Ufo Hunter Frustrated After Spotting

Ufo Hunter Frustrated After Spotting
I accept been delivery emails from witnesses, reporting arrogant orangey, orangey, or red lights in the skies about Abilene, Texas. In attendance are a few of the arrogant recent (unedited) emails.

December 16, 2010

My respected place of origin noticed these lights Thursday December 16th solid Nugent, 10 miles from Lake Hidey-hole Heart north of Abilene Texas. We saw them turn up and go 4 period in the field of a 2 hour period. We moreover noticed a strobing red light in our treeline that was graceful regular. At period it would be hugely exposition and after that at period it would be very unlikely. State is no infringement area where the red light was and we acknowledged it had something to do past the orangey lights in the sky. We accept not seen the red or orangey lights at the same time as. We did not report it at the time what we did not appropriate the lights past a camera or camcorder. We are pleased to obstacle that we were not the chastely ones to see this and are very attentive to value what was leaving on in the sky that night.

I am weird to value how recurrently you accept witnessed these lights and how craving they seemed to gash about. We live out in the earth and accept seen definite daft things through but never similar to this and never for as craving. I would similar to to obstacle your opinion on this.

My husband first saw 7-10 lights, 3 were coupled and after that seperated and after that moved out, they appeared and moved out various period. He supposed that he stood give to for about 30 seconds exhibition examination the lights and they werent' fascination or broken, after that they were precedent. So I related him reserved we were staring at the red light in the vegetation and a exposition amber light appeared in the sky. And after that out of nowhere something that looked similar to 3 amber headlights appeared next to it. I turned about to go get our place of origin and as in a minute as I turned about the three lights seperated and moved out. As my husband called me I turned about and they were earlier precedent. Morally as solid as the appeared, they disappered. My brother in law called me last night and told me it was on the news but I was barred to make it. If you by crush value how I might make it I would adorable to see what they supposed. Maybe you value the endure to make the broadcast?

This is the 3 time that we accept seen an odd light in the sky. My husband, subsequent to he was a kid was subsequently followed by a red light, he was able to get his mother and turn up back exhibition in time to see it go in the vegetation.


DECEMBER 17, 2010

"I passion I might show what the lights did tonight, very very repellent, I can't add footnotes to, I might draw a picture to show what they did. They've been transmission up so by and large absolutely that I go reserved waiting for them to show and they do. I sit out back on my exhibition area and out of nowhere they lurch to show up. I definitely passion I might find them on tape or camera but I can't I horizontal bought a video camera exhibition for this design and I dreamy can't appropriate it. I exhibition passion gang else out about would see them past me, all I accept flattering now is a playmate my parents. Im leaving to save up examination and reporting what I see but i've kinda lost interest in reporting what its chastely my report up give to and never self elses absolutely. Kinda frustrating."


DECEMBER 17, 2010

"My Buddy called me relating me she saw something definitely unwise in the sky solid Mullin, Tx, about 4 hrs ago. I'll be out give to in 2 existence, so I impulsion save up an eye out after sullen. "


DECEMBER 19, 2010

Tonight... over SE Abilene...my offspring and I are at this flash seeing an object that appears to be changeable shape and color to the south east of us, satisfied let me value if you are seeing this.

We are in south Abilene and the object is to our south-southeast. It is marked from higher-ranking in even out, and seems to accept altered course various period, satisfied use your links in this area to confirm doesn't matter what.

Such as we observed last night was far departure from us and was higher-ranking in the sky. At first it appeared to be a star, but after that it started to flicker blue/ silver / red. It was changeable shape more accurately and was not indolent, whereas it stayed in the identical area similar to a star. It encouraged a little at an angle to the gone and after that circular to the flattering. State were no clouds in that break of the sky- as all the stars were marked. My offspring(16 and 14) saw it in the sky first order the south window of our soul room, after that we all went out on the back quadrangle and observed it for about 20 report. Behindhand observing for awhile, it seemed to circle arrogant indolent and beyond departure. It was not a star, nor did it turn up to be a plane. I accept moreover seen satellites and this was not one. We impulsion be examination tonight's sky.

Note: I traditional this email exhibition moments after it was sent. I hasty reserved to see if I might podium the lights from my residence solid Breckenridge but regrettably, clouds hidden the sky S/SW/SE of my decide. -SW

* * *

In attendance are exhibition a few of the contacts to Report STORIES amid these "Special Lights" in the Abilene to Stephenville area.

The first endure is the most recent report, which was disallowed on KTAB Report.

BIG Property Land Covering Silver screen OF Achievable UFO -Video included

UFO Huntsman Irritated Behindhand SPOTTING Higher LIGHTS




Note: If you accept seen the lights that accept been appearing in the skies about the Abilene area, satisfied Join ME. If you accept photos or video, satisfied clinch them in your report.

I sometimes get valid daylight hours emails/calls about UFO sightings (reports sent in as the sighting is in the works). I might use secondary "eyes on the skies".

If you would similar to to be a "contact/ alien craft spotter'" for me, satisfied let me value. Irritate, "unadorned investigation chastely". I impulsion norm your compute, decide and invite extent where you can be reached "AT ANY Second". Thanks! SW (Subtle Williams, Lights in the Texas Sky)

Source: dark-sky-misteries.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 6:22 PM