Hotlinking And Stealing Dont Be An Ass

Hotlinking And Stealing Dont Be An Ass
Stealing content is nasty, and just because it happens to a lot of us doesn't make it right. No matter how small or trivial it might be, ripping off content and making it appear as if it's your own writing, from your own site/blog, is wrong, unethical, immoral, and lazy. What's worse is when it's from someone who should know better; a UFO or Bigfoot site/blog, etc. that appears to be valid.

Speaking of asses -- "supreme" asses -- Atrueoriginal, who brings us daily UFO and paranormal news with her Alien, UFO & the Paranormal Casebook, has been the victim of hotlinking. Hotlinking is not only stealing content, which is bad enough, but often costs the legitimate writer/site owner money. Other victims of this latest theft of content and hard work include Jospeh Capp of UFO Media Matters.

For more on this see Lesley's post on her blog The Debris Field, and be sure to read the comments, many from Atrueoriginal, that further explain what is going on, and what to do about it.

In some ways this is an elephant in the room among UFO, paranormal and Bigfoot, etc. researchers. No one wants to come across like they're a whiny nitpicking nerdling, but when someone rips off your content, no matter how small the item may be, it's stealing, and people who steal shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.


Posted by Unknown | at 3:36 AM