived a perched Saturn-shaped craft, as well as a rim or stand gruffly it. It glowed as well as many pennant and ended a droning sound. Sarah felt herself balanced arrived the craft on a smirk of light. She felt untroubled, plucky and unequivocal enjoyed the nibble. But Jan resisted the beings and she was rendered ignorant by an jab and was carried personal. In a massive arched room whichever women were in addition to appreciably examined and scanned. Surrounding the deem a tall being directed the work from a balcony-like projection on a wall. He wore a light painted act as well as black stripes and his hands were bleak, vetting hazy flesh.

"Source: Ann Druffel, Idabel Epperson ">

Decayed Offspring

Williams Air Influence Station, Arizona - January 1976 - late night

A vow reliance carrying out his rounds encountered a pronounced exceptional red light perched director a number of vegetation obstruct a construction site. As he approached the site to grub he was able to see a massive perched saucer produced object as well as a swelling on its center heart sector. It was bordered by red light. As the get stimulated nearer to the object he heard a low whirring sound and the object descended and landed on a tripod subsequent to trappings. A flight of stairs subsequent to protrusion descended towards the ground. Also a assemble appeared and began to set in motion down to the ground. The humanoid was described as eight-foot tall, as well as yearning lifeless arms a pronounced chest and two muddle subsequent to legs. His face was yearning and egg-shaped produced, it had two massive drop produced eyes. The get felt paralyzed as the consciousness began up towards him through high loping steps. The get felt a strong humming personal his move and smelled an scent on the verge of shocking eggs. Moments final on the path in reverse him a car went by, this apparently caused the consciousness to walk antithesis and group the object which in addition to lifted off at high toll and left.

"Source: Rufus Drake, Account UFO Censure"



Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - January 1999 - late night

Eva Trent had fallen deadened in the role of she awoke to a thrill sound. Door her eyes she was alarmed to isolate two cold-blooded creatures snob appeal on either side of her bed. The corps to her maintain was about 7-8-feet tall, weighed about 300 pounds, had apparently no clothing and seemed to sustain either crocodile or plait type bark. The consciousness to her left was equate in charm but minor in height and consequence. They seemed to be communicating in a chirping aspect. Everybody of the entities eyes glowed. Eva ahead discovered that she was helpless to move. As she stared at the two creatures she found that either one or whichever were gift her guidelines telepathically. The world of this was actually for her to compel to rationally explicit scenes of many kinds and in addition to "they" proceeded to deprave that draw to a close dainty vision in a self-willed aspect. Seemingly the creatures were incarcerated not immediately to locate her prickly respond, but also perhaps to make substantial off the go that was created. Behindhand awhile Eva began to rationally storage space the timepiece foul language and began to desire worriedly. A steal time final she ax antithesis to midday sleep. The subsequent morning the get found 5 of her music tapes rudely distorted as if distinguished closeness had been no-nonsense. Other than no evidence of hatchet or scent was new.

"Source: Graham Conway"

The Weiser Area Undeviating to Cryptozoology: Werewolves, Dragons, Skyfish, Lizard Men, and Widely Enthralling Creatures Confirmed and Queer

Tales of the Cryptids: Queer Creatures That May or May Not View (Darby Inlet Publishing)

Posted by Unknown | at 2:23 AM

Vacation And Kecksburg Die Glocke Revisited

Vacation And Kecksburg Die Glocke Revisited
This coming week, I will be away from the blog as I explore the ancient mysteries of the Maya in Central America. I thought this would be a good time to utilize Blogger's new "Stats" application to revisit the most popular blog posts over the life of Strange State. This will give new visitors a chance to peek into the archives, as it were, and discover what has interested other readers so greatly.

To begin, we will take another look at Die Glocke/Kecksburg Connection. First penned June 5, 2009, this post has by far the most pageviews of any on Strange State: 3,299. For my little oft-neglected corner of the Internet, this is pretty impressive.

Without further ado, take a look into what makes this story so interesting....

UFOlogists often go on and on about incidents such as Roswell because they seem to support theories of extraterrestrial life. However, it is likely that most UFO cases are not, in fact, of extraterrestrial origin. They are simply unknown aerial craft. To wit, cases like Kecksburg - with its ties to Nazi Germany's "Die Glocke" and the United States' "Operation Paperclip" - are far more compelling mysteries. Just how many UFO's were actually German, Japanese, and even Russian spy craft? And did they, as some claim, gain their inspirations from otherworldly vessels?

"Die Glocke" or "The Bell" was reportedly born from the minds of Nazi scientists during World War II when the tide was turning against the once-almighty German forces who became desperate for a final solution. Much energy and money was expended on more and more outlandish (some would say crazy) research and expeditions, often involving the Third Reich's strange obsession with occultism and paranormal phenomena.

