Black Triangle Sighting In Split Split Dalmatia County On July 10Th 2013 Red Flying Object Then Come Blue Orb
We were driving in the car to the home and i look out of the window of the car it was about 11 and the half and first thing i saw is an object that is "standing" on the air it was red-orange color and first i thught maybe a star has explode but when we stoped i saw some blue orb hading to that object and it was standing and looking at it then the orb is starting to going to city nutt losing the site.and that big red triangle was just standing there and desepares!? I was like "i must tell someone and i tell my cousin he said that is might an airloplane buttte airoplane go slower and i dosent desepares. I feel now like i need to do something to show world a truth that we are not alone!
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