Source At U N Tells Of Secret Ufo Meeting February 12 2008
Dear Mike,Shawn and I met with our source who currently works... [in the Diplomatic Corps]. We had discussed various topics when the Stephenville and O'Hare UFO's cases were brought up. Shawn, actually, brought up the cases--"what's the deal with these incidents? Why is Stephenville getting so much press? "...etc...etc. Our source did not answer the questions immediately and other topics were discussed. About 5 minutes later, our source said to us, "Notice I did not answer your UFO questions." Shawn stated to him that we felt he wasn't interested in answering. Our source stated, "not at all." He took a breath and responded, "Unfortunately I can't go into it, but getting up tomorrow (February 12) at 6 AM to attend a briefing at the UN at 8AM is highly unusual. I (Clay) asked, "Does the briefing tomorrow have anything to do with these UFO incidents?" Our source said he could neither confirm nor deny, hint, hint. He stated that an 8AM briefing simply did not happen, unless these was a pressing need. Shawn and I probed him as best we could without forcing him to compromise his security issues. Our source stated:1) UN is an international organization. Clay stated, "Therefore the briefing has do with othernation-states in context to sightings?" Our source affirmed.2) Shawn stated, "Then there have been other incidents around the world, likeStephenville case?" At that point, our source got up and made a phone call and returned within 2 minutes. Our source stated, "Out of professional courtesy, I made a phone call to my source and stated, 'mission accomplished.' " He stated to Shawn and I:1) There is a group he is affiliated with whose task is to release information to certainsectors of society--i.e., your community (UFO).2) The briefing had to do with calming the nerves of certain nation-states regardingsightings.3) The Russians seem really anxious.4) The Bush boys (Neo-cons) are anxious about being left out of the loop, when Bushsteps down.5) Although incidents are occurring around the world, these are NOT "Independence Day"types. In fact, our source stated that the ships are not as big as the ones portrayedin the film.6) When contact is made (officially to the world) there will be no ambiguity.7) You'll know things are heating up when suicides dramatically increase. A date of 2013was given. Shawn stated, "Perhaps a meltdown factor." Source nodded yes.8) Our source was to dress in civilian clothing to put the Russians at ease. They hatemilitary dress.9) The civilian dress was to facilitate deniability so as not to implicate the military.At this point, our source apologized for using us to get this information out. He was doing so at the behest of his superior, an admiral. The admiral stated, "What about these conspiracy guys": Using Shawn and I as a conduit. Our source feels that globalization is an effort to reduced the 200 plus nation-states down to a single entity; at which point, a oneworld representative body can present itself to a "galactic federation" type council....Our source said, "get this out there and let me know what your peers feel about this.By Clay and Shawn Pickering