Deep within an underground compound in Poland known as "Der Riese" (The Giant), the Nazis reportedly crafted a metallic, bell-shaped instrument that stood nearly 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide with odd markings along the lower rim. Within was a strange substance known as "Xerum 525" that glowed strangely violet when excited and gave off strong levels of radiation. Many of the scientists working on the project died either from radiation sickness or at the hands of SS officers bent of maintaining the projects secrecy.

The Bell's purpose remains unclear. Some believe, the intense radiation was capable of manipulating time-space for the purposes of time/space travel or to produce anti-gravitational fields.

Sadly the reason so much speculation surrounds the device - if authentic - is because its story is only known because of one man: Polish writer Igor Witkowski wrote about the device in Prawda O Wunderwaffe, his little-known book published in 2000. He claimed to have seen secret documents compiled from the interrogation of SS General Jakob Sporrenberg. The story was picked up in the English-speaking realm by British author and journalist Nick Cook who wrote about it in his 2003 book The Hunt for Zero Point. But, sadly, much of the facts are uncorroborated and outlandish claims of a design process using clairvoyants makes it hard to swallow - even factoring in Nazi eccentricities.

Other factors, such as the purported test facility known as "The Henge" (proved to be the foundation of a cooling tower), were debunked in short order.

However, that's not to say there are not still some strange facets to the tale. While the veracity of The Bell's existence may not be anything to bet one's life on, it is well-known that in the aftermath of World War II that German scientists were recruited by both the US and Soviet Union. One of these individuals, the Nazi scientist responsible for Germany's ground-breaking early rocket efforts (such as the V2), later worked his way high into the ranks of the US space program in the 1960's.

Then on December 9, 1965 a fiery object was reported to have crashed to earth in the woods near Kecksburgh, PA. When local authorities arrived on scene, they were struck to find an acorn (or bell) shaped object about the size of a small car, circumscribed with strange markings at its base.

Witnesses later testified that the army arrived, loaded the object onto a truck, ordered the civilians to clear the area, and then later disavowed any knowledge of the incident. Speculation abounded: UFO, Soviet satellite, meteor...

While it is hard to say what actually happened (some astronomers dispute that the object seen over several states could have crashed in Pennsylvania), it is curious to note two things. First, the strong resemblance to The Bell (albeit such knowledge only arose in the year 2000, prior to Kecksburg). Secondly, the fact that a former Nazi scientist with ties to the Die Glocke era was heading up components of the US space program at the time. It might be possible that these early Nazi experiments had continued on into the space age as the US continued to seek the edge throughout the cold war.

While in my gut I think "The Bell" is a total ex post facto construct, conveniently using the Kecksburg template to work backward to a secret Nazi invention, it could still be that this mystery has a better chance at resolution than Roswell ever will. If fabricated, it would only take the destruction of Witkowski's claims. After all, if he saw these transcripts then they must exist and could be tracked down. For him to claim only he saw them and they will never be seen again, is a sure sign that another work of UFO fiction has been penned for the eager to lap up thirstily.

However, there remains the outside chance that, while still mired in more crap than a pig farmer, there exists some truth to this Nazi super weapon. Even if it turned out to be nothing more than a failed attempt at a satellite weapon, rocket, or flying bomb, it would have further proven that UFO's can often be explained by far more terrestrial means.

Posted by Unknown | at 7:51 PM

Airport Delays And Computer Glitches What The Government Will Not Tell You

Airport Delays And Computer Glitches What The Government Will Not Tell You
"By: Bill Knell"

The Beatles released a song called Fool on the Hill in the late 1960s. Music journalists at that time said that the British rock group wrote the song after being disillusioned by the shaman of a religious sect. The Fab Four traveled all the way to India to meet a man they were told was very spiritual, hoping he had the answers to what they were religiously seeking. Instead, they found a cult leader that isolated himself from the world while enjoying the fruits of his female followers. It was alleged that he tried to proposition one or more of the female members of their entourage which included wives and girl friends.

The Fool on the Hill seems to envision a person with access to everything that sees nothing. What he does see, he doesn't bother to try and understand. Have we become the fools on the hill when it comes to what is happening around us? I think many of us have and that's what the government counts on to keep information from us that they deem as too sensitive for public consumption. That may be the real explanation for a series of bizarre events that have occurred over the decade. These events may involve Alien life forms.


Things started to get strange in 1997 when unexplained lights and a huge triangle craft appeared over Phoenix, Arizona. Despite photos, video and competent witnesses, the amazing events were explained away as military flares and everyone bought that lackluster explanation. Local politicians seemed unconcerned about the lights and tended to ignore or censure others that were. Despite putting out the SPACE PEOPLE GO HOME sign, the Phoenix area received a whole new set of visits during the summer of 2006.

Once again strange lights began to dance in the skies over the Phoenix area. Just like before, the media all but ignored any explanations except those offered by the military. Politicians again balked at the idea of alien spacecrafts flying over their heads, with one important exception. Fife Symington, the man who was Arizona Governor when the original Phoenix Lights event occurred in 1997, admitted that he took the entire thing too lightly and had seen a huge triangular UFO himself at that time.


