Ufo Sighting In Thornville Ohio On October 14Th 2013 A Silver Tube Close Up Foto Looks Like Separation In The Middle
1. If the back yard on deck having coffee. 2. Just watching the birds fly over. 3. Plane. 4. Travels at a steady pace from North to South. No change indirection just traveling across the sky. It's a silver tube. No wings, that's what made me continue to look at it, I was trying to see wings, like the other planes I would see in the sky. No wings. 5. At first, cool, I saw a UFO. But it's been back. The first time was late August. Then it appeared again last week. Wednesday & Thursday. October 9 & 10. I took some pictures. I brought my decent camera out after I took a pic w/my iPad, and it was a dot in the sky. I took 4pics on Thursday then I took 1 this morning.. My reactions are what the hell is it? My 2 conclusions are aliens or the government..6. It just flew out of site, same rate of seed North tomSouth. Always north to south.
Credit: MUFON
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