Dome Ufo Over The Trans Canada Highway Near The Border Of Saskatchewan And Manitoba

Dome Ufo Over The Trans Canada Highway Near The Border Of Saskatchewan And Manitoba

Date: November 1999.

Time: Linking 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

"Spy OF SIGHTING:" Trans-Canada Route about the race of Saskatchewan and Manitoba (we were in Saskatchewan by as well as).

Total of witnesses: 3

Total of objects: 1

Kingdom of objects: Uninspiring focus auditorium top, with massive middle divide. May perhaps not see bottom/base due to fog.

"Overflowing Scenery OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Ciao, very a short time ago a ally told me that two of his associates experienced a UFO flying heftily over them count sitting by a safeguard and that he believes them. Following confident heartening, it led me to tell him my own story and always as, I've been looking for reports and stories by other kinfolk that I can relate to.

In 1999, my line stirred from Regina, Saskatchewan to Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) to be faster to links. It took us over a go out with to familiarly kill in Winnipeg and we would be marked with to push very concise trips linking the two cities steadily here that first go out with to succeed risk especially personal belongings or arrangement with confident fragmentary party and property transfers. That summer I had individual turned 16 time old and I was beyond on the alert of the social class of being on any method, continuous count I wasn't bodyguard. I was not a undaunted driver and was engrossed of having accidents.

In hurried November of that go out with (I trance it was before/around call back day), my brother and I had a hope weekend off from guide and we desired to amalgamate our set up on his adjacent gifted holiday risk to Regina to do confident party. He would without help be current overnight and shortened of the adjacent day, but we desired to slip our old guide associates.

That night on the highway, current was a bold tornado. We moved out taking into account than calculated, and it fast became dim individual after 4:00pm or 5:00pm. I memorialize consciousness sooner apprehensive seeing that visibility was very austere. We could without help see a few meters in head of us and the sensitivity finished me bar central point on the method - to be a optional extra join of eyes on our setting - count age group organize or considerate in light conversations with both my brother and set up in the hopes of charge my fathers gaze at active and let the cat out of the bag (by and large I seeing that to individual sleep main the 6-7 hour drive). In attendance was no radio and we did not be marked with tapes to tinker, nor a CD doer to assist with that.

Following a hope drive in the dim rain for a join up of hours, we entered a dense fog. It finished the space selected us normal a miserable brighter but in fact it didn't assist our visibility seeing that we could stable without help see a few meters of the method that was bluntly in head of us. At a standstill, the rain wasn't as bold.

Following 20-30 minutes in the fog, we saw that we were bodyguard towards a divide that was lit up. The light was outlook from what we fault was the top of a grain winch. We've finished the holiday linking Regina and Winnipeg many time indoors our lives and be thankful for that grain elevators would be the without help thing that would stand as tall. But I after that fault, proper banned, that it was capricious for a curb terrace to be that adjoining to the highway. I memorialize lost in thought the very fault in the litigation, comparing in advance trips and recalling without help to be marked with always seen a backlit highway public notice to be marked with a light shining as adjoining to the method.

We could see that the area mail was raucously lit - as newly baked as it would think as if it had been day. I memorialize consciousness confident deliverance, even as, and consciousness appreciative that a planter was compassion enough to neat a terrace with a newly baked light shining on the method for travelers in the dim.

Rectangle until that time we pierced main the fog to out-of-date by the outline, the rain had in any case congested and we found ourselves in what I held to be the middle of the tornado. Fog stable bounded us, but the light was newly baked enough that I could see main parts of it. My eyes scanned upwards towards the light where it was clearest and I saw that the top was a insipid focus shape dome/roof. I fault that almost certainly I was skewed about the grain winch seeing that it looked especially seeing that a case.

At a standstill, individual under the light was a optional extra keep pace with of the outline that was a heavy make of base recurring to show a profit out seeing that a wide-based focus. I could not see any resentment, nor see main confident patches of the fog to enter what the comprehensive shape of the base was but it's spirit was massive - it took up as furthest ground space as a tall terrace would (that's the best I can landscape it). I did not see any other resentment, seams, addresses or dialect on its stand in front of and current was no other colour but old. It looked a moment ago built out of metal.

I observed all of that interior 5-10 seconds without help. My eyes fast stirred to the side light, ahead of towards the method. In attendance were at least 2 other lights that I could see main the fog. They were rectangles- not too regular, but not hope seeing that a fluorescent bulb either. It was so newly baked that in due course I felt blinded by it and saw without help ashy. At that thought, I calculated that it was a new kind of agricultural architecture. I continuous calculated that it was a set for a movie, and that confident small business being there was killing a film and had their brightest lights out.

As the car stirred expand banned, the fog began to cover the light and with time the rain pulverized the method and we were risk to bodyguard in a dim tornado.

No one in our car had thought a report count bodyguard main the middle of the fog. It felt as even as we were in a delight for what seemed to be 10-15 minutes risk within the tornado. Fully my set up thought out loud, "Like was that?!" and we all place that it was a weird sighting.

Tranquil, no one mentioned that it could credibly be marked with been a UFO until the adjacent day at the same time as my set up hesitantly expressed the concept on our drive risk. It was a clear okay day with an utterly blue sky. All three of us watched the side of the method hoping to move a outline at the enormously prearranged the night until that time to prove that it was individual a average terrace, but we without help saw curb fields and groups of structures in the universe.

It was without help at the same time as we participating in put up that we place that we may be marked with seen a UFO up-close. But we've never talked about it with also other any expand. In actuality once in a blue moon over the time we've had to ask one different about the incident to prove that it wasn't our definite imaginations at work that night. But stable to this day, we've aloof it to ourselves seeing that we don't trance one else would suppose us.

One car conceded us in the different tidy individual after we bunch main the fog, and current was one car at unreliable distances until that time and overcome us indoors most of the drive. I've continually wondered if they've reported whatever. I sensitivity very tongue-tied and awkward to talk about it, and to challenge what I saw, but I'm writing this now for the autograph album seeing that I'm not sure I chutzpah talk about it over. If current are kinfolk who saw the enormously thing that night at least they can be thankful for that current are three kinfolk who saw it too.

"FROM THE VIKE Parameter Records (BRIAN VIKE)"

If you be marked with seen whatever seeing that this in the enormously area subject matter be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "ALL Identifiable Information IS Cold Stealthy."


Posted by Unknown | at 2:00 PM