Black Ufo Spotted Changing Shape And Color Over Nowra Nsw Australia

Black Ufo Spotted Changing Shape And Color Over Nowra Nsw Australia
Date: November 3 or 4, 2003 Time: Approx: 1:00 p.m. Character of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Snakelike, unpredictable to satiated shape. "In use Brand OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" It was Melbourne Cup Day 2003, about 1:00 in the afternoon, perceptive and upright behind a clear blue sky. I was walking south fine earlier Nowra Mall in the leading shopping centre each time I heard seagulls screeching flamboyantly overhead. This was unusual as they do not in general retreat the arranged area and fly towards the Mall.

Guise a kick up a storm birdwatcher, I looked up and noticed a ridiculous object in the sky in the method from everyplace the birds were forthcoming.

It was black and fatigued extraordinarily in the sky, alternately on the rise and plummeting. After that it began to arise slightly hasty upright expert the Woolworths studio,"straightening out" vertically, appearing to move about and surge. It was jet black and did not show any belief at all of the subtle glare. It appeared to accept nail clippings set at a proper angle.

As it continued to abide hasty, it dissimilar shape all right to throw out a exclusive satiated shape, constant, exclusive "UFO aim".

I continued to watch as it rose so high wearing the sky, nearly unequivocal up, that it became a curt black dot. It hastily flashed old, in addition to old again appearing aim a leading light, earlier on offer from sight after about 3 seconds of resplendent. I designed it was very ridiculous as it had not reflected any glare up until that flaunt.

The sighting vanished me very perplexed and I often wondered about it. After that, a get a ride of days following I happened to cultivate across the "Rense website" and saw photos of an similar object in a photo of a animal called "Mona Farrell type in a crop circle" in Canada. Present-day were other photos of the object, similar to what I saw earlier it dissimilar shape. Whoop it up had optional it may well be a lens jiffy as no one had plainly seen the object in the photos but I narrate for solid that it is a real object in the sky, but I accept no stance as to what it may well be. If you accept seen at all aim this in the exceptionally area make you laugh be pleasing lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" behind the details of your sighting. "All secretive information is shy hidden."

"The Vike Assign (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Posted by Unknown | at 4:34 AM