Teens See Strange Light Formation Over Oxford Mississippi

Teens See Strange Light Formation Over Oxford Mississippi
Schedule a parent is leaden, two puberty see a group of lights higher the tree tops off of Old Sardis Line of attack in Oxford, Mississippi.

Note: Short corrections for spelling. To see the additional report, snap on case assume.

"Enhanced Turn of phrase BY SW."

"Vision steady by 16 day old young woman, after the sighting."

MUFON Layer # 23178

Date: 04/22/2010

Time: 21:24

City: Oxford

State: Mississippi

Shape: Book,Cryptic,Saturn-like

Summary: relatives see UFO at treetop eminence cold the car to the same extent separation down the method


My oldest two relatives and I were persistent from a college sloping phenomenon on the twilight of April 22, 2010. We cleanly finished a hub method in town; West Jackson Ave., to uncommon, lesser road: Western Hills, as a fast cut towards my parents' and my own native land cleanly off Old Sardis Line of attack.

We accepted in a straight line a control edge that was read-through drivers' licenses and driver sobriety a few account external 9:00PM. Fair rapidly after disappearing the checkpoint, on down the method out of sight of the edge, My oldest young woman, who was in the center row pin down in the momentum of the minivan, cursorily held in a breathy type voice:"Oh my God! It'ssssss... a spaceship! Mom! A Spaceship!"

My pubertal son, who was riding shotgun, was looking up on his side of the car and started to squeal: "It's HUGE! OH MY GOD IT'S SO BIG!"

Naturally, I am complex my best to good and see whatever it is that has got the offspring so capricious. All I saw was a flash of an ocher light all but the top of my windshield's passenger's side. I am all over the method complex to see this thing, my young woman in the momentum pin down is as of to cry and in receipt of a small percentage hysterical. My son is parody express in his pin down so drastically to last few to see this thing, that I at once dispute if he is separation to allow himself whiplash. He is in the same way jumping up and down as drastically as the pin down lash strength authority and in the same way semi-hysterical. Also are sermon at the precise time and I may possibly not tally out totality sentences.

At the precise time I am complex to control the demand to accumulate looking for whatever it is in the sky, I am nevertheless nomadic down a fleshy method in the gray. So, I bear to allow up complex to see it and limit on but I am separation. Voluntarily, existing is no pressure group prospect my command.

We enter component of the method but the vegetation suppress any sight line the relatives bear, and when we be revealed from it, the object was preceding.

In the role of I get to the crisis of Western Hills and Old Sardis Line of attack, I time lag to good momentum and see if we can hook any sight of the object. Exhibit is nothing. I try to code out personal property by asking the relatives questions about the object. We are not far from Oxford's airport, and I was concerning steady the offspring saw a plane banking to land at the airport. I come across that if it was a plane, I would bear heard the enjoyable equally my windowpane was nevertheless all the way down from separation in a straight line the edge. The prominence of the object described and put in connection to a plane banking would bear through it impossible to miss the enjoyable of a plane's engines.

I ruled out hot air inflate, air plane, left lane lights, hail clouds, automobiles,... you inscription it. Likewise, note that in the quantity of time from when my young woman saw the object first, to when I paused to good momentum but I had a substantial shrewdness of the tree line, was cleanly a tie of account. Any of those personal property I described prohibit maybe a plane or van, would nevertheless be reach, but existing was nothing.

On one occasion a tie above account looking express for anything to pop up, I started the van towards my parent's house to picking up my youngest young woman who was not hint well quite to act the phenomenon with us that twilight.

I bear to award, I was piteously creeped out by this phenomenon, but at the precise time, horribly overprotective that the offspring saw this thing and I didn't. We live in a very country type neighborhood and the feeling of leaden native land in the gray was a bit upsetting. This feeling was echoed by my offspring and uncommon concerning hysterical drenching rain was displayed by both. I explained to them I was sure that if THEY acceptable us they had an awe-inspiring have a break to get us momentum existing, and to not to dither about personal property they had no control over. This did not go over very well.....

Upon reaching my parent's house, my son and young woman ran filling and was relating my populate all about what they saw and complex to describe it. I unused them and told them to each person get a characteristic of paper, go indoors different rooms, and draw what they saw. ( I bear spare pics of the subordinate drawings) I did not equally I entirely didn't see anything but maybe a flash of ocher light. It wasn't very robust, but quite you would take notice of. The roof of the van bunged my sight.

My parents were not very stunned, but to some extent contract of at least the subordinate finance of what was seen.

On the harass native land from my folk's, I advised the relatives to accumulate unworried about the sighting to associations at college. I in the same way tried to effortless my son down equally he seemed to be having a coarse time in receipt of over being fearful. Of course, ALL of us had our eyes glued to the sky all the way native land.

My partner was ahead of asleep when we got native land so we had to lodge until the adjoining day to get his point of view and pitch about the incident.

My partner want to bear "disparager" as his center inscription, and was kinda frivolous until I remembered the drawings. He didn't meet up what to say after that.

I watched the papers and bring to a close news for weeks very efficiently for any make better of "lights in the sky". I acceptable to demand and ask if any control officers at the edge saw anything, but my outset is a retired Oxford control bureaucrat of 20+ living and I don't hunger after that quality of soreness.

I wrote to a tie of "paranormal/UFO investigation groups, but did not get any outcome. I came upon this site and now maybe, I can get a selection of answers.

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Posted by Unknown | at 12:43 PM