Ufo Sighting In Hudson Massachusetts On November 19Th 2013 Two Pulsating Orbs

Ufo Sighting In Hudson Massachusetts On November 19Th 2013 Two Pulsating Orbs

When I was going from the upstairs of my home to downstairs, I happened to glance out of the front door window and noticed two very bright objects that appeared to move by the window quickly. I walked outside to get a better look thinking that they were possibly helicopters, or just something interesting to look at with my binoculars or telescope. However when I stood still outside I noticed the two objects appeared to not be moving, so I thought maybe they were just bright stars and I had observed some kind of optical illusion while moving by the window. However, before going back inside I noticed that the two objects started to slowly move again, very slowly up and to the right exactly in unison. At this time I noticed that one object was predominantly white with blue, red and greenish lightly pulsating all at the same time, while the other was mostly gold and copper flickering, with sometimes a yellow tinge. At certain times it appeared there was a very faint third object off the left of the bright white/blue object but I could not get a good enough look as it was too dim and close to the light pollution and tree line. I instantly got excited and ran inside to the house, grabbed my Canon PowerShot ELPH 510HS and quickly set it to night shot. There was also no sound of any kind; it's very quiet in my area and I can hear helicopters or jets from a great distance away before you can even see them, which made the experience very intriguing. It was very difficult to get the camera onto the objects as they kept moving and there is no optical viewfinder on the camera, only the small digital screen. I then proceeded to take 3 separate videos, one with Night Shot mode, one with Night Scene mode and the final with Long Shutter (Night) setting. I rested the camera on the side of the house to try to stabilize it as best as I could, but the objects were moving quite a lot and it was difficult to capture. Feeling that I took as much clear video as I possibly could (about 10 minutes worth), I decided to get my telescope out just to absolutely make sure it's not some strange helicopters I'm witnessing. I was luckily able to get the telescope zoomed in perfectly on the White/Blue object and it was clearly a bright white sphere with pulsating colors and it appeared to actually jump from part of the lens to the other. While trying to get the telescope on a good angle, a group of 2-3 helicopters flew overhead in the direction of the object and about 5 minutes after that 2 jets flew in the same direction, both with 2 visible exhausts close together; which reminded me of the rear of an F-15 or similar fighter jet. I tried to get my camera back out to record it but by the time the camera was ready they were behind the trees and you could only hear the engines. Hanscom Air Force Base is only about 15-20 miles from where I live and I know they have fighter aircraft, although I am unsure what their current status is as of 2010. However, I do know they are still an active military base. I went back inside to get my father who also saw exactly what I was seeing. I then went to get my brother, but when I came back outside, all of the objects were gone. Upon reviewing the videos I took, there was one clip that seemed to show what I was seeing the best (Long Shutter mode), and it actually quite clearly shows the White/Blue and Gold/Copper object instantly jump slightly to the right, in exact unison. And it is not my poor camera management as when this happened I had the camera resting against the side of the house and when I move the camera about later in the video you can see the colors streaking from the long shutter exposure time. On the other video it shows the objects moving to the left, stopping and moving to the right, and at the end of the clip you can actually hear the jets approaching. I have seen many strange objects like this in my area over the past 2 years but this is the first time I have somewhat good quality footage of the event.


Credit: MUFON

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Posted by Unknown | at 12:05 PM