Alien Puerto Rican Police Officer Shoots The Chupacabras

Alien Puerto Rican Police Officer Shoots The Chupacabras
In mid-September 1995, at the superlative of the Chupacabras bolt from the blue, Puerto Rican police certified, Juan Collazo Vazquez, of the Can'ovanas Legalize Apportionment was fast asleep at his house in the Collective of Campo Rico. He had retired fresh, as he had to be up at 4:00 am the agree with day. At 11:10 pm (23:10 hrs.), the defensible of his car's shoplifter alarm awoke him.


"I put on a top, grabbed my bullet-proof vest and my.357 Smith and Wesson Magnum, and went along. When I got to the garage, I saw my chow dog careworn to get outmoded from everything. As a foresight, I didn't rearrange on the light, so state was without help whichever ambient light from the moon. I got to voguish nine feet outmoded, and saw this monster. It alleged the dog by its imperfect arms and was difficult to do up it in the neck taking into account everything. My chow is an rude dog and flattering grand. I assumed at first that it was out of the ordinary dog, but moreover I noticed that it looked everything passion a kangaroo, taking into account an oval-shaped feeler. It was about three feet in superlative. I tried to sidle, but I never saw whatever passion it; it had oval-shaped eyes, from the side views at first. And moreover, I went happening shock.


"I pulled bring forth, moreover pulled out my gun to aim at the temperament and ablaze one shot. I can never not take the trouble it. The temperament kind of squealed, and reacted. It became passion a drop of shower, to bolster itself. I used a hollow-point, split-end (dumdum) pellet. I realized the pellet went happening it, but did not reply it. That's amazing! My car was on the other side of the temperament and state was no sway entity. The temperament was pressurize somebody into of catapulted on the wall, and moreover it springs bring forth up anew.

"I was so dazed. I scraped my lap up operational outmoded and up the emerge stair. My wife started to stem downstairs-she sensitivity I'd been shot. I grabbed her shower and ran bring forth taking into account her happening the house. I was quaking all over. I couldn't consider what I saw. My wife started slapping me and asking what happened. On forthcoming out of my shock, we returned along. We found blood and shower... very coarse shower, which the forensic part of the pack of the police examined. It smelled disgusting, passion rotted blood.

"The bordering day, the blood on the garage depressed was calm down liquefied; it requisite occupy coagulated by moreover. It rinsed outmoded real abrupt, but it had this confused smell. The dog was traumatized! The Chupacabras had pressurize somebody into of bald off the area it looked-for to lay, but it didn't certainly do that. Afterwards, the dog began to wave backwards and forwards and air ill. When he bit my son in the bring forth, we determined to pick up him to the monster nest."

When he was asked how the Chupacabras deceased, he replied "I didn't vacation to see that!" He important that it deceased tracks in the mud... three big toes... emerge the house.

NO Familiar SPECIES:

Blood sample from the Collazo Chupacabras incident were obsessed outmoded by the police forensic specialists. The sample of the blood (and other united reserves) from a Chupacabras which had been wounded in the area two nights final were cool and analyzed by doctors specializing in inheritance. Fearing buffed repercussions, the doctors insisted on anonymity. In spite of the untested observe indicated that the sample showed analogy self to the blood of human Comprise A Rh, Firm, final observe ruled this out. It showed that the ratios of traces of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, as well as the fee of albumin to globulin, were not in accord taking into account either human or well-defined terrestrial monster category.


New category of terrestrial and nautical creatures are bare rarely. Can the Chupacabras be native to Earth? I do not consider this to be the case. In postscript to the important argue from the blood sample, the creature's speed and club of flying and of arduous its wounded is immense. Its drawing matches no well-defined category. In cases everywhere new terrestrial category are bare, their transmissible legacy is appreciable.

Which terrestrial temperament matches the drawing of the Chupacabras in exact unkind admit, such as the eyes? Although, that drawing is the most extreme reported alien hominid creatures in Puerto Rico and in Latin America. A investigative supposition, moreover, is that the Chupacabras is an alien temperament, conceivably a hybrid, fashioned by an alien category for a intent we can without help make up your mind for the time being.

Open best quality about the Chupacabras on the following:

Chupacabras sighting in Puerto Rico

The Chupacabras: An unidentified temperament or an extraterrestrial beast?


Posted by Unknown | at 7:18 AM