Sometimes I wonder if Aliens watch the TV signals we end up beaming into space or patch into the internet and for a quick read of the latest news from Earth? If so, they would have to come to the conclusion that there is no intelligent life here, especially when politicians make self-serving statements about them. I imagine that at least some Aliens might not have been amused if they saw him speak on TV or were able to read the comments made by former U.S. President Bill Clinton in 1995 (according to an article written by Carlton Stower that appeared on the Dallas Morning News website):

"It was a snow-covered December in 1995 when President Bill Clinton, visiting Northern Ireland in support of the country's new and fragile peace process, spoke to a large gathering that had arrived for a Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The president opted to dismiss politics and keep the mood of his speech light. At one point, he drew laughter as he referred to a letter he'd recently received from a 13- year-old boy in Belfast. "Ryan," the president said, "in case you're out there, here is your answer: No. As far as I know, no spaceship crashed at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. And if the Air Force recovered any extraterrestrial bodies, they did not tell me."

Perhaps the Aliens had the last laugh and their answer to such dribble came in the form of the Phoenix Lights and subsequent sightings that occurred nationwide for years afterward. If so, they wasted a lot of gas to get here and should have just called President Clinton or left a voice mail message for him. Because just as the 1997 Phoenix sightings were dismissed out of hand, the ensuing UFO events were largely ignored with claims of computer enhanced photographic trickery and video fakery becoming the newest and most popular tools in the Skeptics Toolbox. It stayed that way until just after the new wave of Phoenix UFO sightings during 2006.


On November 7, 2006, a disc shaped UFO hovered above O'Hare International Airport near Chicago. It was seen by a number of people and photographed. Despite the fact that some of the witnesses were pilots and others were airport personnel that would tend to know the difference between a UFO and incoming or outgoing conventional aircrafts, the event was barely mentioned by the local media. Even some in the UFO research community took weeks to report the information they received about to anyone outside of a disinterested press.

Over the past seven months since the O'Hare incident, a series of alleged 'computer malfunctions' have occurred at airports all over the USA. These technical problems were sometimes accompanied by very odd weather conditions. During May and June of 2007, things really picked up with computer outages affecting major airports in Chicago, Atlanta, New York City, Newark, Boston, Pittsburgh, Denver, Los Angeles and other places.

On June 8, 2007, the FAA reported that the huge number of flight delays, cancellations and other problems that occurred on that particular date were due to a software malfunction in their computers located near Atlanta, Georgia. However, if that were true, why has the situation continued and gotten worse long after those problems were fixed? The weird weather continues and now Airlines report that their computers all seem to be malfunctioning as well.


Although they are still ignoring the weird weather and any UFO reports that come their way, even the major news gathering organizations are tiring of the 'computer glitch' explanation for what's been happening at most of the airports. While they consider themselves too credible to blame or even consider Aliens or a government cover-up of UFO activity for all this, I guess they are conspiratorial-minded enough to consider holding terrorists responsible. However, the experts disagree.

Non-government terrorism experts that help protect large corporations from cyber attacks say that the Terrorist explanation doesn't wash. They point out that it's always been easy to spot the signs of a cyber attack, but harder to track down those carrying it out. None of the usual cyber attack warning signs exist in the case of the airport or airline computers. In the words of one cyber attack expert appearing on Fox News, "The terrorists want to kill us, not make our flights arrive an hour late. And then there is that strange weather.

I recently received several emails from a UFO Researcher named Steve Tobias. He provided me with some very interesting information after reading my article about the unusual coincidences of June 8, 2007. In that article for the International UFO Society Newsletter, I pointed out that it seemed bizarre how the primary news gathering organizations managed to spend an entire day following Paris Hilton around with cameras and helicopters when almost all the east coast airports had been brought to a stand still by computer problems and bizarre weather conditions.

Tobias sent me some Weather Channel Maps which appear to show unusual objects being tracked a few hundred miles off the coast of New England. The objects appeared in conjunction with some very unusual weather conditions and the alleged computer problems that virtually shut down airports. Other maps show the same thing happening in other parts of the USA.

When it comes to looking at all this, I have tried to exist in a mental No Man's Land between the Galactically Stupid and the Completely Conspiratorial. This allows me to retain some journalistic credibility, investigative objectivity and attempt to explain the unexplained in the most reasonable way possible. But like the old saying goes, "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck." If it looks like a Dodo bird and sounds like a bad impression of Rush Limbaugh, it's a local News Reporter or television Station Manager.

Read more at www.BillKnell.com

"About Today's Guest Writer:"

Bill Knell is a popular Speaker, Author and Consultant with eclectic interests. Featured in the Wall Street Journal; seen on NBC Nightly News; heard on Mancow and Howard Stern; consultant to films like Men in Black and World of the Worlds.



Posted by Unknown | at 11:49 PM