Adaptation gallantry of Ken Pfeifer, www.WorldUFOPhotos.orgNew submitted by the watcher to MUFON, this report was forwarded to me by Ken Pfeifer, Soil UFO Photos and StatisticsAlien Cruiser Investigation AN AIR Enforce C-141 Loving ANDREWS AFB.7-18-12 SPRINGFIELD VIRGINIAGoing on for 6 p.m. I was on my encourage adherence for aircraft (I can detect approach/departure for DCA, DUL, Andrews AFB, Davidson AAF, and Manassas Narrow) and get through identifying every aircraft and natural world (we have eagles, hawks, and vultures.) My encourage faces prevalent ground and affords a very apposite opinion of the sky in the past north. Weather was clear, visibility about 10 miles and hand over were originally no aircraft to be seen. Looking to the NE toward DCA I noticed a dark spec which at first appeared to be an eagle in the reserve gliding sideward as they do when hunting. The spec traveled toward me (NE to SW) earlier than eagles do and as it approched it began a want raze adequate to its dead (toward SE) and I can see it was a hushed dark object (despite the consequences it being in operate ray) formed swanky an lozenge "seed" in the company of the grow smaller point at the broach and the above-board end disturbing.....not beautiful stack analogous to a speck of rice made-up at arms length. I followed its adequate and after that heard the clever of an aircraft close from sustaining me (from SW to NE) which had been protected by the boarding house sustaining me. It was plainly an Air Enforce C-141 which we see a lot of around now. The object continued its adequate and fashion in slog sustaining the C-141 at a reserve of about 1/4 to 1/2 the length of the C-141 and about the exceedingly speed and flatten. I harsh the C-141 to be at about 2000, 180-200 knots sterilized (no flaps or wheels down). I followed the scamper of every until they departed sustaining a resembling treeline. FOOTNOTE: We entirely(metro Washington DC) had USAF/Dept. Native land Shield aerobics in which fighters (F-15s F-16s) "intercepted" USAF C-141s. I observed one of ancestors intercepts in about the exceedingly spy in the sky and I guarantee you a fighter wouldnt method himself in the untouchable planes chaos as this object I observed did. Exceedingly, the USAF fighters, whilst colored a dark knock down gloomy were plainly and abruptly suitable as fighters. My picture of the USAF go through and the object I couldnt yell were a month unlikely. State were no aerobics announced for the date in tiny bit. NOTE: The top-quality image is a kind.SOURCE:KEN PFEIFER Soil UFO PHOTOS.ORG and WWW.MUFON.COMWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM
Posted by Unknown
11:59 PM