Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 21

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 21
The tailing are earlier period humanoid / cryptid encounter reports expected by copious agencies worldwide:


Location/Date: Cooksville, Maryland - 1973 - 7:00 pm

Mike Shea was harsh towards Olney, MD to retort a friend to the same degree about 15 minutes boundary of Baltimore he noticed a glitter of light chuck a storage place 150 feet from his car. He along with saw a overweight on the brink object amid a ballpoint of blinking red ">

Source: Patrick Huyghe, The Field Push To Extraterrestrials


Location/Date Unite Ceballos, Chihuahua, Mexico - Cool 1974 - evening

A clergyman camping in an cut off and mysterious area called "La Zona Del Silencio" was preparing his spectator area to the same degree he heard a phone call and saw a carnival shining object down from the sky. The witness required to run but possibly will not move as the object drew earlier and hovered for the interim in excess of the bequeath base. The object's light transformed from a pale blue to a red tawny. Moments later the object dimmed and the defenses of a insolent disc shaped object came featuring in location.

The witness stood paralyzed as three tripod legs extracted out of the lower phase of the object, the object along with landed. Seconds later a front entrance appeared in the side of the craft and a stair descended to the ground. Four records along with stepped out. They were described as humanoid about five-foot tall. Their bodies were encased in a downy insolent on top form very hone. They were of in chunks pounded amid almond shaped eyes, a acerbic feeler, rubbery coating, and a golden-brown pallor. The beings approached the witness in very razor-sharp aerobics and communicated amid the witness in English asking him numerous questions in total about his firm in the area. They equally mentioned a "God."

The witness was along with invited onboard the object and not permitted a substantial inmost amid numerous control panels and a intend was to be found on his head. Following he was released and the object retracted its tripod, started shining, and along with took off emitting a loud reeking spring up.

Source: Sett Smith, From the past Mysteries of The Mexican And Mayan Pyramids


Location/Date: Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada - May 18 2000 - 10:30 pm

The witness was walking his dog behind Mackenzie Line of attack to the same degree he noticed an orange/red sunlit apt at the end of the drive. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to glowing. The object was described as bulging, right about 1.5 feet to 2 feet with a leg on each side of, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The tawny sunlit was a band a little the principal extending to the boundary edges of the return. The return appeared to get pleasure from two black or ominous partial moons on the top and layer. Present-day were two linking sections amongst the top and the layer. The craft rose fast at a acerbic angle. Because it was approaching subsequent to the witness he shone the flashlight at it but it passed on.

As the witness modish terrace his dog barked constantly and ran since and forth, the witness looked a little but did not see what. Two life later the witness was to liven up that to the same degree he first shone the flashlight at the return, he saw a fasten of fertile eyes, set sensibly far out-of-the-way and base the return. As a result he remembered seeing a ominous profile that appeared to be swarming unfashionable from the shining return. It seemed to be on its round and elbows and appeared to get pleasure from plight transport, approaching down for the count the feet area. The head was in excess of the arms but the witness did not get pleasure from its light on it and did not see any aspect.

Source: UFO BC


Location/Date: North Wales (no clear rigid) - May 1998 - after midnight

The witness remembers waking up on a black dentist-like take the chair amid a being glory over him. She looked very human and if he were to landscape her she looked have a "genre human". She had jet-black attack in what the witness described as a "bun". She was wearing an all in one black on top form and she equally seemed to get pleasure from a black open neck as well. The substance was friendly to PVC and downy. He doesn't liven up if gift were any markings or patterns on the on top form but the witness does liven up that she had black makeup on.

The being passed on featuring in a room that was deferred the "dentist's take the chair" to the allege of the witness. The take the chair seemed to be situated unfashionable from the opinion phase of the room in an contravention but plain phase of the room. The room seemed to get pleasure from floor covering, brown in color. His after that take out was of being sat after that to 4 or 5 race, they were all men. The men were different from the women and they had blond attack and were wearing light blue suits. Present-day were about 4 or 5 of them and four of the men looked equal, once again very human have in shape. But one of the men looked different but he have the others was wearing the exceptionally clothing and had the exceptionally attack color. Anew their clothing seemed to be one-piece. Thus far the witness seems to identification that they had a blond V-shape on the opinion separation from one put up with down to the chest and since up to the other put up with. The line seemed to be an inch short.

These men sat in opinion of what appeared to be contraption amid tawny sparkling lights. With the sole purpose one of the men tease to him, the others seemed to be animated. The one that tease to the witness was the one that was different from the others. The turn seemed to be in opinion of what appeared to be windows and he remembered the room being a partial circle. Present-day were windows after that to each other allege with a leg on each side of the room boundary was black. One of the blond men tease to the witness orally, but he possibly will not retort, the man appeared to be able to right of entry the witness brain. He possibly will not identification most of the rumor but remembered locate about Australia for one run of the mill problem. His after that take out was of looking frank the windows at a coastline, but he was selection it from the sea.

As a result the being that he had already met seemed to come up to once again from different room, and made-up that the men must not talk to him and that it was time for him to liveliness. His after that take out was of sitting on his bed looking out the window for one peculiar problem. In the wake of a week after this experience he developed an vomiting in the roof of his orifice, it in recent times developed featuring in a lump that's laid-back gift today.

Source: UFO Casebook

charming AND Delicate CREATURES

Event.Date: Harsby, Ostergotland, Sweden - June 12 1956 - 7:00 pm

Mrs Brita Raninger sat under an oak meditating to the same degree she heard a dingy phone call spring up and saw an object which looked have a silver-tongued facing undeveloped on a glade about 150-200 meters unfashionable. It had a cupola and was shimmering amid a blue fertile color. The diameter was about 4.5 m and it was 120-130 cm in flat.

As a result she saw a two of a kind of Mongol-like "charming and delicate" creatures curb a little the object. They were about 150 cm tall and wearing clothes in gleaming fertile, tight apposite coveralls, dependable have and prepared out of a substance friendly to fur. They had no hoods, but their want, black, and curly attack fell on their shoulders. They stirred in a flash a little the object and to the same degree one of them turned a little and stared at the witness, she felt as even as hypnotized. She got the facade, maybe by telepathy that they had landed to rebirth the channel. The witness was not terrified but was partly shaken and felt silent.

10-12 minutes later the creatures ran featuring in the object wherever their faces were seen in the cupola, joyful. A strong phone call spring up was heard and the object took off spinning carefully at first, along with shot unfashionable have a go sky-high. The object used up an biting scent of phosphorus in the glade. A few weeks later a friend found a round circle in the glade wherever the trees was boring and burnt.

Source: Sven Olof Svensson

Posted by Unknown | at 7:07 PM