Underground Base Conference To Be Held In Dulce Next March

Underground Base Conference To Be Held In Dulce Next March
A few of us in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area (along with some from California and Arizona) are now planning to have a First "Underground Base" conference in the town of Dulce, New Mexico next March. The tentative date for this unusual conference right in the town of Dulce will be Sunday, March 29, from 10 a.m.

The location of this one-day conference will be the Best Western Jicarilla Inn. The conference room, unfortunately, can accommodate only about 25 people the most, but, with extra chairs, it is possible to squeeze in about 35 people. Anyway this unprecedented conference in Dulce is entitled: DULCE BASE, FACT OR FICTION?

We are planning, of course, to invite some of the residents of Dulce, including the families of former police chief, Raleigh Tafoya, along with the families of former Forest Ranger Dispatcher of Dulce, all of whom I got to know last year upon my second visit to Dulce.

The conference will be open to the public-at-large of Dulce, as well.

The decision to have a public announced "underground base" conference right in the town of Dulce came about because of the success of a 1991 Area 51 conference in Rachel, Nevada in which we invited the public-at-large, including anyone affiliated with the Groom Lake complex itself. That conference drew about 95 people, some of whom (anonymous, of course) could very well have been affiliated with the base. Similarly, in 1998 the first People's Rally at Area 51 was held right at the boundary line on Groom Lake road. It drew about 200 people from all over the U.S. as well as a few from Canada. It became a major news item in the Las Vegas Review Journal.

Within seven years of the Rally, the government admitted that the base exists officially and just last year, the government announced that compensation will be made to the workers who suffered from illness due to toxic chemicals.

Dulce, however, is a different story. So far, there has not been any solid, physical evidence whatsoever that there is a base near Dulce, such as deep under the Archuleta Mesa. It has all been hearsay. In fact, I would say that most of the 4000 townsfolk there do not believe that there is an underground base there. But, when it comes to UFOs, most of the population there believe in the sightings, since beginning with the mid-70's and lasting till the mid-80's, the entire town of Dulce was overwhelmed by frequent sightings of strange lights over the town. Not only that but many ranchers in the nearby communities began to report mysterious cattle mutilations during that time. Many Dulce officials attended the first Cattle Mutilations conference in Albuquerque in 1978, including then police chief, Raleigh Tafoya.

It was sometime during the mid-80s that rumors of an underground base surfaced...and still continues to this day, so much so that the entire town of Dulce has become associated with the alleged "underground base". Just do a Google search on Dulce, New Mexico and one can get untold number of items relevant to this topic.

Is the town of Dulce bothered by this unusual association with "underground base"? Probably, although the bulk of the townsfolk seem to take it all with a grain of salt. I have my own wild theory on this subject:


Upon my second visit to Dulce last year, I was quite surprised that in the gift shop at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn, there were a few T-shirts that said "Dulce, Home of the Underground Base", or something to that effect. In other words, some officials there may not mind if more people come there to spend some money, for example, at the casino there or for purchasing fishing and hunting licenses. Will it be good for a little tourism? However, will this conference put an end, once and for all, that there are no underground bases in or near Dulce? It will be fascinating.

The Inn will allow the use of the meeting room for a full day....and the entire total cost of the use of the meeting room is only 75. Therefore, the cost to the public will only be about 2 a person, if, let's say, 35 people show up. We will also invite local newspaper reporters, as well as some local TV news crew from Farmington.

Again, if anyone is interested in helping us with the logistics, etc., please e-mail me at:



See Also:

Dulce "Underground Base" Police Chief Named in a Complaint

The 57th Anniversary of the Most Spectacular "Mass Sighting" of UFOs in U.S. History!


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Posted by Unknown | at 8:36 AM