Salta People Claim To Have Seen An Ufo
The report states that "The Department of Anta was in the dark in the early hours yesterday after a power cut took place at the same time dozens of witnesses claim to have seen a UFO flying across the sky in Joaquin V. Gonzalez".
The same statements were given in the neighbourhoods of San Nicolas, San Cayetano, Malvinas Argentinas and downtown. The witnesses went to the local media to give their version of events.
Daniel Barboza, Radio One director, told newspaper El Tribuno that "there was a power cut at about 2am. The night was warm, it was cloudy and lightning threatened to unleash a storm that never came. There was only short drizzle. That is why at first we believed the cut was caused by weather conditions.
But "today (yesterday morning), neighbours arrived at the radio station from all areas to give their account of a strange object flying in the sky, at the same time that electricy and other services were cut."
He also reported that "according to the accounts, the spacecraft was huge. It had the shape of a cigar and it was fully lit. Neighbours said it hovered over the industrial area for a few seconds. It called our attention that from different points of the city, many people coincided in the description of the UFO, so we began investigating."
Barboza continued by stating that: "First, we inquired about the reasons for the power cut, which is not usual in this town. And if it ever occurs, the company announces it in advance for residents to take precautions. Until noon today (yesterday), the local branch of the company gave no explanation. To that we must add that there were also the cut of other services: water, telephone, etc."
He also noted that "according to residents, the cut could have happened due to an interference by a magnetic field from the spacecraft that affected the plant. But it is only conjecture."
Antonio Galvangno, commercial pilot and member of the Foundation of UFOlogy Argentina, told local media that "the according to the testimonies it was a mother spacecraft, cigar shaped, long, fully lit by flash lights that turned from white to red, something strange in this kind of spacecraft. The UFO was sighted in the north of the town, to the side of El Tunal. The most curious thing is that it is precisely there where the power company noted a burning turbine, according to the information given by local media."