By Sky Watcher In Pa

By Sky Watcher In Pa
Yes, he and the others are correct in stating the FACT that not only are UFOs real, but that they regularly flying over Earth-appearing so far, to mostly observe, not interact. I think they find us too primitive and war-like a society, in general, for them to want direct contact. They most likely feel we would only try to steal their technology and use it against them, so most of their visitations remain not obvious to the majority of the population. Either that, or perhaps they wish to not cause panic and are using the slow-initiation method to acclimate us to their presence to avoid society disruption or breakdown.

Videos and reports posted online are showing a marked increase in not only the number of craft, but the frequency and boldness of their displays recently. All of us regularly watching the skies around the globe (who are sharing sighting information) are wondering why...

And, just like this Press Club meeting on September 27th, this information is also not a hoax. They now are flying and/or hovering SILENTLY over major cities in many countries, the lights of which are sometimes mistaken for our own aircraft during night time showings. Radar reports show most do not have any radar signature, except for the larger ones. Most likely, with their advanced technology, this (radar) is probably the only sure way to tell them apart from ours, because of their ability to mimic our aircraft lighting placement easily.

As Captain Salas noted in the press conference, The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it. Col. Halt adds, I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted-both then and now-to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation.

It is time for the media to throw away the ignore and/or giggle-response to the issue of other-worldly visitation, and start seriously reporting this most important history-making phenomenon of our time.

Thousands of people have already witnessed them in person, and are waiting for our governments AND the media to start telling/reporting the truth.

We will have no confidence in either until then....

Posted by Unknown | at 5:24 AM