The Truth Is Obfuscated
It's become a thing with me...and that is how I can best describe it, "a thing" I sometimes go to bed so confused, while trying to sort out all I have learned from reading the information on websites and in books, and then trying to make sense of it all. You see, the thing is for me, the more I read and learn the more I realize that there appears to be a connection of sorts to many of these things. They all are inter-connected, entwined with each other. Taken individually that is less apparent, but once you know more, once you expand your horizons beyond one type of mystery or unexplained faction, you find yourself realizing the similarities and the connections.
Take the Masons and ancient Egyptian history....from there you can end up thinking about UFO's and from there you end up back with the Masons, and then you are on Oak Island, digging for some buried treasure, a treasure that may be linked to anything from pirates to Knights Templars to Masons, to Francis Bacon and Shakespeare and then back to Masons, from there you learn that so much of the U.S. government is based on Masonic doctrine, which in turn leads to conspiracies and governments, or at least persons in governments knowing more about some of these unexplained mysteries than they care to tell.
I now believe in much more than I ever did, which is saying a lot, because I always had some belief that some of this stuff was real. I believe that there are unidentified flying objects, and I believe that there are reports and information in the hands of a select few, that know of the very real existance of these things. I believe we have been and continue to be visited by entities from other worlds, and they have already been in contact with some. I believe that the answers to many of the world's greatest mysteries are there, before our eyes, but it may not be in our best interests, to know them. Or better put, it may not be in the best interest of others for us to know the secrets in their entirety. I don't think many do. These are things more complex, and yet probably so simple to understand, if you have an open mind.
I think to understand, or at least be able to consider these things, these mysteries of life, we need to forget much of what we have been told or taught, in school, and in church. That is not to say that religion doesn't have a place, I think it does, perhaps a big place. The problem stems from what we, (man, humankind) have done with that information. Ask yourself, how much religion has been changed, how much history has been fabricated and or changed, to suit the aims of a few, by using that information to control the masses. That is what is happening, and has been happening for as long as anyone knows.
The answers are there, we just cannot find them because the answers, the solutions, the understanding has become so convoluted, and I really believe confused or covered up, through the use of the magician's trick of "MISDIRECTION", to make us look in the wrong place, while he does his 'trick' where we are not looking. I learned a long time ago that when watching a crowd, or watching a magician, the key to understanding is looking not at what he wants you to see, but what he doesn't. When all others are looking to the left, if you want to know what is really going on, you need to look to the right, or behind you....
This means that what is going on, what has been going on, for eons, is nothing more than a cheap magic trick, magnified a thousand fold, to 'misdirect' those of us who wonder what is really happening. I think that those who would have us 'misdirected' are probably a little more complex than your average magician, and instead of misdirection, probably use a little more solid technique, called "OBFUSCATION to keep us in the dark. Just look at some of the meanings for the word obfuscation, and it's variants:
OBFUSCATION: the concealment of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing, intentionally ambiguous, and more difficult to interpret.
OBFUSCATORY: Tending to obfuscate; intended to conceal the truth by confusion
OBFUSCATE: To make dark; overshadow; To deliberately make more confusing in order to conceal the truth; To alter code while preserving its behavior but conceal its structure and intent.
Magicians use more than misdirection, although for many, physical misdirection forms the basis for many of their tricks, techniques to distract you from what he is really doing. But on a higher plane, there is another kind of misdirection, one that is much more subtle, much harder to see. It's called "psychological misdirection" In this case, the magician, or sorceror, or perhaps even a politician, essentially tells us how they do their tricks, making us believe we know how a trick is done. Once that happens, we are now pre-conditioned to see the answer or the solution, we watch for what we know to be the solution, to prove to ourselves that we know how a trick is done. We are given the false solution to distract us from the real solution....are ya with me? In our minds, we are now trying to apply what "we think we know" to the problem, which makes it easier to make the clues fit our solution....bear with me...I am getting confused myself....LOL....
Let's take the OAK ISLAND MYSTERY for an example. The story talks about the discovery of a depression in the ground on an island, above which hangs an old block and tackle. The story is embellished to include pirates known to be in the area at one time. Our minds go to buried pirate treasure, even though we really don't know if that is probable or likely, because we are not told anymore about it, nor do we really know any more about it....the fact that the hole in the ground is so complex it defies current engineering, is left out of the story. Instead, we are convinced that whatever is in the ground was put there by pirates, a boatload of unsofisticated ruffians and thugs, hiding their stolen loot, and we don't bother to think beyond that, we are already convinced it is pirate treasure. From then on it becomes easier to convince us it is pirate treasure. Find an old pair of scissors and we believe they were used on a pirate ship, a piece of oak becomes a piece of a treasure chest.....We have been made victims of "psychological misdirection" We don't look much beyond what we have been "led to believe".....that whatever is hidden on Oak Island was put there by pirates.....
Then, as time passes and the pirate buried treasure theory starts to weaken, we are fed more ideas, more possible solutions, all of which are made to sound credible on some level. Now we become victims of "Obfuscation", the truth is hidden among so many theories and answers and becomes concealed by confusion....every answer seems right, but nothing is proven....instead it is all proven on some level, leading us again to believe what "they "want us to believe.
Remember how I began this long post? I was talking about linkages, and how one thing leads to another and another all of them seem linked, but we don't know how. Information is rampant, there is no shortage of it, about anything and everything. We are no longer easily fooled by misdirection, we are better educated, our reasoning ability has improved, we are onto the simple magic tricks that might have fooled our what do "they" do next....they "obfuscate"....release information, lots of it, in all kinds of venues and media, until it becomes too much, until we become confused, and the mystery now becomes something different. We almost forget about the mystery of the depression in the ground on Oak Island, and go off trying to understand how it links to aliens from other worlds, or Egyptians, old military workings, the manuscripts of Shakespeare, or Francis Bacon.....the Holy Grail, the Knight's Templar treasure....and on and on.....
The problem is, it has reached the point that it is all confused, those of us who study it become more confused.....the truth dear reader, has been obfuscated.......I think the real mystery, the real hidden question behind Oak Island, UFO's, Secret Societies and other mysteries, and what we really should be looking for in our quest for answers, is, "Who are "they"?"