Grays Aliens

Grays Aliens
SHORT UFO FACT: [The April 19 edition of the Sun reported BRILLIANT RED EXPLOSION FLARES IN LAS VEGAS SKY. Their story left no doubt about what had happened and the many witnesses to it. In the lead paragraph, Jim Stalmaker, a reporter for the Las Vegas Sun, told of a flaming sword that started a ground search for a weird unidentified flying object that had the air force on alert in several states. ]UNA DE OVNIS SOBRE WTC 2001 SHORT UFO FACT: [On February 15, 1963 20 year old Brew was working in their milking shed. The sun had been up for a time, but rain clouds threatened overhead. With an obstructed view of the eastern sky, Brew saw something very strange. A flying object began to descend toward the milking shed. The UFO had now descended to about 75 feet above the ground, and began to hover over a Stringy-Bark tree. Close enough now for some guesswork, Brew estimated the craft was about 25 feet in diameter, and 10 feet in height. A transparent dome adorned the top of the craft, which had an antennae about 6 feet high. A low "WHOOSH" sound came from the rotating part of the airship. Brew describes is eyes as drawn to the object, "AS THOUGH BEAMS OF MAGNETIC CURRENT" emanated from the UFO. After a short period of hovering, the object started to climb to the west, disappearing into the clouds. Brew never witnessed the craft itself, but did hear the strange sound that it made. ]LOW ALTITUDE UFO SIGHTING IN SOUTH OF FRANCE CLEAR SHOT FLVIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Posted by Unknown | at 12:11 AM